Saturday, March 2, 2013

Video: 'Chicago police beat me while gunshot victim lay bleeding on the floor,' says so-called police brutality victim

A Chicago man says officers, who should have been more concerned about a shooting victim who was bleeding on floor, brutally attacked him for no reason.

Chicago News Report unearthed a 35-minutes-long surveillance video that documents the incident.

In the moments leading up to the shooting, which occurred outside an unidentified store, the business was flooded with young, black males.

Shortly thereafter, frightened customers are seen running toward the back of the store and an elderly shopper was nearly trampled during the melee.

While stunned onlookers cowered in fear, several males dragged the shooting victim inside the store.

Based on the footage, the victim appeared to be paralyzed from the waist, down... an indicator the victim was probably shot in the back.

When authorities arrived at the scene, nearly five minutes after the shooting, their attention seemed to be focused on a bystander.

Although the alleged police brutality victim has not responded to our emails, it appears the confrontation between the officers and the bystander was sparked when the bystander criticized the police for their response time... and there are several clues in the video that support our theory.

The main officer involved in the confrontation, who also happens to be black, can be seen arguing with the bystander.

Seconds later, the alleged brutality victim is jumped by several cops, thrown to the floor, and apparently tasered.

If you have more details regarding this incident, please leave a comment or send  us an email.


  1. LOL @ all the ignorant nigs using their LINK cards for junk food.

  2. How can the Hindu cashier give good customer service behind that bullet proof glass shield? I think that store is on the West side near Jackson & Pulaski.

  3. Those two kids snuck behind the counter when the store clerk came out. I bet they were stealing things...

  4. The bald headed a-hole was drunk and when asked why he was interfering with what was going on, responded with a hibbity-jibbity chimpout and shoved his hands in his pockets. He was ordered to show his hands but failed to comply, instead babbling with the usual shithead swearing. He was not "jumped" by police, he was immobilized to prevent him from producing a weapon. Since he was non-compliant, sufficient force had to be applied to restrain him.

    As you correctly state, this was a "melee" and when officers arrive, they want everyone to calm down and fully comply. They have no idea who or where the shooter is, who may or may not be armed, and when a loudmouth tries to interfere, he will be dealt with immediately, for the safety of the police as well as the other bystanders. As you can plainly see, other officers immediately go to the victim because they want to get details of what happened before he passes out.

    As for the two little kids who "snuck behind the counter," they were terrified and trying to hide because they had no idea where the shooter was. Sad that this is how they have to live.

    Thank you, Democrats, who, with their liberal Great Society, have reduced our cities to meaningless violence and mayhem and destroying any hope of promise for today's young people.


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