Do cops have the right to go shopping while on duty; and if so, are they allowed to park their cruisers in a tow zone while taking care of personal business?
Two Chicago police officers were filmed leaving the Uptown neighborhood Target store at 4466 North Broadway. One officer was carrying a brand new microwave.
The person who filmed the incident believes the officers shouldn’t be allowed to go shopping while on duty.
Furthermore, the videographer, for lack of a better word, has an issue with the officers partially parking on the sidewalk, in an alleged tow zone.
"Saw these two officers shopping at a Target while on the job. Then lying and saying they are off duty. Then why are they parked in a tow zone and on the curb," said YouTube user WakeUpNSmellTheBrew.
"Typical double standard, if it were us regular citizens then we would have been ticketed, towed, and fired from our job for shopping on the tax payers dollar. To Serve, Protect and Shop..." he continued.
Get over it moron, people get breaks and lunches. Can't park the emergency vehicle in the parking lot because people will block it in.
ReplyDeleteThey get a 1/2 hour break and 2-15 minute personals to do whatever they want-which can include shopping. So, get over it. Did you wait for them to come out of the store to film them too..creepy! Your lucky you weren't arrested and charged with a felony for violating the Illinois eavesdropping law, recording the police in a public place without consent is considered illegal.
ReplyDeleteSince it was Uptown, chances are good they'd get to collar a perp even if they were off-duty.
ReplyDeleteThat nig is so fat...he should have another hobby than microwaving.
ReplyDeleteCook County Criminal Court judge just ruled that "eavesdropping" law unconstitutional. So...film away. Photography and videography in public is not a crime.
ReplyDelete^Well good for this guy! Film away and continue being a weirdo!
ReplyDeleteJust another reason why unemployment is bad
ReplyDeleteThe videographer was kind of a dick... what a smartass.
ReplyDeleteUltimately, however, he has a point. Let's give the benefit of the doubt that the cops were on break. They still shouldn't be parking like that. Its the 'above the law' and 'I'm God' mentality that makes it harder for the general public to respect the cops.
Comment #1... parking in the parking lot would cause the car to be 'blocked in'? I've parked at this Target dozens of times and have never been 'blocked in'. I'm pretty sure if I blocked someone in, I'd get towed.
If I see one of these IPhone warriors filming the cops, God help them because the cops arent. They can film my foot going into their crotch at a high speed. What a fucking loser!!!! Has nothing better to do than film cops at Target.
ReplyDeleteI just wanna punch this effeminate little bitch right in his fucking teeth. Typical snarky little cunt that isnt a real man and hides behind his IPhone and computer. His comments are so annoying. Ill bet this little bitch hasnt gotten any in 5 yrs. Uuuugh little fuckers like this piss me off so much. Theres so many of them too. Its disgusting what has happened to "men". I hope he gets raped by 6 gangbangers.
ReplyDeleteWhy are the cops so fat? This is the real question.
ReplyDeleteNo the real question is why are you so controlling that you feel you can dictate what other people should look like or what shape people should be in. Hitler was like that too.
ReplyDeleteWell Maureen, the poster only asked "Why are the cops so fat?"
ReplyDeleteConsidering they are cops, they should be in shape AND their healthcare is paid by the tax payer, it makes a lot of sense.
What are they going to do if they need to chase someone?..roll after them?
Cops pay taxes as well so don't pull out the "I pay your salary" card. It's almost as bad as the race card
DeletePlease. Benefit of the doubt? Cops in Chicago are some of the lease law-abiding citizens we have. They break rules every second of every day. Need to get back quickly at the end of your shift, cop? Just run red lights. I see that all the time. Sit outside of Costco in a tow zone for over an hour while I shop? Yeah, they do that, too. Use a personal cell phone while driving? I haven't seen a cop car in the recent past where that wasn't happening. All of this on top of the crap they've been convicted of. Chicago cops are the least helpful, most over-important, racist, sexist, discriminating morons I have ever had the displeasure of paying.
ReplyDeleteOn occasion, to protect others, cops need to pursue people on foot and use their strength and agility to retain individuals. Can't do that as a fat blob, Maureen.
ReplyDeleteIf this useless clown is so concerned with exposing wrongdoings in the neighborhood why doesnt he film the drug dealers and gangbangers that are everywhere? Why? Cause this little bitch would get his ass kicked thats why. Classic example of an 8yr film/art history student that is not only completly useless but actually more of a nuisance to society. In the grand scheme of things what these cops are doing isnt bad compared to all the violent crimes that take place everyday. Yes Ive also encountered cops that were total dicks but really I prefer their presence over the degenerates that you see every day in Uptown and Rogers Park, and any moron with half a brain would feel the same way. In this tiny bitches misguided efforts to expose the police what he's really doing is undermining the efforts of hard working day to day citizens that contribute greatly to our society. Maybe if we acted more appreciative of people like the police they would be more helpful to us. Now they hate us too.
ReplyDeleteGreat point, 1237 am poster. If this jerkoff really was concerned about crime in Uptown, film the bangers, drug dealers, etc., who are the problem, not the police.
ReplyDeleteAlso, how do we know the cops weren't on a break, or that this was immediately before or after their shift? How do we know this wasn't for official police business - maybe the microwave broke down in their local office??
And besides, why does this person care at all about how they parked? I GUARANTEE you that the managers of that Target store are happy whenever a cop parks right out front.
The police virtually never are in a position to stop a crime while it's being committed - basically, they show up after, when they've been called, take a report, and try to catch the perp if the crime is serious (and if witnesses cooperate). But police also can be effective as a visible deterrent, which here means having the squad car parked directly out front.
With the car sitting right out front like that, do you think anybody planning to shoplift there is going in? Do you think any roving group of southside ghetto thug teen gangbanging wannabes are going to jump someone in the parking lot & steal their possessions and car?? Of course not, not when the police car is right there.
Again, if anything, the store WANTS the cops to park their car right out front like that. I have friends who own a small cafe on the northside that has been repeatedly robbed at gunpoint. There is a fire hydrant right in front of their store. They have let the local precinct know that cops are welcome to free coffee, water bottles, pop & snacks at their cafe, and they encourage the police to park at the hydrant in front of their store. Guess what? As soon as they started doing that, there have been no more holdups. It's plain & simple deterrence.
All this talk of perps and precincts makes me feel like I'm in a bad cop movie.
ReplyDeleteCops pay taxes as well so don't pull out the "I pay your salary" card. It's almost as bad as the race card
ReplyDeleteTotally with you on that one. And even if cops didn't pay taxes, the "I pay your salary" BS is just that - BS.
Just because someone's wages are funded (partially) through income taxes, by no means means that the general public "owns" that person or has an inherent right to sh!t on them.
The police aren't your private servant that you pay directly from your paycheck. If that was the case, then by all means criticize them. But they aren't. Show them the respect they are due.