Monday, February 18, 2013

Lincoln Park, Deming Place fire: Lots of smoke and wind, says cop

Authorities reported lots of smoke and wind as firefighters battle a blaze in Chicago's North Side Lincoln Park neighborhood.

At approximately 6:37 p.m., a fire was reported on the 400 block of West Deming Place, between Lakeview and Clark Street.

One report put the fire at 426 West Deming... another report indicated the fire was at 428 West Deming.

According to an officer at the scene, the building in question was partially occupied.

So far, no injuries have been reported.

If more information becomes available, this post will be updated accordingly.

UPDATE: By 6:23 p.m., fire officials left the scene... and although there were no known injuries, it appears there were some displacements.

UPDATE: Two adult females were displaced by the fire. According to an officer at the scene, the women will stay with family until they are able to return to their apartment.


  1. Dollars to donuts says an idiot smoker caused this fire. It is so gross and umcomfortable passing smokers on the sidewalk outside bars, at least we know who the assholes are though.

  2. I walked up to see the action when all of the CFD trucks roared past. 428 and 426 share an entrance. Fire was in the front room of the 3rd floor unit, directly above the entrance.

    Cause of fire: a fallen candle.

    The burned unit is definitely out of action for a while. The unit above likely has smoke damage, as their windows were opened for ventilation.

    No ambulance transports.

  3. Candle is just as bad, those should only be for dire emergencies.

  4. @anon feb 18th 8:08pm - then keep your whiny ass at home lol


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