Thursday, February 7, 2013
Chicago, Everyblock is closed, dead!
I would have posted something sooner, but in light of this fantastic news, I was in such a celebratory mood, I couldn't tear myself away from "giving head behind Sidetrack."
We’re sorry to report that EveryBlock has closed its doors.
It’s no secret that the news industry is in the midst of a massive change. Within the world of neighborhood news there’s an exciting pace of innovation yet increasing challenges to building a profitable business. Though EveryBlock has been able to build an engaged community over the years, we’re faced with the decision to wrap things up.
Thank you for having let us play a role in how you get your neighborhood news. Thanks for the contributions, for the questions, and for allowing us to connect you to each other, in many cases to make great things happen in your community. Along the way, we hope we’ve helped you be a better neighbor.
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I guess they hired more paid shills than they could afford?
ReplyDeleteEither that or their funding dried up after Obama got re-elected, and their propaganda was no longer necessary...
I thought Eb was a good commuity resource. What am I missing?
ReplyDeleteEveryblock was too afraid to publish the truth.
ReplyDeleteMaybe now all the fat, broke losers in Rogers Park will join gyms and search for paying jobs instead of spending all day on that bullshit blog complaining that it's George Bush's fault.
ReplyDeleteI agree most posters were vapid and tripe ...lost dogs, foodie reviews etc. really pathetic Midwestern mentality rants ...I to am glad they've been silenced, bunch of self serving simps only posted there.
ReplyDeleteThat's a shame. They were just on the verge of solving all the problems at the Dominick's on Broadway via EB. Maybe the two sides can meet at the organic cupcake store and duke it out live.
ReplyDeleteWhat will Phoebe do?
ReplyDelete^ I swear, that was my first thought too! Maybe she'll get married, realize she can't change the world afterall, move back to Iowa or maybe check out Schompton.
ReplyDeleteFitz was upset at Everyblock because I helped him get barred from the place for his racist agenda.
ReplyDeleteYou're just another brainwashed fuckface liberal bully.
DeleteEnjoy your Uptown ghetto with your heaping slice of gangbanger pie.
Uptown Update is a little too big for their britches and tricking them into approving such a link is a well deserved "Fuck you" to that old broad who runs it.
ReplyDeleteT. L. isn't all that old...
DeleteFace it, Uptown is fucked until all of you learn how to be "racist".
DeleteAnimals belong in the zoo.
FGFM is stupid and racist!
ReplyDeleteFGFM admires Al Capone!
I just wanna watch the world burn....
ReplyDeleteUptown Update is another site with rose-colored glasses that has scratched lenses yellowing by the minute. It's days are numbered too.
ReplyDeleteGoddamit!!! I did extra-good sidewalk chalk drawings outside my condo and prayed to the patron saint of douches, John Edwards, and even smoked that bag of Bob Ross's hair I bought on Ebay, but all my imaginary friends are gone!!! Wahhhh!! Wahhhh!!
ReplyDeleteEverybody knows that sidewalk chalk will save us all from savage negroes.
Like sidewalk chalk/rain/blood splatters and Air Jordan treadmarks ----- water and oil never mixed well either. "Diversity" all looks good in a textbook but it's funny how they immediately trade in the book for $4 when the "class" is over.
ReplyDeleteSo how many new transplant "artists" are going to post pictures of that da*n lighthouse from afar while ignoring the graffiti sprayed on it along with the used condoms and needles strewn about? Looks like some expensive equipment and lenses they carry around. My $40 camera has a zoom function.
The ramblings of a retard....
DeleteTotally agree. It's like a bunch of old, unsuccessful, envious white dudes who blame everyone else for the fact that they are second rate. It's a lot easier to be hateful than to come to terms with one's own failure.
DeleteNow with Everyblock gone, the circle jerk between Morse Hellhole, Chevananston, Uptown Update and a few other places will tighten up for their 23 person audience. It's a death match!! Who will win?
ReplyDeleteAlcoholics? Aspberger's syndrome sufferers? Semi-retarded trolls who miss the "Bob and Tom Show"'s comedic subtlety? Phoebe?
The issue with the place was it was a bunch of a cyberbullies masquerading as neighborhood activists, they wanted to be the thought police for everybody in the world.
ReplyDelete^ None of them have a mind of their own. They feed off of each other. Is this what they call "peer pressure"?
ReplyDeleteOne of those residents I've encountered in person many times. I don't fault him. I'm confident he knows better but is truly "just a product of his environment". It is sad.
(make that TWO that I've encountered offline - my mistake)
ReplyDelete@9:42 AM, absolutely perfect description of the moronic sheep in this neighborhood!
ReplyDeleteEveryblock was decent for finding out neighborhood crime and what not, but people were so righteous on that site! Forget disagreeing with someone...they would go on a diatribe about how they're right and you should not think the way you do. My comments were always being deleted!
ReplyDelete@7:49 ...... yet they still lust for each other and , although they try to hide it, their hatred of themselves, "liberalism" and what they have created shows on their faces, their demeanor and how they handle themselves. It's kinda sad this "progressive" stuff.
ReplyDeleteWell, in my opinion, they were at least a week off on their posts of criminal activity !!!
ReplyDeleteThey were also so extremely vague on their information of what was actually going on !!! I won't miss them at all !!!
Aspberger's for the win!
ReplyDeleteSo, Jeffo gets the Crown of shit, then?
DeleteAs far as reporting criminal activity goes, it looks like they used the standard CPD feed that the booster papers like the Gazette use.
ReplyDeleteDude, I moved out of Uptown decades ago. I just enjoy mocking idiots like Cappleman and the rest.
ReplyDeleteAnd what does FGFM stand for, anyways? Fingering guys for money?
ReplyDeleteIt's weird how you showed up to spank people after the demise of Everyblock to try and muscle that handful of fucktard blog readers to your pitiful blog.
You are every bit as psycho as the people you attack.
Dollars to donuts you're a power bottom and cry after sex.
Uptown's residents are "ghetto fabulous" no matter their origin, race, color, creed or sexual orientation. Just like the crime riddled neighborhoods with Escalades parked on the lawns of homes with iron bars on the windows that they deplore and are AFRAID of.......they have "more square footage" with granite countertops and stainless steel appliances....yet are afraid to step out after dusk too. No different.
ReplyDeleteNobody's perfect.
ReplyDeleteLong live Chicago News Report! Always showing the "real news" showing the usually M 1's.
ReplyDeleteLike all gays and blacks...CNR,you are not wanted.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, rape apes are trying to fuck joggers in broad daylight.
ReplyDeleteMuh Dikk!!
Tonight on NBC 5: All across America, Black are allowed to be police officers. Why is this allowed?
Fucking retards on this blog, I've never seen so many ignorant and ill informed posts in one place
ReplyDeleteYour open mind, has let to a empty head
DeleteMeanwhile, the sniveling cunts at Yelp Talk are allowed to continue the same kind of fucktarded behavior. Let that be our next target.
ReplyDeleteNice to see that you guys are setting your sights high.
ReplyDeleteThis headline is also applicable to CNR. Just shut it down already! Nothing newsworthy happening on this page in a looonnnggg time.
ReplyDeleteWe're keeping the rednecks occupied so they're not out running loose, try to consider that.
ReplyDelete@3:35 PM, ya because people that make an astute observation about blacks committing crimes are "rednecks". Nice try loser. Why doesn't your fat loser ass go occupy a treadmill or Craig's List job section so you can make some money and lose some weight. Everyone is sick and tired of your pathetic attempts at moral and intellectual superiority when you dont even have enough common sense to make a living or do anything worthwhile with your life.
DeleteNo what should be your conscience. Did your mom call you a loser too?
ReplyDeleteOnly at bingo when she beats me at the coverall AND got the hotball. We can have meth for dinner!
DeleteGo hang around in Englewood since you hate "rednecks" so much. Call me when you've been assraped and robbed 30 times. Oh no wait, that would never happen since you're not racist and down with the brothers.
ReplyDeleteOk grandpa I'll see you at Panera tomorrow
DeleteActually Ill be at this mythical place called work. You may have heard of it.
ReplyDeleteGrandpa, you know that drinking Jaeger in the bathroom at Panera isn't a job, even if the managers do give you money to blow them
ReplyDeleteFebruary 18, 2013 at 10:10 PM is a fat loser!
ReplyDeleteHe overcame anorexia, you have to give him props for that.
ReplyDeleteThey're going to be shutting down the southside portion of the redline later this year, who wants to take bets on how much crime on the northside decreases, especially flashmobs on Michigan Avenue?
ReplyDeleteYou know these thugs aren't smart enough to organize bus trips en masse. Glory to the CTA!!
All you people are jealous of Phoebe! Leave her alone! She is a wonderful model citizen! At least she is not angry and blaming others for her failures in life! Good for her that she chooses to lead by example and not spread hate like all you pathetic racist readers. Instead of hating others, you should go do something with your lives so that you don't have to be so hateful. Sorry that you are living an unfortunate life but it's not anyone's fault but yours!!
ReplyDeleteGO PHOEBE!!
Was it hard to write that much with chicken grease all over your fat fingers, Phoebe? Shit.
ReplyDeleteFGFM, you are seriously mentally ill, like Phoebe-level crazy, the way you stalk and fuck with people from a neighborhod you claim not to live in.
ReplyDeleteYou have delusions of grandeur thinking you can take credit for anybody being banned from anything. You are a sick fuck.
Just take your fucking Thorazine, step way from the scat porn and shut your goddamn stupid fucking mouth for once.
Only a retard argues politics so ferociously on the internet, especially advocating for drunks, losers, pedophiles and other fuckers who are a waste of air to remain anywhere around civilized humans.
I bet you are "Armon A" or one of the other regular Yelp talk fuckface losers.
Somebody should hold FGFM down and fart in his mouth repeatedly.