TruTv's new Chicago-based reality show, The Wiener's Circle, is every negative black stereotype... super-sized!
The casts, Poochie, Erika, Yolanda, Kim, and Johnny, seem to take great pride in embarrassing themselves and their ancestors.
Their buffoonery is so over the top... so outrageous... it's enough to make any reasonable person gag.
Chicago News Report has a hard time believing anyone would find this foul-mouthed, ghetto-trash-parade entertaining.
These National Geographic specials have really changed, now they put the primates in clothing and give them jobs, but the behavior remains the same. I guess they gotta keep the people interested.
ReplyDeleteI havent seen it and dont want to. Went in Wieners circle 20 years ago, it was just a late nite burger joint. Went in about 3 years ago, the staff were nasty and aggressive. I did not feel safe, and so no longer spend money there.
ReplyDeletewouldnt eat that ghetto grub if you paid me..the jew boy owner thinks its funny to hire apes to yell at white people and they are dumb enough to give up money for a nasty dog made by shemika
ReplyDeleteTimothy, I know you hate black ppl, and masquerade under racist comments, but what does this have to do with crime?
ReplyDeleteI was in that place in '91. At first I was appalled but then realized the joke.
ReplyDeleteAfter moving to Chicago, I was surprised to see this place is still up and running with the same "theme".
Now, if they want to be respected, not stereotyped and still wanna cry non-PC every other minute, this place should have been shut down 2 decades ago.
And correct Anon @ 10:23 anything for a $. That "issue" is the first thing that came to mind when I first saw the headline.
.....and I remember in '91 one of them telling the "nasty Aunt Jemima b*tch to shut-up and sweep the flo'". No lie.
ReplyDeleteThanks for exposing this CNR.
TruTV is a ridiculous name for this channel, because EVERY show on it is FAKE. The repo shows are fake and have TERRIBLE actors, the bait car show is likely staged, Hardcore Pawn used to be funny with TNB but now they are hiring actors to come in and act crazy too, and now THIS.
ReplyDeleteI guess its good for you bad actors looking for work, because they will be discreetly hiring some of you. But that is the only good that can come of this.
Also, how does TruTV get away with having so many shows about TNB? Judge Judy was forced to air more decisions with white people, because blacks were not being "fairly" represented on her show. The same thing happened to COPS, which used to feature all sorts of TNB, and is now forced to edit in more white people being arrested.
It is only a matter of time before this channel is forced to change their programming.
True story: I remember asking about the "chocolate shake" I heard about and after giving a $20 tip, boy did I get it. The black monster women in back took off her shirt & started shaking!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIn the animal kingdom, that's known as "presenting"
ReplyDeleteI've never read such racist crap in my life. You people are despicable.
ReplyDeleteGet a sense of humor. These employees of Wieners Circle are well paid, the late-night customers love it and its all in good fun. The food is great, by the way. If you don't like the schtick at WC, don't go there.
ReplyDeleteI said Late "night" customers, don't know why this site replaced some of the letters of "night" with asterisks
ReplyDeleteWow racist blog. First time here and last time as well.
ReplyDeleteHey, anon, try Irate Irishman or Shaved Longcock, now that's some racism.
ReplyDeleteAnd we can meet for a beer, and I can tell you how a house my Dad bought for $40,000 only sold for $11,000 because of nigqer destruction of my childhood neighborhood. And not a single white man was making them do any of that shit, it was all them. I was a little kid left to parent himself and I just observed what I saw, nobody taught me to be racist, it was just a reaction to reality.
I disagree with some of you. The Wieners circle is a GREAT release to vent your pent up racial tensions.
ReplyDeleteI have personally called most every single one of those employees either an 'ape', 'bastard baby maker', and the always popular 'garbage ass hoe'.
It seems the general vibe is anyone says whatever they want. So take advantage!
PS look for me on TRU-TV this season!
U faggot ass cracca. Succ a crocodile dick
DeleteThere are also more ways to vent those "racial tensions" as upright walking animals.... like comedy shows.
ReplyDeleteThis place, in this "PC" day and age, has seen it's time.
I loved In Living Colour when they'd spin that wheel at the beginning of the show too to decide who/what they were going to pick on that night.
Weiners Circle? NO. Not today.
If a "White" person owned that business the blacks workers would not "play into" it. Trust me on that. And most likely that "White" owner would be ran out of business within months.
Ask the Jewish business owners throughout this city why, then, they have all Mexican workers behind their counters paying them cash to thwart taxes.........except here.
You're all being "played" big time and mainly the workers.
@anon 5:35
ReplyDeleteWieners Circle is owned by two (rich) white guys.
I don't go there anymore because the ignorant ghetto chimps who work there have hygiene problems. Dirty, filthy hands and hair and weaves all contaminating the food. I heard the niqger baby mamas in there stick jumbo hot dogs in their stretched out twats. That place needs a health inspection. Now I only go to restaurants where white people serve the food.
ReplyDeleteYour stupid as hell to say something so stupid cause thm white ppl the tht serve your food may not be the ones who made dumb ass
Deleteat least they can type english correctly. If I had to decide who was a dumb ass it would be you. BTW wikipedia will tell you this place has been closed due to health violations including not having hot water to wash hands. go there with a child ask for a chocolate milkshake and sue them for indecent exposure to a minor. please put these uneducated fat monkeys out of business.and off my airwaves. tHank you
Delete@anon 7:20 - seriously can we get a list or something? I will spend serious $ at an all white establishment...
ReplyDeletehey can I get an order of reinforced stereotypes with that hot dog?
ReplyDeleteHow to have a fun night:
ReplyDelete1) Get drunk
2) Go to Wiener's Circle after 11 pm
3) Bring your A game in trash talking
4) Start up some s#!+ with the big black lady
5) Laugh when she busts on you but bust back just as fast
6) Bring some friends for backup & to say "Oh!" really loud.
7) Keep an eye on your food
WTF...Did n-i-g-h-t get censored because it starts with n-i-g??
ReplyDeleteThe Wiener's Circle probably keeps more people employed than Mit Romney.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 5:53 - in any other venue they'd refer to themselves as Jewish. They can be called "White" now for convenience just as Prince or Obama are Black when convenient as well.
"Sometime in the early 1990s (circa 1992) Larry Gold, one of the proprietors, called a drunk and distracted customer an "asshole" in order to get his attention. This set-off the late-night abuse culture of the restaurant."
(Larry Gold. Shortened, I'm sure, from Goldstein, Goldenbaum.......whatever).
The Blacks in this Weiners Circle scenario are the real losers and sell-outs. But hey, again, anything for a $. They wouldn't play this with a German, French or Irish owner, it's the truth and they know it was well. Wan't more about this "connection"? I could go on for hours with examples.
I thought it was kinda cute but still outrageous in 1991. You can't do this stuff anymore in this day and age peeps then cry wolf/racism when people call you out on this behavior on the street.
Again Tim, thanks for bringing up the issue with this restaurant. It's 2012, you have a black president, it's seen it's time......shut it down.
fyi they have awesome cheese fries.
ReplyDeleteDuring the day you can even get them served to you with a smile.
Its totally normal during the day. Employees arent exactly friendly but its totally civil. And the food doesnt suck; even if the atmosphere does.
We actually do not have a black president...
ReplyDeleteHe has a white mother.
U sound stupid
DeleteAnon @ 2:52 - again, again - your POTUS is black when convenient.
ReplyDeleteAnd plus just across the way (post office/7-11 you can see the fresh batch of newly homeless mentally ill baking in the sun. Yep, we're gonna save a LOT OF MONEY closing those clinics!!
ReplyDeleteThe coons there are very offensive and don't belong in a white neighborhood. I wouldn't spend a dime there.
ReplyDeleteU sound ignorant callin anybody a coon I garuntee u woodnt approach a so called coon an say that....beat the shit out of you!!
DeleteEnjoying freedom of speech from all you mofos!
ReplyDeleteThat is the funnest fast food joint i have ever been. The big lady is so funny. This place is one of a kind and pc is out the door. What if a society didnt have to walk on egg shells to avoid offending someone. They offend everyone and everybody has a great time. Love this place!!!
ReplyDeleteThe "big funny lady" is Chicago's version of Aunt Jemima. I sure hope she's proud that she stayed off welfare and "arrived" via a Jew. Sickening actually. They feed off of each other. Soon she'll be offered his dated 1950's house that hasn't been touched since 1962 at an unfair market value and be taught that she's truly and finally 'arrived'......in Skokie.
ReplyDeleteHistory repeating. I've seen this all "somewhere" before. You wouldn't BELIEVE where.
Larry Goldenpoop, I need a weekend job to save my home and pay for my 3rd mortgage on my crapshack on the "Gold Coast". Do you hire non-blacks?
ReplyDeleteI tried to call Adam Sandler but after viewing Jack & Jill and laughing my a** off over how they "Jacked" up that beautiful neo-Tudor, copied from "us", we're through. That nose isn't aging too well either. Are there any bi-levels or quad-levels left for us in Skokie or Southfield?
Please respond soonest? Signed, Whitey.
Im from naperville Il this show is disgusting and racial . I feel it should be banned . If this was turned around it would have never aired . in the comercial its stated you kinda people thats bull
ReplyDeletepapa in the burbs
My name is Rafael, I'm a 17 year old young man raised in the city of Los Angeles,Ca. I have a great sense of humor, I'm a senior at my High School; graduating 3 months from now, I won most humorous in the school for my class yearbook, that being said, I'm recognized as a pretty funny guy, right? I just saw this show last night as I was flipping through channels like I usually do when commercials are on from the History Channel. It caught my attention because I used to watch a lot of TruTv, mainly because of COPS and other entertaining shows such as Prankers, etc. As I flipped to the channel, I was surprised "World's Dumbest" wasn't on, usually it is at 10:00 pm. in my cable pack, I then saw this african american young lady cut out the cooking scene, and like other shows, where they speak what was going on their head while something specific was occuring, I heard "This bitch. . . .get the fuck out of here. . .what the fuck". At first I was; well I was schocked right at the instant, but what surprised me the most, was that she was like a 18 year old young girl, and through out the show, all you heard was "**** ***** pass me the ****, Get the ******, Shut the *******". I'm young, like I stated before, I have a great sense of humor, but that wasn't funny to me at all. It disgusted me, how TruTv allows this type of show;correction, how a well-known Tv Network just allows a show with such profanity and racism. I'm hispanic, this doesn't mean I'm a racist,I respect all race, but I am offended because we are the future, and it actually frustrates me how some uneducated people can literally now speak out and show how they were raised and not just so, they give a bad image to us young adults. It's sad, it really is. I'm pretty immature, I am;but I'm an intelligent young man, I know when and when not to say or do something, but come on people, this-coming from me, just "WOW". It's really sad, and I hope the people on this show see this, you're giving us a bad image, and worse, you're giving yourselves quite a image as well.
ReplyDeletePlease take this show OFF-Air.
Thank You.
Dear Rafael,
ReplyDeleteI understand that show "not being your thing". BUT please don't try to qualify your opinion by telling us "Well I enjoy a joke just as much as the next guy but..". The fact is you seem like a boring guy with a boring sense of humor.
Just like you didn't like the show. I don't believe you are the shows target demo. Which again is fine. Simply change the channel. But to demand that the show should be taken off the are because YOU find it offense is just obnoxious. I hope you take the time to understand that attempting censorship of things that you don't agree with or like is dangerous. And comes down to a freedom of speech issue. In this country you do not have the right to never hear anything that offends you.
Stop lying to yourself.. your not funny.. your not fun.. your just a goody goody bore..
Btw the show may be racial.. but racist?? Thats a bit of a stretch.
All these racist comments...really...who cares...some of you guys are being more racist than the actual show...I don't see anything wrong with the show...In fact I LOVE IT! and I am Black...so that's really saying a lot to me...All these white and black comments...JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP...It's a damn television show...and get the FUCK over it...Nothing is wrong with...Poochie, Erika, Yolanda, Kim, & Johnny...being rude has been the nature of that restaurant since the beginning...and it all started with Barry...so don't catch a fucking attitude with the workers...they didn't start the rudeness the actual manager did...and on top of all that...the restaurant gets rude, drunk costumers...so what do you expect...the employees to do...take it...No, stand up for themselves or get the hell out of their restaurant...Please people...if you don't like the show...don't watch it...Nobody gives a fuck...I will continue to watch...cause the show is FUNNY as hell!!! SO DEAL WITH IT!
ReplyDeleteThat makes you another ghetto troll who is into chimping out.
ReplyDeleteI love the show. I caught it at 3 AM and I was almost late for work because I had to finish watching it! If I were ever in the area I would definitely eat there. It's all in fun and if you can handle the blows then don't go there!
ReplyDeleteI went on here to post the fact that the show is stupid, loud, rude and I would never eat at a place with people who acted the way these workers do. But, as a white person, I am disgusted by the racist comments of people on here with no class who are obviously KKK white trash. Sure, black ppl should be embarrassed by this show but white ppl should be embarrassed by these no class comments. Apes?? really?? What's wrong with you?? The ppll on the show have more class, yet I still despise the show and behavior.
ReplyDeleteI just think it shows the complete disrespect of one person to another. I know it's supposed to be funny but it's just a little to vulgar for cable. If people want to watch this trash they should have to watch it on a pay per view or on a channel like HBO or Cinemax. TruTv is a regular cable channel and any CHILD could be introduced to this filth and garbage just by channel surfing. I'm not saying to cancel the show but please take if off cable TV.
ReplyDeleteThe late night antics started in 82, I was there. Roz W. was a big part, others were Dray Kup, Vector, Markie, Lana, Paula, Rosie, Quentin, and on, Richie-curse, hey-ya It was a very mixed crowd working there, only abusive when abused, and often funny.
ReplyDeleteNo bad words about the owners, they gave generous x-mas bonuses, lent me their cars, and gave many people second chances.
Most of you guys commenting are ignorant. What you are saying is racist, calling a black person a ape? Really, people like you should be shipped of to a island by yourselves because America does not need any of y'all negativity. You don't know what those people been through or are going through for them to act that way. Look at how some white people acted on Jerry Springer show, people actually thought that was entertaining but a black person shows out & it's they are apes! Get real & get a life, don't like the show don't watch it stupid! That's why it's called a "REMOTE" so you can change the channel, don't want to be there then don't walk through the door duh!!
ReplyDeleteDumb sells. We live in some sad, pathetic times when (some) people can make time to actually enjoy watching this sub level of programming. truTV caters to the center of the lowest of the low intellectually. What self respecting individual could watch any of that nonsense?
ReplyDeleteCable television over the last decade has become a fallout of mentally decaying sludge that festers with the most redolent sores. Network TV has faltered to the point of near destruction with the most unwatchable programs in television's history.
Is owning a TV set a prudent idea anymore? Prerecorded media and the internet are the only pertinent ways to enjoy media material anymore.
It's time for America to put and end to dumbness already!
I like Weiner Circle I went there years ago And got a hot dog and a BJ out the alley. those nig nogs sure do know how to give good BJ's I like BJ'sx as much as I like hot dogs! in fact it's kind of ironic don't you think? that a place that sells hot dogs also gives BJ's. I only allow black women to give me BJ's just like white women are only allowed to give me handjobs mainly because white women have nice smooth hands. most nig nogs don't take care of their hands and the roughness really chaps my cock. as far as the shows concern it's a pretty good show very real for sure. some people say shows off of this network or fake but that's not true. even hardcore pawn is real. I went to that pawn shop back in 2004 and sold them my cock ring that was signed by Traci Lords And they gave me $2000 So Think what you wanna think but both shows are real And I love nig nog BJ's
ReplyDeleteThe food from 7-Eleven tastes better than what this place offers, dirty place and bad food handling practices. Ghetto atmosphere...