Friday, February 24, 2012

Report: Thief takes laptop from Lincoln Park Starbucks

A sticky-fingered bandit ran off with a customer’s computer at North Side coffeehouse, said police.

According to police dispatch, a woman’s laptop was stolen from a Lincoln Park neighborhood Starbucks at 617 West Diversey Parkway, around 8:10 p.m.

The offender was described as a male Hispanic with dark hair and a tan complexion.

The suspect, who is in his 30s or 40s, was wearing a dark-colored leather jacket.

After the theft, the crook fled the scene westbound on Diversey, said police.

As of 8:40 p.m., there was no indication the suspect was apprehended.


  1. Not excited about community at allFebruary 24, 2012 at 10:54 PM

    I've never understood these cheap-arse people who camp out at Starbucks and Panera all day sucking up the free wi-fi, everybody can see what they're working on, and plus it's creepy. Just pay for internet at home already.
    Here in Rogers Park there is a skinny old guy who kind of looks like "The Vulture" from the Spider-man comic books, he wears natty, expensive clothes and is seen walking around between NorthShore and Arthur all day, or in Starbucks. He needs some hobbies other than loitering, I know he can afford to do other stuff?

  2. I also think it's creepy how people spend their time on-line at Starbucks...never looking at another human, just staring at their laptops. VERY CREEPY.

  3. Oh, they look at other humans, expecially the employees. Starbucks exacerbates Chicago's loitering problem.

    I'm gay but am absolutely sick of their obvious 98.9S% flaming fag employees.

    Get this, one in the Loop pilfered my name off my debit card and found out where I worked, tracked me down on the internet and wanted to "connect" with me via He was pleasant, we exchanged greetings. My co-worker asked "did you just hear what he said about you" when we walked in one day. I didn't. I'm immune to it at this point. He commented one day "we should hang out sometime". I replied "I keep a very busy schedule" (i.e. NO). He did "find" me via other means though.

    Check out the overly flamboyant one at Belmont/Clark. "Howz you doing today, honey?". No reply. Listen to him summons the one across the room......"Heated scone is ready babaaaaay" (with one hand on hip). Really, go in there and check this out. It's insulting to this gay man. I'm an in/out. Coffee to go.

    I go to Starbucks because they're consistent. Plain and simple. Like McDonalds, you know the product you are getting. The service however, is a sideshow.

    Eat it up Chicago. Some stupid "marketing" wiz in Seattle that thinks he knows demographics has got you by the balls.

  4. Might be one of those losers from the drop-in center on Wrightwood and Lakeview.
    I want people to be aware that most of the panhandlers in that general area HAVE APARTMENTS,LINK, ETC and are only begging for drug/booze money.

  5. Or begging for cigarettes when they don't even smoke. They sell them as "loosies" for $1 on the south side.

  6. (via the Red line). Very "transient" alright - these people in Shitcago. Wait 'til Courtney's Dad (still paying for her rent and car inshowance on his 3rd mortgage at her ripe age of 28) gets wind of the Windy City on this website. Ya'll are done!

  7. Funny about the gay baristas. I thought it was funny that the manager where I loiter is obviously gay as are some of his underlings. Had no idea this was a Starbucks thing.

    As for the people who stare at their laptops and don't make eye contact, I am one of those people. Making eye contact invariably leads to some pervert or otherwise lonely, socially inept person to descend upon you and want to chat your ear off...

    Lots of crazy people loiter at Starbucks...YOu make eye contact at your own risk...I am generally an open, friendly person...I can't tell you how much trouble those qualities have invited upon me at Starbucks....

    Next time you see someone staring at a laptop, pity the person and the experiences that have led them to this anti social position.


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