Sunday, June 17, 2012

VIDEO: Blacks harass whites on CTA train

After disrupting the train by yelling and stomping like wild animals, a group of 8 to 10 African American males harassed several white CTA passengers - including a woman who appeared to be riding the train, alone.

The shameful, but all too common, display of ignorance was filmed on a southbound Red Line train, somewhere near Clark and Division.

At one point in the video, several young, black males surround an older, white male passenger and ask him to rap with them.

When the man politely declines their invitation, the meddlesome commuters invade the man's personal space, while saying things like, "white people can't rap".

One member of the group even pounded his fist on the wall next to the man's head. 

Although the older white gentleman kept his cool, in light of the recent CTA muggings, I can only imagine how terrified he was.

But as frightened as he may have been, I'm sure he wasn't nearly as petrified as the young white woman who became the group's next target.

One of the more vocal members of the gang, a male who goes by the name Trayvon, unceremoniously made himself at home in the seat next to the woman.

While engaging the woman in conversation, Trayvon's buddies started yelling, "get the footage" and "World Star Hip Hop", both indicators that something violent may be about to happen.

Despite the fact that the female commuter was clearly trying to ignore him, Trayvon forced the woman to shake his hand.

Then, as if trapping her in a conversation with him wasn't bad enough, the meddlesome man tried to make a move on the woman by saying, "they call me Mr. GPS, because I can find your heart". 

The woman's apparent look of disgust seem to suggest her heart wasn't in the lost and found.

Can someone please explain why these morons don't understand that normal people do not want to be subjected to their public displays of buffoonery?


  1. I've seen this exact type of ignorant behavior on the Red Line myself. They're ignorant people yet astute enough to play the race card for this crap.

    They look at white women because so many of their black wimens are loud, fat, stupid and ignorant. A bunch of Chenequas.

    As to the mature white man that these ignorant blacks singled out, I feel sorry for him. Nothing he could do.

    If Rahm and Garry truly gave a damn, they'd have the police ride the Red Line between Cermak and North Avenue policing these animals.

  2. Many of us have witnessed this type of behavior and sadly it is becoming the norm. While there is an obvious racial component as the victims and perpetrators are always the same let's not get lost in that thicket. Just focus on the anti-social behavior and have zero tolerance for anyharrassment. It means more money for cops and security now but if the matter is not addressed and turned around soon we are Detoit on the Lake. Look at what Mayor Giuliani was able to do in NYC with the broken windows approach to crime. ZERO TOLERANCE has been a proven workable strategy. Let's do it here before it is too late. Chicago is getting a terrible reputation and it will damage the commercial viability of the city and it is a downward spiral with no hope of recovery.

  3. Pain in the rear end blacks turn all public spaces into a playground. We pay the taxes to build everything, they just destroy it all. Thanks to the welfare system allowing deadbeat blacks to avoid working for generations.

  4. Detroit doesn't have these rolling crime scene, stinkfest ghetto trains for a reason. Everyone has a car. Even the poorest Detroit resident without a pot or a window has a car. That's why it's SAFE to go to the city, have a great time at one of the many venues (with police everywhere - the businesses appreciate your patronage and money), great restaurants, meet up with friends/relatives from across the entire metro area - jump in your car and go home without this nonsense ------ and violence. So White people actually live in Chicago. Big deal. Stop with your subconcious racism and fear of Black people with the Detroit crap. You've probably never even been there. If you have been, you probably just drove through, saw what you "wanted" to see, didn't get out of your car because you were scared to death (and rightfully so because you wouldn't last more than 3 minutes with your big mouths and ignorance - and atrocious Chicago attire of flip-flops and ripped jeans).

    Even if Detroit did have this supposed "world class" public transportation there wouldn't be scenarios like this because that "white chick" would probably just "equalize" the whole situation.

  5. And furthermore......."Farmboys from across the nation coverging in Chicago and now think they're 'worldly'" - STFU. Get out and broaden your horizons. And get a car too. You look stupid in those leased Jettas and used 3-series that your fat, child rearing, saddle-bag as*ses can't even fit in.

  6. .....and to think she's sitting there all cute and in her nice little dress with the stench of stale pee & sh*t clouding her vision from that homeless hut cubby hole right behind her. That will be my most memorable vision of Chicago. All those people sitting on those trains going to/from work in that electric powered port-a-potty like it's just another day. "But I love it here daddy. I just had some (bad) Thai food for the first time too!".

  7. Yep, can't be any racial overtones here.

    That's right. I forgot, only white people are racists!

    Hope you liberals are happy. You got what you wanted. Keep voting Democratic.

  8. This crap is still no excuse to vote republican.
    Republicans are authoritarian-conservative religious zealots with zero vision and an overt blind fealty to corporate profit.

    If we still value human individuality and the foundational premise of constitutonal democratic government, then vote Democratic.

    There are no good 'ol days. We're living in the best of times. Don't regress with Republican political lies in seeking something that never was.

    For the future of our country, vote Democratic.

  9. If I were these white people, I would get up and leave. Why do these black animals think that they can treat white people like this? You couldn't pay me to take the CTA.

  10. We were thinking of spending a week in Chicago in late July or early August. But after reading of what seems to be constant shootings and attacks on the public, New York seems to be a safer option. Just don't understand why city officials are not taking better steps to protect the public.

  11. 2 words. Concealed Carry. Illinois needs to stop being so backwards in it's self defense laws

  12. If you still value human individuality and the foundational premise of a constitutional republic, please don't vote for the totalitarian freaks in the Democrat party. They want subjects, not citizens, and they seek "fairness" and "equality" between parasite and prey. A Brave New World with them on top running things ....

    God forbid we should cut government down to size and let people run their own damned lives. Nah, better you should think this is the best of all possible worlds and get used to being controlled by the entitled class and intimidated by their minority enforcers. After all, your ancestors did something bad so you deserve this crap, right?

  13. I've seen more than my fair share of drunk white kids do this nonsense on the train too. Racist comments = obviously uneducated

  14. I like the cameras they're putting in the stations but they need to go in the cars too and they need to be monitored 24/7, so (beefed up) transit or city cops can be on the scene of any incident by the time the train hits the next stop.

    BTW: Sounds like the white guy said "white guys can't rap" first.

  15. My true friends, who used to visit me in Sh*tcago on the weekends from my hometown, now skip by to places like Columbus, OH. I'm serious. They're not accustomed to this racism and bloodshed/violence in "Detroit".

    And you people (yes, you people) need to get over your political BS here. I'm not even party affiliated but recall that rap war against Kool Moe Dee and LL Cool J. It was humorous at the time but totally applicable to Sh*tcago today...

    "LL stands for Lower Level, Lack Luster, Lame Lover, Liver Lipped, Lame Logic, Lucky Leach, Low Life, Lazy Louse................."

    I just updated the lyrics to include ------ Lakefront Liberal.

    What are Madonna and Lady Gaga preaching for you all in trendyville marketing heaven today? It shows.

  16. I avoid the El as much as possible. If there's more than two schvartzes onboard, I get on another car. If the car becomes infested, I go to another car. Etc.

    That monkey isn't even fit to smell that girl's farts, let alone sit next to her.
    How appealing is to your average non-mudsharking female, some ghetto monkey with no job, no education, no personality outside of what they learn on BET? I'll tell you, NOT AT ALL.

  17. Thank You CNR..for your great news...also I love the comments...really great funny comedy material..too bad these stories are all too real played out every day......I am no less CREEPIFIED having to live in this city and ride the roach motel on wheels with all the big bad roaches...

  18. "Detroit doesn't have these rolling crime scene, stinkfest ghetto trains for a reason. Everyone has a car. Even the poorest Detroit resident without a pot or a window has a car. That's why it's SAFE to go to the city, have a great time at one of the many venues (with police everywhere - the businesses appreciate your patronage and money), great restaurants, meet up with friends/relatives from across the entire metro area - jump in your car and go home without this nonsense ------ and violence. So White people actually live in Chicago. Big deal. Stop with your subconcious racism and fear of Black people with the Detroit crap. You've probably never even been there. If you have been, you probably just drove through, saw what you "wanted" to see, didn't get out of your car because you were scared to death (and rightfully so because you wouldn't last more than 3 minutes with your big mouths and ignorance - and atrocious Chicago attire of flip-flops and ripped jeans).

    Even if Detroit did have this supposed "world class" public transportation there wouldn't be scenarios like this because that "white chick" would probably just "equalize" the whole situation."

    Detroit is a shit hole. Even covered in sugar, its still a pile of crap. Detroit doesn't have a whole lot of anything, including cops. Comparing Detroit to Chicago, is like comparing steak to a hot dog.

  19. After watching the entire video, it certainly wasn't anywhere close as bad as the story described. The guy seemed somewhat amused when the kids tried to get him to rap with them.

  20. Excuse me anon, they were screaming and yelling and whooping like primates, it WAS disturbing.
    Take a train to the Loop where white people go to this mythical place called "Work". They are quietly reading, taking notes, maybe having a conversation on their cell about something important. They are not causing CHAOS and exhibiting "Look at meeeees" types of primate behavior.
    Good luck with your next bout of torn rectum.
    Keep roasting them coffee beans, you waste of air! I'll never tip you.

  21. U can tell that Julia Stiles lookalike want sum o that purple soul pole up in her, she just to ambarassed too ask!!!!

    Come on white girl, let the brothas take u on a riiide down to the south siiiide!

    1. Lol, I'm sure she wants an std and a fatherless baby

  22. as ignorant and disrespectful this group of individuals may have been some of the comments downgrading black that you people have posted here shows that you are more ignorant than them. their actions may have been ignorant but you guys ideals, views, and outlook is racists and ignorant. did you ever think your outllok and opinions of them lead to this disrespect and not the pther way around. just because you state your views with good english and sentence structure and in a so called "civilized way" does not make you any better or less ignorant.

  23. ^you dont even know what ignorant means

  24. I do not think that word means what you think it does.

  25. "Excuse me anon, they were screaming and yelling and whooping like primates, it WAS disturbing.
    Take a train to the Loop where white people go to this mythical place called "Work". They are quietly reading, taking notes, maybe having a conversation on their cell about something important. They are not causing CHAOS and exhibiting "Look at meeeees" types of primate behavior.
    Good luck with your next bout of torn rectum.
    Keep roasting them coffee beans, you waste of air! I'll never tip you."

    Bit of a drama queen, aren't you? Ha, you'd need to have a job to tip your barista. Your money would be better spent on anger management classes, and finding the reasons behind your fixation on my anus.

  26. @10:56,
    Did you ever stop and think that the behavior of the black youth and some adults, create racism? I've talked with many many people who have said that very thing. The black community with their disrespectful behavior towards innocent people created their view of the black culture. You can deny it all you want. You can play the blame game all day long but it is what it is. Many people feel the same way, they're just trying to be politically correct so the race card isn't played but many people are fed up with this behavior and the entitlement mentality.

  27. Lol. You all here. LOL. Vote with your head not your heart. That's all I have to say. These farmboys here doing "metropolis" have walked themselves right into their own chaos.

  28. Well, Anon, Anger is a gift.
    Your liberal butt believes in the scam that is psychology, such things as social work, and ange rmanagement are really no more effective than voodoo or witchcraft. All it really accomplishes is flooding our fair city with disgusting weirdoes, like the ones that clog Hotel Chateau and other SROs all over town. All these people really need is euthanasia and a unmarked grave somewhere.
    SInce I nailed it, you strain hot water through beans and put in whipped cream and probably your HIV infeced sperm as well. Barista my @$$, you are just a monkey ringing the register. Sorry that Graphic design degree didn't work out. Maybe you can learn something useful in the future.
    Oh, I have money, I just don't believe in tipping.

  29. No one believes you have money.

  30. No one believes that you aren't HIV positive and guzzle sperm like it's going out of style.

  31. Unless these kids are telepaths, how in the hell do they know how we feel about them, when our "cracka @$$es" follow our normally polite social rules and just quietly go about our business and do nothing to project that we don't like schvartzes.
    I call bull$hit.

  32. Black Power white bitchess

  33. I hope that Trayvon ends up with high velocity lead poisoning soon.

  34. I used to at least feel sorry for gay guys. Since they started loving and protecting the black criminals invading Boystown, as well as hassling employed customers at their coffeeshop job, but letting smelly, disgusting addicts loiter wily-nilly, I have no respect for them whatsoever.

  35. Did anyone press the emergency button?

  36. Where are all of the 'white' guys messing w/ the black girls? What kind of coward monkeys do this? This animal behavior better not come near my white ass.Concealed weapons w/ a permit by whitey are the only answer to this crap.One fast head shot and I'll be headin home for dinner happy.It looks to me like ALL blacks hate us.Let's give them a reason to. Sick of it all.

  37. And then the 8 to 10 males went home and had an orgy with each other!

  38. As far as the asking the police to clean up these nigs, are you kidding? What are most of the worthless CTA employees? Half the cops are nigs too. They'll be in on it.

    Don't you know what happens when you get blacks together in a group? Get your heads of your asses. And the bullshit about voting Republican would somehow clean this up- that's a flat out lie. Does the GOP have an anti-nig policy? I don't think so. Democratic is still better, not that both don't suck. Pretending one will rope up the nigs and send them back to Africa is just stupidity.

  39. Blacks are always on here saying they're better than us, so, if they are, why are they after our "inferior" women, then?

  40. this is what happens because the white man took the monkeys out of the not expect anything more

  41. The individuals featured in the video were loud, obnoxious, and vastly annoying; however, the racist comments on this page and website only serve the purpose of trying to hurt black people.

    If the writers of the negative comments were really bold, they would not be hiding behind the internet and commenting as anonymous cowards.

    Why don't you people fight the poor behavior of the "primates" while it is occurring instead of complaining on a racist website after the fact.

    After being kidnapped and enslaved, anyone would eternally hate the oppressor (white people).

    People may say, that they had nothing to do with that occurrence; however, white people still use racist tactics to hurt regular black people unlike those featured in this video.

    White America contributed to the mindless idiots and criminals that is often featured on this site. If blacks were never kidnapped from their original homes, then "crackers" wouldn't have to deal with the "primates."

    Happy train riding to every broke white bitch that can't afford to drive to work and/or other destinations :)

  42. I found nothing wrong with this. They weren't drinking, cursing, being violent or belligerent. They were a bit boisterous, but definitely nothing outside of what the Cubs fans give every time there is a game! I've definitely seen worse from the cubs fans! Shame on Chicago News Report for pulling the race card! That's bullshit!

  43. One of the black nationalists posting here as Anonymous, July 14, 2012 10:25 PM, asks why we don't fight the offenders rather than complain on a racist website.

    Good point to make. Why? And while your at it, why don't some of you ask yourselves why you keep letting these people off the hook by calling them "morons" and "Ignorant". They aren't ignorant. They're filled with hate and vengeance fostered by all the white libtards and associated Marxists running the country today. They're terrorists. They're poltically motivated terrorists, like Al Qaeda. Calling them "Morons" is just a way of being a coward and passing the buck for defending yourself.

    It's going to get worse until its made to get better. These people don't know what they want. Except that they believe in collective guilt and generational guilt. But they don't know what they want once whitey is gone. That's where their stupidity comes in.

  44. Niggers will be niggers.

  45. This website is utterly pitiful and it's hilariously ironic that there is actually this disclaimer, "**** COMMENTS THAT CONTAIN RACIST, VULGAR, OR VIOLENT REMARKS, WILL BE DELETED! ****," when material like this is even posted in the first place. What a waste.

    No faith in humanity & Sorry I stumbled upon this "news" site.

  46. I have to say Chicago is one the most racist cities in the nation. It is due to white fear of African American people that this "news" site even exists. Yes, these kids were behaving obnoxiously, however, no different than Cubs fans malodorous of alcohol intoxication, talking loud and behaving rowdy during baseball season while openly holding a huge cup of beer on the red line.

    As for they kid talking to the Caucasian girl, all she had to do was to tell him she is not interested. But due to white fear and ignorance due to the segregation of cultures in this city everything is viewed negatively.

    Anything a person of color, especially of dark color, does in this city is viewed as illicit. Anytime there is a city which condones Jim Crow segregation tactics in this day in age is doomed when it comes to understanding cultural diversity.

    Why doesn't this site focus on the child molesters in the suburbs in their trailer parks, or meth heads, or what about the rash of coke sniffing alcohol abusing doctors?

    Chicago HATES black people and all this site does is reiterate this fact!!!

  47. For the commenter of January 11, 2013...

    Sorry, but that's what oppositional culture gets you.

  48. some people of color our so comfortable calling a white man a white boy and white woman a white girl to there face or around them. How is that not racist. If it was me I would of checked them. not worried about what they would of done. have ccw, no safty on.

  49. segregation is the only solution

  50. Don't just stand there, white man! DO something! SHOOT those ugly negroes!

  51. The time is long since past for all of them to be shipped back to Africa.


  53. All of you people on here should be butt crushed by a Black female giantess and farted on. You're not worth the farts from a Black woman's ass. You are all insecure losers who think someone wants you. You copy everything and you smell worse than dogs.

  54. Hopefully Trayvon has been goodified like it's more famous cousin.

  55. I'd like to toss that nigger's salad, lick the shit clean right out of his musky asshole.


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