Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Attempted carjacking at North Side Walgreens: cops

Authorities are investigating an attempted vehicular hijacking outside a North Side Chicago store.

Citing police communications, the incident occurred around 6:30 p.m. in the Walgreens parking lot at 5158 North Lincoln Avenue, near Lincoln and Foster.

A white male wearing glasses, a skull cap, and a long dark coat, approached the female victim, shot her in the face with mace or pepper spray, and tried to take her car, said police.

The would-be carjacker is approximately 5’11”, has a mustache, and in addition to wearing a long dark coat, he was also wearing black jeans and gym shoes, said authorities.

According to investigators, the offender was last seen running westbound on Foster, then northbound on Lincoln.


  1. The use of mace/pepper spray has gotten to be standard operating procedure in muggings and other assaults. They sneak attack by spraying the victim and then proceeding to slug the victim and relieve them of their belongings whether it's a purse,car or whatever. Beware of any black pretending to ask about directions, time or anything else; they use that ruse to get close to you. Lots of people have fallen victim to this approach.

    1. Where I'm from it would be better to get mased. Material things can be retrieved. Life is valuable hold on to it.

  2. In NY there was a scam where "youths" would ask passerby "which way bee norf" and when the good samaritan turned their head to look/point northbound, they would also be at the perfect angle for a suckerpunch to the side of the jaw...

  3. The usual "overused quotes" queen was too stupid too see that this story had a white offender. Between getting kicked out of every bar on Halsted and begging for lovin' at steamworks, I guess he didn't have enough time to read the whole story

  4. @3:17 - got the wrong guy. Try again. Or why don't you get a life and "watch another movie".

    P.S. They kiss my a** on Halsted. So much that I had to stay away. I started feeling I owed them something for all the free drinks. One or two do make you feel "obligated" but I'm not quite that easy.

    P.S.S. In reading the comment of the person you're attacking, there is nothing in it to make anyone (that isn't stupid like you), think he/she was ignoring the fact that the offender was White in this report. Seriously, quit "reading" into things. You shouldn't be so envious.

  5. Wowwwww White on White Crime????
    Wonder why no smart ass commentary on this article like the other "news" related to African Americans on this trashy site???

  6. White crime is so rare that people are stunned. Spook crime is so commonplace that it is expected. Wherever spooks congregate, crime is rampant and neighborhoods are destroyed. They should all be gassed.

  7. White crime is rare? Dumbest thing I've heard all year, congrats retard.

  8. 99% of all killings in Chicago in 2012 were committed by blacks. 95% of all violent robberies in Chicago in 2012 were committed by blacks. The inferior 13% of the population causes 95% of the problems and the taxpayers have to pay to house them, feed them, give them free medical care and free everything, as well as pay the police and courts and prisons to keep those jungle savages under control.

  9. If my Girl-Friend weren't a Witness to this event, my comment would be much more angry towards this man. Sadly, my friend told me a much more different story happened in fact. She was approaching the Walgreens to get some Egg-Nog for her Party that Evening, and heard a Woman yelling at a man standing at the Entrance of the Walgreens saying "They Closed!" She was a "African American" Woman. She yelled at him *Three Times* VIOLENTLY raising her voice higher and higher each time! AND It was a *junky* car!

    One that you would think this guy would not steal! Because the guy appeared Pale, like a Local Resident. He then told her, to *shut up, and that she was being a B*tch about it* I guess she was an employee there? She then came out of the car weilding what looked like a heavy metal tire iron after him, he took out this spray and she heard a jingle sound, but nothing came out! Then My Friend saw this camera catching the whole thing! The guy looked like a collge kid, she looked like an over-weight out of towner. She swung at him alot, then hit him, he screamed and ran away. Because his spray didn't work! It was scary! My friend called 911! Then, not wanting to get involved, told the Police her first name, hung up after hoping to get the Woman! I guess the Walgreens wants to tell lies, because the camera would show the whole story! He didn't even come near her car. This is a joke! This guy looked like one of those "Hipster" guys, The woman was Black and should be in prison in fact! I will give my info if you want it I guess! This is frightening that you would defend the woman that is at fault. I'm guessing she was an employee at Walgreens right? I'm not a racist, but is Walgreens harboring CRIMINALS NOW? THEY MUST BE DESPERATE FOR EMPLOYEES! AND ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES. MAKING LINCOLN SQUARE A DANGEROUS NEIGHBOURHOOD!



  10. Hi. My name is David Whitcomb. I am the so-called 'assailant' / would-be "car-jacker" depicted in this fine article. This took place on Xmas a few years back... Here's what actually happened:

    I walked up to Walgreens that evening to get some smokes. Being Xmas, the store had apparently closed early-- but all the lights were still on, and there was no indication that the store had closed. So, like anyone, I tried to have a look inside to make sure - it was really cold, and I wanted to be certain because I didn't want to walk another 6 blocks to the next closest store that sold my brand.

    As I was looking in, a woman (whom it turns out is a pharmacist at that location) pulled up behind me in her van, and (very rudely) yelled "THEY CLOSED!". I turned around to see who was talking to me. She repeated (even more rudely) "THEY CLOSED !!!". When I gave her an inquisitive look (wondering why someone was talking to me so rudely), she raised her voice, and yelled (very nastily) "THEEEEY CLOOOOSED!!!!" again.

    I really wasn't feeling like being verbally assaulted that day. So I told her, in no uncertain terms, my interpretation of her behavior, and suggested what she should do about it (specifically, I said: "Go f**k yourself, b*tch").

    She exclaimed "OH THAT'S IT!", got out of here van and started coming at me like she was going to attack me.


  11. (...continued)

    Being a pedestrian in Chicago, I keep pepper-spray handy at all times for occasions when people (mistakenly) presume that I'm a guy who's trying to be f**ked with, or have time for it (even a b*tch). I raised the can and pointed it at her face to keep her at bey, but she kept coming at me. As she got close to me, I attempted to give her a small "taste", but I guess the mechanism had frozen.

    She again exclaimed "OH THAT'S IT". She walked back to her van, opened up the trunk , pulled out a tire-iron (!), and appeared as if she was going to throw it at me. I instinctively moved in on her, to closed the gap and take away her "long-range-weapon" advantage.

    She lunged at me, swinging for my head with the tire-iron. I, wearing my heavy winter jacket, was able to protect my face with my left arm fairly painlessly (even though I later noticed a bruise where she had grazed my collar bone).

    After successfully blocking the attack with my left arm, I took aim at her jaw with my right fist. (Yeah, I'm not ashamed to say that I took a swing at a nasty b*tch who was attacking me with tire-iron).

    She ducked, stepped back, while taking another swing at me with the tire iron, which I again was able to block, and tried again to square up a good-one with her jaw, but she ducked back again.



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