Saturday, February 23, 2013

VIDEO: Black CTA bus driver kidnapped white woman who called her a nigger?

A white or Hispanic woman was apparently kidnapped by a black CTA bus driver after she called the driver a "nigger bitch."

The video, which was recorded on February 10, 2013, documents a nasty 2 a.m. verbal confrontation between a city bus driver and an angry passenger.

"Open the fucking door, bitch," said the irate passenger. "You suck, cause you're a nigger, bitch."

"I'm a what? What am I?" replied the driver.

"Fuck you, nigger! Drop me off, nigger!" shouted the hostile commuter.

Apparently, in retaliation, the driver refused to let the mouthy transit rider off at her stop and took the woman on an unwanted joy ride; which kinda fits the legal definition of kidnapping.

When the passenger realized the driver wasn't going to stop the bus, she exploded in anger!

For more details, watch the video, below!



  1. Wow! That is one ugly & fat angry woman! Was she intoxicated? I guess if I looked like her, I would also be angry. She sounds like she a threat to society, someone please lock her up. As for the racist comments, I am glad the Black bus driver could laugh about it.

  2. There are way too many spook bus drivers. They all look like gorillas. They are lazy and ignorant and incompetent and the reason the CTA is always broke. If a spook driver kidnapped me like that I would kill her.

    1. at lease we have color yal pale ass hell an then yal hide ur faces under sheets as if yal not white enough dum ass

    2. Fuck-U!!! Bet u don't have the balls to say it to a Spook face!

  3. Her pulling the cord like that's going to make the driver stop is the funniest part.

  4. Why pull the cord? Slapping the bus driver on that nappy head seemed so much more appropriate.

    1. Ur a dum fucker who had u a jackass lol now thats funny

  5. White ogres causing problems? I'm SHOCKED

  6. Here's today's test: One CTA bus is traveling Northbound at 30 mph. Another is traveling Southbound at 35 mph. They both left their turnarounds at the same time, and they were 5 miles apart when they started. What color are the drivers?

  7. A: The same color as shit.

  8. Goddamn it! All of these people were on their way to jobs at rocket surgeons, and the cure for cancer was delayed!!

  9. The proper thing to do under these circumstances are to go to the rear door & pull the cherry.
    That will automatically put the bus into neutral & she could then get off!

  10. this is the funniest video ive seen! haha

  11. That what she u dont call people out thete name she better thank God I wasnt driven I would to her but to the heat of the westside an see who she call nigger to people play crazy they teally not.

  12. let me guess, the bus driver gets in trouble and may lose her job. I congratulate her for her actions, she stood up for herself, if it was me I probably would have hit the crazy lady

  13. I don't trust anyone with skin the same color as shit.

  14. See what name calling gets you. And to the coward who said they would kill the bus driver you would walk like this broad did. Only difference you would have probably!!!!!!

  15. i think none of the nigs wanted to fuck with her 'cause she looked like she might eat them. a lil' hot sauce and she's good to go on some greasy friend-chicken and watermelon-eating flesh!

  16. @"I don't trust anyone with skin the same color as shit." Yet, you love to stick your cock in shit and gyrate until you come. That's fucking gross. Better to have skin the color of shit than to stick your cock in shit. AIDS cures fags like you, and so does a baseball bat.

  17. We blacks can name call to I see, LOL!!!! Hahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa @ White sheets and stick cock in asses, LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

  18. If she wanted to get off, keep ya damn mouth shut!!! Calling people names...see,,,,that is what happens when racists are confronted face to face!!! This name calling you do on the computer is cowardly!! At least she had the "Balls" which none of you have!! You hide behind a computer..hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! COWARDS!!

  19. fuck the CTA, every institution run by blacks sucks... DMV, post office, and the piece of shit CTA

  20. I don't care what you call my beautiful brown skin..I love the skin I'm in.. white people pay thousands of dollars to look like me.tanning and baking there skin to look shit brown as you are just a hater and jealous of our beautiful brown skin. black is beautiful !! we are all God's children rather you like it or not your nasty comments don't hurt no one but yourself we all fall short in God's eyes !!!

  21. Damn, if black is beautiful, I just crapped a masterpiece!!!

    1. Why are you speaking negative of blacks. I bet you wish you were brown. You'll be on the beach trying to be brown

  22. What do you get, when you have a hundred hillbillys in a room? A full set of teeth


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