The confrontation started with the subjects, who are African American, calling each other “black”. Apparently, being called black is extremely insulting to the black community.
One participant claimed another male agitator has “herpes in his mouth”. We can only imagine how he made that discovery.
When words would no longer suffice, the “men” decided to get physical and engaged in a shoving match.
Before any real action could jump off, two detectives boarded the train and defused the situation.
Ah! Just another lovely day on CTA!
The shine line strikes again.
ReplyDeleteJust more ignorant eeking and ooking in the monkey house at the zoo. That is truly a worthless species...they need to be exterminated.
ReplyDeleteYou can repeat these scenes on the Red line on the north side on a daily basis too. I'm dating someone in Lincoln Square, throw in the Brown line as well. These "people" are usually high as hell on something. If they're so disadvantaged and still crying "woe is me I'm black" in this day and age, where is the $$ for this alcohol and drugs coming from?
ReplyDeleteAnd furthermore, what about the other riders that are just trying to get to work or tend to their elderly parent? It's as if they don't even exist. The bus/train is NOT your home! Going through this with some ghetto trash from the south side at work right now too. The VP is involved. She's "entitled" and owns the office according to some (but not me). This is a Chicago thang. People don't put up with it even in Detroit.
Peculiar how they cackle and laugh about this but when somebody pulls a knife and somebody dies, the whole emotion changes drastically to "my brotha was a good man and tooks care of his chillins' and was gettin' his G.E.D. and, and..............".
Worthless monkeys. Burn em all.
ReplyDeleteBlacks disrupt and trash the CTA making it unpleasant for everybody else. Almost every time I take it there's a black making noise and being a public nuisance.
ReplyDeleteThis is beyond idiotic.
ReplyDeleteAll of these morons pull out their phones but no one calls the police.
Shine Line...LMFAO
ReplyDeleteYou want some free entertainment one day?
ReplyDeleteGo on to Twitter, and search the term "niggaz."
Fucking hilarious. I just did it now, here's a random sampling of what I found:
"@TRIPLEXKITTY: My nigga going show ya dumb niggaz to tip dis pussy"
"@I'M_2CUTE: Niggaz love sloppy head an I luv giving it"
"@xaviermarkeithc: my niggaz chaz n mav n jroc bout geeked af jus kame n da house from coolin it wid em lol."
"@JiGGaDinero: Niggaz eat da pussy and be licking ass nasty"
“@IAmKuntry229: Not dat I fuck wit ereday! Iaint got nun like dat! No homo, I fuck wit mo niggaz than bitchez cause I got a gurl.”
"@FuckA_MainBitch: Niggaz Horny!!! #BootyMeDownASAP!!!"
It just goes on, and on, and on. It's like another fucking language. Do they even care about how stupid they look and sound?
I learned to do this from a good friend who is in HR at a major, national bank here, that has a ton of locations on the south side, so all the "niggaz" apply to work at it. On the initial application, after the "niggaz" have made multiple authorizations for the company to use any means necessary to check their backgrounds, it asks for their screennames or "handles" on social media like FB, Twitter, etc, and the niggaz always provide them.
He told me they eliminate a significant percentage of black southside 18 - 30 year olds the moment they get into their social media. That’s if they even make it that far, some of the email addresses these people use actually have racial, sexual, gang-affiliated & drug terms in them, which he said immediately invalidates their apps.
OK, that was supposed to read, "Look up the term N I G G A Z." Replace the ****z you see with that, no spaces.
ReplyDeleteApparently, CNR has the filter set high today. Why, CNR? All I'm doing is regurgitating the vomit they spewed.
Give them each a gun.
ReplyDeleteLet them shoot it out in Soldier Field.
Rome knew what they were doing.
Admission money raised could be used for 1 way ticket to Africa.
Reinforcing negative stereotypes is never helpful.
ReplyDelete"Reinforcing negative stereotypes is never helpful"
ReplyDeleteYou're absolutely correct. Starts with the behavior of these coons. People here are commenting on the behavior that they observe daily, and is verified by the coons themselves not only recording it, but putting it online for the whole world to view.
Apparently, they're proud of it.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should start a non-profit that encourages people to move to africa (or any other country for that matter). These people hate America to begin with, so why the fuck are they even here? Offering free plane/boat tickets to these people is much cheaper than paying for their entitlements/prison housing...
ReplyDeleteOnce they get there, the lions can show them why Fibromyalgia doesnt exist in Africa...
Black is wack
ReplyDeleteEvery CTA trip I've ever taken, there are blacks ranging from superghetto to job-having mofos, and they all get bug eyes and almost move to lunge at anybody who pulls out a smartphone or other pricey gadget, it's like they cannot contain their urge to snatch it and run.
ReplyDeleteit would have been a lot more fun if the doors opened while they were 'push' pus fighting and all 3 fell out onto the third rail - now that's some bbq!
ReplyDeleteThe CTA is overrun with nigs. No matter where I go or what time of the day, the trains and buses are crammed with nigs. I only use the CTA for commuting and I KNOW all the nigs on the CTA are unemployable by their behavior and appearance...so WHERE are they all going??????
ReplyDeleteLOL at all these wetbacks posting on this thread about the nigs.
ReplyDeletethis is why it was better when they had to ride in the back.
ReplyDeleteRosa Parks you bitch
Just another day in the urban jungle.
ReplyDeleteSorry about the link; replace the asterisks with the letters: http
ReplyDelete"Shine Line" !! rofl!!
ReplyDeleteIt's great we haven't had any crime 5 days.
ReplyDeleteWhere ya been, CNR? Does no new news = good news?
ReplyDeleteThere is some good news recently, the black criminal who held up the pizza shop in Ukranian Village last month, Jamaine Williams, was caught. Of course, he was just paroled for a weapons violation, and was caught after carjacking a woman at gunpoint to replace the other stolen car he was driving, and leading Chicago police on a high speed chase through residential neighborhoods. Also, a quick search for his name on the IDOC Inmate Search (google that term) shows that not only does he have the 2007 felony weapons arrest for which he is on parole, but also has a felony weapons arrest from 2002. Way to not reinforce those negative black stereotypes, Jamaine!
But besides that, last night we had a huge schfartze riot at a mall in Orlando, where get this, they were about to release a new, $250 pair of glow in the dark Nike basketball shoes. Apparently, a couple thousand black teens showed up, so of course there was violence amongst them bc of competing gangs, before they all joined hands & decided to rush the police in Riot gear that were protecting the mall. The usual insanity ensued - broken windows, looting, gunshots, people getting stabbed.
But good luck getting a racial description of the offenders in ANY mainstream media outlet. Fortunately, Twitter, Facebook & Instagram (a photo sharing social media app) have blown up with images those n's took themselves then put online. Not a white/asian/latino/middle eastern person in sight amongst the rioters. This is gonna be a long, brutal summer.
So yesterday on the Brown Line in the Loop, 3 get on (together), immediately split up, one at the front, one near the back and one in the middle and YELL/talk to each other (sometimes all at the same time) about their trials and tribulations at that darn place they have to go to everyday called - the job. After 5 stops, they gather together again - and exit together. What the F is that all about? We KNOW you're here, o.k.?!! And wonder why people have no respect for them?
ReplyDeleteWhen Towanda et al. complain we all shouldn't have our "expensive gadgets" lest we become a victim, this is the #2 reason I bought that "expensive" $150 ipod. The #1 reason was the gum cracking/snapping and crispy doodle chip crunching akin to an animal that is ever so abundant (but that gum and fried foodie thing can spread amongst all here in Chicago).
Riding the CTA is a third world experience (in your downtown "Loop" no less, not the south side).
C'mon folks....blacks are good. When they're Dead!!