Around 5:38 p.m., an officer at the intersection of East Chicago and North Wabash Avenues requested backup.
Citing police communications, the officer needed assistance with a gang of black males and females who were moving eastbound on Chicago Avenue from Wabash.
The group was heading toward Lake Michigan, said the officer.
About an hour later, at approximately 6:37 p.m., a street fight was reported at the aforementioned intersection.
Around 7:39 p.m., an ambulance was requested at the lakefront, near Chicago and Lake Shore Drive.
According to an officer at the scene, a black female battery victim needed medical attention. However, the so-called victim later refused medical treatment.
Shortly after 8 p.m., another cop was trying to push an estimated twenty "heathens" westbound on Chicago Avenue from Wabash.
If you witnessed any of this activity, leave a comment below, or contact us at: News@ChicagoNewsReport.com.
"Heathens". LOL. Haven't heard that word in decades.
ReplyDeleteNope, I didn't witness any of this. I was going to go downtown today (great weather too) but thought about the flash-robs and said forget it.
Yes. "Push" them westbound. They're on the right track. Chicago is a really f'd up place.
What a darn shame. I wonder if this story is going to make the local news. I'm kind of thinking not since the big mayor wants to keep things like this hush hush. He's so proud of what he's been doing for the city (i.e. the recent success of the teacher's strike). He wouldn't want a story like this coming out and ruining his ego trip.
ReplyDelete^ I just watched the local news. There was a trailer clip about some type of obvious disturbance then it cut to a commercial. I stayed tuned to hear more assuming it pertained to this CNR reporting. NOPE. It was about some crap in Seattle that was almost comical compared to what's happening in $hitcago. There's SUCH denial here.
ReplyDeleteThe BIG news here was all these concert goers were turned away because your orchestra suddenly went on strike. They mentioned their average salary is $173,000/yr. They just love to flaunt their "fanciness" here always trying to be New York. Downtown Chicago is the ONLY thing this city has going for it. Why bother? At all? There's always some silliness or violence of some type or another. (Oh and there was a Ned The Wino with a bushman coif looking like he was ready to attack in the background while filming outside the concert hall------priceless!).
Thanks for the update. Figures that this story wasn't aired. These types of occurrences never get any press time. Instead, they air a bunch of nonsense that doesn't make a difference one way or another. I've seriously been more dependent on news blogs than anything else. At least then I'm a little less ignorant as to what is going on around town. It's so comforting to know that citizens are at a constant threat of being flash mobbed by these thugs. Chicago really needs to get their act together. We're outdoing both NYC and LA with crime and they're twice the size as we are. Aside from me, has anyone else taken notice that crime has become more prevalent and frequent in the last couple of years in Chicago?
DeleteIt seems like the natives are getting restless as the elections are around the corner.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 1:05am.......I had to take my glasses off but I'm certain you meant tNb, right?
ReplyDeleteI live in Streeterville and watched this gang of young thugs
ReplyDeleteIt's getting so bad that I will not walk my dog after 8:00 along Chicago ave.
May I ask, since our local news never reports any of this, is the River North area getting unsafe to walk? I haven't been back to the city since June because of all the recent crime. Additionally, to be quite frank, the night life in the city has become second rate. The crowds are awful.
DeleteI'm tuned in to the local news at this moment and nope, nothing is being reported regarding last night's mob incident. They're just talking about the CSO strike and one killing in Evanston. Figures. I so agree with anonymous 11:38 pm comments. This city is a bunch of nonsense.
ReplyDeleteBtw, has anyone else noticed how often their airing big Rahm Rahm's commercial on how proud and happy he is that the Chicago school strike is over? They play it over and over again. It almost feels like a communistic/ brainwashing commercial.
ReplyDeleteIn related news a couple people were stabbed right there near State & Division, with a couple others also getting hurt. They were described as gang members by a newspaper. Ages were listed as 31 and 36 for the stabbed ones. Gang members in their 30's? And the "heathens" just down the street at Chicago & State represent the younger black savages just starting out on their careers of destroying everything.
ReplyDeleteIt's all a black thing, apparently. We get stuck with the bill for all the police, jails, social workers, section 8, you name it, while they just go on their way ruining all parts of the city.
It's a moot point, since Romney is a dunce and a spineless fool.
ReplyDeleteBut if Obama were to be defeated in November's election, the blacks would riot in all major cities, including Chicago.
Chicago politics is a worse joke than ever. The city falls apart, yet some liberal hack councilman spends the city's time trying to keep a chicken franchise out of the city because it doesn't agree with his pro-homosexual agenda.
Seriously?! State and Division? That's in the Gold Coast and should be a relatively. Again, nothing was aired on the news regarding this incident.
ReplyDeleteI agree with anonymous 9:20 am. I'm not too nuts about Romney, but he's got my vote. I don't want to see Obama in the office for another 4 years. I believe that if O is defeated there will be riots. We need to take back our country and not allow these animals to take over.
Relatively safe area.
DeleteThese are not heathens they are Savages of the most primitive kind. This is not a racist statement but a statement of fact. Normal people do not act like this. Watch the news and see a pattern of chosen behavior that is totally unacceptable. After years of filling their heads with Horrible rap music expounding violence and gang behavior, these entities have decided to destroy everything good and wholesome.
ReplyDeleteThis is entertainment for them.
ReplyDeleteCC and "vigilance" patrols. I'm able bodied. Anyone like the idea?
Two people were stabbed and one severly beaten last night at State and Division outside the bars...all gang members. same crap.
ReplyDeleteWr should start invading their areas and surprise them when they're getting out of the bars. Could you imagine? You'd have Jesse Jackson and al Sharpton all over you screaming racism.
ReplyDeleteRe: 8:30 a.m. comment on ages.
ReplyDeleteover the past 10 years I have called 911 about 3 times a year. Two nights ago I noticed a change in the dispatcher's questions. Still asked how many and are they black or Hispanic. New question was are they teens or young adultS? WHY? I assume the young adults are more likely to be armed and more dangerous.
^if you go over to the RamZpaul youtube channel, he will tell you about the difference between teens and young adults. He knows a thing or two about youths...
ReplyDeleteWow!!! Sun Times finally printed the story about the two stabbings and beating outside Bootleggers and Detention (State & Division) nightclubs early this morning. They did not disclose the perpetrators race, however, they did state they didn't know if they were gang members. One of the perpetrators resisted arrest. Our city is becoming like a jungle.
ReplyDeleteThis may or may not be related to the topic above depending on how you look at it, but everyone should go and see "2016: Obama's America." It's a very well done unbiased documentary. It presents the facts in a way that allows the viewer to decide whether Obama's ideological views of politics are good or bad for our country. Please see the movie before you vote.
ReplyDeleteAt 9:20am - I'm SSA (gay for most people) and that Chick-A-Fila thing has got to be the most ridiculous stunt I've encountered in my life and I'm not young by any means. After that, I officially don't pay attention to the gay agenda nonsense in this town. They need to get a life but it's all about $$$ and exposure.
ReplyDeleteOne of the bars on Halsted promptly put up a gigantic banner to the effect of "we hate Chick-A-Fila". After that goony alderman retracted and shut-up (I'm sure there's another explanation), I noticed that banner is gone. Again, anything for a $. Patronizing and preying on their own.
There's a great youtube video of this flaming gay black transgender like thing eating a chicken sandwich saying "ain't nobody going to tell me what to eat". I love it. But anyway, yeah let's worry about chicken sandwiches when people are being violently robbed and stabbed at your doorstep Mr. bar biz. Priorities, ya know?
Regarding the Streeterville area, although I appreciate the presence of all the fine police officers, I do not understand why they all stand around on Mag Mile "shooting the breeze" with one another. It appears that they are bunched up & practically tripping over each other. Meanwhile, there are mobs in the park by the Water Tower (Seneca Park). The Chicago Bridge has a number of shake down artist, crazy aggressive panhandlers, and shoe shine cons bugging tourist, but no police officers. By the way..with all the police officers why do we have more panhandlers than ever? What is with the police on horses & bikes..how effective is that?
ReplyDeleteso many ignorant comments here! do u ppl really believe your own bullsh*t or is it just entertaining. Obama being in office has no effect whatsoever on a spke of black-perpetrated crime. Do we expect a spike in Mormon-perpetrated crime if Romney were to get elected? Gay people and plenty of straights were opposed to Chick-Fil-A for the simple reason that the owner was very publicly supporting groups fighting to take away equal rights for gays, as well as indirectly funding and supporting a law in Uganda calling for the death penalty just for being gay. I am quite certain if an African country called for the death penalty for being an ignorant white person that all of u ignorant white ppl on here would be up in arms too (and for good reason).
ReplyDeleteTell me when it was reported that a Mormon committed a rape, an aggravated assault, or a murder. We don't want Obama re-elected because anytime the national media makes it look like the blacks are the victims, and pandering is what they are good at, it seems like Obama likes to get his 2 cents in. Look at the Travon Martin case and when his friend professor Gates bitched about being arrested. All blacks have to do is bitch enough, get Shaprton and Jackson involved, and the media, and everyone goes bat shit stupid. You are obviously just a sheeple who buries his head in the sand when the facts are presented.
DeleteYou took the words right out of my mouth anony 7:03 pm. Bravo! Some people are completely blind and ignorant to what is going on. Hence, that is why we are witnessing the breakdown of our nation and city. Chicago politics are controlling the nation. We need O out!
DeleteNo, the latter comment is right. The political climate of the country has absolutely no trickling down affect on the breakdown of society. It's just a complete coincidence. This person seems to be ignorant to reality.
ReplyDeleteI've noticed that the "urban youth" are even bothering with the older career type panhandlers. This city is becoming Somalia.
ReplyDelete@7:03.....that Professor Gates deal. I was eating and literally almost choked when I heard Obama's response on the radio of "I don't know any of the facts here yet but I do know that the (White) cop acted "stupidly"). This was early in his term, right? I just thought OMG, we've got a race-baiting POTUS. Heaven Help Us All.
ReplyDeleteSo we had a White looking "black" president. Let's move on.
I'm so glad I grew up in the ghetto and know better than to buy a "condo" in one.
I know.....let's go have a "morning wood" brunch at the new "Wood" restaurant (next to the boarded up wine/suicide shop) or maybe a pitcher of margaritas at Dirty Sanchez's tequila hut. These people are sooooo funny (for a $). Maybe later we'll get some Rainbow Pizza.....oh wait, wait.....they don't open until 9pm.
ReplyDeleteGays in Chicago are truly oppressed and it's by their own doing. The rest of the U.S. has moved on.
With respect to 6:07 pm comment, can you please enlighten us with your reasoning as to why all this crime is occurring? I'm not sure if you're a transplant from a little Midwest town, but I'm a Chicagoan and I've never seen this type of crime EVER! Crime is now moving north into the suburbs. Buffalo Grove, an affluent suburb of Chicago, is now seeing it's share of crime. This past Friday, an individual was arrested for the second time soliciting a child. In June, a resident was held up by gun point. Can you please tell me how individuals of this caliber can live in a nice suburban area?! I don't understand as I am too ignorant.
Regarding the connection of Obama to all these black crime sprees, they seem to have increased under him. The president actually came out and called the hoodie-wearing thug Trayvon his "son". With all the important things to do he found the time to come out for some unknown thug simply because he was black. He sent the message blacks can do anything they like, no matter what, as long as they're black. And don't forget the section 8 program, planting the criminal element everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThank you, yes! Please know that it's not the color of one's skin that is a concern to most. It is the socioeconomic class that causes alarm. I don't mind living next to a black educated professional, but its the type of people that the government is trying to force us to intertwine with. I've seen this element walking around Northbrook and Oakbrook. For the ones who arent aware, both suburbs are upscale. My ex used to live in Lakeview by Lincoln Park Zoo. It was a lovely area and I always felt relatively safe to walk around in. That was was less than 10 years ago. In June, I dropped a friend off at her place in that same area. I can't even begin to tell you how much it has changed. The element that is walking around is much to be desired. It's sad. And what makes me angry is that the professionals that are living there still have to pay a pretty penny to live there while the thugs are getting their property subsidized by the government. I believe in helping the less fortunate, but when the less fortunate display uncivilized behavior towards their fellow man, I have a big problem with that. And no, I'm not ignorant, I'm just being realistic. Over the summer with all the crime we had, the cops advised the citizens that if encounter a flash mob or criminal of any kind, to not resist and to give them what they want. I understand the message behind the statement, but at the same time it didn't sit we'll with me. It's almost like they're condoning the criminal's actions. I agree with 7:14 am and the link between the increase in black crime and Obama . Everyone has the right to their opinion and may disagree with me, but just you wait. If Obama loses the election there maybe some riots around town and around the nation. The economic climate is already at a boiling point.
DeleteWe're having this violence because you cannot tame partially sentient, still-savage Africans nor make them fit in with first world civilization.
ReplyDeleteThey are ungrateful beasts who bite the hand that feeds them.
I hope that nobody will think it is a good idea to vote for Obama just because they fear unrest if he loses. Our only hope is to restore our government back to something closer to what our founders envisioned. Romney is at least a step in the right direction. The crippling effect of the entitlement mentality is ruining Chicago. I see it all over. I have experienced a flash mob at Chicago and Michigan last winter and not a word of it spoken in the press and there were 100's involved! Grabbing peoples's shopping bags, pushing and jostling. I predict that soon we will look like Detroit. Tourists will be afraid to visit, convention business will go elsewhere. This is a very expensive and very unsafe place to visit not to mention live in. I am in a state of heightened alert everywhere I go and sense a very belligerent attitude under the best of circumstances. When people are given things they can never get enough and they feel like they are victims and need more. The Democrat entitlement agenda created this mess. I am sick of this once beautiful city turning into a wasteland. It is a little thing but notice that the Cheetos and chips that are purchased with the Link cards provided by hardworking taxpayers end up creating sidewalk trash all over the city. The empty bags are dropped on the ground rather than deposited in the trash receptacle that can be found on every block. The broken windows policies of Rudy Guliani worked in NYC. Let us bring some of those best practices here before it is too late.
ReplyDeleteAmerica needs a good civil war to thin out the herd, there are too many malingerers sucking off the government tit right now. They can enlist and fight for either side, or starve to death.
ReplyDeleteThe senile quotes guy is back full time again. Tired of being turned down at the bars (that you obviously spend time and money in) you ramble about here? I know getting old is hard, and certain body parts don't work like they used to, but nobody here cares about anything you have to say either. Take this message like you took "gross get away from me" at the bar last night
ReplyDeleteRegarding the Chick-Fil-A thing, there's an easy solution: Don't patronize them.
ReplyDeleteWe're Americans, we can vote with our wallets. I'm not forced to eat at CFA or anywhere else. FWIW, I've never actually eaten at one, but that's only because until the one moved here, I literally had never seen one. But when it did move here, I learned about how crazy right wing the owner is (printing bible verses on every cup, wrapper, etc), and forces all of his restauranters to close on Sundays, or he will stop selling them supplies & drive them out of business.
For that practice alone, I boycotted CFA. There are plenty of other places in the city I can choose to spend my money.
Just bc the gay rights crowd doesn't like the message he sends, doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to his own message, just like they have a right to theirs. But demanding that the place not be allowed in Chicago is going overboard. He has the right to free speech, just like they do. They have no right to force someone to their side of the agenda. Doing so is called, "fascism."
We need more proper-thinking rednecks like the owner of Chick-Fil-A, I like them better than yuppie douches who want every neighborhood to be "diverse".
ReplyDeleteIf they started pumping Garth Brooks and Willie Nelson in there all the time, I'd f-ing live there.
We have to respect each others opinions and remember that our country's fathers fought for our freedoms....freedom of speech and religion. If you believe in Chick-Fil-A's values and philosophies then keep supporting the wonderful (and tasty) franchise. If you don't agree in what they stand for then don't go. Simple as that. But when the mayor and alderman condemn the establishment and forbid the city from opening up the local franchise, I have a problem with that. Just like Obama, Rahm's political views are extremely anti colonial. It's a shame that this once beautiful city is becoming more and more of a communistic wasteland. PS What is with the moronic Rahm commercial that is played over and over again? Do we live in Russia? Also, Obama on the View again this morning? He continually disrespects the highest seat in the office
ReplyDeleteLOL I don't have to respect anyone's opinions, what are you talking about? Respect is not part of the constitution or written in to any laws. the word you're looking for is tolerate. I have to tolerate the dumb opinions of most people that post here,.but I certainly don't respect them.
ReplyDeleteTolerate and respect go hand in hand, genius. LOL!
ReplyDeleteIt's "tolerance", and no they don't necessarily go hand in hand GENIUS! Respect is something that is earned. As far as tolerance that too is subjective. We don't tolerate child abuse do we? Now go pat your smug, self righteous self on the back.
ReplyDeleteSome of the comments on here are just ridiculously ignorant. It's also obvious that some of you don't watch the news close enough and those who do only follow local news. First of all, the gang brawl and stabbings that happened on Division street was all over the news. I woke up to that report on the television that morning and I kept hearing about it all day, on different channels. It was also reported on the sites of the Tribune, Sun-times and CBS. How did you people miss it? I don't know. It was a fight between gangbangers and all 3 victims were in the gang. This stretch of Division is full of bars and fights at bars are nothing unusual. There are bar fights in every city. Last month alone there were reports of bar fights in the suburbs where there were actual fatalities. I was stuck in the middle of nowhere in Missouri for work a few years ago and the same thing was going on out there at the bars.
ReplyDeleteAs for the flashmob, I didn't hear anything about that but I'm guessing that's because there were no innocent victims. And the people who thinks Chicago is the only city dealing with these flashmobs will be in for a rude awakening when they move somewhere else and ecounters the same problem. See what I mean here>>>violentflashmobs.com.
Like I've said, you people who thinks crime is only happening in Chicago obviously only watch local news and don't even do a good job with that becasue local news sometimes report on outrageour crimes taking place in other cities too. The other day my yahoo homepage for some reason got switched to DC so I decided to leave it there for a little bit. What I saw for the next couple days was very familiar. The same stories that I read or hear about here in Chicago are playing out in DC as well. The headlines read like this: 5 shot, 2 stabbed in 18 hours, 4 shot, 2 dead in 24 hours, 19 y/o shot on campus, robbers stealing copper from rooftops, etc.
Also, I don't think Obama being president has much to do with the increase in crime in this city or around the country. Flashmobs didn't start happening because Obama was elected. They started happening because the criminals discovered social media. If John McCain or Romney were president today we'd still be dealing with flashmobs. The economy has a lot to do with the increase in crime and in that aspect you could probably put some blame on Obama since he's partly to blame for the economy still being in the toilet.
Btw, to the idiot you thinks Chicago wants to be NYC, you couldn't be more wrong. Chicago just wants to be the greatest Chicago it can be, it doesn't want to be that dirty, rat, infested dump. NYC has its on crime problems. They have people getting raped in Central Park, people getting robbed of their IPHONES and all sorts of other crimes taking place. The only difference is NYC is 3 times bigger than Chicago, has huge bridges that separates Manhattan from the other crime ridden hoods. They also have a search and frisk policy and a better police force which is why their murder rate is lower. It's funny how no one ever mentioned the 67 people that were shot in NYC last labor day weekend or the shooting that took place on that beach in Brooklyn where several people were shot and and some even killed. You also never heard anything about all the shootings and violence that took place during the Caribean parade where a huge amount of people were shot. Again, NYC has it's own problems not to mention a mayor who wants to control citizens and tell them what to eat and how big of a drink they can have.
Agree with above comment to a point. There is going to be crime no matter where you go. I think one would have to move to Switzerland to feel safer. ha. However, we seem to be topping two major cities in the nation, LA and NYC, with respect to crime.. One would suspect that both other cities would have more crime since there are more people, but statistics show that we are higher in homicides. We even top LA in the gang department. I think the difference is the amount of police that are patrolling the streets, plus other compounding factors.
ReplyDeleteIf we are going to blame Democrat Obama for the high manslaughter/murder rate in Chicago this year, then wouldn't it only be fair to blame. Republicans Reagan and Bush for the much higher rates of the 1980s and early 1990s?