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Teens arrested at Wisconsin Fair. Photo: WISN.com |
Milwaukee, Wisconsin officials said the teenager said he attacked white people because, they are "easy targets".
According to todaystmj4.com, the teen, who was arrested at home in front of his mother, also admitted to walking on top of a car that was stopped in traffic near the fair.
Close to a dozen people were injured during the black mob attacks and at least 31 suspects were arrested.
Since authorities have information that the attacks were racially motivated, the teen, who was initially charged with robbery and suspicion of attempted robbery, may soon face hate crime charges, as well, said Wisconsin police.
More arrests and charges may be forthcoming.
WTF! "whites are easy targets?" Who the hell are the racists here? Who the hell are the hateful people here? Perhaps they're trying to start another race war! If these ghetto thugs aren't killing their own people, they're attacking whites. How pathetic are they?! Scum, parasites, bottom feeders, useless, lazy, immoral, uneducated and on & on. Start holding the parents accountable for their own kids. How about doing what the Prime Minister in England is thinking about doing...taking away their benefits IF they commit crimes or participate in mob action? Hit them where it hurts! Prison isn't working!
ReplyDeleteThis definitely should be a hate crime. You want equal opportunity blacks; then when you attack another person because of their race you must face the consequences like everyone else.
ReplyDeleteI've been around a lot of blacks, they LOOOOOVE prison, it's an opportunity for three hots and a cots, hangin' with homies and of course lots of the down-low action. Jail is no punishment for blacks.
ReplyDeleteWell they are "easy targets" here in these liberalismland states with "gun ban laws". I'm anti-gun but you'd never see this happening in Detroit or Texas (an armed society is a polite society).
ReplyDeleteAll it would take is one "cracker" to pop a cap in Lakeview or Wisconsin and this crap would end - pronto!
I just still can't comprehend they still think ALL White people are stupid.
Obvious all the comments here are from non African Americans. They(the thugs)are doing what white people have been doing to black people for centuries. Slaves were beaten like animals. How many young black youths were killed and hung in the south during the 1900's. Not to mention all the senseless crimes white people have done. Several years back white friends of a black man tied a rope around his neck and drug him behind a pickup truck until his body was torn apart. I don't understand why white people don't think that with all they've done to African Americans is just going to disappear overnight. The white slave masters bred the black race like animals and unfortunately we still have that stigma over our head, no matter how Italian our suit is, no matter if we graduated from an Ivy League school, that stigma is still there and and being passed from non African American parents to their children. If you want a history lesson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emmett_Till. Seems to me this is just a case of the chickens coming home to roost. "Being an old farm boy myself, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad; they've always made me glad,"( Malcolm X).
ReplyDeleteWell said , "Anonymous 7:52". While we're at it let's have all Native American nations rise up, kill, and drive back every other race in the Americas.
ReplyDeleteLet's also have every person of Jewish Heritage systemically kill every German and Austrian person.
Let's have Palestine and Israel obliterate each other. As well, as Pakistan and India. The list goes on.
Let's not work for peace or progress. Let's not pay for the sins of our fathers my making a better future.
Oh yea Anonymous, you want better cred by quoting the great Malcolm X?
Here are some of his words from his autobiography. Give it a read and see the man that worked for peace is his end years.
"And because I had been a hustler, I knew better than all whites knew, and better than nearly all of the black 'leaders' knew, that actually the most dangerous black man in America was the ghetto hustler. Why do I say this? The hustler, out there in the ghetto jungles, has less respect for the white power structure than any other Negro in North America. The ghetto hustler is internally restrained by nothing. He has no religion, no concept of morality, no civic responsibility, no fear--nothing. To survive, he is out there constantly preying upon others, probing for any human weakness like a ferret. The ghetto hustler is forever frustrated, restless, and anxious for some 'action'. Whatever he undertakes, he commits himself to it fully, absolutely. What makes the ghetto hustler yet more dangerous is his 'glamour' image to the school-dropout youth in the ghetto.These ghetto teen-agers see the hell caught by their parents struggling to get somewhere, or see that they have given up struggling in the prejudiced, intolerant white man’s world. The ghetto teen-agers make up their own minds they would rather be like the hustlers whom they see dressed ‘sharp’ and flashing money and displaying no respect for anybody or anything. So the ghetto youth become attracted to the hustler worlds of dope, thievery, prostitution, and general crime and immorality." -Malcolm X
Didn't blacks enslave blacks long before whites did? Or was Africa always the wonderful, thriving utopia that is today? (For any who missed it, that question IS dripping with sarcasm.) Along that same talk track, if it's so awful here in America and black people so long for their African roots which clearly net so much more health, happiness, freedom, and prosperity...why wouldn't they be returning to Africa in droves? The reality? The poor, regardless of color, in 2011 America have it FAR BETTER than most of the middle class in virtually every other nation on the planet. (Check out a video called "Rich Man, Poor Man" by Bill Whittle. I'd post the link but that infringes on the posting rules for this forum.)
ReplyDeleteStill, minority constituencies HAVE been targeted in America, and conditioned to believe they're victims and therefore entitled to a lower bar and incapable of exercising a healthy sense of liberty to define and pursue goals based on their own situations, growing from the successes AND the failures - just like everyone else. Someone smarter than I once called it "the soft bigotry of low expectations." And it's the hands of the political party most minorities are most endeared to. It's no secret to many well-studied people that Democrats traded slavery for segregation in 1863, and segregation for socialism in 1964. How's that working out? Look at the disparity. "Well yeah, but that's just because everyone is so racist to black people!" Really? Not to sound harsh, but truly, you'd think a person would be appreciative of, let's say, FREE HOUSING that is paid for by their American brothers and sisters. Instead? When a public housing unit goes up, it's beautiful and pristine. But then what happens? What's happening in the mind of a person who is so far gone as it relates to opportunity and responsibility, that they won't even take care of that which is given to them for free. And there's a lesson in that, too: When you have to work for something, you take care of it. Whether it's a house, a pay check, or a health insurance policy. But give these things away, and there's no sense of accountability. So not only is the amenity wasted, but so is the healthy sense of liberty that each individual should have enabled and engaged en route to attaining that amenity.
Part of me really does hope Obama gets a 2nd term, because I'm also hoping that when it's over, so many of the minorities who are enslaved by entitlements in this nation...will wake up, look around, and realize that there truly is NOT some switch that can be flipped in the White House, making life easier for 'this group' or 'that group.'
Life isn't fair. People will let you down.
Welcome to the party.
@"Anonymous 8:48" I've read it some years ago. And I do agree with Malcolm. However if you're going to quote Malik El Shabazz then maybe you should read these quotes. "Each hour here in the Holy Land enables me to have greater spiritual insights into what is happening in America between black and white. The American Negro never can be blamed for his racial animosities -- he is only reacting to four hundred years of conscious racism of the American whites." Never have I witnessed such sincere hospitality and the overwhelming spirit of true brotherhood as practiced by people of all colors and races here in this Ancient Holy Land, the home of Abraham, Muhammad and all other prophets of the Holy Scriptures. For the past week, I have been utterly speechless and spellbound by the graciousness I see displayed all around me by people of all colors.There were tens of thousands of pilgrims, from all over the world. They were of all colors, from blue eyed blonds to black skin Africans. But we were all participating in the same rituals, displaying a spirit of unity and brotherhood that my experiences in America had lead me to believe never could exist between the white and non-white.You may be shocked by these words coming from me. But on this pilgrimage, what I have seen, and experienced, has forced me to re-arrange much of my thought patterns previously held, and to toss aside some of my previous conclusions. This was not too difficult for me. Despite my firm convictions, I have always been a man who tries to face facts, and to accept the reality of life as new experiences and new knowledge unfolds it. I have always kept an open mind, which is necessary to the flexibility that must go hand in hand with every form of intelligent search for truth." All through history Europeans have attempted to enslave and conquer other races based on the fact that they looked different. Most of history's atrocities have been committed by whites. Why should African Americans try to put aside four hundred years of being treated like animals just to appease white folk when white folk HAVE NEVER treated us like equals? All African American are not trying to kill white folk. they are trying to raise children, and live a peaceful act, but all I read is how black folk are on welfare and savages. It was okay when it was white on black crime, and even when when a white person was arrested for murder, they usually got a slap on the wrist or were found innocent. Yes African Americans have a right to be upset. I'm not agreeing with those thugs actions, but I'm tired of all the negative comments lumping all African Americans together. African Americans don't think all white people are child molesters, or serial killers. And most don't go around robbing and killing. I usually don't see any comments when its a story involving white people only black and I notice that when it is a black suspect,the RACE of the suspect is mentioned. As for the Native Americans, how could they rise up when the white man had almost systematically eliminated that race of people from America. By 1800, the Native American population was about 600,000 and by 1900 it had been reduced to less than 250,000 through broken treaties, illegal land grabs and sheer violence.
ReplyDeleteWhite people say they want a peaceful society.But all it seem this site does is bash African Americans. They are not the ones bombing abortion clinics. As I said early, chickens coming home to roost never did make me sad.
@Anonymous 9:10. I'm not even going to go into how Europeans invaded Africa, took over the land by force, (in the name of the king) extracted the diamonds,the gold, and other natural resources because they believed the Africans living there were savages. Destruction follows the white race where ever they go.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous 9:45AM....yes, those stinking Europeans should have never done that! It was also wrong of them to invade Africa and build those pyramids; a process executed EXCLUSIVELY by SLAVE labor!!!
ReplyDeleteOh. Wait a minute. Was the the Europeans, or...?
I repeat: Didn't blacks enslaves blacks long before whites did?
The answer is yes. The proof is the pyramids. Unless, of course, those black and Kings and Queens people love to reference were in fact, white Europeans. : /
And I guess, regardless of facts ("Facts are RACISM!"), it's not just Americans now; it's ALL whites, everywhere, always haha? Okay. Sounds pretty bigoted to me, but have at it there partner!
Anonymous@ 8:48 & 9:10,
ReplyDeleteBrilliant analogy! However, it does no good to point out what great scholars within the black culture say and have said. It does no good to put FACTS on the table when in a discussion about the history of the AA. "Ghetto hustlers", as Malcolm X refers to them, find it advantageous to stay mired in the past to better enhance their entitlement benefits and excuse their criminal behavior. These "ghetto hustlers" (thugs) do not seem to understand what is meant by evolving. Even today in Africa, some in the black culture is still holding people hostage as slaves except today, the proper "PC" term is human trafficking. African women are being raped at alarming rates by BLACK men, and just like here in America, they are NOT taking care of the children they bring into this world. For centuries this has been going on so I guess the term "evolve" is not in their vocabulary.
History has shown that Egypt used slaves way before the Americas. Slavery also STARTED in Europe and then England way before it started here and is still going on today in some of those countries, though not here. Learning ones history is one thing, using it to perpetuate hatred is quite another story. Seems, of all the cultures who have experienced "genocide", jews, native americans, gays etc., some in the black culture spread hatred the best and do not get what it takes to participate in a civilized society. The ONLY person who keeps them down is themselves with their abundance of hatred and their entitlement mentality. It is so very OLD!
@Towanda. Human trafficing is more prevalent in the European cultures than the African cultures. I agree the minority of African-Americans try to work, and raise their children. As for entitlement, the majority of white people think that the country belongs to white people. Even when African-Americans were chained and put in the hold of a ship for a six month journey that separated children from parents with no regard for the family. Slave masters routinely rapping african-American women, and selling the children off as property. America was not concerned about the African-American family and has always devised a way to split up the family unit. How as a people do you expect them to have the same family structure as white families when all for the last 100 years white people have been degrading us and breaking up our family unit at their pleasure and will. I never condoned the actions of those thugs, and agree that they should be prosecuted, however unless you are an African-American you cannot possibly know how it feel to walk a mile in those shoes.
ReplyDeleteOnly forty years ago African-Americans were barely good enough to shine shoes. Condone the actions of those thugs, no... Understand it... Yes
I think that this shows everyone's personal issue with races. HOW can A boy who attack people represent the whole African American Race. The ones with negative talk about all AA are very ignorant. YOU DONT KNOW EVERY AA. If you only know the bad ones than YOU ARE BAd one ALSO, how do you know just bad black people. IT takes one to know one huh. you dont think about the comments you make. FACTS wise the white race brought destruction where ever they go. I dont know of anyone black who is in prison and i live around blacks. I am a white person and you all have your facts wrong. the whites percentage wise use the government more than Blacks. So please before you start stating what you think you know read a book and get the facts. I work in social service and I could say white women are not good mothers. dUE to what i see at my job. I have a brain i know that its the women at my job not all women. STOP GROUPING PEOPLE TOGETHER
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous 2:17: I don't know where you are getting your facts but in Chicago the majority of welfare recipients are black. Perhaps in a state like Kentucky or Oklahoma the majority is white but definitely not in Chicago. I'm having a hard time believing you are who you claim to be if you can't get your "facts" straight.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, I find it amusing that the "white people bring destruction wherever they go". As of a few years ago, "the whites" have become the minority in this country. Who knew those scary whites were so powerful.
Anonymous 2:17 says, "The white race brought destruction wherever they go." (An unprecedentedly ignorant statement, issuing a past tense claim and then miraculously making it present tense as well. How can they "brought it wherever they go?") I digress, because also from Anonymous 2:17...
ReplyDelete"STOP GROUPING PEOPLE TOGETHER!" (Full disclosure: I added the exclamation point.)
And you're supposed to be the authority on book reading, intelligence, and insight?
A sweeping statement against white people, followed by a gratuitous "Can't we all just get along!?" moment. Freaking beautiful.
FACT: Blacks enslaved blacks long before whites did.
FACT: White liberals and black community leaders have been enslaving blacks in America with socialism and entitlements, ever since Republicans won minorities the equal right to vote in 1964.
FACT: The disparity between blacks (not just minorities, but BLACKS) and other races in America is overwhelming as it relates to crime, education, broken homes & families, and economic status.
OPINION: Those who live as slaves to entitlements, regardless of color, are no better or worse than anyone else. They were just conditioned to be dependent on the government and other entities, and now know barely a shred of the liberty the rest of their American brothers and sisters awake with, and evolve from, each and every day.
As Barack "One Term" Obama would say, I hope you've enjoyed your peas.
: )
.22 magnum revolver. fits in the palm of the hand. the load is massive and the come hollow point. they fit in the palm of your hand. i won't be a victim.
ReplyDeletecc now.
ReplyDelete" America was not concerned about the African-American family and has always devised a way to split up the family unit.:...
What? No one tells your young boys and young girls to have unprotected sex and then, once a baby is brought into this world, the father isn't around and the mother lacks the resources to properly care for that child. Those are all the decisions of the AA kids, no one else's. Seems that splits up the AA family IF you ask me. When are you and many more AA people going to STOP blaming ALL your problems on everyone else? No one twists the arms of these "babies having babies" to have sex. That falls squarely on the parenting of these children.
Easy targets eh? Yeah...I believe that. ANY trusting, unsuspecting, God loving, innocent stranger would be an easy target for teens filled with hatred & out looking for a fight. It just so happened that the cold hearted teens that committed the abominable, uncaring, shameless, gruesome immoral acts on complete strangers that night were black and their victims were white.
ReplyDeleteThere wasn't a chance in hell I was going to buy that "easy targets" crap. Until I went over in my head what REALLY happened that night.
This "kid" and his mangy disgrace to the human race cohorts beat my brother UNCONSCIOUS inside the fairgrounds, dragged his lifeless body through the only open gate, simultaneously beat his entire body with a LEAD PIPE and left him for dead in an alley a block and a half away.
I'm eternally grateful to the officers that discovered my brother and got him medical attention, but I DO have a couple of questions for the others:
1. HOW does an UNCONSCIOUS, BLEEDING man get dragged down the fairway, out the only open, supposedly GUARDED gate, to an alley almost 2 blocks away and NOT BE SEEN BY ONE SECURITY GUARD OR ARMED POLICEMAN?!!?!!!!
2. If you DID chance to see this happening, WHY DID YOU NOT STOP IT?!?!!
3. There were 7...yes that's right, SEVEN, police officers that got sent to the hospital that night from injuries administered to them by these poor excuses for human beings.......... seven cops injured and taken to the hospital. HOW does that happen with not even ONE person being TAZED??!!!??
As I was asking myself these questions, all of a sudden it hit me. Of course the victims of this ATROCITY really were easy targets.........it's easy to do what you want when not even the paid security will help your victims.