Saturday, August 24, 2013

Friend of suspect in WWII veteran beating, murder: "He was going to die anyway!"

Over the past few days, Chicago News Report has been in contact with a family member of the World World II veteran who was reportedly beaten to death by two African American teens in Spokane, Washington... and we have some shocking details!

According to the granddaughter of Delbert Belton -- the 88-year-old WWII veteran who was attacked outside Eagles Ice Arena -- the murder suspects' friends have been sending her cruel messages on Facebook.

Belton's granddaughter said at least one friend of 16-year-old murder suspect, Demetrius Glenn, who is already in police custody, sent her a disturbing message regarding her grandfather's brutal murder.

Lonzo Diggs, a man who apparently has absolutely no conscience, sent the victim's grieving granddaughter the following message: "People need to quit hatin' on the homies. RS the nigga was 88 years old how much more time you think he had left to live anyways?"

At the time of this report, authorities were still hunting for the second murder suspect, Kenan D. Adams Kinard.

According to an anonymous tipster, this woman has been telling people she knows where Kenan D. Adams Kinard is hiding.

Because CNR couldn't confirm this information, we cannot print her name in this article. However, we have given this potential accomplice's information to the Spokane police department.

During our two-day investigation, we also unearthed a few more stunning details surround the senseless murder of Mr. Belton.

It appears the crime may not have been random.

A few weeks prior to his death, Belton's garage was broken into and set on fire... and a few hours after he was attacked outside a local pool hall, someone burglarized the elderly veteran's home.

A source close to the investigation said the victim's wallet, which contained his ID, was stolen when the teens beat and robbed the senior citizen.

As for Belton's granddaughter, she wants the world to know he grandfather was a kind, loving man who gave the best hugs.

"I was amazed in light of his age & health & with the death of his wife and the history of his military life, how well he coped with life. I often wondered what motivated my grandfather or what drove him to become such a wonderful, strong man. He gave the most wonderful-est & warm hugs & always thinking of others," said Belton's granddaughter.


  1. Liberals give these savages everything, they live a Section Ape entitled life free of work and responsibility, and all they can do to thank us is stalk and kill us, infect our children with their poisonous "culture", and destroy everything in sight.
    Is it too late to save America?

  2. What happened to this site? I used to check in from time to time to see if there's any relevant crime news in Chicago. Now it's denigrated into some KKK forum with these race-baiting headlines, and truly sub-human comment section. Last time I'm coming here, good riddance.

  3. ikr........I just come for the lols. There are places that are still all white redneck hillybillys. If they hate living in the city so much they can move there, yet they dont. The same people that are quick to tell blacks to go back to Africa. Kill your self already, no one would care, really not a single damn person. Im guessing they are all shutins, on mental meds who think we give a good gaddamned about they silly opinions.

    1. These last two comments are from the same person pretending to be two different people.

    2. Second one was from me so suck a dick bitch

  4. I am a transplanted Southerner and I can assure you there are almost no rednecks here, it is just Yankees getting sick of TNB. It sucks because I can't leave and go back right now. I constantly regale people back home with storeis about how fucking stupid you all are, you keep giving non taxpayers oodles of free shit and leave the taxpayers unprotected, like in Wrigleyville and Lakeview. It's going to bite you in your Yankee asses.
    We don't tolerate this kind of shit like you hippie fucks do, the only main things you will die from in the South are heart disease from being fat or a car accident.
    Let's narrow down a list of suspects who are saying the same thing again and again about the racism here:
    Phoebe "Thunderthighs" K
    Ralph Butterfuck aka FGFM
    Billie Ellis, who was drinking coffee outside at 5:30 am and thinks this blog notifies people when there's new comments. Sure, I'll come to your crack ghetto so 20 of your buddies can pummel me.
    Craig "I destroyed my father's business" G who is now riding a sissy bike and delivering gyros to Rogers Park fucktards
    Some other unidentified person who probably has a cumcatcher moustache, has a good paying blue collar job they will lose soon due to liberalism and no education to fall back on

  5. I think it's really bizarre how the guy behind this blog will go out of his way to post about, and "investigate" a tragic story from another state. Actually calling it an investigation is a bit hasty I think. CNR, it's not your crime to solve, and none of us have any idea what you're trying to prove or expose. You're not uncovering anything that actual law authorities haven't already, or aren't in the process of uncovering.

  6. Thank you for your reporting this, CNR. We need media outlets like yours that tell all the facts about nig behavior. I hope the nigs that killed the veteran senior citizen get killed in prison by other inmates.

  7. CNR one of the only news outlets doing actual research & investigation on this hate crime, and the comments section does nothing but complain....

    How many times do you have to tell us this is your last time visiting CNR?

    If you hate this site so much, why do you come here so frequently? There are only 1 or 2 new posts here per week, yet you are here whining 5 hours after the article is posted. Get a life bro! (and more importantly, stop telling us what websites will/will not be included in your new life as a professional internet commenter)

  8. Shaundrea,moisha, trisha, pusysha, assisha, crackquisha, dishiki, shenene, laquan, lajuan, lapussy, lacrack, pantonio, santonio, quejuan, quequeer, quepussy, cantonio, carol, warren, carl, keith, quaran, elhood, lahood, carlton, aunt jemmima, cobb, leroy, legay, letrine davis

  9. You could make the same argument for the Trayboon Martin case.
    This kind old man was stalked and harassed and then executed by savages, it was premeditated and just shows that the jungle beasts are becoming less civilized as time goes on.

  10. I often wonder what crime would like like in the USA if there were no black people. What music would be like. I watch the news about Africa and how black people there massacre each other with machetes and guns on a regular basis. Perhaps these blacks should relocate to Africa where they can satisfy their bloodlust on each other.

  11. One of the thugs has claimed the old guy was selling them crack cocaine.


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