Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Burglary Victim Claims Ties to Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.

Around 10 p.m., a Chicago, Grand Crossings neighborhood home in the area of 300 East 71st Street was burglarized. The home is situated near the intersection of South Prairie Avenue and East 71st Street.

Reportedly, a thief broke into the home and stole a box containing a laptop computer.

Because the crime scene was allegedly contaminated, officers were debating whether or not to send an evidence technician to process the scene.

I have been told the crime victim allegedly works for Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. When police became of aware of this, the case was handled with kid-gloves and forwarded to a police sergeant.

It's unclear if the information on the stolen computer is related to Jesse Jackson Jr.


  1. Just a computer??? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out!

  2. towanda, I was wondering if this person was name dropping to get special attention from the police. When a crime scene has been contaminated, authorities NEVER send a police evidence technician to the scene. But the minute Jackson's name came into play, the rules seem to change.

  3. Perhaps, the laptop was stolen, because it contained some downloaded mainframe database secret information.

  4. Rudy, I am going to keep an eye on the news in case this makes mainstream media.


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