Monday, June 11, 2012

VIDEO: Dangerous black mobs infest Chicago's lakefront, downtown

They run in large packs, like wild dogs on the hunt. They are disrespectful, uncivilized, and extremely violent. And nothing can stop them - not even the mayor.

It’s the same crime, different year. Chicago’s young black population is clearly out of control and the city’s police department is clearly outnumbered.

The recent black mob attacks, otherwise known as wildings, in Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood and the downtown area, have set the stage for what’s sure to be another long, violent summer.

On June 9, 2012, around 10 p.m., a 44-year-old man was viciously attacked by a group of African Americans on the 500 block of North State Street.

Why? Because he was there.

The savage beating left the man with a broken a jaw.

In connection to the crime, 18-year-old Mitchell Coradarrowe from the 5900 block of South Indiana Avenue, has been charged as an adult with felony aggravated battery and mob action, according to police.

Coradarrowe’s bail was set at a measly $75,000.00.

One day after the brutal downtown beating, a 36-year-old man was attacked on the 800 block of North Dewitt Place, in Chicago’s Gold Coast neighborhood, around 10 p.m. 

A group of 15 to 20 black males and females participated in the June 10, 2012, assault, according to eyewitnesses.

Chicago Police Department, News Affairs Officer, Robert Perez, said the Gold Coast attack was “unprovoked”. It appears the offenders are still at large.

If you've never seen one of these mobs, you're in for a treat. 

The following videos depict a massive gang of black “youths” roaming Chicago’s downtown area and the lakefront.

The footage was taken on June 6, 2012.

Although no violence occurs in the videos, you'll get to see just how menacing these crowds are.


  1. Well said. Infested is the right word. The path was full of punks looking for trouble from Ohio Street to Fullerton at 7pm on Sunday night. I'm not surprised it spilled over into violence in the gold coast, only that attacks didn't happen on the lakefront too.

  2. I will be so glad when they close the south end of the Red Line next summer! Then I'll be able to shop on State Street and Michigan Ave without being harassed by black hooligans!

  3. They sure know how to make blacks look bad in the eyes of everyone else. You gotta laugh, blacks are their own worst enemy. Then they wonder why others have a bad opinion of them.

  4. What a bunch of losers with no manners, no class, no respect and no proper parenting. They should stay on their side of town and far away from civilized people. Don't they have beaches on the south side? Don't they have belts? Loud mouth disrespectful bottom feeders. We don't have to profile them, they can do that all by themselves.

  5. Nice find CNR, how do you find these videos so quickly? Normally searching for youtube videos based on tags is pretty straightforward, but these sorts of people couldn't use normal tags if they wanted to, since they can't spell or even write in english...

  6. I LOVE your newscasters here......."luckily there were only minor injuries (but one tourist did suffer a broken jaw and was taken to the hospital)". On your NEWS station!!!!!!

  7. looks like a third world country.

  8. If you're afraid of these "mobs" then you're a pussy. Gtfo of Chicago move to the suburbs

  9. Don't believe CNR's misleading posts ... this is merely a trailer for "Rise of the Planet of the Apes 2". Just listen to the regular media outlets: keep calm and carry on. All is well.

  10. if Chicago had concealed carry this would be stopped real quick ...bring back the 2nd amendment and see what happens!

  11. Your headline and story paints a picture of ALL black youth being out of control and violent, which is inaccurate, and only serves to reinforce negative racial stereotypes. Using words like "infested" is insulting and gives the impression that you put all blacks in the category of rats and roaches. Truly, there is a way to report facts of a story without painting an entire group of people with a tar brush.

  12. SCARY! Sucks for y'all. I feel the same way when packs of Caucasoid frat boys dressed in togas (or drag) walk around the city. Minus the whole fearing for my life thing.

  13. Go fuck yourself Valerie, I hope those roaches kick YOUR ass next. We see if your pathetic attitude changes.

    1. Her "pathetic" attitude is that she isn't afraid, but its obvious that YOU are. Quit being a little sissy boy acting tough on the internet you inbred racist uneducated worthless pile of shit

  14. I already know tons of people who are now avoiding the beach completely on the weekend. Once this element takes over the beach completely, it is a slippery slope. The whole area could decline.

    What is to stop one of these big mobs from looting and burning Michigan Ave? I suspect not much sooner or later.....

    1. Good, more space for me to lay out my towel. I have been going to the beach in Chicago for 30 years and have never once had a problem or been afraid. Looting and burning Michigan ave? Are you stupid? Stop spending so much time on your computer, and get some friends that aren't scared of other races.

    2. are you stupid? clearly you believe Chicago media which takes its orders from our mayor who is covering this up. do some research, talk to a cop or somebody who works in the tourist areas, or visit a police blog and they will tell you how bad it has been. so, yeah, Michigan avenue succumbing to looters isn't so far fetched. perhaps you and your friends should take a walk downtown on a nice hot summer night and your views will change.

  15. The only solution to this is keep the city libraries open longer during the summertime to give these youth something constructive to do. We owe it to these future leaders of America.

    1. This is a classic statement. Made me laugh. Don't forget to provide milk and cookies too

    2. if you open the libraries for longer periods of time...they will come!

    3. Not sure what America you live in..but they look like leaders of the apes

  16. ^lel you cant be serious... libraries??? half of them cant even READ!!!!

  17. Unbelievable. That used to be such a beautiful area of the city. When I first moved here I biked up and down the lakefront everyday. How much money did they spend rebuilding the boathouse and adding Castaways only to see these hooligans scare decent people away?

    I predict before this Summer is over, these mongrels will be all over Lincoln Park/Lakeview intimidating everyone around.

  18. Libraries?!?!?! Are you kidding or is your head buried in the sand?!?!

    These thugs probably have never steeped into a library!!

  19. Blacks commit 98% of the violent crime in the city and have made about half of it uninhabitable. It seems like avoiding the groid is the smart play.

    1. Just look at what they do to there own neighborhoods they turn them int war zones. They kill each other wholesale, they turn having kids into full time jobs which I have to pay for. So spare me the whole sterotype bs. The mayor is more worried about bike lanes and his political weasling then he is about the law abiding citizens who make this city function. Makes me wonder what he is getting from these gang leaders to turn the other way. More blacks are killed by each other every year in the city then there are combat death in iraq and afghanastan put together. This is our city to, our home, why should we have to avoid areas of our homes because a bunch of morons can't play nice. After all this is white peoples fault we gave them wellfare not jobs. We gave them the perfect excuse to be wastes of oxygen. Ever seen all the escalades driving around the westside? Those are all bought with cash instead of paying takes they buy huge rims loud speakers and guns. So instead of more bike lanes how about more cops...

  20. That's why they need to approve the conceal and carry law in Chicago. Most of these punks won't be able to own let along buy a firearm. I'd put a cap in a few of them punks just fro looking at me wrong and claim self defense.

    1. No you wouldn't. You're not fooling anyone, and nobody thinks you're tough.

    2. Remember frat boy, you not the only one with a piece. Be careful for what you wish for. Take that “shit“ back to the suburbs or uber suburbs. This is the reason there is not a conceal carry because of your intelligent decision making.

  21. This cannot be tolerated in our beautiful city. These animals should not be allowed out of the south and west sides. It seems like the last 2 years the downtown has been over run by these animals. Shut down the red line now!!!

    1. “Our“ city? These “animals“ in your words grew up in “our“ city. There is enough blame to go around. And this is the problem.

  22. I am sick of tired of all you doe-eyed liberals making excuses for these $hitbirds. They are clearly invading out of some tribal instinct to pillage and destroy all that is good and right with the world.
    Don't worry, we are smarter than you, we will adapt and continue to enjoy our lives without schvartzes screwing them up. Someday enough people will come to our senses and realize it's nothing but an animal overpopulation problem. The expense to deal with them at first will be tremendous, but future generations will only learn about these beasts in history books or whatever will pass for them, it will just be a boring class instead of a horrifying reality.

    1. That's how Amerikkka was established.

  23. Actually kids, the libraries are just places for homeless schvartzes to watch porn. The magic ju-ju boxes provide lots of bouncing arses and white wimmins gettin' raped on them. The smell is unbearable. Go to the third floor, also our white trash, like the Facebook pedo who wanted to phuck a twelve year old and probably did.
    The staff as well are coons and have no real interest in knowledge.
    I decided to just buy the books I want/need from now on, it's been a much better way to go.

  24. According to the news, all these gentlemen of African descent from the south side tend to be scholars on the honor roll at some of the best schools in the state. The only reason they get shot or arrested is because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. So I figured the library would be good for these scholars.

  25. Listen all people ,if you think just black people are violent go to st .patrick day downtown at the bean/cloud gate .the media wasnt allowed to show you see how it feels to have to look over your shoulder all the damn time.when your great great grandfather was raping my great great grandmother and hanging my great great a bitch isnt it

  26. Yes, anon, we do have white trash, but we shun and punish them and exclude them from our proper society. We don't celebrate them like you schvartzes do.

  27. Same old tired story. Black people are the most racist prejudiced people out there. Wonder what would happen to their entitlement attitude if there was another huge white flight? Who would support their sorry asses? One look at Detroit and you'll have your answer.

  28. As a resident of the Gold Coast, I'm ecstatic that the red line is undergoing construction soon. All the ghetto trash commute to the downtown area via this train. I could care less if all stops south of Chinatown are closed until hell freezes over. That's really the best resolution to alleviate and stop mob attacks permanently. They'll never pay for parking...I've been following the news reports, and I don't think the punishments are extensive and serious enough to really put an end to this problem. I agree with the above posting. Blacks are the most prejudiced, angry, disruptive, and closed minded people out there, and I don't care how awful that sounds. They blame the educated for their own shortcomings and inabilities to make good personal decisions. In reality, these mob thugs lack ambition and perseverance to determine or pursue career goals. Downtown residents aren't happy
    to see these thugs downtown. We know they're either here to steal, rob, harass, loiter, disrupt, or destroy our community. They're not here to shop or eat at 5 star restaurants. I hope this "construction" is also an effort to install effective security against mob attacks on the red line. The moment these mobs step on the red line, they should monitored, followed, and videotaped. Once they attempt to exit in the downtown area, they should be told to leave. To be honest, they should be treated like the NATO protesters - beaten and gassed....until they stop coming downtown. They should have cops with riot gear ready to attack and destroy.

    1. What's so “Gold“ about a “Coast“ that 47% of the propeties that have been purchased since 2005 are, presently, in forclosure and the property taxes cannot be paid. Pretty soon, there won't be any residents on the “Gold Coast“ to terrorize. By the way, President Obama's so-called welfare recipients are so-called “Gold Coast“ residents who use Illinois LinkCards to purchase groceries in Whole Foods, while trying to hide them. FAKE Mutha's. There are a lines of them. Fuck this this ignorance. China RULES.

  29. Judging by the way blacks breed, none of your great-grandparents were victims of slavery. You appear to spawn every 15 years, and slavery ended approximately 150 years ago, so that would be your great great great great great great great great great great grandparents.

    I would guess your great grandparents are no more than 60 yrs old (if they are still alive), so they actually wouldn't have experienced any slavery back in 1952. Not even their great grandparents back in 1892 would have...

    1. I appreciate “great“ math guys like yourself. With skills like that, we can compete on a global level and not focus on mindless nonesense like this. Only in Amerikkka.

  30. It was saying the same thing it's going to funny to see what happens next summer when they shut the Red Line down

  31. What really scares the whites commenting here is the looks of lust in the eyes of every white girl the Black guys pass in the videos. You people know that in a closed room, it'd take two seconds of gentle coaxing for any of those boys to get in the white girls panties. You don't want your women getting near big groups of strong Black young men because they'd leave you in a minute to get those BBCs up inside them, if only it weren't for the social stigmas.

    1. And who blames hot young black boys?
      They get all the white boys and girls that they want.
      Who the hell would want to hookup with some ignorant, loud, morbidly obese fat-ass black girls?
      No skills! No brains! No future!

  32. ^ oh wow you resorted to a MUH DICK argument... never seen that before...

  33. Once you go black, you're a single HIV positive mother!!
    Already resorting to Muh D ikk, huh? Learn how to argue with intelligence, you farking ape.

  34. White women want black men? Are you kidding? As a white woman I can say that I, nor none of my female friends, would touch one of you monkeys. Disgusting.

    1. That's exactly what my beautiful Swede friend (flight attendent) called me last night when I was breaking off that beautiful ass. I would not touch you wanna-be's. No culture and totally clueness of the world. Believe me so-called “monkey's and disgusting folks. Please travel, you are loved around the world. Comments like these are from the wanna-be's haters. Only in Amerikkka that's disgusting. People, if your world was bigger, you would not make comments like these. Brothers, please travel. That's the best weapon.

  35. there is only one thing wrong with the BBCs. They are the wrong color.

  36. damn niggas, urban youths of peace

  37. I am an African American female physician who lives in Lakeview. I REFUSE to live on the south or west side of Chicago and I am appalled that this is occurring. I am equally appalled by some of the comments I have read on this site. All African Americans are not alike for those of you who don't know any better. Try meeting someone like me before you denigrate an entire race of people.

    1. Sister, while med school, you lost ALL reality of life in Chicago. That's the way it is. No matter how much you achieve or how far you go in life, you will still be associated will this craziness. Fuck them, do you thing and figure out a way to treat the sickness that's posted on this site and you can make a lot of money. A global city, huh.

  38. It's pathetic that people can accuse others of making racially charged remarks. These attacks aren't committed by mobs of Asians for crying out why avoid the demographics? The parents of these black thugs should be thoroughly embarrassed and held fully accountable for their child's behavior. I'm sure some of their parents rely on government funding. Why can't wick and food stamps only be provided to families whose parents and children demonstrate good behavior? These black youths are ungrateful, disruptive pieces of sh@t because the government supports them. Why can't a retiree get free bus rides anymore? Yet, these bottom feeders get free food, $, bus rides, and even city stickers at a quarter of the regular cost? Why work hard when the government chooses to reward these losers and their families with benefits they simply don't deserve? There need to be stricter penalties for these prohibit them from even wanting to partake in mob action. The penalties need to be severe enough to really instill fear in the minds
    of these kids...

  39. To 10:34PM, hey Baby!! In all seriousness. I have met many educated African American women who are confused who they can date. My heart goes out to them. I love all woman but there is a slight pause if they are of African American decent. I don't want to stereotype but these little thugs make it so easy. I am a doctor also. I hate this.

  40. Don't get confused 10:34, most of us aren't talking about ALL black people. There are just so many bad ones nowadays it seems like it. Things are very frustrating right now, white people are being victims of racial attacks and are consistently told race is not a factor. Then other liberals accuse us of being racist for even suggesting the idea. The only place it can be talked about is anonymous forums, because liberals attempt to ruin the lives of anyone they deem "racist," and blacks will openly attack people for the same.

    The real reason "we are a nation of cowards when it comes to race" is because people are attacked for talking about it...

  41. Lakewview/Lincoln Park is already invaded with Thresholds *ucks. An increasing number of them black.
    They don't live like kings, but they have:
    Free apartments
    A run-down mansion on Wrightwood/Lakeview to shoot pool in, ogle butterface social worker's saggy @$$e$, eat cheap food and bully the mentally retarded several days a week.
    Other free bananas like free bus rides, a "tax return" although they paid none called "Circuit Breaker", and endless, doe-eyed idealism on the part of these hippie *ucks who pat them on the head no matter what.
    Biggest scam going on in Chicago right now.

  42. Honestly, I'd sacrifice all the good ones to get rid of the entire lot.

  43. Shameeka ShmyniggaJune 14, 2012 at 8:30 PM

    All should check out the Scum Times err I mean Sun Times on Facebook and read Mary "The Shithead" Mitchell's article of these mobs beating NOT being racially motivated. What a fucking shine!

  44. Good God, what is wrong with you people? Let you post under "Anonymous" and you ALL turn into animals. Behave yourselves, you're all acting just like the mobs you think you're so far above.

  45. Second Amendment!!! Attack me and you will be looking down the barrel of a .45 Savages

  46. I just happened upon this blog and after reading a few of your so-called "news" articles I come to the conclusion, your blog here is racist and demeaning. This blog is void of real facts and full of opinion with a narrative that is obvious to anyone. Sounds like "fox news" where I'm sure you frequent. What an absolute joke & waste of my time.

  47. ^lel you seem upset...

  48. Black mau-mau mobs attacking non-blacks?

    "...[That's]racist and demeaning."

    The typical ad hominem attacks that disingenuous white liberals such as whos davidemay resort to when they can't bring a cogent argument to the table.

    "Sounds like 'fox news' where I'm sure you frequent"

    This just in, whos davidemay- just like both Chicago papers, the NY Times, MSNBC and the rest of the mainstream media, Fox News avoids the subject of racist black mob attacks on non-blacks like the plague.

    Nothing to see here, move along.

  49. I wonder if we could make it known to these "youths" that their beloved hip-hop garbage culture was infact, created by rich white men in order to create this kind of toxic behavior, well designed to eventually strip them of their civil rights and eventually result in their genocide.
    It's working, too!!

  50. I think the people of Chicago who are not criminals, demand that the city and the news stations start informing all of us about the attacks going on all over the city. Covering this up will only create a backlash of enraged people later on. If you continue to cover up these racially motivated attacks, there will be a war later on, because you can only push people so far.

  51. I'll be honest, I'd be scared walking through that crowd. Also I couldn't understand a word they were saying.

  52. To the person who was complaining about her great great ancestors . . . it's done, it's over . . . get over it! Sorry, I wasn't around when your great great ancestors were alive! How many more centuries are the white's going to get blamed for your stupidity?

  53. This activity is indeed awful. However, as a black woman, I am disappointed in the number of folks out there who refer to blacks as "they", and say things like, "they should go back to their side of town." Really, guys? I am appalled at the violence that's going on, as well. Where do you suggest I go? Violence, drugs, ignorance...none of these horrific realities are specific to any one race or class. Take a look around you and what's going on in this crazy world. Where are all the Meth labs? Suburbia! Where are the drugs coming from? I make no excuse for the actions of my young people. But, know that it is not all black youth - just like not all white youth shoot children in elementary schools. Be a part of the solution. Thinking that you are "safe" anywhere is sadly absurd. We are all in this thing together, and have to pray to God to help us be better and find solutions.

  54. For most coal burners things don't work out as well as they did for Elin Nordegren.

  55. I know these boys in the videos. They are young and smart. They attend the CPS school I used to work in and they do not deserve to be profiled this way. Your videos do not capture anything and are downright racist.

  56. Yes, "they" are now in Lakeview, Lincoln Park and DePaul area, where they are robbing, beating, terrorizing and stealing possessions of both men and women. They were brought in by social service agencies, like the Center on Halsted, but they use the Center and the Broadway Youth Center as well, as gang hangouts where they escape to after they commit crimes in the neighborhood. The scum kick pregnant women in the stomach to rob a cell phone and rob people on the way home from the grocery. They rob the tires off of cars and break down store windows to burglarize shops. The Mayor doesn't care because he doesn't replace policemen who have retired and they have consolidated the police districts. The Mayor has ok'd the Broadway Youth Center to operate a health clinic (gang hangout) in a church on Wellington Street, so the gang activity will now spread westward. People are moving out. Businesses will soon follow. The only thing that can help now is vigilante justice. Without it, Chicago will turn into Detroit. It seems unimaginable, but believe it. White people won't live with this scum.

  57. Blacks are savage animals, Facts and statistics don't lie. But I just have one question...where is Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? oh ya, I forgot, its ok for blacks to kill other blacks...they only come out of their rat holes when there is money to be made in the media off of a white killing a black...but seriously- the black race is a failure. they destroy everything they touch, they have no respect for human life and when someone doesn't like the way they live they call us racists...Its funny because whites knew back in the 1800's that these animals could not be civilized and that's why the civil war was fought...I pray for anyone who has to breath the same oxygen as these beasts

  58. It really looks like the Chicago police are doing a great job in negro containment this summer along the Magnificent mile, if only they'd give the snake-headed Greenpeace guys a wood shampoo once in awhile I'd be appreciative!
    Now we need more cops to contain them straight outta Lakeview!

  59. White people can walk around in a group anywhere but blacks cant. I hate when people make it seem like were animals. White people don't know what it means to struggle or to be profiled. Lets see can any of you make it in the hood. I think not so if a bunch a young people what to walk around they city and not get shot, downtown is about the only place they can go and get a peace of mind. Racist Bitches!

  60. I'm starting to see empty store fronts on Lincoln Avenue in Lakeview -- I wonder if this is the start of stores leaving the area because of the lack of police presence. If stores feel that the police in the area can't respond due to lack of patrol cars available, maybe they don't feel safe in the area anymore.


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