Friday, June 29, 2012

VIDEO: Red-tailed hawk kills squirrel at Far North Side park (WARNING! GRAPHIC MATERIAL!)

A cameraman took great delight in a red-tailed hawk ripping a squirrel to shreds at a Far North Side park in West Rogers Park.

When emotional onlookers tried to force the hawk to release the squirrel, the cameraman begged and pleaded with the bystanders to leave the bird alone.

"How do you think they survive? They don't eat grass," said the videographer.

Ignoring the cameraman's pleas, someone hit the hawk with a pebble... but the killer bird refused to release the squirrel from its razor-sharp claws.

The 12-minutes and 16-seconds long nature video ends with the squirrel being devoured on camera.


  1. You are joking, right? All the hyperbole - you'd think that you've never seen a nature show. I don't know what more to say but you are quite an alarmist at what was nothing more than a simple act of nature.

  2. Where was the camera located in a helicopter? Learn how to use the camera!! And then it goes sideways??? Were you drunk when you took this?

  3. Why would anybody try to stop this Hawk from eating. This is the way it's done in nature. Some bleeding heart liberal who would probably have taken the injured squirrel home to nurse it.

  4. ^ While getting their face devoured by a naked man on the Red Line and whispering "it's just transient youth, simple human nature, just transient youth".

  5. So in summation:

    Hawks eat squirrels and there are ALOT of stupid people in the world.

    Is that really news?

  6. The only good squirrel is a dead squirrel!
    Also known as rats with bushy tails.

  7. Why didn't Obama stop this?


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