The following poem was written in response to the video, "Shit Republicans Say About Black People". The piece was composed by four seniors from Chicago's Englewood High school.
Shit Republican Says About Black People:
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The sad thing about these statements is that people will blame the GOP for the comments and never look @ the real problems facing Black America. The statements are true for the majority of us living in the inner city, I am sorry to say that but it is fact.
ReplyDeleteSomebody should shut off the foodstamps for the fat one.
ReplyDeleteCouldnt understand a word they were saying..........................
ReplyDeleteyuck. well at least they cant vote (since theyre all felons)
ReplyDeleteReal Talk:
ReplyDelete1) Blacks in Englewood are killing each other. There is not a Republican anywhere around down there.
2) Obama is a food stamp President. He has presided over an explosion in the number of people on food stamps. It is now one in 6 in America.
3) How is Katrina "proof" that Black people can swim?? Let me guess, the evil Republicans have denied them the right to learn how to swim by failing to build pools in Black neighborhoods. Evil Republicans like Mayors Daley & Emmanuel, Governor Quinn, all 50 aldermen, etc.
Isn't it encouraging to learn of the propaganda our tax dollars are paying for in the public schools? Its no wonder why the test scores are so low.
This video made possible by the Illinois LINK card and Section 8 program....
ReplyDeleteAs a Republican I have to admit that Republican politicians often play the race card, just like their Democratic counterparts. All of the following words are subtle attacks against blacks in order to garner votes from Bubba in the primary; "not all cultures are equal", "blacks have such high out of birth wedlock rates", "blacks should demand paychecks and not food stamps", etc....
ReplyDeleteWith that being said, the situation in the black community isn't being exacerbated by Republican policies but by Democratic policies. The cities and states that are falling apart are the ones in which Democrats have controlled for several generations.
The fat one needs her foodstamps cut.
ReplyDeleteI like what these kids did.
ReplyDeleteThe big one does need to lose weight though if they take this on the road.
so Woof my nigguhs! We my dogs at? Where my comrades? Where my rich nigguhs? Hunitt grand on the head of yall snitch nigguhs.....bout to do some drankin and smokin and fukin while Archie watch my every move from the sideline.............
ReplyDelete@ Fifty Democratic Aldermen:
ReplyDeleteIt's time to educate yourself and resist using Fox Talking Points for your bumper sticker-like comments.
Fact Check: http://www.usatoday.com/news/politics/story/2012-01-18/fact-check-gingrich-obama-food-stamps/52645882/1
Wow, they're being "groomed" that young even in high school. It's hopeless.
ReplyDeleteI was just thinking on the bus yesterday......they couldn't be more than 13 years old and 3 of them together already had that chip on their shoulder. Feet in the aisles, ain't budgin, that just bit-a-brick scowl mouth.......
The one on the left is pregnant because Republicans stole her contraception. Stop the war on black poets and women, Republicans!
ReplyDeleteThey are all helpless without the "gubmint" taking care of them. They were better off when plantation owners fed them and whipped them if they misbehaved because they are just too unevolved and ignorant to be treated as humans.
ReplyDeleteWowww this is how the students from one of the worst preforming schools in the city, Hell in the state spends their free time. Its no wonder they continue to lag behind everyone even 3rd world immigrants. So of course the democrats are just maintaining their monolopy, these are the future voters. No looking at the real issues facing these people and their families/communities, just make sure they hate republicans and permantly vote democrat. Sad very sad, their just children, they don't know any better , don't know they are being indoctrinated.
ReplyDeleteThere is always a morbidly obese female hanging out with gay boys.
ReplyDeleteI think I saw all of them screaming at the screen the last time I went to a movie.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI think I saw all of them screaming at the screen the last time I went to a movie.
March 16, 2012 5:06 PM
You must have been at a black movie theatre.
I don't think there are any black movie theatres...they come north and invade the white ones.
ReplyDeleteNo movie theaters in Detroit city proper. They built a "world class" theater in Southfield, Mi. Star Theater it was called. Absolutely state-of-the art. They ruined that one too!
ReplyDeleteActually, they shut the whole place down one Saturday night. Just sayin'........
Netflix and Specialty Video are great though!
Why they gota be all racist and shit?
ReplyDeleteMaybe they goto the worst performing schools because they pay attention to nothing other then racism.
Also, and I wish I'd have posted this somewhere else, has anyone else noticed that the president has a war goiong on in his "home town" that he's done nothing about? I mean the guy could do something.
Anonymous said... March 16, 2012 7:45 AM”All of the following words are subtle attacks against blacks in order to garner votes from Bubba in the primary; "not all cultures are equal", "blacks have such high out of birth wedlock rates", "blacks should demand paychecks and not food stamps", etc.“
ReplyDeleteAll of these statements happen to be true. Therefore, telling the truth is actually a “subtle attack”! Or, “racist” for short.
Anonymous said... March 15, 2012 11:39 PM “well at least they cant vote (since theyre all felons)”
ReplyDeleteI hate to ruin your day, but felons can vote in most states as long as they are not actually behind bars, including Illinois. Come on, in the state where the dead routinely vote, did you really think that they would let a silly thing like a felony stop anyone?
I don't think there are any black movie theatres...they come north and invade the white ones
ReplyDeleteYou got that right. I was at the AMC River East 21 on Illinois a few months ago, that's right in the River North area, just off Michigan at the Magnificent Mile. One of the nicest parts of town.
Their were a couple of very large groups of black teens there that night in the theater I was in. They were making a lot of noise & running around before the show started, but I (and I think all the other white people) figured they were just teens being teens, and assumed they would quiet down when the movie started. Boy, was I wrong!
Once the movie began, the anti-social behavior just increased. They were getting up & running around, talking loudly to each other, making phone calls, and even shouting at each other in different parts of the theater! When a white guy shouted out, "Shut up already," it just brought down the house.
I'm not exaggerating when I say they were hopping on seats, hooting & hollering at the top of their lungs, and basically, actively trying to ruin the movie. At this point, I saw several white people leave the theater, obviously they went to management, because the movie stopped, all the lights came on, and a bunch of security came in. When the security guards (most of whom were black) began yelling at the kids & telling them to leave, they started screaming that the theater was racist and that they were going to call the police!
After about ten minutes, they all got up & left, the theater manager came in & apologized & handed out vouchers for free tickets & concessions, and the film started over from the beginning.
You know what the worst part was? The movie was, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." I would expect a complete chimpout at a Tyler Perry movie, but that one? I guarantee none of them had read the books, either . . .