According to various news reports, Chicago police issued a warning for Michigan Avenue stores.
The alert indicates mobs of teens are planning a Saturday attack on the Magnificent Mile.
In light of this information, Chicago News Report contacted sources at two stores that have been targeted by black flash mobs in the past.
Information obtained by CNR suggest that The North Face store at 875 N. Michigan Avenue, is a sitting duck.
"We were told about the alert, but there is no extra security and none of us have been told what to do if mobs hit this store," said our insider.
However, the staff at The Gap, 555 North Michigan Avenue, is ready for the potential troublemakers.
"Our employees have been briefed. We have extra security and we have a solid plan of action in place," said a store official. "This store is too huge... we have to be prepared."
At the time of our inquiry, both stores said it was business as usual and no suspicious activity had been reported.
I don't think I've ever seen a black person wearing North Face in Chicago. I've seen White guys from Omaha with their suit jackets hanging out from under North Face jackets (LOL), but..........just sayin'.....
ReplyDeleteOh, and The Gap in Lakeview had a smash/grab for hoodies. That hit the news there.
ReplyDelete29 degrees out and they are already flash mobbing. Can't wait for summer!
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck still shops at The Gap? Only losers would. Wait, I just had one of Oprah's "ah ha" moments. Duh, the owner of this blog shops at The Gap. What a fucking loser.
ReplyDeleteRidge chimpout was aborted by our fine boys in blue.
ReplyDeleteAny updates on this? Has anything happened yet on Michigan Ave?
ReplyDeleteNot one thing.
DeleteSaw on the news this morning, and as MFGF stated in the below, police were ready for action at the Chicago Ridge mall. Thankfully the so called youth got the message and went back home. It's kind of scary though, as it seems like this is just the beginning of what's to come especially that warmer weather is around the corner.
DeleteThe police made a big stand on Michigan Avenue and Chicago Ridge Mall, the "youths" at Ridge got back on the bus and went back to their shitshacks.
ReplyDeleteThe police at Ridge were in full riot gear, I was so proud. I hope a whole bunch of them get the shit kicked out of them by the National Guard this summer.
I wish somebody would give a wood shampoo to those asshole Streetwise guys downtown, I was at the Art institute not so long ago and two of them were practically strong-arming tourists to buy "Homeless Negro weekly" from them.
Its officially run over a chimp week on the mag mile!
ReplyDeleteEvery flat nig-nog gets you 20% off at a store of your choice.
Get em now before they steal your car too!
I work near this area and I have to drive on Mich Ave to get on Lake Shore Drive. If any of these idiots approaches my vehicle and I feel threatened in any way I WILL GUN IT AND RUN THEM DOWN. Trust me.
ReplyDelete@ 7:44pm........that was probably the most humorous thing I ever saw in fancy/schmanzy/trendy/progressive "Lakeview East" in Chicago.....a Gap Store. I didn't know they were still in business. The last time I was in one of those places was in a suburban mall in the early 80's. I discovered Michael J. Fox and I had the same taste in shirts when watching Back To The Future. No lie. Yeah, I'm "old" and this is hilarious watching this all play out.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, they carry hoodies now for your "peeps".
I love racist comments boys....reminds me who real niggers are everyday....
ReplyDeletejust think ..the great all american white man advocating killing poor black kids over a couple shirts and sweaters...but so dumb they support all those greedy stealing republicans who are stealing billions crippling the country.....how long will this foolish false white pride last? Don't you guys realize your not best in anything? Never have been never will....the biggest crooks and murders known to man...
ReplyDelete^If you hate white people so much, why do you choose to live amongst them?
ReplyDeletethere are plenty of 100% diverse countries in africa where you could be free from the "biggest crooks and murderers" that are responsible for 0% of the 500+ annual homicides in Chicago...
What happened to our city?????????
ReplyDeleteTo 12:26 PM, here is your answer: Look at every city that is run by Democrats. Detroit is 86% black and is going to be taken over by the state. Who opposes this? Two groups - unions and the NAACP. NAACP opposes having a "white governor" appoint an emergency manager. Blacks are so racist and stupid they would rather live in squalor, slaves to welfare, than have their cities grow and flourish.
ReplyDeleteChicago is next. Gangs are in bed with the "reverends" and clowns like "Father" Phleger. The aldermen are in bed with the rev-runs. The mayor, supported by a spineless liberal mealy-mouth media, controls the aldermen with payoffs and favors. Braindead yuppies, guilty whites and racist blacks vote for anyone Democrat.
Meanwhile, our job base is eroding, homes are emptying out and crimes go unpunished and unnoticed. And down in Springfield, the Democrats ignore the fact that Illinois is on the verge of bankruptcy, focusing on sideshows like gay marriage and gun bans.
Great explanation! Interesting about the NAACP. I had no idea about their influence, which makes sense as to why the city is being run by a majority of a certain group. I wouldn't care so much if it was being run ethically, but that's not the case with so much bias and corruption. It probably explains why criminal action is not being punished. It's the same every year - flash mob after flash mob and nothing is done. I was surprised to hear that the police were actually at the Chicago Ridge mall ready and waiting. Oh well, I guess it is what it is. You either accept it or you leave the city and I opt for leaving it. I'm tired of all this crap.
Delete8:25 AM YOU FUCKING FOOL! These are the same "children" that will stomp you to death for your IPhone or nothing at all. After you bleed to death they will laugh. They are evil with no conscience. It happens all the time. Do you not watch the news? These savages will not exempt you because you think of yourself as anti-racist. If you are white, they want to kill you. Read the comments on World Star Hip Hop among other places. You will be educated on how so many of them really feel about whites. Recognizing and assessing a danger and/or threat is not racism. Wake up!
ReplyDelete@5:03PM, perfectly sums it up! Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWhite or Black, Michigan Avenue is a ghetto mall!
ReplyDeleteIt sure has turned into one.
DeleteNAACP = Negros Are Always Causing Problems
ReplyDeleteIt sure looks that way. ARGH!!!
DeleteRawr my cock is reaaaaaallly stiff
ReplyDeleteArrgghh right in my brown eye mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteA more accurate description than flash mob is "rioters and looters."
ReplyDeleteTim got caught sucking dick under the red line again. they must have taken away his internet privileges in the nut house..
ReplyDeleteIf these flash mobs congregate, terrorize law-abiding citizens and break the law, the police and fire depts. should fire rubber bullets and water cannons at the bastards.
ReplyDeleteShould be an interesting weekend as it's supposed to be 50 by Sunday and it's daylight saving time. A recipe for disaster here in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteWe have two seasons here.......winter and flash mobs.
ReplyDeleteRemember to stay off the lakefront bike path for the first couple of warm weekends, there are ALWAYS incidents
ReplyDeleteI still don't see the correlation between temperature and crime in Chicago. They're swaggering from car-to-car on the Red Line from Thanksgiving to the New Year like a bell rang for them or something.
ReplyDeleteRain? They don't come out in the rain. That is highly noticed. Low temps have nothing to do with crime in $hitcago. There were 7 shots fired to finally hit someone in the ass in Edgewater a month ago and it was 29 degrees out. Just imagine if it were August, right? Maybe 38 shots for the same end result?
Your MSM and "leaders" have you people hoodwinked and bamboozled on this temperature stuff.
You have two seasons in Chicago. Dry and me no wanna getz wet, evenz for an iphone.
Take your medicine grandpa, you senile sack of shit
DeleteTimmy hasn't had a new post in awhile sooooo
ReplyDeleteThere's a war raging in Uptown, the new alderman is finally ejecting the parasites from the ward, and the poverty pimps are desperately trying to cling to their client base.
Let's face it, with rare exceptions, like some doctors, lawyers, and even the President, otherwise blacks are useless, partially sentient violent savage beasts who cheapen our lives anywhere they cross paths with human beings.
Because we have a half-black President, now blacks are extra-uppity, as you can even see here with documented video evidence of packs of black youths operating more like locusts or savage jungle animals, you cannot criticize them, only praise them as it's racist to point out they're breaking the law. If we don't like our cities being transformed into warzones where violence can happen suddenly, well, I guess we just need "mental health help".
You ever watch that Mayberry old timey shit? Those cities and towns were safer because of the complete lack of spooks, the worst shenanigans may have caused a few deaths but not like our ultra-dangerous world filled with angry, ungrateful spooks who are handed everything and then some, but still hate our guts.
Usually their defenders will invoke "JEEESUS", which is a made-up religion created primarily to fuck with Jews and control WHITE PEOPLE, why in the hell these apes have glommed onto the stupidity of it and co-opted it for themselves is beyond me. Where are the unicorns?
You've all seen the shambling, ashy silverback crackheads on the CTA, most of those 60 year old looking men are much younger.
Those spooks living in the park near the Lake are molesting children, buying drugs and invading human colonies in order to rape, pillage and destroy.
Most blacks do not have a place in human society, Lincoln had the right idea to repatriate them to South American but John Wilkes Booth put a stop to that. It was a two-pronged effort, free them in order to finally rid us of them.
It's not too late. We need to declare anything creature with more than 60 percent "African American" blood in them and haven't earned a decent wage for at least a year of their miserable life no longer deserving of the full rights of an American citizen, they need to be ejected from our midst.
They bitch about being removed from Africa? Let's send them back.
Black basturds [bastards] are ruining it for everybody.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of cowardly racist a holes!!
ReplyDeleteAll of these losers feel so safe behind their computer screen. I hope you assholes get mobbed on michigan or wherever you frequent. Cowardly, spineless shitheads.