Can you guess why these people are standing in line?
According to Take Back Woodlawn, people were lined up Tuesday on the 6300 block of South Vernon Avenue for a free cell phone.
TBW believes handouts are destroying black communities.
Photo credit: Take Back Woodlawn
If you observe ANY country that is black-run you can see that they fail at civilization. In Africa, Haiti, etc.
ReplyDeleteJapan had horrific earthquakes and they got their shit together and didn't riot or chimpout or become roving warlords and are recovering nicely.
Haiti sucked up all that gibs me dat money and is still a devastated shithole.
By enacting all the welfare in the last century, the US government and others have enabled these evolutionary dead-ends to expand far beyond what it was originally capable of.
I have lived with and worked with blacks, being the only white guy and they are proud of getting free stuff and their culture revolves around it. Almost any black person in conversation will eventually mention that they like "free".
Working and saving to earn stuff only occurs with a select fewe, and the jobs they hold are usually fraudulent like telemarketing or boiler room phone survey places.
To be continued
I am getting the hell out of the mental health industry because so many blacks have figured out to mimic human mental illnesses and get another cushy set-up, free apartment, free everything and they can go to the community center and bully mentally challenged people all day and other TNB activities. I did not get into this to help this walking cancer to spread across the Earth and consume and destroy everything that is right and good with the world, which is very little around this hellhole of a city.
ReplyDeleteIt's the mark of low intelligence and even lower willpower that so many blacks are content with just standing on the corner or watching BET on the community center teevee year after year, never wanting anything more than what they've got going socially, just wanting more shiny things, craving more violence and more sex with anything with a warm, wet orifice.
ALL black men are on the DL, they just assess the facts of the situation around them and decide if they want to pork, it's not even a gay thing, it's just a animal that needs to release its sperm into another living thing.
The only "art" blacks create is graffitti and hateful, toxic rap music.
ReplyDeleteA few of them did easy stuff like inventing peanut butter, which some white guy probably did first but just didn't get to the patent office in time.
Somebody somewhere determines what blackness software they run year after year, somebody has determined that you have to like X rap music and Nike shoes and bling, and cars with rims and hydraulics. Almost every black teen has the same carbon copy personality, just like what we've seen on TrapeVon's Myspace pages. There's almost no black goths, or nerds, no black metalheads, they quash any difference within their community and make them fall in line and run Negro Version 2012 or else they get beat down or even killed.
I am sick of the push that everybody has to think black people are awesome and need to be admired, they cry racism if you're not interested in their toxic culture or bemoan the fact that they have to be included in every single mainstream tv show or movie even if it doesn't help the story. Asians and hispanics, indians, etc don't protest anywhere near as much that they have to be on EVERY FUCKING SHOW AND IN EVERY FUCKING MOVIE.
Look at "Thor", they made Heimdall a spook. It's fucking Norse Mythology! They didn't have black guys there!
IM sorry but if the cant eat it or boink it, they destroy it. If you want to give them free stuff, give them a hammer, nails, paint, grass seed, and any other item they will need to fix all they have destroyed. They are a cancer to society plain and simple. These animals give real hard working black people a bad name. Only in this toilet of Chicago.
ReplyDeleteOne thing that most people don't know is that ghetto blacks don't participate in the Census. It's part of the militant attitude of not complying wit da man. This same population reproduces 3x faster than civilized taxpaying citizens. The point is that this problem is growing exponentially each and every day, yet it is still completely ignored by the mainstream media. It's time to let the black race stand on its own or fail. As a country we can't afford to continue to foster this problem. When is it going to stop? Most of our major cities are already on the brink of complete failure due to these parasites. I'm embarrassed that the white population is so gutless that they just keep tolerating it. What's it going to take???
ReplyDeleteThe free handouts make them lazy, generation after generation. More lazy, thieving thugs. Gimme gimme gimme. I am so sick of their sense of entitlement. Time for our government to act and take away all of their free shit they feel they are entitled to!! Our city, our state, our country is broke and broken!! Time for the lazy apes to become productive like the rest of society!!
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's the handouts destroying black communities - it's the blacks.
ReplyDeleteShines think they r entitled to a free ride their whole life..it will never change.freeloadin lowlife chimps!
ReplyDeleteWhy spend money on food when you can buy designer jeans and hoodies???
ReplyDeleteI agree witgh the brave above comments...being the only white woman working with black women for years was hell to pay..I never knew such hatred existed..after all I at the time lived in Hyde Park & was a brain washed liberal. It took apartment break ins..muggings..an innocent white woman friend of mine murdered in Hyde Park ..to realize how unsafe it is to be any where near blacks. The very quality of life changes when you are around blacks..you can never leave your guard down..always apprehensive. ..in fear..knowing what they are capable of doing. The Racial Ruse has milked us dry...Their crime track record reputation speaks for itself. Race relations & crrime under Obama have only gotten worse..Obama never mentions the 50 shootings & 10 murders over a weekend in his city..but steps to the plate about T. Martin case before the facts were out..he could be my son...this is really sick!
ReplyDeleteThis photo indeed is worth a thousand words. It is pitiful that race has absolutely no pride or dignity or sense of working for things they want. If I was an adult that was so broke I couldn't even afford a phone, I would either find a job...ANY job...or else just kill myself. It is obvious that spooks were better off as slaves...the plantation owners fed them, gave them free housing, and made them do something productive, which they are incapable of doing on their own.
ReplyDeleteI find it very interesting that you all post as anonymous. If you truly want your voice heard and your comments read why don't you post your name and have a real discussion about these issues. Also, you should man up (or woman up) and make sure all of your family and friends can see what bigot-like comments you make on public websites. I would (not that you owe it to me) like to see research that backs up your claims that just because Im Black, I like 'free' stuff and that we 'ruin' society.
ReplyDeleteAnyone that denies entitlements have grossly affected the black race in negative way, is a liar or in a serious state of denial. Political correctness has forced us into remaining anonymous when expressing our opinion on such matters. It is even considered racist to suggest food stamp recipients should be drug tested. We are forced to subsidize lifestyles we strongly disapprove of. Surely, this will soon come to an end.
DeleteThese are some of the best,most accurate comments I have ever read in the history of the internet.
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows, on some level, that this is all true...even if they dont want to admit it consciously.
I noticed the Liquor store building behind them. My god, I hope they are not giving away free 40oz of malt liquor! They will attack!
ReplyDelete@Kenneth Edwards...People cannot provide their names because spooks are violent savages and would likely kill anyone who stated the truth about them. I do know for a fact that as a white woman, ALL of my family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers...literally everyone I know... hate cooons just as much as me and would back me up when I say we would all be better off if they were eradicated from the planet like the vermin they are.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I cant believe I missed the liquor store when I first read this.
ReplyDeleteMaybe there are too many of those around there also...
Kenneth Edwards, while I agree with you on some level, I think you're well aware of the fact that in today's world if you don't love black people and culture, you either keep it to yourself or you are pegged a racist - black people are the only ones who are allowed to say a bad word about other black people.
ReplyDeleteIt's my opinion that if black people don't like the way people view them, they should recognize that their own behavior dictates these views and make some changes, because the majority of the white folks sqwaking about all of this not out to hate people but are merely calling a spade a spade, which is completely justified (not just in the case of blacks, but of anyone who is acting a fool).
Anon March 28, 2012 10:16 AM :
ReplyDeleteCan anyone really take you seriously when you say .."under Obama race relations and crime have only gotten worse".
The subtext here is Obama did this...but only his black half.
I honestly think a better strategy is to pay a cash bonus to people on welfare, to not have children and to not join gangs..etc.
ReplyDeleteThere could even be fund put aside for abortions.
Nice little welfare diversion piece but the people are focusing their attention when it comes to welfare in the wrong direction.
ReplyDeleteWashington just got done handing out trillions of dollars in bailout money to the investment bankers to bail them out. Then Washington creates the illusion that all the bailout money was paid back so it's all okay. However the money used to pay back the bailout money was from another corporate welfare program in which the bankers received near zero percent loans from the Fed.
That's trillions of dollars in corporate welfare. You want to complain about someone getting something for nothing start at the top where you can make a difference and then work your way down. Start at the top where the real money is being spent.
The oil companies are making hundreds of billions of dollars in profit and yet the taxpayers are still funding billion dollar subsidies for them.
We didn't see an outrage when the welfare program called "Cash for Clunkers" kicked off so people could trade in their cars.
We didn't see an outrage when the Energy Star Appliance rebate government subsidized welfare programs kicked off discounting the cost of replacing your major appliances
As much as some people will abuse the cell phone program there are people that need a phone for emergency use and if you ever want to get them off welfare they need a phone for a potential employer to be able to contact them -- I mean what are you going to do?
Anyways. I still say start at the top of the welfare heap. The corporate welfare and work down.
Oh and one more thing. Wages. Our political apparatus has busted unions to the point that places like GH, Ford, etc..had starting wages now that qualifies a family for food stamp subsidies.
The Food Stamp subsidies are another form of indirect corporate welfare to these employers that enables higher executive bonuses. These employers need to pay a living wage.
Raise my taxes to make abortions free.
ReplyDeleteExcellant post. Excellant. I want to trick them one day. I want to advertise something for free, and when they get there there will be many computers programmed only for Mcdonalds and walmart career sites.
ReplyDeleteThis is why these programs must me cut no eliminated, but cut. This has gone on for far too long.
ReplyDeleteEveryone write your reps/ senators/ and the republicans tell them the horrors of subsidised housing. Tell them of the failure of subsidised housing, how the people were supposed to assimilate into the rea but instead they turned it into the area they left. Tell them u want the HUD budget cut so that there is only enough for seniors,vets and people with mental and physical disabilities. This will force the CHA to reduce the number of vouchers and sell their buildings to private companies. The baby mamas who are the beneficiaries of subsidised housing have criminal relatives and boyfriends that target the area and they also live with them.
Section 8 and subsidised housing is funded federally not through the city(for those who didn't know). SO COMPLAINING TO THE CITY IS A WASTE OF TIME.
Everytime there is a budget battle contact them and tell them to cut the HUD BUDGET.
I hope the whole black race is destroyed, so if government handouts will speed that process, I am all for them. There is some good news already:
ReplyDelete1) free food and total ignorance has made most of the female chimps morbidly obese, so they die young.
2) the drug trade kills off most of the male chimps before they hit 30 or they end up in prison for life.
3) infant chimp mortality rates are skyrocketing because the baby mommas are too ignorant to even seek free prenatal medical care.
4) chimps kill each other at a faster rate than we can.
I echo the other people's sentiments that black culture is forced down our throats whether we want it or not.
ReplyDeletei am tired of being aware of made-up words and phrases like "bling" and "baby daddy" and so forth.
I reject other world cultures as well and am not accused of racism because of it, I simply just don't care for that shit.
But don't like blacks, rayciss!
Kenneth Edwards said... March 28, 2012 11:34 AM “ I find it very interesting that you all post as anonymous. If you truly want your voice heard and your comments read why don't you post your name and have a real discussion about these issues. Also, you should man up (or woman up) and make sure all of your family and friends can see what bigot-like comments you make on public websites.”
ReplyDeleteYeah, sure thing there, Spike Lee.
See, liberals have created a society where you can be punished for speaking your mind. And then they will taunt you into violating the very rules that they have created. Pretty disingenuous, don’t you think?
“I would (not that you owe it to me) like to see research that backs up your claims that just because Im Black, I like 'free' stuff and that we 'ruin' society.”
What is the point? You are impervious to facts and reason. You will always believe everything is Whitey’s fault, because it’s so much easier that way.
You people who write long paragraphs are stupid for thinking someone will read all that.
ReplyDeleteGreat article by the way. It was informative.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 28, 2012 8:11 PM “You people who write long paragraphs are stupid for thinking someone will read all that.”
ReplyDeleteYeah, we should strive for one or two sentences at most, preferably using monosyllabic words. We should be sensitive to the needs of those with abnormally short attention spans and poor reading ability.
Hello? You still there?
I had to go through an orientation for a bs fake police charity telemarketing place awhile back (desperate) and the black instructor had to mention cellphones, going to the "package store" (liquor) and plenty of other stereotypical TNB things during his presentation.
ReplyDeleteAmerica is DOOMED
Hey, don't generalize. We have black friends who very well educated, are totally respectable, hard working, church going wholesome family people. Our neighbor is a college professor. Another friend is a teacher. Another friend is an attorney. Another friend is a Lutheran minister. They are wonderful people, not criminals.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 28, 2012 11:35 PM “They are wonderful people, not criminals.“
ReplyDeleteStrangely, most liberals have absolutely no problem with generalization, but only as long as it fits their narrative.
Where is my free cell phone? Oh right, I'm the wrong color.
ReplyDeleteThe fool posting "We have black friends..." (and they are all professors and brain surgeons and attorneys and rocket scientists) is living in some kind of lying liberal fantasy. For every one "wholesome black" there are 10,000 welfare collecting, jungle savage, chimping out blacks who would just as soon kill you as look at you.
ReplyDeleteEveryone has their story. Many whites have felt guilty about the slave trade over a hundred years ago that most of their ancestors had nothing to do with. As long as blacks can continue to milk the race card ..they will get the freebies. A little sympathy goes a long way. The Racial Ruse has helped to create an element of feckless & feral blacks that now roam Michigan Ave. in mobs. I find this most alarming! Through the years we have accommodated a high crime adversary culture that wants& demands pay back in every form available.
ReplyDeleteSo what someone stood in line for a free cell phone. The Black community was victimized by cultural genocide for three centuries and carry the mark of their former slaveowners, with white last names, like three 666 on them. Only Blacks were forced to learn English by being threatened with death for speaking tribal languages. And forced to mix with white rapists. These other groups that come here get translators and bilingual education, but no one complains about that expense.
ReplyDeleteOf course it is destroying black america. The so called black leaders and white liberals need an uneducated, underclass who belives whitey is holding them back to survive. They will never admit the truth as it will mean there will be no need for them, and they will become irrevelant.
ReplyDeleteEver since the city started tearing down the trayvon housing projects which the trayvons destroyed, the trayvons have been moving into white neighborhoods and chimping out with their typical trayvon behavior. Nobody wants a trayvon as a neighbor...even trayvons don't want to live with trayvons.
ReplyDeleteBobby Rush is a known associate of the Gangster Disciples. ALways has been. He probably wears the hoodie when he hangs with them.
ReplyDeleteGet em...........
ReplyDeleteTo the poster who went in on corporate welfare, yuh done slayed them 12 pt font! Lol nobody bothered to respond to that tho
I wuld go in but this is just online jerry springer so ill have a lil fun on here
Funny how all the whites here on the northside show me plenty love, u culdnt tell judging by these posts, so clearly sumn amiss or these folk aint from the pole........gurl catch it, lol
Play n traffic during rushhour gramma nazis
@ 5:24 PM Yes you are correct. Ive noticed the same thing about the whites on the north side of the city, especially in Rogers Park and Uptown. In fact they just cant seem to love you enough. Why is this?
ReplyDeleteYeah, but those white collar criminals don't ride the Red Line "apple picking", or wander around Boystown looking for homos to beat the shit out of, or go to restaurants and eat like a hog and then say the food was shit and they're not paying for it..
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 29, 2012 12:00 PM “The Black community was victimized by cultural genocide for three centuries…
ReplyDeleteOnly Blacks were forced to learn English by being threatened with death for speaking tribal languages.
Blah… blah… blah…”
You think that this kind of sob story is unique to black people? History is full of stories like this involving all kinds of racial and ethnic groups.
You believe this BS because it has been force fed to you your whole life.
Whew!, plenty of blacks here up north dont fit that script.........if it was so bad u wouldnt be typing away on your ipad......it would be snatched, u would have moved or be in the hospital or morgue as another victim let yall tell it. Somethings amiss with your claims.....im thinking u
Another thing...... Yall luv to say that the media is slanted, yada yada yada.........how about the idea that some of these WHITES invited thugs into the lives for a lil mandingo and cchanged the story when the hood boy treated them like the lonely desperate black boy love seeking pervs that they reall are.......kico rocks if you dont beleve that, reference cl whites looking to creak wit jlacks if u dont beleve......they just lying to save face and yo dumbass bought into it
ReplyDeleteThis is the conversation i just had online with my peeps........
ReplyDelete"Yass gurl! The resident know it all is online, so let me let you go so he can catch it"
Lol, only for the luz
LOL at that photo of all the chimped out ignorant trayvons standing in line for a handout.
ReplyDeleteI remember when people used to be embarassed to accept a government handout.
ReplyDelete...and we are supposed to "respect" these chimps
ReplyDeleteWhat about our president? Graduated from Harvard Law School, wrote two best-selling books, constitutional law professor at University of Chicago, U.S. Senator, now U.S. president. And he has perfect manners too. Who do you think worked harder to get ahead? President Obama or former president George W. Bush?
ReplyDeleteChimps like obama are given a free pass in college and are graduated just to meet quotas. He can pretend to behave like white folks, but as soon as he gets with a herd of chimps he is back to being ghetto. He has proven himself to be incompetent as president and will not be re-elected because whites won't allow it.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but those white collar criminals don't ride the Red Line "apple picking", or wander around Boystown looking for homos to beat the shit out of, or go to restaurants and eat like a hog and then say the food was shit and they're not paying for it..
ReplyDeleteAlso, there is zero chance you'll be hit by a stray bullet from a corrupt banker, meant for another corrupt banker in a different gang. Nor will two corrupt government officials wearing hoodies bust into a SouthSide Liquore store and shoot up the place, killing one & wounding 5 others.
But blacks will do that to you. They did it, just last night, right here in Chicago.
Just pathetic...
ReplyDeleteBlack people you should be ashamed of yourselves...
Get it together.
Oh and for that monkey that signs 'teamblackberry'-
ReplyDeleteThis white north-sider shows you chimps no love.
I sincerely hope we cross paths...
Until employers stop discriminating blacks will have to remain on welfare. They have no money and usually can't get loans even if they do work. It seems we are angry about one problem, but not the issues surrounding it. I beleive blacks and minorities would love to work, if they could get good pay and afford college. Look at the ratio of whites and how they live and their many opportunities. Whites are not willing to keep the playing field level and fair. Stop blaming blacks for not trying when it is we whites who discourage them with our own unfair actions towards them. Blaming them for giving up is our way of denying we are the root cause. It is ridiculous to assume hey can just pick up and reach a dream at the rate we can and with ease. STOP RACISM and wecan stop welfare and handouts
ReplyDeleteApril 6, 2012 1:16 PM
ReplyDeleteYou are a fool to think blacks are killing each other because of the actions of whites.
Anonymous said... April 6, 2012 1:16 PM “Stop blaming blacks for not trying when it is we whites who discourage them with our own unfair actions towards them.”
ReplyDeleteThat whole comment is a good summary of the narrative that the liberals have been selling to the blacks and the blacks just eat it up because the alternative is simply unbearable.
And the gullible self-loathing whites eat it up too, because it gives them a way to feel superior to other whites. Liberals and their disastrous social engineering have done great harm to the black community. Constantly lying and pandering to blacks has done huge, lasting damage, not just to them but the whole country.
So, in a limited sense, you are correct; white liberals discourage blacks by their actions towards them.
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ReplyDeleteSpear Chunkers
ReplyDeleteFree Cell Phones! Are you kidding me? So tell me why again I'm holding down a job to pay my $90/month Sprint bill?
ReplyDeleteYou're right. Our country is going downhill. And, if we don't stop government spending, it will bankrupt us. Government has taken on responsibilities that it never should have in the first place...Food assistance, phone assistance...Baby mama drama and reproductive rights...When the constitution was drafted in the 1700's, our founding fathers never intended for government to play a role in any of these situations. Government's role was supposed to be minimal.
Yeah. I'm being cheated by this system, alright. As I get older, each day I feel like everything in this world is just meant to "take" from me. That's why I don't buy anything I don't need and I don't donate s*** to charity. If you don't like government spending, stop supporting/donating to organizations that get most, if not all of their funding from the government. I'm talking about so called "noprofit" organizations that are bleeding our country dry. The few charities that I do donate to are like Tutor for Good, because they don't take any government funds. They're privately funded.
Black people have been through a lot in the past. But the state we are in presently is down right shameful. In the past we did have great leaders to help us get throuh the horrors of racism, but for all their struggles what have we become? Free cell phone, and we think thats something to be happy about? We should laugh in their faces for such a blatant and ignorant way to get votes. People didn't fight and loose their lives for us to just get some fucked up free apartment in a war zone. They didn't fight for us to keep producing a bunch of kids with multiple men and women and wait on the government to take care of them. They fought so we could have the same opportunities that whites have so we could at least try to live a decent life. Sadly I agree with a lot of comments that have been said here(except for the really racist ones, that shit is just funny as hell) We cant sit back and wait on Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and other so called leaders to help, they are only in it for publicity. We have to start with ourselves, realize that the way we've been thinking is wrong and work on making our community stronger in the right ways