Thursday, December 27, 2012

Chicago rental videos showcase less than perfect apartments

Inside closet at 935 W. 81st Street rental unit. 

If you're trying to rent an apartment, you want to show it in the best light possible... that is, unless the apartment is in a black neighborhood.

Apparently, someone at HP Realty Inc. is convinced that the people who live in Chicago's predominantly black Englewood neighborhood, couldn't care less about moving into poorly maintained rental units.

Chicago News Report reviewed three videos that documented apartments with what appeared to be abandoned furniture, holes in the walls and ceilings, dirty walls, stained bathroom tiles, doors with loose trimming, and something that looked suspiciously like a mouse hole.

The most remarkable thing about these shameless videos, is that they were seemingly recorded and uploaded to YouTube by HP Realty!

VIDEO: 3 bedroom apt. at 935 W. 81st Street:

VIDEO: Studio apt. at 8119 S. Ingleside:

VIDEO: Studio apt. at 8111 S. Ingleside:


  1. LOL at how jungle savages live. They were really better off getting free slave quarters from plantation owners. And why do all spook houses have ruined window blinds? You can always tell what color lives in a building by the ruined window blinds.

  2. Uh, well, they usually post fake bait/switch pictures in ads for apartments in the "better" north side neighborhoods like Lakeview, Lincoln Park, etc. There are apartments for over $1,000/mo. in Lakeview East with holes in the stairwell walls, dead roaches in the cupboards, plumbing leaks, patched ceilings that have obviously recently fallen through, rags wrapped around the bases of leaking heat radiators, rigged electrical (if the outlets work at all).....want the full list? At least these people are being up front and honest.

  3. The busted up window blinds and torn screens are always baffle me too. How on earth to they destroy them like that? This is common in your "better" neighborhoods as listed above too. The air conditioners hanging out of the windows on a string with the left over foil from a Jiffy Pop pan or Fruit Loops box to fill in the gaps is always a selling point too. I hadn't seen a screw in fuse-box in 30 years before moving to Chicago either.

  4. I think they put the radiators on the ceilings in "those" neighborhoods so the residents can't cook on them...

  5. "I think they put the radiators on the ceilings in 'those' neighborhoods so the residents can't cook on them..."

    LMAO! Thanks! I needed that!

  6. ChiKKKago news report is bacKKK!

  7. I thought those were monkey bars on the ceilings.

  8. Sorry but that apartment doesn't look that bad in this video. There are some buildings on Cornelia and Barry St. in Lakeview that would have been torn down or abandoned in Detroit 40 years ago (and were). They still have a useful life here though because Courtney from Kansas will move right in with her ipod and backpack and pay top $ to live next door to her favorite bar or coffee/sex shop. Truth.

    Seriously, check some of these places out. There's always some "building engineer" with a very thick accent at every one of them that's "agonna fixes eberyding" but "meea no unnastanna" when the ceiling caves in because the gutters haven't been cleaned in 13 years. I guess these rat-holes are heaven for recent immigrants too. So black people on the south side cook on their radiators and white people on the north side dry their Ben Hardy shirts on them because they can't afford $1.50 for the dryer after spending all their $ on weed and overpriced tacos with a sprig of mint on them.

    This isn't just a South side Chicago thang. Wrecking balls are wonderful things. I'm sure the no-end-in-sight DEPRESSION has slowed progress here.

  9. The 81st St. one has the radiators on the ceiling because it's a basement.
    The real question is: Is it even a legal basement apt?
    Plus I had to mute the sound, that music was awful!


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