Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New Illinois law allows some addicts to overdose, call 911 without going to jail

Ordinary citizens can't legally carry a gun in Illinois, but now, thanks to Gov. Pat Quinn, some drug users can overdose on illegal drugs without worrying about going to jail - if they survive.

On Monday, Pat Quinn signed SB1701 into law.

The law offers immunity, with certain exceptions, to anyone who smokes, snorts, or injects more drugs than their system can handle and later calls for help.

Quinn hopes the new law will encourage addicts, or the said addicts' friends, to call 911 without the fear of being jailed for minor drug possession charges.

However, before you bust out that brick of cocaine and push your rotting arteries to the limit, you need to know that this law does not apply to every patient who overdoses on illegal drugs.

"Someone who is found with large amounts of drugs after reporting an overdose could still be charged. With heroin, for instance, immunity would not apply to someone carrying more than three grams," said an NBC Chicago news article.

The new law, which was designed to "amend the Illinois Controlled Substances Act and the Methamphetamine Control and Community Protection Act", goes into effect June 1, 2012.


  1. This is enabling, no doubt.
    Most buildings that house a lot of "Shelter Plus care" mental patients are dual diagnosis unrepentant addicts, they are cesspools of crime, violence and misery and these "professional"people just show up with their laptops and messenger bags, pat them on the pack and say "You're a good person". Jesus motherfucking Christ.

  2. I meant pat them on the back but a lot of them are obese and wear sweatpants and fannypacks, the height of fashion for the mentally ill. Yuck.

  3. How come this city and state constantly reward bad, anti-social, destructive behavior, while demanding that good, law-abiding, taxpaying, working, upstanding citizens stand by and actually pay for the destruction of Chicago?

    This place is so f'ing backwards. The underclass of addicts, generational welfare, unemployed, lazy, black market and gangs run this fucking town. This place just never ceases to amaze me.

  4. Let them die! It's their choice! Quinn don't you have better things to do than ensure that unrepentant addicts remain a drag on taxpayer-funded social services?

    I say, as a matter of good social policy, the Governor should flood the heroin market with high-potency smack, and help more of these parasites check out for good.

  5. How can addicts afford the $2.50-$5.00 per month 911 (E-911) fees?

    Thats right, obama phones are completely free. Everyone ELSE gets to pay for it. At a few bucks per person per month, they should be building new 911 centers every year!

    I had a land line for a couple years when I moved to this city. Then I realized the taxes and fees section of the bill added up to more than the actual services and usage charges. Even the VoIP line I had for a while had excessive fees, including a "Telephone line" tax. IT DOESNT EVEN USE THE PHONE LINES WTFFFFFF

  6. This new law will help many people. I enjoy a good "speedball" cocaine/heroin mix (who doesn't)now and then. With this new law I will feel safer when I shoot up. Thank You Gov.

  7. Apparently you are not acquainted with the overdose crisis occurring not just across the state but across the country. More people die of drug overdoses than car accidents. This law will save lives.

  8. You should talk to the parents who lost their kids to overdoses before you make judgements like these. They would do anything to have their kids back and parents were the ones who pushed for this law.

  9. To 227/229 – Maybe we should talk to the parents about being better parents, and teaching their kids about being responsible and not using illegal drugs, especially ones that can kill them.

    I feel no pity for people who take their own lives, whether deliberately with something like a self-inflicted gunshot, or via accidental overdose. It's not like they choked to death on a piece of bread in a restaurant.

    And will this law really save lives anyway? What's the likelihood that a bunch of strung out smack users will/won't call 911 because of this law? Highly unlikely. They either care about their friend enough to call 911 when he ODs, or they only care about themselves & flee the scene when he ODs, regardless of this law.

    But I'm sure it makes the poster at 227 & 229 feel better to show how his heart bleeds for all these poor, poor smack users who now will be able to take themselves to the hospital without any repercussions for their dangerous, illegal behavior.

  10. I have lived and tried to work with addicts, they are usually beyond help or redemption.
    That includes famous people.

  11. Big Al said... February 7, 2012 9:19 AM “ … this city and state constantly reward bad, anti-social, destructive behavior, while demanding that good, law-abiding, taxpaying, working, upstanding citizens stand by and actually pay for the destruction…”

    That is liberalism in a nutshell.

  12. Anonymous said... February 7, 2012 2:27 PM “More people die of drug overdoses than car accidents.”

    To believe this, I would have to believe that more people abuse illegal hard drugs than drive. I find that very doubtful.

    Anonymous said... February 7, 2012 2:27 PM “This law will save lives. “

    Perhaps, but whose lives, exactly?

    If you care so passionately about those people, then perhaps you should become a volunteer EMT.

  13. Hopefully they will be put on hold when dialing 911.

  14. Surrounded by some celebs a time or two, I had many opportunities to try coke. My parents and the schools we attended told us this is a bad thing. I didn't want to put that stuff in my nose anyway. And yes, there was peer pressure.

    I guess at this point, rather than this "redistribution of wealth" thing you got going on here (via higher tax on everything too), mandatory birth control is far beyond due.


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