Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Justice for Yolanda Holmes! Chicago News Report reader cracks Uptown murder!

Did a Chicago News Report reader help solve the murder of an Uptown business owner?

Today, three suspects were arrested for the 2012 murder of Nappy Headz salon owner, Yolanda Holmes.

Among the suspects is 24-year-old Qawmane Wilson, Yolanda Holmes' son.

In an April 2013 article, we ran a story highlighting comments from an anonymous author, accusing Qawmane of being involved in his mother's murder.

Click here to read the entire article.

Unbeknownst to CRN, a homicide detective tried to reach us regarding the April 2013 article, but by the time we received notice, the investigation was over and charges were filed.

Photo credit: Chicago Police Dept. Right to left: Qawmane Wilson, Loriana Johnson, Eugene Spencer.


  1. Even though i don't agree with some of your stories, i live in Uptown and remember when this occurred. Also, remember also reading the story on here and the reader who posted the comment that broke the case, props to Chicago News Report !

  2. What a POS waste..........did all this just to be caught a few months later on Xmas eve at that. The only person who will be enjoying what is left of the money is some scumbag lawyer. Was. Not. Worth. It. BigUp to the person who didnt relent and let the cat out of the bag from the get go. If anyone else is involved prosecute them too! We are NOT a lawless society.

  3. The downfall of the modern-day thug is them doing things like flashing cash and stolen wares on social media like this jackass did. You could really see how "grief stricken" he really was.
    In other Uptown dysfunctional news
    Rumor has it somebody knows who FGFM really is and I think Timmy get this info should expose him before he kills and eats James Cappleman and his husband. That sick mother*cker has been causing people grief since at least 2006 and it's time he got some help for his mental health issues.

  4. What is crazy about the story is that I went to high school with the dude never liked him because he was so arrogant and now this. Wow. By the way he went to SENN high school.

  5. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Young-QC/214790648610339?ref=profile

  6. The terror of your local internet is one Brian Gilbert. Age thirty. Chartered Accountant. Raised in your Chicago western suburbia region. Possibly Naperville. We have not quite figured out what his overwhelming interest is in your Uptown neighborhood and the gay alderman. He is also obsessed with the late Christopher Hitchens, RIP, who admitted to being a bisexual in his youth.

    Someone may want to consult a Quija board and the spectre of Doctor Freud. Or perhaps Doctor Who.

    FGFM likely stands for Ffinance Gguy/Ggilbert in the FM radiowave band. That is conjecture based on internet conjecture we read. We really do not know what the initials stand for. We do know young Brian is in our parlance a 'loon'.

    Young Brian will be thrilled to be outed here as he calls this site racialist. We have been taunting him over at the DNA Chicago site intermittently for the last few months.

    For an individual who claims to be an anti racialist he posts many racialist things. Two of his many Identities over at DNA Chicago are 'Just aKin' and "Christsakes' which he has used in the comments section for the update on this Yolanda Holmes story.

    He may be what you call a liberal. He may be what you call a conservative. What we are sure of is he is a massive troll who will attack nearly anyone given the opportunity. Liberals and conservatives are all the targets of his obsessive attacks.

    He claims to be a roughly fifty year old gay man who grew up in a boarding hotel downtown and then moved to Uptown in the 1970's? Someone who claims his parents are rich and are proud of him. We think he pilfered the boarding hotel bit of his claimed biography from local Chicago author Studs Terkel.

    Why a married thirty year old accountant, married to a woman that is, would claim to be an older gay man is something medical science may have to study.

    We did a voice comparison of his work related voice mail and his youtube videos and it was a match. He deleted his videos. However, we saved them prior to taunting him. Such classics as 'Cappelman Liberation Army' where some young people, including his wife Stacy, sit around and he talks and some woman in the background asks if the video is going to be on 'MyFace'. They all laughed at her joke.

    The joke is on Brian because Hitchmas is here and we will continue to slowly taunt him. Slow is better as he proved last week with his obsessive postings under various Disqus accounts after DNA banned him. Here are a few.

    Recently Bookmarked


  7. Merry Hitchmas!

    1. And a Merry Hitchmas to you, now we shall make sure Brian's punishment is severe.

  8. FGFM attacked me out of the blue not knowing what I was doing was a parody blog, carried it over to Patch and I became disgusted with him...and I don't really know who Hitchens is so far, but clearly I have to buy some of his books since FGFM hates his work so much.
    Patch pretty much now is unusable and real-estate fluff and I get better Lakeview news from the Boystown Crime Blog.

  9. The Glorious Brian Gilbert--CPA-HuntDecember 26, 2013 at 4:29 PM

    Apparently Disqus comments aren't searchable through google. I went back through the recent DNA Uptown related stories to find the FGFM related links. Here are at least some of them. This is the easiest way to find them.


    That's apparently a bastardization of the "Glorious Hitch Hunt" that Brian used on the HitchWatch site.

    I didn't find anything going back a few months, but I didn't go through every Uptown related story to find any references to FGFM. Perhaps FGFM's tormenters are using various ID's. I wonder who gave them that idea, huh Brian?

    In the US chartered accountants are known as CPA's. Same thing different slightly different terminology. Brian's tormenters are likely either from Britain or the former British empire. Another possibility is that they are Americans masquerading as something else.

    Of course why anyone who outed that troll wouldn't be proud of it I wouldn't know. He's trolled virtually every local news site and apparently many other sites also. His twitter account is a roadmap to his mental health issues.


    He's truly a genius-- trolling guys like Greenwald who have legions of computer savvy hackers who read him or the similar Snowden is just asking to be outed. My guess is he trolled such a person and either that person or his "friends" decided to put FGFM on their online dinner plate. He should have stuck to the Chicago locals. If a Chicagoan had the resources to out him it would have likely occurred years ago. If Brian is not the most hated man of the Chicago web world I don't know who would be.

    He's clearly over at DNA now using different ID's and making racist statements and then criticizing those statements using other ID's.

    I doubt even outing him will stop him. Perhaps exile to a desert island with nothing but notepaper and bottles to communicate with the outside world!

  10. CPD was gathering evidence before CNR said anything. must be hard work googling, copy/paste and calling it news. someone showed me this dump of a website during roll call and laughed because you think your anonymous cracked the case.

  11. Holiday at Killarney Castle--Brian + Stacy=DIVORCEDecember 27, 2013 at 2:33 PM

    Is this the linkedin page for the FGFM--Brian Gilbert et al troll?


    Do KNOT ask for whom the bell TROLLS,
    it TROLLS for thee!

    1. Oh happy day. I love the British.
      Too bad there's no picture, but soon. Soon.

  12. Utilizing a websearch of certain terms and phrases from the above mentioned Linkedin page yield the following. http://www.outsourcing-pharma.com/Commercial-Services/People-on-the-move-outsourcing-jobs18/%28page%29/4

    I used a simple google image search. I guess the Brits aren't the only ones who understand the internet! You can thank me later as all Chicago is celebrating. Look at this geek. He looks like that runaway bride from a few years back. Crazy eyes. No wonder he trolls every site he can get on.

    Now someone needs to find his Facebook page. I won't do all the work. Perhaps it's time for some of his ChicagoReader enemies to step forward. Perhaps I will have to post some comments there. Let them know that this is the best Christmas present of all. He's been posting more recently under his various accounts. He even resurrected that Rudolph Bliefernick account recently. What the hell is a Bliefernick? It's probably German for "enema/douchebag".

  13. At this point it would not surprise me if Brian started outing himself. By that I mean his identity not his possible closeted freakiness. It would play into his need to be seen as the battler of evil. The taker on of racists. The outer of the hypocrisy of the bougie burghers he battles.

    That way when his ID becomes more widely known he can portray himself as both hero and victim of the epic masturbatory poem he has playing in his twisted little mind. If the stuff he put out there in his real life is correct he was even an Eagle Scout. No wonder he needs a secret life. Is there a merit badge for trolling and being an obsessed asshole?

  14. Oh it looks like Brian has deleted his Linkedin account.


    Also his Facebook profile. https://www.facebook.com/bgilb52

    Notice the bgilb52 part of that.

    It leads to his twitter profile. https://twitter.com/bgilb52

    Also his disqus profile. One of dozens and the only one that can be directly linked to him.


    Seems like he even broke down and told his wife. I wonder if he told her the truth or made some heroic story up.

    Her Facebook page disappeared too.


    That's ok Brian. We have them all saved. We even have everything you posted on your 'Uptown Barbershop' page saved. Along with all the videos you deleted.

    Here's just the first part of your late lamented linkedin page. Yes, HITCHMAS is here motherfucker and you are now the prey and not the predator. We have saved it all and have it sitting on a non published website just waiting for us to hit a key to make it go live. We suggest you get ahead of us and publicly out yourself. That is what a crisis manager would suggest. Try to portray yourself as some type of anti racialist artist fighting the hordes of bigots and small minded types all around you. It won't work, but it's the only chance you have little Eagle Scout man.

    Brian Gilbert, CPA's Overview


    Senior Accountant at Abelson-Taylor


    Senior Accountant at Boundas Skarzynski Walsh and Black LLC
    Staff Auditor at Crowe Horwath LLP
    Accounting Intern at Scholle Corporation

    see all

    Northern Illinois University
    Northern Illinois University


    1 person has recommended Brian

    158 connections

  15. Oh we truly find it delicious that a 30 year old man who potrays himself as a 50ish gay man is the assistant coach for Boys Water Polo at Nequa Valley HIgh School. All those young lads in their swimming attire.

    I am sure the school authorities will not find your online activities disturbing. Just to make sure we had one of our Yank friends put a package in the mail to the headmaster. He probably will not get it or at least open it until after the New Year's recess. You know how 'decent' such people can be. Hopefully they will understand your genius.

    Happy HITCHYEAR! May it be glorious and DECENT!

  16. Ahahahaha FGFM is being destroyed. Ah, yes, happy happy day.
    I love the British more than ever now.

  17. Hello Brian how are you? Obsessively reloading this page we bet! DECENT!

    Here is one of the videos you deleted by accident back in October when we first revealed ourselves to you.


    Yes this one goes all the way back to 2009. We saved it all. Every stinking video where your cartoon voice can be heard. We shall be releasing them one by one over the next few days or weeks. What will be really fun is when we compared the voice on the videos to the voice we recorded of your voicemail! @winning! @decent

    It will be fun and of course DECENT!

  18. Oh look. Some naughty types posted a video with Brian's voice.


    More to come as the weeks go by.

    Happy HitchYear and to all a DECENT night.

  19. I thought FGFM was that fat fuck ginger loudmouthed Heeb Rudolph Bleifernick. He finally got kicked off DNAinfo. I was so happy!

  20. I doubt she's rolling in her grave. She is in heaven and has no idea any of this is goin on. This burden will be placed on her living family not her.

    1. Heaven doesn't exist. She's just laying in the ground.

  21. And pray tell where did you get that B.S. nonsense from that this woman is in heaven when the bible says all shall be raised from the grave on judgment day. Good grief, do you people ever stop wallowing in your vain beliefs and B.S.


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