Illinois Democratic Representative, Bobby Rush, was kicked off the House floor today after donning thug wear in support of slain Florida teen, Trayvon Martin.
"Just because someone wears a hoodie does not make them a hoodlum," said the former gang member.
Yes, Congressman... but many hoodlums wear hooded sweatshirts... a point that seems to get lost in the lopsided debate.
You know... there was a time when people appreciated the weight of first impressions and outward appearances. Looks like those days are gone.
Way to go Bobby Rush.
ReplyDeleteBobby would have made more of an impact had he done this at night, and then acted offended when security asked him what he was doing there.
ReplyDeleteWRT : "...Yes, Congressman... but many hoodlums wear hooded sweatshirts... a point that seems to get lost in the lopsided debate. .."
ReplyDeleteYou're stretching here...
Hoodlums also are noted for wearing sportswear. Team jerseys and shoes of the NBA, hats from MLB.
And many hoodlums work in corporations and in politics and wear three piece designer suits and ties.
Most recently for example are the exec's at MF Global, the Illinois ex-Governor, some ex-Chicago Aldermen and many current investment bankers.
This man is embarassing! Where are all the liberals criticize him for bringing up religion in a political forum. Then again what do you expect from a former Black Panther?
ReplyDeleteSorry meant to say "criticizing".
ReplyDelete@Anonymous - March 28, 2012 9:23 PM
ReplyDeleteThanks for yet another boring fallacy.
Talk about stretching.
What an ignorant spook. I love every new revelation that paints little Skittles as the juvenile delinquent, future cell block d inhibitor that he was.
ReplyDeleteWhy is that idiot quoting bible verses? Doesn't he understand separation of church and state??
ReplyDeleteJust goes to show, the republicans aren't the only party full of religious wackos...
a shine is a shine is a shine..hoody or no hoody..quit defending this little punk in florida...the media continues to refuse to tell the true story of how he started beating zimmerman..oh but thats irrelevant right cause poor little shines are allowed to beat white people...
ReplyDeleteYeah 9:23am, there are also clean-cut tax evading hippies in Edgewater and Uptown that just don't have pony tails or scraggly facial hair anymore. You'd never know it either.
ReplyDeleteYou honkies need to be shot
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to trauvons rght stand HIS ground
Whats your argument now that video is out, tell me dz is fat and outta shape
What did the uncovered photos of trayvon really prove
Wheres dz injuries if he was in the fight of his life
Why doesnt trayvon have a criminal record
Why did the funeral who handled the body say the saw nothing on his hands ,busted knuckles,
I could go on and on
You people on here just want to make blacks lower than the scum that You are
Now they are making dz out to be a latino, wat a freakin racket..
I bet dz is gonna have hell to pay when the public catches up to him. His judge father beter get him into the protection program cus he is a dead man walking, i wish i could take a policy out on him i know i will soon cash it in.
Blackberry so fuk you grammar nazis and the detroit fag and the asshat
And a nother thing,
ReplyDeleteI live uptown if any of yuhz people wanna meet for discusion. Lets see if we can mimic the stand your ground law ;-)
Check out a very little known story the media completely ignored involving the murder, torture, and rape of a young attractive white couple by 5 black savages in Knoxville, Tennessee. Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome were tortured and murdered by these black animals after they were carjacked. This was a horrific crime that the media chose not to report because the victims were white. I read the details of the crime on Wikipedia and if this is not a hate crime, I don't know what is. People should be outraged that this couple's story has not been plastered all over the news, unlike this thug trayvon who they are portraying as some martyr for attacking Zimerman. If the roles were reversed and it was 5 white attackers that tortured and murdered a young black couple, you can bet it would have been the top story around the country, and it would be classified as a hate crime. According to the media, black people do not hate white people, that's why the black panthers put a bounty on zimerman's head, dead or alive, right? Read the story and spread the word; if you are a white victim you are not important because they cannot use you to further their political agenda. I can only imagine if the young white couple had used a gun to defend themselves during the initial carjacking and killed those offenders- they would be reported all over the news as killing poor innocent black people who just needed a ride.
ReplyDeleteTo the dumb spook who said honkies need to be shot- that's kracker to you boy. Figures you live in uptown, armpit of the north side. Go grab your hoodie and skittles and join them fools in FL. A funeral director is not a medical examiner and not qualified to do post mortem evaluations, so his opinion is worthless. Now go suck down your can of steel reserve with your boys on the corner and wait for your stray bullet.
ReplyDeleteIm guessing the white community was busy doing other things like caring for the blacks and the white religious leaders where busy molestong the boys, i have no clue why the white media didnt report the story which begs the question how did you find out? Funny seeing how ALL the tv networks are owned by non blacks, hell even BET was sold by its black owner, btw a Billionaire guess he made his money being a thug criminal, btw, lets reference the black rooftop pastor seeing how blacks dont protest in the black communities.....: i culd go on but why bother with these pathetc losers, reference the missing man drowning case on here if you wana see how wonderful the cnr posters are....
aLL grammar nazis are too....
kick rocks
Wait one more,
Blacks only make 13% percent of the population and wth so many in prison or on death beds with aids surely you can find a place to live away from the savages they are. Double wides are cheap and detroit has a surplus of dirt cheap real estate. Lol
Wat a racket
Actually i stay on marine drive in bueana park which is considered uptown, so catch it gurl.:.:.
ReplyDeleteWata racket
Chicago's has alot of dirt cheap real estate too (vacancies abounds as well). Foreclosures up 42% and counting..........
ReplyDeleteThat being said, if you wanna throw around the "soon we'll be Detroit" pooky -- with this latest stunt wicha boy in the hoody at the podium.........you're officially 3 steps below it now. Laughing stock of the planet. At least they can dress (and hit an intended target).
ReplyDeleteYes, alot of forclosures in the chi, but that was in reference to a certain opin that detroit is better, reference some of te past posts on any givin subject
ReplyDelete#teamblackberry, so kick rocks
"Blackberry so fuk you grammar nazis"...I forgot, that's another reason to hate the white man. We speak correctly and work for our money. Fuck you ignorant monkey
ReplyDeleteNot to mention the media NEVER picked up on that little black ass punk who shot and killed those 2 English tourists in Florida. Oh yeah, he got life at 17! Where the hell are all the whites taking up protest signs and marching all over this country about all the black on white crimes? Oh wait, we're too politically correct to offend the black community. Besides, they would all call us racists because, of course, they're all angels. Black on white crime, if that isn't a hate crime, what the hell is? When will the black community realize that IF they raise their children well, they won't spend their lives in prison or end up in the grave. Pull your pants up assholes!
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to trauvons rght stand HIS ground
ReplyDeleteHe waived that right the moment he attacked George Zimmerman from behind.
Actually i stay on marine drive in bueana park which is considered uptown, so catch it gurl.:.:.
ReplyDeleteI like how you shines call it "Stay."
You can't call it "live" when you aren't paying for it. . .
There are a couple of apartment buildings with a few Section 8 apartments on Marine Drive where trayvons "stay." The whites in the buildings paying market rates hate the trayvons. The trayvon baby mommas breed their little trayvonettes faster than cockroaches to collect welfare and never know who the trayvon daddies are. We need a George Zimmerman on Marine Drive.
ReplyDeleteNope, not me. Sbm ownz it owtright wits my thug moneies....
ReplyDeleteNow stick that between your lip and cheek travis......lol
Lol, yuhz people on here are tools
Nobody who pays their own rent refers to the place as where they "stay."
ReplyDeleteDoes anybody have a, "cracked out schfartze talk to English translator?"
ReplyDeleteBecause I can barely decihper anything that these monkeys are saying. I guess they figured out how to turn their howling into typing.
I like some of you racist white cave dwellers in phosisticated clothing beating your chest about winning a race war against black people, when Asians outnumber you all. SMH...
ReplyDeleteHey idiot, I don't care that there are more Asians globally than whites - I just care about the population here in the US. A race war will be in one country, not globally.
BTW, it takes about 10 seconds to google, "United States Demographics," then click on any of the 14 million links that come up, to find this data:
In the US, blacks are 12.4% of the population. Whites (which includes Hispanic) are 72.4%, and Asians are 4.8% (the rest is a hodgepodge of "other," "two or more races," "Native American," "Pacific Islander," etc.).
Take the Hispanics out, and this country is still 63.7% white. I'm not sure if they teach math or statistics at wherever you went to school (they certainly didn't teach grammar, spelling, or English - I can tell by your "phosisticated" post), but this means that there are 5 times as many white people here as there are black people.
Additionally, Asians hate black people, and Hispanics aren't too fond of you either. If a race war did break out, and Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners, Europeans, and S. Americans felt compelled to "pick a side," well, we all know what side they would pick - and it's not the Dark Side.
Riddle me this..........
ReplyDeleteSince when has the interwebz and turned into a place where u gotta type in mla format? We cool kidz always done typwd and texted on the innertubes using speek......so now since yauhs ppl on here its changed. Btw, this dates back to aol and prodigy when it wasnt many black on the tubes.........yuhs people will stop at nuthin.......lol
Wata a racket.....put that btwn yo cheek and gum archie bunker
I just do it for the lulz
Catch it gurl
All gramma nazis can, lets say it togethwr..........kick rocks
Lol, and since tim fitz censor so many of my resposes i cant begin to tell u wat else can go betwn yo cheek and gums.......lol, gurl catch it if u can
Wait, another thing
ReplyDeleteI personally been to ALOT of asian countries bc i was interested and for leisure
They ALL wanted to rub my black skin, bring me gifts, and i went to so many house, complete strangers mind u, bc they wanted to know me. I got all the pics and visas to prove if u wanna catch it gurl
Sorry blqcks are only villified in the usa and nazi countries.....how many crimes uave u heard are commited against blacks abroad buly non whites? Gurl catch it......look into wats going on in mexico, brazil, thailand....etc.......only place where they hating blacks is in the uk, iraq, and here....
Refute that archie bunker........
Even asian countries with a strong black military presence, girl bye with that ish....u gotta educated bm here so i see through all ur tomfoolery
I like how you Travons prove you can't fight by inviting us "crackas" to some area you infest so you can outnumber us twenty to one. Everytime I've fought a Trayvon one on one I won the fight quickly and they broke down like a little bitch and cried from the beating I gave them.
ReplyDeleteAnd wait, historicqlly whotes have always bben the violent savages that sought to seek destroy and conquer, o even learned that in undergrad classes.......now that youve been matched its a problem. So its ok when u use brut force? Gurl catch it.....me dare any of you to spar with me
ReplyDelete#teamblackberry vs my fat black fingers on the small touch screen, me nah edit nutin
Why can't any of ghetto posters spell?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 29, 2012 10:16 AM
ReplyDeleteYou honkies need to be shot…
I bet dz is gonna have hell to pay when the public catches up to him. His judge father beter get him into the protection program cus he is a dead man walking, i wish i could take a policy out on him i know i will soon cash it in.
Anonymous said... March 29, 2012 10:27 AM “And a nother thing, I live uptown if any of yuhz people wanna meet for discusion. Lets see if we can mimic the stand your ground law ;-)”
I guess they will have to look for someone named Anonymous. Or maybe Spike Lee will be kind enough to tweet your address?
Anonymous said... March 29, 2012 7:33 PM “ Why can't any of ghetto posters spell? “
ReplyDeleteRacism. Ultimately, it is always racism.
Lets all welcome the only section 8 monkey posting on here. As you can see you are the minority on here as well. NowhatImsaying jo??!! Real Talk.
ReplyDeleteWow, look at that, 13 shot, 2 killed last night here in Chicago, all on the south & west sides, all shooters & victims likely black.
ReplyDeleteHow do I know the shooters are black? Read the Trib article - The worst shooting occurred around 6 p.m. Thursday when two men in hooded sweatshirts opened fire inside a convenience store in the 1400 block of West 79th Street in the Gresham neighborhood, police said.
One man was killed and five others were wounded. The victims ranged in age from 16 to 25.
Well done, n!gs. Keep it up. Though I guarantee we won't see any protests of these shooting. No opportunity to cry raycist or demand stuff from whitey.
Bobby Rush doesnt want you to think people who wear hoodies are no-good trouble maker types.
ReplyDeleteIn order to prove his point he put on a hoodie at work even though it was against workplace rules.
Then, he started raising his voice and generally being a disruptive presence.
Finally, when the person in charge asked him to comply with the same rules as everyone else, Rush ignored him and had to be removed by law enforcement.
GOOD JOB BOBBY! Great examples of behavior to expect from black men wearing hoods...
What an embarrassment to Chicago and black people in general. How is this fool ass monkey still in office? Oh and save the scripture for your brainwashed mongoloids on the low end of Chicago.
"You know... there was a time when people appreciated the weight of first impressions and outward appearances. Looks like those days are gone."
ReplyDeleteYeah... back when blacks knew their place.
Seriously can we get a chimp filter on here?
ReplyDeleteOr at least require the shines to sign up for an account. You can do that from the computers at the library correct?
LOL re: chimp filter. Good stuff!
ReplyDeleteBut fuck it, let 'em post. Their postings, along with, you know, everything else they do, from all the murders in Chicago, to things like the chimp out at the Walgreen's in N. Miami that was a Trayvon "protest," to hoodie wearing ghetto n!g thugs shooting up a store called "Dollar and Tobacco," literally everything they do simply substantiates the stereotypes that most of decent society has of them.
It's their own grave, and they keep digging it deeper daily.