Twenty to thirty young, black males, in the company of a lone white male, were caught on video during a flash mob robbery at a Wicker Park neighborhood clothing store.
The crime happened Saturday, July 28, 2012, around 6:40 p.m. at Mildblend Supply Co. at 1342 North Milwaukee Avenue, on the city's North Side.
In the video, dozens of suspects are seen rifling through the store's merchandise, while nervous clerks try to keep an eye on them.
When the clerks are distracted by a disturbance toward the front of the store, several black males were caught on camera stuffing stolen goods into their backpacks and underneath their clothes.
If you recognize anyone in this video, please contact the authorities and reference the police report number: HV-404817.
G.Damned uncivilized savages.
ReplyDeleteLet's blame the white kid. He's the only savage I see on tape
ReplyDeleteSome white kid has become black. Amazing. All the years of equality propaganda has finally borne results.
ReplyDeleteAhem...gangsta rap music
DeleteAgain, when you see more than two black people together (strollers count too), call the police.
ReplyDeleteBunch of dirty crack babies.
ReplyDeleteAnd when the white ones are on Meth and heroin and living in the suburban what are they called?
DeleteWhat does ethnicity have to do with anything? "A group of males both black and White" would have been a more appropriate title. The title is misleading.
ReplyDeleteThis video clearly was created by high-tech, virtual reality software, because in their long history, blacks have always upheld the law, never stolen, nor committed any acts of vandalism or violence.
ReplyDeleteNow, if you'll excuse me, I have to watch some falcons, rub my twat on some terra cotta, chase a food truck, protest a TIF and Wal-mart, and do some positive loitering.
All "honor students" and "good boys" "trying to turn their lives around" no doubt. The good news is they will all either be dead or in prison within a few years.
ReplyDeleteHmmm...interesting to note that there are NO women/girls in the bunch. The vast majority of the violence carried out in the city is by men - of all colors.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we should ban men? Maybe we should castrate men at birth - take the edge of 'em?
Yep! Sounds as ridiculous as the "black (people) are saveaes" comments on this board. But I guess since the Trib now makes you sign in their Comments section with your Facebook account, rendering anonymous hate commentary a thing of the past, you racist goons have had to take your "drinkin' elsewhere".
The person didn't say "blacks are savages". He said the people in this video are. You lied to bolster ur argument that says It's not true that blacks consist of 12% of the U.S. population yetcommitt 80% of the violent crimes. Not because their black but because in ur leftist world they were never taught responsibility. Only to blame whitey. Would you want ur daughter dating one of these savages? I seriously doubt it. Which makes you a hypocrite as well as a liar. Or in todays reality a modern day Democrat.
DeleteOh look its a bunch of shitskins breaking the law...
DeleteThis is how black people shop. They steal. Bunch of savage animals.
ReplyDeleteIf were lucky, their positive guidance takes them into the path of a moving train...
ReplyDeleteAlso why do 90% of black people have keyboards with a broken caps lock key?
I hope the white kid gets caught. He should be tarred and feathered. If he want's to act like an ape, he should be treated like one.
ReplyDeleteUncaring Neighbor - just stop. LOL
ReplyDelete1:28 - I read an article a while back that the computer manufacturers did a study and concluded that the caps lock key isn't even used in some large markets anyway so they started offering them as an option. It was $1.75 additional on mine. You might have got the bundled option package along with other features like spell check and didn't even notice. They're introducing a 24K gold plated spell check key specifically for urban markets soon to promote awareness of it's purpose. It will be offered at $875 and they anticipate it will be their cash cow. If all goes well, the comma and period keys will be offered in real diamond as well as stolen Buick with a $2,000 paint job gold.
allzooom said:
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of violent crime is committed by men of all color. WTH! Another Lib following the "Lib Narrative" instead of reality. When is the last time bands of Nordic youth consistently terrorize the community they live in? When? Where? Chicago is simply reaping 50 years of liberal policies where government benefits are simply handed out with no restrictions or no expectations. When are liberals going to get it through their thick skulls inner city Blacks don't see government benefits as a means to better themselves...they simply see it has their paycheck. Walk down Wilson Avenue and see the young mothers with 2/3 young children, listen to their language skills, watch their behaviors and look at the way they dress. You think if suddenly there were a wealth of jobs a person who is use to welfare his /her whole life is suddenly going to be able to join the work force? Being on welfare for years these individuals have no work ethic, no sense of having to be at a job at a certain time each day, no language skills and so on. Were fucked!
Hours later, as the festival was ending, a brawl broke out at the intersection of Schiller and Evergreen - just steps from the WP Fest Evergreen entrance. HUNDREDS circled, cheered, chanted and filmed the brawl with their phones - I could see the lights from the phones as I looked from my apt. window onto this madness. A total freakish mob scene. Cops arrived 15 minutes after I called 911 to an already dispersing crowd. From what I saw, the crowd was of the same persuasion and age as the flash mob robbers. WTF was going on Sat night?
ReplyDeleteThe system works! How many more generations of welfare do we have to go through before we realize that it doesn't work?
ReplyDeleteLeave it to the fucking nigs and spics to screwup Chicago for everyone else.
ReplyDeleteDon't like my opinion? Well then, fuck you because I don't care what people think.
The truth hurts so deal with it.
Check your stats that you love so much More WHITE people are on Public Aid and free government programs then any other race
ReplyDeleteWhat a red herring. Whites consist of 75% of the population. Do percentages & then try to sell that propaganda.
DeleteWhat a red herring. Whites are 75% of the population. Use percentages & then try to sell that propaganda. NOT!
DeleteYou know why "black males" have been "projected as thieving morons"? Because they fucking well are!!!
ReplyDeleteUh dude! You dont understand stats. Percentage wise Blacks far outnumber Whites on welfare. But then again we are all raaaacccciiisttt.
ReplyDeleteClearly, they need to install those flashing, blue light police cameras in every orifice of every employee working in every store in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure with that, and giving the Alderman a Facebook poke might just convince them to do some kind of study to see if they can do a study about a study wherein Ceasefire will be given half of Fort Knox to study about studying the problem.
Coming soon to a boutique near you....NO COLOREDS.
ReplyDeletemust be very hard to be a black person who doesnt commit crime in chicago. to be a suspect every 2 seconds.
ReplyDeletemust be so wierd to hate other people of your own race who do nothing but bring you down.
what a disaster.
I'm curious, when are locals going to stop acting like victims?!? Bunch of Midwest pussies ...middle American mentality and big city crime? Alderman this, alderman that, you fucks are as dumb as your family's cattle. Show some sense of community and self preservation, or shut up and move to the suburbs like your parents before you.
ReplyDeleteallzoom is a racist goon.
ReplyDeletealizoom doesn't know about contractions, when stating "Were fucked".
ReplyDeletealizoom is a racist goon.
The curse of Cain, strikes again.
ReplyDelete"Tired of black people complaining that crime don't stop"........lyrics from Kindred The Family Soul's song titled "Far Away" (from here). A great song/arrangement that just happened upon my ipod in shuffle mode tonight.
ReplyDeleteI now refer to it as The Chicago Song......"take a cab and get away fast.....far away from here......"........"tired of black people complainin' that crime won't stop........."
When I saw the title I was like why would they title it"Black Flash Mob" which is going to lead to race baiting. The main issue is that a friend of mind got his store robbed by a bunch of idiot teenagers. I'm more concerned that the parents were not involve to raise there children right.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a race issue. Or a forum to validate your stereotypes towards white and black. This is a crime issue. Bottom line his items got stolen and we live in a society that breeds violence. No one is born violent. How can we prevent this? Using your misguiding stats on welfare and crack babies is just generalizations and ignorant. It starts with respect first they need that. All types of people steal but this shows a breakdown of society in the USA. I've live ld outside the USA with many races a lot of them were black and didn't steal but for some reason in this materialistic country people steal and don't even need to. A $200 pair of jeans? For what bragging rights? We need to think about what's important in this country
Really? Ignorant? Why? How many whites have participated in this type of crime in Chicago? How many white teenagers have been shot on city streets this year? Come on, how many? Have you noticed whenever a young Black women is tragically killed she usually leaves behind a couple of kids with no mention of the father...and the kids ages gives away the fact the mother had them at 15/16 and sometimes even younger. And then you wonder why Blacks can't ever make it out of poverty? You really believe a mother at the young age of 16 or less has the parenting skills to raise a
ReplyDeletechild successfully when she herself probably had a young mother with no parenting skills? Get a clue dude! All welfare has done is destroy the Black family. It's simply not working and when I point it out I am a "racist" or "ignorant". Typical Lib..no argument so you resort to name calling.
Wow, this video is now on Fox News and NBC News.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the mothers and father shame
ReplyDeleteShame as black people we wonder why they treat our children the way they do each and every one of these parents who see this video should take their ass to the police and teach them a lesson . I bet they have been thru the system before and the parents don't give two cents .
Shame to the parents who brought these kids to the world for this just to collect free money from the government shame shame .
Shame on you for making generlizations about all black people getting free money. What made you an expert on this tidbit of information? Obviously another ignorant person. If you want to play the "shame" game. Shame on white people for colonializinng countries in Africa South America etc. shame on whites for causing uncalled for wars, bringing destruction whereever they go and being to stupid to realize they are the culprits. Shame on whites for raising their children to be weak spoiled and dependent on free labor do that they can start more wars when they get older while neglecting the fact that they are the culprits. These blacks who robbed a store is small change compared to the robbing and destroying globally. Shame on whites for creating the Atom bomb. For being so lazy they couldn't do their own labor do they kidnapped and raped black people took them from their land and made them do it. Shame on White people who were to weak to fight their own war when this country was young so they had to ask for black people to help them. Shame on Wall Street whites for globalization and the collapsed of the housing market. Shame on whites for "allowing" blacks to be free once slavery ended but preventing them and women to vote live in certain areas and not hiring them due to profiling which forced them to live in ghettos and get bad education and most likely become unproductive. Shame on whites for assassinating a peaceful man like Dr. King. Raping black women, separating black families and treating men like boys. Shame on whites or any race that can't realize all of those actions directly impact the black thief or Thug you see today. You help make him. Shame on you
Delete@ theworldhasgonecrazi(er)
ReplyDeleteIt's interested thing when I mentioned the word ignorant you figured that it applied to you. Maybe because deep down you know your opinion is nothing more than a blind rant.
It's also interesting that you mentioned that I reverted to name calling yet you felt that it was ok to make blanket statements "blacks do this..." "whites do this..." a few individuals or a group does not represent a whole race. Look I get it. Your upset. I use to think like that. But grouping anyone is just a backwards and unintelligent way of understanding people. You my friend are profoundly racist and I know this because I use to be. The only people who will probably agree with you are like minded individuals who will claim that they are everything but racist. A sort of in denial justification for spewing out stupidity. This is not a lib or a conservative thing. If you want to vent do it but to say a group of people represents one race globally is ignorant.
@8:07 AM,
ReplyDeleteI USED to NOT be a racist, just like you USED to be a racist but after living just about all my life in this city and watching a certain group amongst a certain culture terrorize innocent people everyday, I am now a racist. This is the result of what they do to the innocent citizens and tourist. Denying this end result only perpetuates the problem. Keep looking the other way and watch what happens. You're just a fool!
A fool because I choose to no categorize a group? Why stop there why not Hispanics, or Jews. I'm sorry but do you travel? Most races are different in other places so why would I move backwards make generalizations? That's just backwards. If that's the case people can do that for any race. Do you belove all white people are peaceful? Don't cause wars or destruction. We do. Your just picking and choosing and being driven by ignorance and hate. It's embarrassing
DeleteShame, most of your named items aren't mutually exclusive to Whites. Blacks had roles too, especially with kidnappings from Africa. The Blacks (not all), who appear in the video, participated by their own free will. None of the videotaped Blacks are oppressed or starving.
ReplyDeleteAn "open mind" usually leads to a empty head, at least with Chicagoans
ReplyDeleteTo 8:07 am/ July 31
ReplyDeleteAs usual you refuse to address the argument : Welfare as adminsistered today not only does allievate poverty, but is a catalyst for the dysfunction found in the inner city Black culture. Since you can’t or won’t attack the argument …..you do what Liberals usually do- attack the person with psychobabble. Consider yourself “schooled” dude.
The White Guy is an employee.
ReplyDeleteWe need concelaed carry in this town--its our only hope---Rahm is afraid of the blacks because he needs their vote for Obama and himself later. We need to make all these good boys and honor students the best players on the handicapped basketball team after their spinal cords are severed by a law abiding citizens bullet-
ReplyDeleteor BETTER YET
Hopefully sooner rather than later the pendulum will finally swing back and knock every one of these violent apes all the way back to Africa
ReplyDelete1 in 5 blacks has a CRIMINAL RECORD -
Per the DBI/DOJ Bureau of Crime Statistics, 10% of all blacks are CURRENTLY under CORRECTIONAL SUPERVISION, either jail, prison, parole or probation. That is JUST "currently" and does not include those who were ever under correctional supervision but not now. That is another 10% equaling 20% of all blacks having a criminal record, or ONE IN FIVE
WHile not "all" 1 in 5 is sure enough to stereotype.
BLACKS are just over 12% of the US population
BLACKS COMMIT 50% of all MURDERS in the US
BLACKS commit 60% of all ARMED ROBBERIES
BLACKS are 35% of FILICIDE offenders (parents who kill their children)
and just to PROVE that all those numbers are right and do add up; the simplest, indisputable fact about the BLACK VIOLENT CRIME PROBLEM:
VIOLENT CRIME DOES HAVE A COLOR - TURD BROWN. ALL those numbers would be 12% if blacks were not GENETICALLY PREDISPOSED to committing VIOLENT CRIME
Sources: US Census and FBI/DOJ report on HOmicide by Race and Uniform Crime Report
Robbery can take place at anytime or any place and this news report reminds us to always be on the lookout for potential danger. We have to safeguard are valuable and safely store them away from thieves. I do hope that those responsible for this reported robbery will be held responsible. Thanks for the info!
ReplyDeleteTo all of you that lack skin color due to a GENE MUTATION that have made disturbing comments regarding the black males on this video tape…any crime that is committed by any nationality is disturbing. Yes, stealing is wrong however the racist comments are completely unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteOklahoma City bombing, the davidians in Waco, Texas, charles manson, serial killers in general until the Maryland sniper were all white people…I understand that these negative aspects of the white population you all disregard as if it did not happen.
So do not pretend that your ethnicity is not screwed up.
Reminder, no one asked to come here, your people brought us here, unlike others that come here illegally.
Last thing, I like how the internet makes you bold enough to talk shit because you would not dare utter a word in person... It is only a small majority of white people who are true to the bullshit cause of hating black people that would be bold enough to say this to a black person.