2012 may go down as the nastiest campaign for president, in the history of the United States.
During Thursday's Fox News 2012 GOP debate in Iowa, Minnesotans, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and ex-Governor Tim Pawlenty, went after each other like long lost enemies.
Bachmann, citing Pawlenty's political track record as governor of Minnesota, compared Pawlenty to President Obama.
“Governor. When you were governor in Minnesota, you implemented cap and trade in our state, and you praised the unconstitutional individual mandate, and you called for requiring all people in our state to purchase health insurance that government would mandate. Third, you said the era of small government is over. That sounds a lot like Barack Obama if you ask me, shot Bachmann.
The audience erupted in applause.
Bachmann stated she is qualified to run for president, because she fought against “Obama-care” and introduced the "Light Bulb Freedom of Choice Act".
After patiently waiting his turn to speak, Tim Pawlenty wasted no time getting down to business.
Pawlenty pointed out Bachmann’s sparse accomplishments, her many so-called failures, and the fact she often fudges the truth.
“She has a record of misstating and making false statements. She fought for less government spending; we got a lot more. She led the effort against Obama-care; we got Obama-care. She led the effort against TARP, we got TARP. She says she’s got a titanium spine. It’s not her spine we’re worried about, it’s her record of results, said Pawlenty.
Looking directly at Bachmann, Pawlenty drove his point home by saying, “If that’s your view of effective leadership, please stop. You’re killing us.”
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