Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cops: Woman stabbed at Roscoe Village bar

A woman was stabbed in the neck at a Roscoe Village, Lakeview neighborhood bar, said police

The incident occurred around 4:55 a.m. at the Blue Light bar, 3251 North Western Avenue, between Belmont and Clybourn.

The woman was cut with a razor, said one report.

The offender was described as a tall, Hispanic male dressed in all black clothing.

According to eyewitnesses, the assailant fled the scene eastbound on School Street in a black 2012 Dodge Challenger.

During the last update, authorities said the victim lost a lot of blood and one person was arrested in connection with the stabbing.


  1. Update- CPD source confirms death of the victim at Illinois Masonic.

  2. This is very sad. I saw most of the aftermath. According to witnesses on the scene, the woman was cut because of an argument between the victim and the assailant's girlfriend.

    I'm a neighbor of the Blue Light bar, and it is a nuisance. Roscoe Village is a wonderful neighborhood and it does not deserve to be tarnished by the Blue Light.

    I spoke with the Alderman's office this morning and if any 5 residents living within 500 feet of an establishment with a liquor license file complaint, the validity of the liquor license can be questioned.

    So, if you are a neighbor of Blue Light Bar(3251 N. Western Ave) PLEASE write a letter and file a complaint of Public Nuisance with:

    Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection
    The Local Liquor Control Commission
    121 N LaSalle, Room 805
    Chicago, IL 60602

    1. I will be filing a complaint. I live right there. We need 2 more

  3. This is not true....the woman did not die....

  4. Thank you for the information regarding the public nuisance complaint process. I am also a nearby resident and have seen an escalation in disruptive behavior coming from patrons of the Blue Light and Underbar, including noise, garbage and property damage in the neighborhood. I will be submitting my complaint form this week.

  5. The woman did not die

  6. l am at Belmont and Oakley... l wonder if l live close enough to qualify.

  7. Does anyone know about what's going on with the person arrested and the girlfriend? I'm asking because I know the people they are talking about, its my ex wife and her boyfriend. She told me he was arrested and only charged with simple battery and she was just questioned.

  8. .....and you people talk about Detroit in some negative manner...... (is it because they're all black? begs the question......).........


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