Saturday, March 2, 2013

Lincoln Park postal store accused of 'knocking customer on the ground,' owner says story isn't true

Early Saturday, police responded to a North Side Lincoln Park neighborhood store that ships packages for FedEx.

According to a 12:59 p.m. police dispatch report, a FedEx employee at 559 West Diversey Parkway, grabbed a package from a female customer and knocked her down.

Based on online business records, the address belongs to Steve Rozell's Postal Plus.

Chicago News Report contacted the store and a man who identified himself as the owner, said the police dispatch report isn't true.

"Yes, the police were here. A woman tried to steal from my store. She tried to take personal information and I tried to stop her. That's all that happened," said the owner.

Reviews on seem to indicated there are major customer service issues at the tiny Lincoln Park business.

Online reviews accuse the owner of being rude, yelling, and rolling his eyes at customers.

Photo credit: Google Maps


  1. ^ Ya know! I like the "chain of command" when reporting problems in "chains". They have standards and your complaints WILL be heard and corrected.

    These Chicago-style "indies" have no standards, very, very, very high non-owner slave/employee turnover and no consistency (the survival component of any business). I would really like to support them but just can't.

  2. The large companies here are even worse. Have you ever called Comcast customer service? Its 99% groids, and assuming they dont hang up when you ask to speak to a supervisor, shes a groid too...

    Their commitment to diversity is also a commitment to incompetence...

  3. And they wonder why people don't support small businesses.


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