Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cops find man ‘covered in blood’ in Wrigleyville

An apparent male battery victim was found drenched in blood in Chicago’s North Side Wrigleyville, Lakeview neighborhood. 

Authorities discovered the wounded man underneath the CTA ‘L’ tracks, about half a block south of Waveland Avenue, between Sheffield and Wilton, around 8:55 p.m.

The victim, described by police as a white male, was bleeding profusely from the head.

The man was bleeding so badly, a responding officer asked dispatch to “put a rush on an ambulance.”

"There's a lot of blood here," said the officer. 

As of 9:20 p.m., it was still unclear what caused the man’s injuries.

1 comment:

  1. A racist hate crime no doubt, where are the Feds, where are Al and Jessie?


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