Monday, February 21, 2011

Lakeview bar accused of racial discrimination

Around 2:07 a.m., a man called police after a north side business allegedly subjected him to racial discrimination.

The 911 caller said a Chicago, Lakeview neighborhood bar near the intersection of North Sheridan Road and West Diversey Parkway, refused to let him in because he is black.

Authorities did not give the exact location of bar.

However, an Internet search shows the closest bars to the aforementioned intersection are Duffy’s Tavern & Grill at 420 1/2 West Diversey Parkway and Fion Wine & Spirits at 426 West Diversey Parkway.

According to information posted online, Duffy’s closes at 2 a.m. and Fion closes at 3 a.m. on Sundays.


  1. Or maybe he was too drunk to be allowed in. That's where I'd put my money.

    BTW, welcome back, Fitz! You've been missed!

  2. prepprep, sometimes, people say the darnedest things when they don't get their way. However, since I wasn't there, I'm going to hold my "tongue" on this one. :-)

    Thanks for the welcoming words. I had to workout a few issues and refocus.

  3. I'm so glad you are back, Mr. Fitz! I hope all is well. You were sorely missed!

  4. Thank you, anonymous. I'm fine - never been better. :-)

  5. Did the caller say that it "just" happened. I have seen it happen at Duffy's as far back as the 80's.

  6. Anonymous, the incident happened around 2 am, this morning.

    I have never been inside Duffy's or Fion, but I have walked by them hundreds of times.

  7. I know Duffy's and I doubt very seriously they would discriminate like this guy is claiming. More like he was trashed and the bar was closing. Maybe the guy just looked suspicious as well. What was said that this guy thinks they wouldn't let him in because he was black?

    Yippee-ki-yay!!! Timothy is back!


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