The shooting occurred at a liquor store on the 2500 block of East 79th Street, near East 79th Street and Essex Avenue, around 6:46 p.m.
The closest liquor store to that location is Budget Food & Liquor at 2504 East 79th Street.
Seven people were shot, two of them are dead, said police.
Five people were transported to area hospitals; with patients going to Jackson Park, Trinity, and Comer Hospitals.
The patient taken to Comer Children's Hospital is said to be 13-years-old.
CTA buses traveling in the vicinity of the shootings have been temporarily rerouted.
No further details are available.
The City needs to set up target practice ranges for these nigs so they can learn to kill each other with one shot. How can you shoot 7 nigs and only kill 2? Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... February 19, 2012 7:45 PM “ How can you shoot 7 nigs and only kill 2? Pathetic. “
ReplyDeleteWhile their poor marksmanship probably explains a lot of this, handguns are not as powerful as many people seem to believe. In addition, modern medical care does a great job of saving the lives of people that would have otherwise died from their wounds. Most people who are shot with handguns survive.
A bullet through the eye is hard to survive.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... February 19, 2012 9:28 PM “A bullet through the eye is hard to survive.”
ReplyDeleteThis is true, but it is also difficult to achieve that level of marksmanship under real combat conditions.
People have survived contact shots to the head (the muzzle of the handgun is pressed directly against them).
this is good news
ReplyDeleteThis is really sad stop the killing I know the two that got killed my prayers goes to my friend Tiff one was her son Roc an Alamo your with yo wife now R.I.P love ya'll
ReplyDeleteShoots 7 and kills 2. They have absolutely no idea what they're doing with those guns here. That's the scary part.
ReplyDeleteAny mail boxes, car doors or bathroom windows hit?
my heart hurts ilove roc as my own and alamo i called my brother i hate to tell my son we lost 2 dear ones to our family extension. know that when i say i love you both is not just words but heartfelt emotions, love auntie mother sister to many in the town love vonnie
ReplyDeleteCastellan, really? So your the resident know it all? Wow you have some Audacity with some of your statements. To bad nobody really gives a damn......lol
ReplyDeleteWhen there's a police involved shooting then the self-appointed reverends lead marches and try to get on television, always looking for some money. Everyday events like this where you get most of the casualties they're nowhere around except to make a buck giving a speech at a funeral.
ReplyDeleteGood point, Castellan, on the damaage by a handgun. Real life isn't like video games, where you get a kill every time you get a headshot.
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of people who are shot survive, obviously with varying degrees of injury. But between the fact that a bullet has to hit you in the right spot, combined with the resiliency of the human body & the miracles of modern medicine, mean that gunshot wounds are not fatal. In the old west, people took days to die from gunshot wounds, and it was usually a combination of infection from the bullet & bleeding to death, not because someones head was removed by a Smith & Wesson.
WTF! This is ridiculous and they wander into the North side to visit their section 8 cousins and cause more problems than their low life cousins already do. These people are a waste of space and they wonder why others don't want them around. I say we put them all in the Lions' den in the zoo. Or we can ship them all to Africa and see how long they can survive!
ReplyDeleteRoc and alamo you were both worthless niggazz,never work a day in yo life so you gess what you deserve! You wiff Whitney Houston now.
ReplyDeleteTo 1249 - Did you know the guys who were killed? If so, tell us more about them. Were they random, innocent bystanders, or (as it seems) were they targeted by the shooters for some reason?
ReplyDeleteWhat set were they affiliated with? What are their handles on FaceBook/Twitter/Myspace??
That type of info isn't available on mainstream media. Help shed some light on this story . . .
ReplyDeleteThis shows a need for concealed weapons carry because if the victims had guns also then they could have shot back there-by protecting themselves and not just become victims as usual. You want to stop the violence, do like other major cities have done and authorize concealed weapons carry. No fun getting shot back at. Well, is it punk? We need to stop being lambs to the slaughter; turn the other cheek and return fire. Yep, leave these punks with guns and us with nothing and you will keep getting the same thing, us dead and them still can't shoot straight.
ReplyDeletedem nig nigs needs to stop be holdin dey guns sidewayz n sheeit. Less bruthas fo my tax dollahs to support
ReplyDeleteBlack is wack
ReplyDeleteAnonymous liberal said... February 20, 2012 6:59 AM “Castellan, really? So your [sic] the resident know it all? Wow you have some Audacity [sic] with some of your statements.”
ReplyDeleteDid you have something specific you wanted to discuss?
Anonymous liberal said... February 20, 2012 6:59 “To [sic] bad nobody really gives a damn......lol”
Clearly, some people really do find value in my comments (a statement that you are unable to make). This bothers you so much that you feel compelled to make your inane, childish comments.
Mann.. Itss A War Zone For Mfss .. On Cheif Theyy Daa Oness Wanna Ghedd In Too It With Err-BODYY Dhats Whyy They Dnt Knoww Whuu Shootinqq At Demm Bhudd Sadd Dhat Daa People Whuu Wasnt Da Tarqett Died Tear Gonee Bhudd Nevvaa Will Be Forqotten XOXOXO ! <3
wow black people we need to so do better, this is crazy, and the scary part is revalations is manifesting itself on a daily..my heart and prayers to those families and I hope that what satan made for evil God greatness willl prevail through...