Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas day Rogers Park robbery

Police are looking for two suspects wanted for a strong arm robbery in Chicago’s Far North Side Rogers Park neighborhood on Christmas day.

The incident happened around 4 p.m. near the 7300 block of North Winchester Avenue, about a block west of Pottawattomie Park.

An initial police dispatch report indicated two black males in their late teens, one of them wearing a mask, robbed a female victim.

A subsequent 911 call suggested the victim, after being mugged, chased the offenders southbound on Winchester to the intersection of Rogers and Wolcott Avenues… where she eventually lost sight of them.

The thieves, one of them wearing a black leather jacket with “tribal designs” on it and the other wearing a navy blue hoodie, stole the victim’s iPhone, said police.

At the time of this report, the crooks were still at large.

Photo credit: Google Maps


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