Thursday, July 26, 2012

Second woman robbed at knifepoint in Rogers Park

For the second time this morning, a woman was robbed at knifepoint in Chicago’s Far North Side Rogers Park neighborhood, said police.

The latest armed robbery occurred on the 6800 block of North Sheridan Road, near Sheridan and Pratt, around 4:50 a.m.

The mugger was described as a young black male, about 5’7”, wearing a black hooded sweatshirt.

According to the victim, the mugger may be a juvenile, said police.

Investigators said the thief stole the victim’s purse containing her money and various ID.

Earlier this morning, another woman was robbed on the 6800 block of West Greenview Avenue; and in case you missed the similarities, both crimes involved a knife and both incidents occurred on the 6800 block.

Photo credit: Google


  1. But EveryBlock Rogers Park says the neighborhood is safe. And anyone who goes on there and says the neighborhood is dangerous will be lectured by old girl Phoebe.

  2. Used to be the lowlifes were all around Jonquil Terrace and Howard Avenue.

    Now they've spread out all over Rogers Park. This city needs to hire Sheriff Joe Arapio from Arizona to clean up Chicago.

  3. joe arapio is a racist piece of garbage and doesn't deserve his badge. he's an embarrassment to every police officer in the country.

  4. I can honestly say I never heard of anyone or any source refer to Rogers Park as "safe" since I've lived in this city. All said it was diverse however. "The most diverse place in the U.S.A." according to their brainwashing.

    "Diverse" meant don't look for a home there, when I first arrived.

  5. Joe Arapio rocks!

  6. Celebrate Clark Street Festival Promotes Unity in Rogers Park

    Check out Rogers Park's diversity!

  7. Is that Apple's new maps app or did Google Maps add 3D images of everything? If those images get any clearer, you would be able to see into people's windows...


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