Chicago News Report takes you inside the riot near Ford City Mall.
According to published reports, 2 people were injured and an estimated 19 savages were arrested following a massive show of ignorance in and around Chicago's Ford City Mall.
The ghetto violence erupted Saturday, February 23, 2013, around 4:45 p.m. at 7601 South Cicero Avenue after hundreds of black youths showed up for a scheduled event for a black singing group called Mindless Behavior.
Video obtained by Chicago News Report shows swarms of out-of-control black teens clogging the streets, creating traffic jams, and one black male smashing a driver's window with a chair.
I have said this before and I'll say it, again... crack, rap, and apathy have destroyed the black community. When the only idols you have are illiterate rappers and slutty female "icons", you are doomed!
If we don't find a way to stop ignorant, poor people from breeding, we are going to be in serious fucking trouble!
So, does this qualify as an instance where the "N" word is appropriate and correct?
ReplyDeleteNone of the mob appreciated the irony of the groups name nor understood the concept of the word.
ReplyDeleteMan, I remember going to Ford City as a kid to hang out. Now its just a cesspool of people just like this.
ReplyDeleteAmazing! Where are the parents of all these hoodlums? Where do they get money for all the jackets, sneakers? I think we all know the answer to that!
I am sick to death of ignorant ass black people. They destroy everything they touch. It it weren't for welfare most of them would starve to death, because they are too fucking dumb & lazy to hold a job!
ReplyDeleteBack when I was a wee lad, rap and beatboxing first came out. It appealed to the more base instincts of foul creatures that already catered to their id moreso than the rest of bipedal lifeforms on the planet, I saw their behavior get worse and worse in the ensuing years, though some of the maintained liking Michael Jackson, James Brown, Prince and *shudder* Jodeci.
ReplyDeleteNowadays thugs, whores, and trash are the only commodities the black community is producing.
ReplyDeleteSorry to dissapoint ur sick twisted concept of the black population but ur very incorrect...this is all thats being portrayed of our race..its unfortunate, nevertheless, we have an intricate amount of positive influences within our race ....bcuz ur concept of african american is so narrowed i advise u to seek broadening ur horizons on the facts....i guess u cannot help that ur mindset is narrow-minded....the media only portrays negative images....they need to portray wat the rest of us R doing....and thats being PRODUCTIVE!
DeleteMy racism is the result of a healthy, logical mind. Animals belong in the zoo!
DeleteBesides, Thresholds is all about helping lazy blacks shun work these days.
This reminds me of a job fair at McDonald's a few years ago that had somebody getting run over and the whole pack of apes going "Awooooo!! Hoooowoooooooooowwoooooo!" and getting sexually excited at the violence.
ReplyDeleteThe wetbacks that run McDonald's on Granville also suck.
How racist of u.......all races have their share of ill-mannered indivs. This is not a platform for ur racial slanders....stay focused...its a bad situation and parents should b arnd to help monitor their children' whereabouts..... All races have issues with their youth as a result of lack of monitoring....white SPOILED CHILDREN GO AND TAKE AN ENTIRE SCHOOL OF CHILDREN OUT BCUZ THEY CULDNT GET THEIR WAY, OR PERHAPS DIDNT GET THEIR BEHINDS WHIPPED GROWIN UP! DO ME A FAVOR AND JUS TAKE UR OWN LIFE INSTEAD OF INNOCENT CHILDREN.......OR GO GET U SOME PSYCHIATRIC ASSISTANCE TO HELP U WITH UR THOUGHT PROCESS.....
DeleteMy racism is my most logical, healthy thought process. Monkeys belong in the zoo!
DeleteMonitoring the black teens wont solve this issue.
DeleteAnd no spoiled white child has ever taken out an entire school of children.
Chill the fuck out, the monkeys attacking ford city mall is an example of how blacks just act with group mentality. The very few who didnt attend this for moral reasons, god bless em and hopefully they can out breed the chimps
Chimpping out
ReplyDeleteGo get ur life u racist! how abt try and help these sick young whitey youth who like taking a whole school out or bombing movie theatres.....u sick twisted indiv. U all need prayer cuz ur mind is messed up!!!! Yall need help!
DeleteNo God would create spooks
Deleteeffing people should get a life other than destroyying public property and disturbing others dAMN LAZY PORCH MUNKEYS!
ReplyDeleteCan we please get some literate racists and anti-racists in this thread please? This shit is hard to read.
ReplyDeleteI'm SURE it was just a coincidence that a "music group" named MINDLESS BEHAVIOR was "performing" at the same mall...
ReplyDeleteCant be upset with monkeys for acting like monkeys, can only be mad at those who thought it would be a good idea to live amongst monkeys...
ReplyDeleteThis would never happen at a Weird Al Yankovic show..just sayin'
ReplyDeleteCountry music concerts never end like this.... Just sayin'..........
ReplyDeleteChicago media would never say the race of the jags that are out of control in Chicago. This is a pressure cooker that is ready to blow up. Their violence is escalating and the Court system is not a threat to them. Jail is a joke. If the even get a sentence, its minimal and usually just a family/class/homey reunion..... God Bless the CPD. The only ones suffering are the tax payers......
ReplyDeleteLook at these little savage apes...
ReplyDeleteSo disgusting. Too bad the event they were at didnt turn into E2 part 2..
I am very upset with the behavior of these young people. I dont think anyone should post racist name callingthough It only adds fuel to the fire. I know there were some good young blacks in the choas that were probably scared to death. It is mind boggling that people can act so ignorant. It is a mob mentality. We need to get suggestions on what can be done to educate some on the basics of being a human like respecting others and their property and themselves. Also the racist name calling is not right it should be a part of the basics of being human.ANY SUGGESTIONS TO HELP STOP THIS IGNORANCE?
ReplyDeleteIf it cant be taught at home maybe in school.
Black celeberties, ball players, rappers should ALL make a commitment to using their influence to try to wake up some of these lost souls.
The Devil is working and we all need to pray.
Ethnic cleansing
ReplyDeleteIn the old country, they'd be rounded up, put before a firing squad and buried in a mass grave outside of the city. For the common good of ALL people.
ReplyDeleteUntil we initiate MASSIVE sterilization of all "people" collecting welfare, section 8 subsidies, living in public housing - along with firing squads lining up all gangbanging "yooooof", there is no hope for the cities in this country, especially Chicago. With its magnificent architecture, lakefront etc. just think how beautiful and wonderful a city this could be without these hordes of savages in our midst!
After this activity, did they go to an Operation Push meeting ?
ReplyDeleteRev. Jackson , why didn't I see you rushing to a T V crew to give your opinion about THIS incident ?
How did " racist " caucasians cause this ?
Maybe some of these citizens can share a cell with Jesse Jr.
This is normal behavior for your typical jungle variety Negro. Social networking has made it worse. Some of these apes can read at a high enough level to send text messages, allowing them to form into animal packs and display savage behavior, destroying everything in their path.
ReplyDeleteThe Negro lives in houses built by white men, it eats food provided by white farmers, it uses phones invented and made by white technicians, it drives vehicles invented, designed and built by white engineers, and it wears clothing created by white-owned companies.
The Negro is a racist beast that has failed to develop into a civilized creature. The Negro brain, which is slightly more developed than that of a squirrel, knows nothing more than feeding, screwing and causing mayhem. They are a hopeless cause, a barbaric bunch of cowards always working in large groups because of their lack of courage. As you could see from the video, not one adult Negro stood in their path and tried to make them stop. This is because the Negro cannot tell the difference between right and wrong. Even a 50 year old Negro cannot understand simple concepts that a 3 year old white child instinctively knows.
there's chaos in the video there's no need to argue here.
ReplyDeleteThis cant be fixed the media has alot to do with this
What the hell is wrong with these Jungle Skunks???
ReplyDeleteOh, what the hell is right with these Jungle Skunks???
2/15 at 9:11 am. ... you are correct. And I don't care what race they are. In some of these families, crime is a way of life for generations. They should be sterilized. That way, after a couple of generations, we may see improvement.
ReplyDeleteJust imagine if Cheif Queef made an impromptu visit.......
ReplyDelete@ Feb. 24th/11:00pm. Bill Cosby even gave up. Nothing replaced his TV "show". Nor even Family Matters (show me a Chicago cop like him). You're correct, however, let's keep it real.
ReplyDeleteYou made headlines on The Onion, Chicago. Detroit jokes are......OVER!
Frankly, if this doesn't end soon, a new Adolf HITLER will emerge - one who picks the PROPER targets this time! It's impossible to deny that this race of savages truly are a "cancer in our midst", a dagger pointed at human civilization and responsible for virtually ALL of Chicago's (and much of the rest of the nation's) problems.
ReplyDeleteBlack history month.... Way to represent your "people".
ReplyDeleteImagine what this summer is going to be like. People better wake up and start purchasing firearms and ammunition. Its only a matter of time before these savages start going into neighborhoods and pulling people out of their homes.
ReplyDeleteWatch the video. Draw your own conclusions. The government wants us to give up our 30-round magazines and long arms? Are you joking? This is why I want to remain armed. I want no part of "diversity" or whatever politically correct term you might want to try and spin this story with.
Professor Goodwood, you have spoken like a true scholar. Due to political correctness , these rampaging apes will only get worse.
ReplyDeleteYou can see by the comments on this page on ANY story featuring blacks misbehaving that blacks cannot learn from their mistakes, nor reason nor come up with any new tactics in a logical argument.
ReplyDeleteYou cannot criticize or punish blacks when they misbehave, you can only praise them, coddle them and pat them on the head when they do things like this.
If Timmy had a video in which a black burst into somebody's house with a gun and raped them, which happened in Bucktown recently, old vblack mammy Grandmas like the ones commenting here would just say we need psychiatric help and try to shame us.
Psychiatry is a lie primarily for the reason that these so-called "physicians" do not understand that blacks cannot co-exist with the rest of the bipedal lifeforms on this planet. My brother cannot get proper help at a local social service agency anymore because it's been invaded by criminal blacks, both "members" and new, black staff who are trying their best to turn it into yet another government teat for lazy blacks to suck off of. Their clubhouse in Lakeview is all 50 year old black guy loudmouths shooting pool and bullying the mentally retarded, eating cheap, shitty food and looking up (c)rap lyrics on computers meant to look for jobs and other beneficial things.
Look at this: http://gawker.com/5794151/mcdonalds-job-fair-brawl-hit+and+run-video-marks-americas-latest-nadir
White people showing up for a job fair do not turn it into yet another orgy of violence.
I will definitely be getting my FOID card soon, purchasing multiple firearms and stocking up on ammo. Ive seen quite enough of this type of behavior. Spread the word and spread the message. I dont care what people (liberals) think anymore. More and more of this needs to be brought to light.
ReplyDeleteAnd in that video, you can see the common, stupid ass black behavior of laughing so hard they stumble all over the place, it's like clockwork, a pack of fat ass black girls are congregating on the sidewalk, one of them will start laughing so hard she falls backwards into you when you're trying to pass.
ReplyDeleteUsually because another one of them will take the opportunity to try and pick your pocket during the commotion. Just step aside and let them fall on their well-cushioned rear end and keep on truckin'.
Vereck Dinyard, very well put. I do actually know some blacks that take personal responsibility and do not tolerate this type of behavior by other blacks. There are far too few however and are vilified by other blacks and accused of being "sellouts" and "Uncle Toms". Its truly sad.
ReplyDelete" give them enough rope to hang themselves" is exactly what we are doing.
ReplyDeleteWhat's funny is that Obama made a recent visit here to talk about gun control. This city has become a total joke. Anytime Rahm and his side kick, Gary McCarthy, open their big yap to talk about the current situation, there seems to be an immediate rash of shootings and homicides. It's almost like a retaliation of some sort. Whatever the case, I'm so sick of living here with these people. It's only going to get worse especially when the weather gets warmer. Happy Black history month.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you needed to add "Black" in the headline.
ReplyDeleteI was the guy who threw the chair through the window! I'll do it again! Y'all mother fuckaass done fcuked up!!
ReplyDeleteI'm locked and loaded. Come see me next time boy.
DeleteDon't forget the biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, dante! Death rides a PALE horse....
DeleteDante, shut up and move along, you moron.
ReplyDeleteDante, see if your underdeveloped Negro brain can understand these simple concepts. I do not think you will because the average jungle Negro is such an ignorant, stupid beast, but here goes anyway:
ReplyDeleteThe chair was thrown by a Negro through a window in a car driven by a Negro. That car will be taken by the Negro to a repair shop owned by a white person, it will be paid for by an insurance company run by white people who will now charge the Negros more for coverage, the glass will be made in a company owned by whites, and white engineers will be paid well to design the glass. In short, the only person who gets hurt in this whole process is the Negro who "owns" the car. All others involved in the transaction, white people, will benefit.
Therefore, Dante, the more you continue your repulsive Negro behaviors, the more white people benefit. I ask you: Would it not be more to your benefit to learn how to act white? Then you could afford nice cars, like the ones in the commercials that are driven by mice who have twice the brain capacity of the average Negro!
Yo, haf o dese boyz finna be my keedz, ya'll rayciss ass crackas be hatin' on my chirrun, dis is how weez have funz 'cuz you crackas honkeyz be opprezzin us and shit.
ReplyDeleteFinna Finna finna!
ReplyDeleteNo black people own auto repair shops, right.
ReplyDeleteNot one I'd ever use, fingering ferrets for money
DeleteThese racist comments are worse than what actually happened! Oh no wait, they're not, but it's only a matter of time for some goon to come on here and make that stupid statement.
ReplyDeleteHave you noticed all the mammy granmawmaws posting on here chastising us for our racism while not acknowledging one iota that this is hard evidence of organized mob violence rarely committed by other races. They're practically on the verge of going "Did'n do nuffins, they beez honor students turning their lives around, he gonna put out a rap cd".
ReplyDeleteIt's just not cutting it, so we cannot criticize anyone who's browner than a tan without being racist? What a defense.
Too bad.
Oh and hey, if you look at FGFM's shitty blog, most of his content consists of stalking commenters on other websites and trying to fuck with them, not that I looked at his website more than twice. He's probably one of the retards who posts on Craigslist all day and night arguing politics, maybe even Yelp Talk. Why in the fuck do people sign up for a website that's supposed to be about bitching about restaurants and argue politics until they're blue in the face? What in the fuck is wrong with your mind? Christ.
At least Jeffo is interested in photography and architecture other than bitching about Twitter. Do you have any original content, FGFM? Fuckface!! Fuckface loser.
The fact that blacks like to film themselves breaking the law and proudly put it on WorldStarhiphop themselves is going to be their undoing.
ReplyDeleteTo the people on here complaining that this is an inaccurate portrayal of black teens - who do you think took these videos & put them online? There are dozens of videos from this chimpout alone on WorldStar HipHop. No white person is doing anything to make these monkeys look bad - they are doing it entirely on their own.
ReplyDeleteFGFM: Fat Gorilla From Maywood? Just asking. Thank you for agreeing with me. And yes, you are correct, it has been verified by a recent study that not one auto repair shop in the U.S. is owned by a black person. All the Negros who can add and subtract at a 4th grade level eventually graduate high school and then go on to work for the government in a job that requires no thinking skills or reasoning. None of them can perform any meaningful work because several generations of dependence on Democrat welfare has caused them to lose any ability to learn a trade.
ReplyDeleteThe video capture/pic is classic. Brings back memories of the Walgreens parking lot at Broadway/Belmont in one of $hitcago's "better neighborhoods" (at the lakefront no less).
ReplyDelete2/27 @ 8:37am - Exactly! And they're proud of this too! Maybe they think they'll land a record deal with DefJam or get to be an "extra" in a Chicago Cheif Quif video or something.....
ReplyDeletetheir behavior is becoming the NORM -typical every day normal.
ReplyDeleteI'VE Seen them do the same and worse over NIKE tennis shoes.
You have to remember, these are people who were turned out in the streets shortly after birth to raise themselves
I would think that the law-abiding, hardworking blacks would rise up tell the world that they don't want to be associated with the dregs, criminals, and bums of their own race.
ReplyDeleteI have never met a "law-abiding" or "hardworking" nig. But if there are 2 or 3 out there, they are always quick to defend the actions of anyone of the nig race, regardless of what crimes they have committed. A nig will always defend another nig. Think O.J.
ReplyDeleteYou've got that right. They have a strong loyalty to each other. You can't join that club if you're not of their color.
Deletewhy didn't he get his cam phone stole? isn't that what all these chimps are best known for?
ReplyDeletefuckin' nigs
ReplyDeleteAnyone would have busted out my windows thats why a car has a reverse and drive.
ReplyDeleteTo all of you nasty, filthy disrespectful, narrow minded, hateful, Need Jesus, cowards hiding behind a computer spewing racially hateful remarks will all get sick and die from all the hate that you have toward an 'Entire' race of people! Instead of saying something intelligent or something useful all you do is use verbal abuse. Where was security for this event! If proper supervision was used then none of this would have happened. Anytime an event like this is held, there is supposed to be police stationed or the event is supposed to have some type of order with security in place! Don't get me wrong, I am not condoning this type of behavior at all! But calling people disgusting vile names is certainly not the answer! And I'll tell you another fact, you wouldn't dare say all of those things that you are so bravely typing on the computer to an "African American's face!!" believe that!! So, go ahead and keep up your racist rants safely behind your computer because I'm not better, I just know better! I don't care how mad I get I would never attack another race or call another race a racial name! It's the individual's behavior that I would attack and not the color of their skin! Enough Said!
ReplyDeleteTo 5:40 AM: You are one of the people destroying this country. EVERY clown who was breaking the law at Ford City was a NEGRO! Obviously you are also a NEGRO. However, instead of attacking the lawbreakers, you want us to ignore that they are NEGROS. Well, we will not. Instead of standing up and trying to control the NEGROS breaking the law, you attack those of us who want this activity to stop. Typical racist NEGRO behavior:. "Jus' becuz I's black, I is never gone to talk against other blacks." Get a clue, baboon. These NEGROS were attacking other NEGROS. Why should those of us who work and pay taxes have to pay police to control you NEGROS? You are just another lazy loudmouth welfare queen who will do nothing to control your evil spawn. I can picture you now, you are female, under 25, have at least four chilluns, and about 350 pounds.
ReplyDeletei blame the white man for the racist problems we are now in america. If they had not been so gotdamn lazy and looking for free labor tying hey wouldn't have the problems hey have now. we could have still been in the motherland. i 'm not saying what the kids are doing is correctyou get what you pay for and this case what you didn't pay for. you are paying now.
ReplyDeleteyou stole america from the indians and enslaved
The above video says it all. If you can look at that and say there is not a problem with black people here, you are simply delusional. And this happens every day in every major city. Just go to World Star Hip Hop and check it out for yourself. Not only are you little chimps doing this daily, but they think it's so ok & normal that they record it and post it online.
DeleteI just wish Chicago media wasn't so scared of schfartzes threatening to sue over any perceived slight, that they would broadcast this including all the close ups of faces and ID these "people."
chicago what a shithole home of barack bin laden obama
ReplyDeleteIt's so very sad how WE as a people blame things on race while the real source goes free! Whose the real source and should be blamed? The devil! He comes to kill, steal and destroy! He'll use anyone who opens or allows themselves to be used by him! No matter what race, creed or color! God bless!
ReplyDeleteFord city was a shoping paradice back in 1985 kind of dangerous now.