Tuesday, April 10, 2012

VIDEO: Rejected black man embarrasses white woman on CTA train


A white female commuter was berated in front of a train full of people, after she rejected the advances of a belligerent black man.

According to Isaiahf1990, the person responsible for uploading the video to YouTube, the shit hit the fan when the woman rejected the man's "weak ass game."

Instead of walking away like the grown, balding man that he is, the spurned ghetto-Casanova threw a hissy-fit and launched a verbal assault... saying things like, "your life ain't worth shit", "I don't want your fucking pussy", and calling the woman a "slob."

The obnoxious tirade went on for at least four minutes and forty-three seconds.

In his own words, the apparently mentally disturbed man said he verbally abused the woman because she said his behavior was "inappropriate".

He responded to the woman's comments by calling her a "monkey-mouthed bitch."


  1. if they only realized how much everyone around them hated their obnoxious behavior...

    1. I think most these comments are from your retarded ass. Look at what you're saying but have nerve to talk about black. Unfortunatly youare fitting the description of a "ni**er" jackass!!

  2. LOL! The black guy might've got rejected but the white girl definitely got OWNED and embarrassed! You can tell she dates black guys, just not that clown.

    Like it or not, the black guy wins here!

    1. You are a @#$%&%$# piece of s#% and would drop u in the river mf never seen again

  3. Well Scalabrine I guess that depends on your definition of winning.
    If you think it means embarrassing yourself and your race before you go to your section 8 apartment to mastubate (again) then I guess this is a +1 for the guy in yellow.
    But more importantly there is no black guy talking in this video. There is however a stinking ass niqger totally chimping out.

    1. Fuck u u pasty ass cracker just say black k u rot the world with ur fucking mouth

    2. Since you know so much like the assumption that he lives in a section 8 apartment do you go over to help him masterbate? Maybe play with his balls for him while he does it.

  4. They just can't take their punches.

  5. @CNR 2:15 AM-

    Cool story, bro! Now what chapter do I give a shit?

  6. I think I'm going to learn Arabic and start saying I'm from the middle east/North Africa region. Blacks in this country are really fucked up and I am sick of being lumped in with these moronic people.

  7. ^ that statement is just as moronic, do you have any clue how arabic ppl view/treat women? I found your statement funnier than anything baldy said.

  8. What I don't get is why the Hell didn't she get off at Clark & Division when she had the chance to get away from that creep?
    She has to be really stupid to put up with that shit from a worthless asshole like that!

  9. What I don't get is why the Hell didn't she get off at Clark & Division when she had the chance to get away from that creep?

    Why should she let the thugs win? I just wish she had pepper sprayed him. The threatening, intimidating manner in which he is chimping out at her is, in criminal law, assault ("Putting someone in imminent fear of bodily harm").

    Even here in Chicago, with it's very liberal laws that favor minorities & assailants, while not protecting victims rights, she would not even be arrested, much less prosecuted.

  10. What I don't get is why the Hell didn't she get off at Clark & Division when she had the chance to get away from that creep?

    One more thing - how does she know that monkey won't follow her off and onto the next car, or worse, actually try to physically assault her if she gets off the train and away from that crowd of people?

  11. Somebody should have pulled open the emergency door thing and shoved him out onto the tracks, along with the cockfucks who were filming and enjoying this chimpout.

    1. Exactly u do that to a white girl and I am there I will put a end to everyone there with lethal force !!!!! Certain death shall come!!!!!

  12. I never talk to the freaks on the train. You avoid them at all costs. Nothing good comes out of talking or interacting with these people.

  13. I understand why spooks were once lynched for even talking to a white woman. Bring back lynchings.

  14. ^^^ Timothy Fitz posting comments =)

  15. This is so embarrassing. Are Blacks not ashamed or embarrassed at how 98.9% of their race behave this way in public? And you wonder why people hate you and refuse to live with you ghetto, welfare, section 8 living losers. Your IQ is too low to understand this is the reason racism is alive today. You give the rest of us a reason to hate you. Perhaps you acted more civilized and acquired some work ethic, we might actually accept you as part of society.Until the, you are not even part of the human race.

    It really amazes me that a full grown adult would behave this way. And he probably thinks this is normal. The best way to deal with these morons is to ignore them, not even give them eye contact.

    1. All blacks do not apply to this foolishness.

  16. civilisation is dead. doesnt matter if you grew up with one people and one love, now you are judged by the color of your skin, and your life is in danger every day because of it.

  17. Yall whiteys be jealous of us blacks cuzzz we be fine singers and dancers and sports playas. Dont hate on us blacks cuz we got the Al and Jesse on our side. and whites copy blacks al;l the time. Your stanky ass rock music was copied by jazz and guess who started jazz? we black folks. and dont hate on us that we get more attention than your boring ass life less personalities. blacks will rule the world! we got oprah winfrey, barack obama, jesse jackson, samuel jackson, janet jackson, spike lee, morgan freeman, lamar odom, tameika and more!!!!!! we have a black president that lost against a white guy!!! haha!!! dont be haterzzz!!! blacks rule!!!!!!!!!!

  18. 11:44pm Real talk. I bet your "baby daddy" left you for a white girl.

  19. And we DO NOT have a black president.
    Hes a mulatto! (oreo)

  20. @Scalabrine - wasnt a story. Just enough of a rebuttal to show that your full of shit.
    If you dont give a shit go back to your coloring books niqger.

  21. ^^^ Lol @ Tim Fitz getting mad. U mad bro? The only "niqger" is you dude. You wish you were me shithead! No go fag yourself! Trololololz

  22. Anon 11:44 is not even a real comment. Lol Tim Fitz you need a life bro! Phaggot!

  23. This just shows how ignorant blacks are - this video shows some niq chimping out on a random girl on the train, and all the other niqs on the train laughing along with it & filming it. So haha, they got their "laughs" in the moment, while all the real white people rolled their eyes.

    But guess what happens in real life, when it counts? White people, who control the economy & governments here in the US, will get them back by not hiring them (even in the rare instance when a black is qualified to do something other than work in a mail room), not give them promotions if they actually have a job, and continue to support police strategies such as, pulling over & searching people for "Driving while black." If you're ever on the highway & want to speed, best position you can be in is behind a car driven by a black person that is always speeding. Ten times out of ten, if a cop has to pull one of you over, he's going for the chimp.

    So yeah blacks, go ahead & pick on some poor girl on the train for three minutes & laugh about it. Then go back to your "lives" where you won't have any opportunity, restaurants won't want to give you tables, police will harass you, etc. And when you start crying over it bc you started to grow up & realized you can't be a chimp all your life, well, you only have yourself to blame.

  24. After about 1:30, I shut it off. TNB no longer amuses me slightly.

  25. This video, and a lot of the comments on here, just go to show you how ignorant blacks really are.

    Here, we have some niq chimping out on a poor girl on the train, while all the other niqs on the train laugh about it & film it. So haha, they got their "laughs" in for 5 minutes on the train.

    But guess what happens in real life, when it matters? White people, who control both the economy & government, get the schfarz back at every turn. We do this by, not hiring them (even in the rare instance that one is qualified to work in something other than a mail room or as a dishwasher), not promoting them when they do have jobs, and being OK with the police racially profiling. For example, if you ever want to speed on the highway, drive behind a black person that is also speeding. Ten times out of ten, a cop (who can only pull over one) will pull over the niq.

    Once they get a little older, if they aren't dead or in prison, some blacks start to bitch about being treated as if they are animals from the zoo. Well, all they have to do is look in the mirror & at their behavior. Nobody forced this ape to go off on that girl, he chose to. And its chimps like him, and the teen babymammas & gangbangers (among others) who will never permit the black race to catch up to normal civilization.

  26. ^^ Amen. I am a hiring manager and I get even with them everyday...and they don't even know it.

  27. I would close my business before I would hire another black person...


  28. So, anon at 11:44 AM, can you repair a toilet main? How about doing some tuckpointing? Change a fuel filter? How setting up a lathe or a CNC machine? Repair a downed power line?
    How are you spooks going to "run this shit" when all you know is sex, rap music, greasy food and violence? If all whites disappeared there would be nothing but bombed out buildings and huts made of mud and shit, people chucking spears at each other in Uptown after the ammo runs out.

  29. Scalabrine-

    If you hate this blog so much why are you on here every 15 minutes?

  30. You are so right, 3:04 pm. If only blacks lived here, about 6 months afyter they ran out of supplies left behind by whites, this city would look like Africa - lawless, no economy, no technology, no education, just chimps attacking each other for food. Is it any suprise that the one continent on this earth that is native to black people, is the most backwards area on this planet?

    They wouldn't even have paved roads, or medicine, in Africa, if it wasn't for white colonists who had gone through there.

  31. Do they just rides the trains all night looking for white people to bother ??

  32. That dude looks like a broke down Common, but with no money or talent.

  33. What happened in Vegas was he got arrested for stealing change out of the fountains and he hopped a bus back to the Chi to ride the train all nite.

  34. Anonymous April 10, 2012 2:15 AM said, "before you go to your section 8 apartment to mastubate (again)."

    Really, dude? You are so pathetic. Clearly, you can't spell. Moreover, who thinks of crap like this except a perverted moron. You obviously spend a lot of time stimulating yourself ALONE. I can only assume you fantasize about ghetto black men sexing you down. I'm about to throw up...

  35. @anon April 10th 11:25 PM
    Yeah well I do admit I have some fantasies involving black men. Nothing sexual though. Pretty plain jane actually. They mostly involve lots of rope and sturdy tree branches.


  36. I really feel for her. A white girl can hardly walk to the corner store without getting hit on by some black guy who looks like he just completed a drug deal.

  37. @3:44pm:

    You make the same generalization that other societies want to live like us. Paved roads and medicine??? Aren't those amenities offered in every civilized nation? Would you care to explain while the real wonders of the "backwards" continent such as the pyramids of Giza, that we still can't explain, have absolutely no connection to white colonists and haven't been duplicated in their native lands? You're a fool if you think the great continent of Africa needed the white man...just like the indigenous people we wrongly call Indians needed the syphillis, smallpox, guns, and alcoholism they got in exchange for saving the settlers lives. Wow...the perfect great, white race that settled America was saved by people it looks down upon...a people that accepted and respected Africans. The joke will be on you all. The wars in Korea,Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan show you how the world feels about you oh great white hope.

  38. @ 2:43:

    We know hiring manager, we surely do. The thing is your friends pretend like we're making it up when you do what you do, but I do thank you for admitting it because someone who thought it didn't happen will read this! Thanks for having some honesty in your soul, by the way...the Lord "shall reward evil to my enemies: cut them off in your truth." I'm not afraid of racism or prejudice becasue the Lord created all people and nobody can take from me what He has given me, unless He allows it. Even satan had to ask for permission to touch Job, so what is racism? lol

  39. 10:45 am,

    I am almost 100% you know little about statistics or were ever good at math.

  40. @anon 5:53PM

    1. We dont care if you know; we kinda like it better that way.

    2. The bible is full of BS and anyone with any sense knows it. If there is a god, religion is his experiment to see the extent of man's stupidity.


  41. @ poster 2:12 P.M: You are dead-on with what you said. Sure, the shines may have a few minutes of fun at the expense of someone else. In the end, they STILL have shitty lives. They STILL lose in the end. The rest of us can laugh and sit back and enjoy our lives.

  42. look out nigga' the Klan is gettin' bigga'

  43. To yesterday at 547 pm.

    Paved roads and medicine??? Aren't those amenities offered in every civilized nation?

    Yes, those are offered by civilized nations. However, take a look at the countries of the African continent. The only one that is close to not being a third world country is South Africa - which is the one country there that had white rule (remember Apartheid? It actually helped build them something resembling a civilization).

    Somalia , Ivory Coast , Ethiopia , Tanzania , etc., are all backwards nations stuck somewhere around the middle ages. While white people were learning, experimenting & creating, the black people in those countries were doing what they've always done, which is live in tribes, have no economy, and rely on stealing from other tribes to stay alive.

    Also, you mentioned the pyramids of Giza . Those were built by Jewish slaves of the Egyptians. If you've ever been to Egypt or Libya , you would know that the people who live there aren't black, they're Middle Eastern. Believe me, the people of those two countries (which are the only two countries in Africa with any wealth besides S. Africa ) look down on the black natives as sub-human. Which proves they're smart.

    The most lawless, backwards countries on this planet are all in Africa . Compare any random African country with just about any other country in the world. The only countries as shitty as African ones are black dictatorships in the Carribbean (i.e., Haiti), and maybe Afghanistan, which is such a desolate, uninhabitable place, that only terrorists who need a base of operations bother trying to live there.

    Can you honestly name one country in Africa , or even one country that is predominantly black, that isn't plagued by war, poverty & famine? You can't. The closest you may be able to come would be a tiny resort country in the Carribbean like Barbados . And the only reason countries like that aren't bullshit, too, is becauase they are in a beautiful location, very close to the U.S. , and have been essentially taken over by white tourism developers.

  44. Do NOT buy a Sony Bloggie. What were they thinking? 1080p is great. But, everyone is supposed to mount your television set vertical to watch the picture? They even put the tripod mount where the camera has to have that stupid vert pix. If you hold it to get a wide screen picture, then your fingers cover the camera. I will NEVER buy another one.

  45. @10:07: Black people arrived in the Carribean exactly the same way they arrived in continental U.S.

    1. I'm aware of that, the difference is, white Europeans settled only a few Carribbean islands (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, Virgin Islands), leaving many as refuge points for escaped slaves. Those former slaves comingled with others from other Islands, and settled places like Jamaica, Barbados, and Haiti.

      The ones left to govern themselves, like Haiti, eventually became total shit storms. Some of the others were European colonies for a while, and eventually the slaves were freed, stayed, and turned the places into disasters.

      Like I said, please tell me ONE predominantley black country, other than a tiny resort island, that resembles anything other than a 3rd world clusterfuck. You can't, Egypt is NOT black.

    2. So will anybody answer my challenge to name one, just ine, majority black country that wouldn't be considered third world?

      Come on South Siders, there are nearly 200 countries on this planet. Surely, you can name ONE that's run by "your people" that resembles a civilized society. All I'm axing for is one. . .

  46. Haha this guy is a fool! The brothas and sistas woooooohoooo! Black ppl are hilarious....love when I see a ghetto black lady w her long nails, sculptured hair, big ass wearing jeans four sizes too small, pink lipstick, five kids, and cell phone on ear speaking Ebonics to her cuzin Lakeita!! I stare and laugh because ghetto girl has no idea how inappropriate she is....haha!

  47. What I don't get is why the Hell didn't she get off at Clark & Division when she had the chance to get away from that creep?

    Why should she let the thugs win? I just wish she had pepper sprayed him. The threatening, intimidating manner in which he is chimping out at her is, in criminal law, assault ("Putting someone in imminent fear of bodily harm").

    Grow up and put your little penis away. WDF is the point of arguing with a crazy person? Adults are not afraid to walk away from a bad or untenable situation. Life becomes easier when you stop having to prove your manhood every ten minutes.

  48. fucking niqgers...
    I think Ill bash some of you today.


  49. 8D secretly loves Black cock. He can't get enough of it on porn sites.

  50. If Obama had a son, he would look like the pavement ape that was wearing a yellow 'What happens in Vegas' t-shirt while chimping out on the train just because a White woman who was also on the train rejected him and his muhdik.

    Videos like these make me so glad that I never had to live in Chimpcago. I'm also so glad that I rarely ever have to ride public transportation in other 'chocolate' areas anymore.

  51. The white girl didn't get embarrassed. You can't quantify the level of embarrassment someone else feels.

    She comes out looking the most favorable over everyone else on the train. She has class, self-respect, and unyielding patience. That makes her a good person, someone worthy of knowing. The guy in the yellow shirt? A blight on civilization who has accomplished nothing and will continue to accomplish nothing before either he or one of his street monay associates ends his miserable, pathetic existence.

  52. this s**t is sooo dumb

  53. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. I see the tattooed cross on his chest means nothing

  55. They should have been all dragged off the train and goodified immediately.

  56. Obama's America is here.

  57. So... When is CCW coming to Chicago?

    Can't happen soon enough!

  58. im speechless, not sure how i watched the whole video but one sure thing im fucking embarrassed to be black at the moment.....

  59. black people keep digging there own graves Mexican, Chinese, white ask any other race why they hate you all you have to do is watch this video and they will say this is why they hate you and will never give you a job or loan for anything


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