Monday, February 21, 2011

Report: blacks & Latinos spend more time online, but less likely to use WEB for 'empowerment'

A recent Pew Internet & American Life Project study indicates more African-Americans and Latinos have access to the Internet via their cellular phones, but that access still has its limitations.

For example, the research points out the difficulties of completing an online job application, or updating an electronic resume, using a cell phone.

"Research has shown that people with an actual connection at home, the ability to go online on a computer at home, are more engaged in a lot of different things that people who rely on access from work, a friend's house, or a phone," said Aaron Smith, a Pew Internet & American Life Project senior research specialist.

And there's more bad news for both minorities.

The report also concludes that while blacks and Latinos are outpacing their white counterparts when it comes to accessing the WEB, they aren't using their time online to "empower" themselves; opting to spend their time watching videos or listening to music.

Click HERE to read the entire report.

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