Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sarah Palin Accuses Media of "Blood Libel", Uses Jewish Reference, Takes No Responsibility for Inflammatory Rhetoric

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

I just watched Sarah Palin's almost 8-minute video addressing the Tucson, Arizona shooting that left six people dead and Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords fighting for her life. Even though the video is free, when it was over, I found myself wishing I could ask someone to reimburse me for my wasted time.

Foolishly, I was hoping Sarah Palin was going to be momma grizzly enough to own up to her role in adding fuel to America's volatile political fire - but what I got - was just what I expected.

Like a true sociopath, Palin turned the Tucson, Arizona shooting into an opportunity to garner sympathy for herself. Instead of keeping her comments focused on the victim's; Palin exposed her real agenda when she denounced the claims that Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged shooter, was inspired by her and the Tea Party.

Oh! But it gets worse! 

Palin’s usage of the phrase "blood libel" was tremendously irresponsible. And I am really starting to wonder if the hands on Palin's cuckoo clock are still moving. 

For those of you who are unaware... the term "blood libel" refers to a myth that Jews slaughtered Christian children and used their blood in rituals. And considering that fact that a child was murdered during the massacre in Tucson - not only are Palin’s words insensitive, they are down right obnoxious.

Sarah Palin: "America's Enduring Strength" from Sarah Palin on Vimeo.


  1. Sarah Palin is a ridiculous woman and so are her supporters. She is a cheap cartoon in expensive clothes. Ignore her. Soon she'll go away.

  2. that goofy expression on her face makes her look guilty. not sympathetic.

  3. OMG!!! Will you give it a rest Fitz?! There was nothing wrong with Palin's speech you freakin' lib-tard! Palin is a star and a great political mind. You people are afraid of her power.

  4. Actually, I think Palin and the "Tea Party" need to be joining "alice at her wonderland table". Maybe join the "Cheshire cat" and puff on that hookah pipe. Everyone else is saying the rhetoric NEEDs to be toned down EXCEPT for her. It would be nice IF she joined the discussion instead of the river "denial" Own it and move on. EVERYONE else has stated it needs to stop, why can't she? Oh, I forgot, she doesn't want to alienate her fans or voters. that's not a good enough reason.
    "a great political mind"..WOW! I want whatever you're smoking!

  5. towanda, it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. And even then, it's still a joke to some people.

  6. 'Blood libel' has particular, painful meaning to Jewish people
    The phrase used by Sarah Palin against her detractors usually refers to the false accusations made for centuries against Jews, often to malign them as child killers — and sometimes leading to massacres of their communities.

    By Rick Rojas, Los Angeles Times
    January 13, 2011

    I'm sorry, but this is a classic example of NOT THINKING BEFORE YOU SPEAK! What doesn't Palin understand about this? What doesn't she understand about the actions of her words? What have we all been talking about? Is she that out of touch with reality that she could make a statement and use those words? I just don't get it. At this point, I think for her, her family and the country right now, she should remain quiet!

  7. Palin is a puppet. She will read anything you put in front of her. That is, if she can pronounce the words!

  8. "St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church" lays Christine Taylor Green is being laid to rest today. Bless her soul. This church is attended by my partners ex in-laws and son. This tragedy affects EVERYONE and WE MUST stop or at least tone it down with this hateful negative volatile rhetoric.

  9. (Practically) all political parties have lunatics.

  10. Rudy, that's so true. I could name names but what's the point. I understand that Palin is going on the Hannity show soon. In my "humble" opinion, she should just drop it and keep quiet for a while and it will all calm down. Continuing to say there is nothing wrong with her saying "lock and load" only keeps this flame burning and continues to incite the WRONG people.


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