Citing preliminary reports, the incident occurred around 3:10 a.m. in the vicinity of West Foster Avenue and North Marine Drive.
One report stated the beating occurred at the lakefront.
Four Hispanic males beat the victim and one offender struck the victim in the face with a bottle, said police.
Investigators said some of the suspects had tattoos on their faces and one suspect’s hair was styled in a “shag”.
The battery victim was transported to Weiss Memorial Hospital, 4646 North Marine Drive, where as of 4:54 a.m., he remained unconscious.
Tsk tsk - shouldnt be on the lakefront after the 11pm closings.
ReplyDeleteThe Morelocks come out at night and control the city.
(the vict was prolly a gbanget too....)
Just doing the jobs Americans don't want to do.
ReplyDeleteThere are a whole group of Americans squirting out babies and sucking up welfare who could be doing these jobs instead. Just throw them and their babies off it.
DeleteI'd rather keep Mexicans and their family structure, admirable work ethic, faith, esteem, kindness and goals and values than another population segment that I won't identify.
DeleteAnd the US Dept. of Defense determined that the Hispanic birth rate and immigration level to be a key factor in maintaining our position of strengyh.
The browning of America is a good thing.
Ask Dr. Q. about this.
I hear Obama is going to offer illegal immigrants free sex change operations and free abortions to anyone who renounces Christianity!
ReplyDeleteI'm in. Fucking white trash ignorant fucks! Crackers think this is their country all the fucking truths you seem to forget you ignorant mixed bred cracker fucks! Fucking Native Americans were killed like demon savages and Mexicans were here waaaay before your devil white blooded ignorant ass. Shit! You have devil blood in you. Minorities my ass! You stupid restarted ignorant inbred fucks came from inbred evil England pricks with your useless ignorant thinking! Its time we give back what you did the indentured servants of Irish, (fuck them too) then bringing Africans and Indians and Asians here as slave. Blood is on your ignorant CRACKER hands! What's going to happen is this country will be all brown people. Crackers become extinct! Pahbacks a bitch. Whole world will be brown. Then we'll flip it and take the wasted white devils to be OUR slaves!! Watch.
DeleteAll rational people should renounce Christianity and every other organized religion.
ReplyDeleteHispanics are uber-annoying in stores and restaurants, they have a large group of kids in tow, and they act stupid and block the way most of the time. The dream of the curvy latina girls you see on Descontrol are not much of a reality, it's more like the short, fat stretched-marked momma in cheap pajama bottoms. Actually most Americans are disgustingly fat and need to lay off the food.
Even if you yell "Move out of the way, you stupid motherfuckers" in the spanish equivalent, they still act deaf and unaffected by the fact they are in everybody's way.
Fuck u gringo!
ReplyDeleteJew bedder estart lurnin espaniich esse!
Mover fuera del camino, motherfuckers grasa estúpido!!
ReplyDeleteFuck white people they some scary as faggets except their bitches
ReplyDelete@11:09 and 1:21: LOL. You wetbacks do more race-baiting on this site than us whites. When the tables turn on you, you get all defensive. Get this through your illegal immigrant heads: We don't like the "N's" or you bastards either.