Five black males dressed in wigs, weaves, and woman's clothing, videotaped themselves making fun of a North Side waiter and harassing people downtown.
Several black customers at the Lake View neighborhood International House of Pancakes at 3760 North Halsted Street, requested a new waiter, because they didn't like their assigned server's appearance.
One of the men said looking at the waiter made him lose his apatite.
Despite their request, the waiter continued to serve them.
The same group, or at least most of the people involved in the incident at IHOP, were also filmed harassing people on State Street, in downtown Chicago.
If you watch the following videos, closely... you may spot a couple of wanted offenders.
Harassing other people is a black sport. That these particular ones are cross-dressers only gives it a twist of sorts. Blacks are not victims of discrimination but rather they create it themselves.
ReplyDeleteYou're literally doing the same shit on the Internet........
DeleteJeez and they wonder why normal people dislike them so much?
ReplyDeleteOk lets disregard the color of their skin for a moment and just judge them on the content of their character: THEY'RE STILL IGNORANT PEOPLE!
The vid was probably captured on a stolen cellphone camera.
ReplyDeleteHopefully these twisted nig chimps will be killed soon.
ReplyDeletewhy I don't like the black community as a whole. The above is apparently very acceptable to them. Also they appear to be blind. Can't they see how ugly they look or how ugly their behavior is? From their music they appear to be deaf as well. It sounds like poop smells.
ReplyDeleteGo to the youtube link and click on dislike for this jerk's videos.
ReplyDeletethey all look like and behave like zoo monkeys in clothes. i can't tell one from another. no wonder they can never be identified by their victims or the cops.
ReplyDeleteWell after witnessing the behavior, littering, and later reports of crime at the Pridefest "afterglow" this year, I read quite a few related articles online. Based on comments linked to all of those articles, the survey seems to show about 90% of residents here sympathize with these "just misunderstood youth". It's hopeless.
ReplyDeleteBut I'm sure they tipped well at IHOP.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, they don't tip.
They're simply not worth the trouble.
I stopped at Rainbow-Signature Pizza on Halsted last night around 11pm on my way home and Halsted was unbelievable.
Many many roving bands of little black mobs wandering up and down Halsted, loitering, aimless. It was impossible to miss. Just wandering. Not patronizing.
I work with respectable blacks and these people were not them.
I found it so disconcerting and potentially dangerous that I'll find somewhere else to eat and will avoid Halsted in Lakeview at night.
Theese young blacks are loud, vulgar, rude, racist, disrespectful that bring nothing good or redeeming to LV.
ReplyDeletewhy does tunney condone this?
It's official. After this past "pridefest", I have boycotted Halsted St. and any gay related business in "Boystown", Lakeview, Lakeview East, Flakeview, whatever you call it. They most certainly don't appreciate my business and "I" would appreciate it if these bartenders and other hustlers sitting in the windows of every storefront here would quit asking me "if we're going to see you tonight?". Gig is up. You don't care about me, I don't care about you. Patronize, yes patronize, your new "demographic".
ReplyDeleteThese chimps need to leave the northside; feet first.
ReplyDeleteIm sure they got a little extra spit in their pancakes that day lol.
ReplyDeleteStupid chimps dont know if youre gonna piss off your server you wait until AFTER you get the food.
I have seen these same cooons wandering aimlessly on Halsted St. looking for white victims.
ReplyDeleteDo these strange people have a job?
ReplyDeleteAttention Gay Community..please do not have compassion for these creeps..Don't make a mistake that they are innocent victims or warm & fuzzy..or have been discriminated like you..Hell! They are thugs! Do not adopt them in your community. I am a straight woman & I see Boys Town being ruined by these roaming bands of dysfunctional morons. Beware Brother,Beware.
ReplyDeleteI mean you can't even use the N word & their feelings get hurt...but they can disrespect anyone & everything they come in contact with. Talk about radioactive people! Oh by the way B community thanks for ruining everything & having us pick up the tab.
ReplyDeleteNah...it's all good. Total normal behavior. Hope they enjoyed the spit in their food.
ReplyDeleteThe black tranny thing is really disturbing, they aren't sexually confused, they are just mimicking the behavior of humans.
ReplyDeleteNo black is either gay or straight, they will mate with anything, cold or hot.
My dogs act better out in public than these bottom feeding wannabes. They create the distain many feel towards the black community and why educated, respectful, law abiding, taxpaying contributing members of society do not want them in our neighborhoods.
ReplyDeleteYawn. There nothing bad happening here. Big fucking deal, they talked about the waiter. Don't tell me some of you self-righteous queens have never joked and goofed around while socializing with your friends, either at that age or at your present age. You're just fucking racist. Don't try to make excuses for it.
ReplyDeleteSilly chimps...
ReplyDeleteOh sorry anon @ 10:53 but the truth hurts. Blacks like this are better off in the zoo.
The most interesting thing her is is that they don't patronize the Halsted St. businesses or bars. I don't see them in ANY of them but they just linger on the streets harrassing, trying to intimidate and cause trouble. They all know each other too. They call each other out by name from across the street. If they'd just come in and we could all "talk", it might be a different scenario.
ReplyDeleteTheir "agenda" is making a "presence". Plain and simple. They have nothing to offer, nothing to bring to the table, only take from it.
It'll be interesting how this all plays out. I'll watch from the sidelines from here on out.
Facebook Dashe Royalty Diamond
ReplyDeleteWhile I respect the anon @ 2:40 am poster's decision to watch from the sidelines I think he/she has it wrong. I will not be taking an observers role. You can't teach your dog not to shit in your house simply through observation; sometimes you gotta slap the lesser developed lifeform to truly illustrate your disapproval. Or in this case, an American history X curb stomp may be in order.
ReplyDeletePeople try to stop the discussion by throwing out the word "racist", as if that's supposed to stop everything in it's tracks. Nobody cares about that anymore. Blacks are a burden, plain and simple.
ReplyDelete7:18 makes a very valid point. If someone told me they thought I was racist Id probably agree with them. Then I'd inform them Ill change that viewpoint when I have sufficient reason to do so. Furthermore, I'd bet the majority of these so called "racists" aren't your proverbial backwoods, cousin lovin, overalls wearing kinda racist.
ReplyDeletePersonally I was very open minded and accepting of all other people before I came to Chicago. Unfortunately Chicago has a very high amount of nihgers. (yeah spelled that wrong but you know what I mean.). Anyone with COMMON SENSE would eventually grow weary and distrusting of all blacks when BLACKS are responsible for the majority of violent crime and generally act like fools 24/7. So for all you (black) crybaby bitches who think youre being discriminated against: guess what? You are. But the kicker is, you dont get to blame non blacks (don't forget that Mexicans, Asians, and Indians hate you too). The rest of the world isn't making blacks out to be the proverbial bad guy. You're doing that yourselves.
Anon @ 4:04am - then put your $$ where your mouth is. I'm not disagreeing with you but the people here are all talk and no action. The gays truly are pansies.
ReplyDeleteJust something else to consider.... some of us can't afford to get into an all out brawl or be caught helpless in a 5 on 1 attack (going to the gym at 6am before work - not coming home from the bar at 6am). We have to work. The economy is in the tank, lest we forget. I, for one, in my line of work, can't show up with a slash wound on my face, stitches in my head or bruises on my forehead. Sure, we have health insurance but after a trip to the emergency room you're talking at least $1,000 after deductibles and various billings from each "doctor" that touched you in there. I don't have a Link card nor do I work for cash. Unfortunately, I do have an SSN and tracked income, a real name and only one address to be forced stuck with that bill.
If it were a bar/establishment owner/employee involved in one of these attacks, their employer will massage their head for a month, a pot-luck will be thrown, numerous fundraisers and donation jars will be set up all over town and all is o.k. The average Joe is f'd.
As someone said above "having us pick up the tab". That's what I've said all along. "Picking up the tab" also includes us paying them when they blatantly could give a rats a** about their customers. Loyal customers.
At this point, I have to wonder who the H they think they are.
But anyway, you're not missing out on anything out there. It nothing but goober gays, hoodrats and horrible music. No problem, but some of us just have to CROSS Halsted St. to get to our destination. We shouldn't have to plan our trip AROUND it.
ReplyDeleteThe complicit bar/club owners along the gay halsted strip are #1 in revenue for any in the city.
ReplyDelete^ It's blatantly obvious, hence my irritation with their greed. We're I'm from we were very, very well taken care of. I don't know how long they think they are just going to stand behind a counter and collect cash and literally stick their nose in the air when inquiries are made about bloodied people running down the street (yes!). And now the tourists (which I'm sure is a BIG chunk of their cash) are well aware of this stuff too.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, again, no big deal. Just don't go. But some of us have to cross through that sh*tfest to get to other places.
Here....I just went into one of the restaurants on Halsted St. There was a large, hoodrat lesbian presence. VERY LOUD. Blocking the way. No, I didn't say 'scooze me. I nudged her out of the way. They are intentionally blocking right of ways.
ReplyDeleteThey left (one even said "let's go, they don't like us in here"). Again, intentional obnoxious, TRYING to be intimidating behavior. Unfortunately, they were black and Mexican. Just as bad as the video subjects.
The ethnic worker mentioned in a very heavy accent after they left "they'd be finally outta here, dayz make alot noise".
I replied "That is YOUR job to quiet them out of respect for your other loyal customers. We won't be here much longer for you".
Complicit? The epitome of it. This is 4:00pm in the afternoon, NOT 3:00am.
I sincerely wish you all the best of luck. You're through.
Another business marked off of my "list".
@anon 11:36 - well I understand what youre saying. Im an atypical gay dude in that
ReplyDelete1. I work for myself so a few bruises or even a cut wont be looked down on by HR.
2. Im trained to defend myself. If
3. I take no shit from anyone. (although Im not a fool and would probably shy away from most conflicts where Im greatly outnumbered.) That being said... I do enjoy a good challenge lol.
Sadly I have to agree with your assessment of gays around here. So many of my fellow moes act like complete girly bitches and would never openly confront anyone much less a pack of nigs like this. Its shameful to say the least. IM all for self expression etc but I think alot of us (like the chimps in this video) forget that until you remove your cock, your still A MAN... I just wish more of us would act like one.
@anon - 5:32 please tell us what business!
ReplyDeleteTBP (you can't expect much here but I don't have much $ either). Again, this is 4:00pm, NOT 3:00am).
ReplyDelete@anon - 6:50 sorry I dont frequent halsted that much... (and now you know why)
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly is TBP ?
^ Then it's not really a concern of yours. If you're a cop, get out there and do you da*n job!
ReplyDeleteHere's my deal with the area, the businesses and the supposed cops. I'm sure if I had 2 drinks (just 2), not drunk...looked at you the wrong way and accidentally dragged my toe on a curb while walking over it, you could get me on "public intoxication" or "something".
Yet, these animals are allowed to run free out there without even being put in check (unless a civilian does it). Really a disaster in the makings.
lol @ anon 7:17 Im not a cop moron.
ReplyDeleteAlthough now that I see what a difficult annoying twat you are Im glad thats one less place I might run into your mouth breathing ass in my neighborhood. Ya garbage ass hoe it was a relatively simple straightforward question... You are either one jaded old queen ; or a bitchy hairy lesbian. Either way please stay out of lakeview; youre part of the problem.
^ You're probably the one across the street from the place that just put the "condo" up for sale (another). Foreclosure or crime?
ReplyDeleteIt's part of drag culture to read" as in to insult or make fun of. I'm an avid watcher of ru Paul's drag race. I love how the first comment along with all the following are all contradictions this website is a fucking mess and needs to be taken down
ReplyDelete@ anon 2:50AM So drag "culture" is alot like "being an asshole" culture?
ReplyDeleteThink you idiot..."Drag." One drags shit...?'s
ReplyDeleteThese NiG's deserve a mommy 6 ft under. Then...we put these spooks on top...with the dead sisssta.
Wow,your website states: ****COMMENTS THAT CONTAIN RACIST, VULGAR, OR VIOLENT REMARKS, WILL BE DELETED!**** All of these comments should be deleted. These kids were completely in the wrong. If these kids were white and unruly, however; which we see many examples of every weekend if not every night, in and near Lakeview East and Wrigleyville Bars, (don't even mention Rush Street), would the same discussions take place? Of course not, it would be chalked up to them partying, having a good time, getting wasted and possibly "slightly" out of control. Unfortunately these ignorant people are black, but in general they are only mimicking the outrageous behavior of whites in this community for years. These guys were completely in the wrong, but when 2 or more blacks are together, particularly males, no matter what, right or wrong white people always get intimidated and see that as a reason to voice their racist views. I don't drink or party, but half the time I can't even walk home from the el on the weekend without having to step around some loud, drunk, inappropriate white person in the streets on Addison, Clark and Halsted. If anyone acts like chimps or animals in a drunken state, it's whites, but again, it's acceptable and "less intimidating".