Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Video: Hispanic man at Lake View bus stop hates blacks and gays

A drunk Hispanic man, who claims to be a member of the Latin King street gang, recently told anyone who would listen... exactly how he feels about blacks and homosexuals.

The racial incident was filmed at a CTA bus stop on the 800 block of West Belmont Avenue in Chicago's ultra-liberal Lake View neighborhood and uploaded to YouTube on January 6, 2013.

While holding what appears to be an open can of beer, the man made an apparent gang sign with his free hand, as he said, "King love. I'll serve you right now. I don't like niggers and faggots... let's make a stance... let's make a fight... pussies!"


  1. I agree with him. I also hate spics.

  2. "Ultra liberal". Just about anywhere else I've been on earth, you'd have been arrested for open intoxicants. Not here though.

  3. I've seen more open container arrests here than I can remember... you're obviously not from here

  4. ^ I am. Every take a walk down Halsted St. on a non-parade day? They don't even bother using a brown bag either.

  5. Hey Jose, I think I found your uncle! Send this piece of shit back to where ever it came from. If it was born here, use it as an anchor in the Chicago River. Stupid beaner!

  6. I actually live off Halsted. What you're saying isn't true.

  7. Old spics are all little bitches, I could drop that old punk with one left hook.

  8. Shouldnt this guy be mowing a lawn somewhere?

  9. ive only been here 7 years and have yet to see anyone with an open container arrested anywhere in this city. do see a lot more brown bags being used downtown. from bellwood to boystown to n lawndale to edgewater. my eyesight is going but this is not something i will put into memory for after i loose my sight.

  10. Tim, you must be crushed to hear this man speak like this. We all know how your ugly ass loves the uncut latino cock. Hot white guys won't sex you, but the wetbacks will. Viva La Noche!

  11. Goddamn those fags with their gentrifications and economic boosts to the neighborhood, fuckin' keep it real and ghetto yo

  12. If he does not like gays, why is he hanging out in that neighborhood?? It sounds like he is angry that he was rejected by a few gay boys & ranting. And if he does not like Blacks, why doesn't he move out of the US & go back to his country? Latin Kings, all gangs are a bunch of losers waste of space in society. I hope one day this guy tells a big 300 pound Black man in a bad mood what he thinks on him!

  13. I agree i don't like faggots im cool with blacks

  14. Honkey are fags.And for your information he not a LATIN KING...This is a great country and he is excersing his first amendment right to free speech.God i love this country......

  15. And for all you that never lived in this city,are once great MAYOR RICHARD J.DALEY ALSO KNOWN AS POPS was in a gang himself called the HAMBURG'S so he was a gangbanger himself......God i love this country....Google it you see.


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