Monday, February 18, 2013

Cops: Man wanted for Rogers Park attack, possible attempted robbery

Police are looking for a man who assaulted a woman in Chicago’s Far North Side Rogers Park neighborhood.

Citing police dispatch reports, the incident occurred near the intersection of North Paulina Street and West Jarvis Avenue, around 6:35 p.m.

According to the initial report, a man grabbed a woman and tried to rob her.

The suspect was described a black male in his 30s wearing a black hat and a black sweater.

The offender was last seen running westbound on Jarvis from Paulina, said police.

At the time of this report, no further details were available.

Photo credit: Google Maps


  1. Whenever it is warm out, you can see criminals lurking about, eyes darting around, looking for opportunity. It disgusts me.
    The police used to be able to hassle obvious potential perps like this and run them off.

  2. Racial profiling works...they should bring it back!!

  3. Also to be fair there's a particular kind of greasiness when there's white criminals about, usually they have a Ned Flanders moustache, a mullet and a general air of dirtiness and jaundice about them.
    You can just scan the tables at Panera Cares if you need examples of the type.

  4. But I dont understand.....this is normally such a nice area. There's no crime in Rogers Park. Are you guys making things up? Stop fear mongering!

  5. Why are there no police walking the beat ? Undercover even ?

    Or is it that he Police are afraid to walk our streets, which they are paid to patrol ?

  6. Rogers Park gets less safe every year.

  7. The same thing happened to me tonight. Almost the exact same place. Cops notified.

  8. You should always call the police when you see a black where they don't belong.
    Here are a list of place.
    Not in jail
    On the plane
    On the train
    On the bus
    In front of Dominick's, doing the thorazine shuffle
    In line in front of you
    Inside your daughter's vagina


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