Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Armed bandits rob Lincoln Park grocery store

A gang of hooligans, each one armed with a gun, held up a North Side Lincoln Park grocery store, said police.

The armed robbery happened around 8 p.m. at 521 West Diversey Parkway, near Diversey and Hampden Court, said authorities.

According to online business records, the address belongs The Market Place Food Store.

Citing police communications, four to five black males wearing dark-colored hooded sweatshirts stormed the neighborhood store and stole an undetermined amount of cash from three registers.

After the robbery, the criminals ran southbound on North Pine Grove Avenue from Diversey.

Investigators said an eyewitness saw the men flee the area in two dark-colored cars. One of the vehicles is a Chevy, said police.

If you have more information regarding this crime, please contact the police, immediately.

NOTE: The Market Place Food Store was robbed last year on May 2, 2011.


  1. They ate at Panera first to get that carb boost for sprinting

  2. LOL the Marketplace dont care bout the Community like Panera.

    Free shit or chaos bitches.

    The Community

    1. Eat $&@; Your view would change if you had a gun in your face @&$; hole!

    2. It was sarcasm moron

  3. I think CNR can just copy/paste this story about every 3 months but just change the date & time.

  4. More like copy and paste every 3 hours.

  5. Well, at least they're not "money insecure" anymore.

  6. Pisses me off! I'm a young black male that works in a wireless store in Lincoln Park not to far from the Market Place and I will always be profiled and frowned upon on first sight in the neighborhood because of dirtbags like them.

  7. ^I respect your comment but what are you wearing? How do you walk? Are you chomping on/snapping a wad of Chicago bubble gum? Can we understand your dialect? Why do your own "frown" upon you?

    A "young black male" with the name of Kristen? Ain't buyin' it ShaNaNayAmeralamique Tyrone Wilson-Jones. Neither is your Mother. Gig is up on this in a month or two.........

  8. That's on a major, commercial street. The perps are getting bolder and bolder with each passing day. That's hard-core criminality there. Remember that whenever you hear how black males are big-time victims of the criminal justice system. They put themselves behind bars, no one else does it.

  9. I don't let n*****s wait on me in a wireless store or any store. They steal credit card numbers.

  10. Kristen, if you are going to impersonate a black person on the internet, you should use a name like Tyrone or Metta

  11. Yea, I don't think I'm buying Kristen being black. Sorry.....

  12. Maybe it's short for Kristeneequa?

  13. LOL - for sure. Another version could be LaKristenequa. Ha ha...

  14. They have destroyed the south side and now they are coming to destroy ours. They will ghettoise this whole city. You will start seeing security gurads and cameras in every business, and we will have to talk to employees through thick glass(just like the south side).

  15. Destroy the south side? Some of the safest neighborhoods in the city (Mt. Greenwood, Clearing, West Garfield Ridge, West Beverly) are on the south side. Yes, much of the south side is ghetto, but much of the north side is pretty shitty too.

  16. Chicago > Detroit > Mogadishu

  17. Vile pavement beasts running wild in our world destroying everything in their path.

  18. It is time to run Panera Scares out of the fucking neighborhood, get those fucking mental patients, niggers and pants-shitters right the fuck out of the neighborhood. That fat cunt Devin, her pet nigger Cedric and the cum-guzzling fags who run that place all need a blanket party.
    I'm considering throwing a brick through the window, fucking commie bullshit assholes wrecking everything that's good and white.

  19. It's true, that dump Panera has destroyed the neighborhood.


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