If a picture's worth a thousand words... what do these photos say about Trayvon Martin?
The image above is a more recent photo of Trayvon Martin... the clean-cut, baby-faced pictures of the slain Florida teen plastered all over the news, are nearly four years old.
Chicago News Report found photos similar to the ones used by the media in an online photo album dated August 30, 2008.
And thanks to an anonymous tip, CNR also discovered what we believe to be Trayvon Martin's MySpace page.
The profile is listed under the user name miramars_numba9.
Martin was once photographed in a football jersey with the number 9 on it and he attended Miramar High School in Florida.
If the online profile belongs to Martin, he was certainly interested in more than just Skittles and iced tea.
Screenshot of Trayvon Martin's alleged MySpace page:

More photos from a second, alleged Trayvon Martin MySpace page listed under the user name Tray 9:
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Trayvon Martin (yellow arrow). Suspicious hand gesture (blue arrow). |
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What is that on the counter? |

One of his myspace friends is named "Taliban Banks Hit Squad" and has several pictures of himself holding guns and dressed in gang attire. If these are the sort of people Trayvon hangs out with, it is no wonder he got shot.
do u krackaz really want a race war? yaw not bout dat life nigga lol. keep type boxin witcha bitch ass
ReplyDeletei need a translation
DeleteMe too!
DeleteA race war is the last thing the black community needs.
DeleteSeriously staypoppinjoe? Blacks have the worst military record of history.... If they aren't sucker punching little kids or old ladies then they need at least 3:1 odds or a gun to rob someone. Blacks haven't exactly been practicing the critical skills necessary to win an actual hostile engagement.
ReplyDeleteI do have to say, when I lived in Gastonia far less white guys got caught commiting crimes. No special privileges down there, it's just hard to run with your pants around your ankles.
DeleteThe media will never let the public see this. They always like to portray these thugs as honor roll students headed to college. This does not look like a honor roll student, and what was he doing out at 1am in the morning? A minor should not be out wandering the streets at 1am. Isn't there a curfew?
ReplyDeleteNews Update: Trayvon is still dead and still rotting.
ReplyDeleteTrayvon was walking around looking for a white woman to rape but picked a bad night and got blasted.
ReplyDeleteSo initial police reports are coming out with multiple witnesses stating that Trayvon attacked Zimmerman, got him to the ground, and was on top of him pummelling him before he got shot.
ReplyDeleteWill all the blacks who are "outraged" change their tune now? Doubtful. In fact you can probably guarantee that they will dispute and completely ignore the findings as "raycist."
The Liberal Left Wing Media is guilty!Why do they COON CODDLE? When the GIG is up & whites really figure out how blacks truly are...there would be no tax base left to support their black butts...whites would leave every city..but SECTION 8 will follow them to the suburbs...blacks will get a voucher for their rent...Section 8 should be called Suction 8...it will suck the life out of every suburb that whites have worked hard to create...whites create..blacks destroy...
ReplyDeleteU r and idiot....there are more white recipients for sec. 8 and welfare than blacks...do your research asshole and the tax base your speaking of is probably supporting your ass!!!
DeleteGood work. There's always more to these stories than the mass media wants to let on. They want to cover things up, just like the wildings. They're trying to create a legend around him for their own purposes.
ReplyDeleteHe may not have been an angle, but he didn't have a gun or any other weapon at the time of his death. There is no disputing this fact. He was targeted and murdered by an over zealous "neighbor hood watch, cop wanna be" man who should be prosecuted. Gun vs. Skittles and pop? C'mon guys. It doesn't matter what his gang activity or affiliation might have been. The facts are that this kid wasn't in the middle of holding up a convenient store or mugging an innocent person. At best he was loitering. Really? He deserved to be murdered and the murderer deserved to go free? You can't possibly defend this!
ReplyDeleteAre you really that ignorant? Read what really happened, then come post. Don't rely on the mass media to get your education. They have been complicit in lying and fanning the flames in this case.
DeleteHow do u know what really happened...what were u reading...where u there or did u get you info from some sort of media outlet
Delete@staypoppinjoe - Who do you really think would win a race war?
ReplyDeleteIts people (whites) vs monkeys (you).
Smart money is on Whitey 8D
George Zimmerman for president
ReplyDelete@anon 9:59 - Yes he deserved to go free. Murder is when one human kills another. Gang members and generally thugged out black 'yoofs' arent actually human beings. No crime was committed.
ReplyDeleteTrayvon deserved to die for being a punkazz gangbanging thug. Now he will never be able to terrorize others.
ReplyDeleteGotta love the spin the bs media tried to put on this story. I'm surprised his momma wasn't on the news crying about how he went to church every Sunday and saying how he was going to be a doctor. What a joke! Media never gets the whole story before reporting, just a sensational headline to promote sales and profit even at the expense of the truth.
ReplyDeleteSelf hating white man defending the chimp! http://youtu.be/m7Hflg8i3TU
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 25, 2012 9:59 AM “He may not have been an angle [sic], but he didn't have a gun or any other weapon at the time of his death. There is no disputing this fact. “
ReplyDeleteTrue but irrelevant. An attacker does not necessarily have to be armed to warrant the use of deadly force in self defense. If you knew even a little bit about the law, you would already know this.
“He was targeted and murdered by an over zealous "neighbor hood watch, cop wanna be" man who should be prosecuted. “
In your opinion. You were not there.
“Gun vs. Skittles and pop? C'mon guys. It doesn't matter what his gang activity or affiliation might have been. “
Again, in YOUR opinion. And a rather uninformed opinion at that.
“The facts are that this kid wasn't in the middle of holding up a convenient store or mugging an innocent person. At best he was loitering.”
Wrong. According to the statements of the shooter and witnesses, Martin was shot while he was attacking Zimmerman. The shooter had injuries consistent with his version of events. The police had no probable cause to believe otherwise.
The truth is that I am not really 100% sure what happened that night, AND NEITHER ARE YOU.
But looking at facts objectively is not really your goal, is it?
By the way, why didnt Trayvon have any money on him when he was found? Not even any spare change?? How did he buy his skittles and pop without money???
ReplyDeleteI guess he must of had exact change, right guys???
I love that I rattled you enough that you felt the need to post and respond to everything I wrote ;) I must have really bugged you. And, all my opinions... same can be said of you buddy. Your opinions, your blog. You are no more informed than I am. You know in your gut that this was a bogus attack. Speaking of pics, isn't the picture they keep showing of Zimmerman A MUG SHOT?! He's no angle either! Whatever. I will not change your mind and you will NEVER change mine.
ReplyDelete^thats because you are irrational, and will ignore overwhelming evidence in favor of your gut reaction.
ReplyDeletethat mentality is what leads to shootings like this in the first place. tryavon's gut instinct was to beat up a fat hispanic gentleman instead of reasoning with him. as we know now, that is the WORST decision he could of made, because the hero was armed.
@staypoppinjoe- yo, we would welcome a race war with u clowns.....you people are to stupid to truly win anything.....that's why you and youre people will always be below us. You guys will always live in the ghetto, and the very few of you that do make it out, it's not cuz your brains.....lol if the race war did start, it would be our excuse to wipe out you dirty, greedy, non working, economy milking, welfare living, stinky, non showering, parasites out of this country, and start to build it back up o wher it was before we released you animals from OUR cages....just remember, you nigs are soooooo greedy, you rob old folk, each other, and you guys sold each other into slavery.....and those are the reasons ou nigs will ever stand a chance against us smarter, superior, better looking, clean, and just plain better race,
ReplyDeleteYou had better stay hidden behind your screen name. I bet you are the type of white boy to keep your mouth shut in the presence of a real black man. This site's security is not completely airtight so the next time you feel like you need to show your true cowardice block your ip address. Or else you just might get to meet a real one.......
DeleteWhen you make it to Detroit, look me up. Yes, I'm a white boy, and will only bring some friendly highwaymen to make sure it stays one on one.
DeleteHey white boy have you ever stopped to think that you racist pigs are so inferior is because we are everything you desire to be.. we are naturally gifted...thing you spend years of schooling for come naturally to us so yes we are smarter, we so blessed which makes us stronger...do your research there are more white's receiving public assistance than us...and by the way we were the first human beings..where do you think your pale ass came from and truth of the matter we never asked to come to this country ne enslaved, raped, or beaten...but then again that's because your pale ass people were threaten by such beautiful beings the only way to make yourselves feel superior was to put us in captivity ..we have been fighters since the beginning of our existence..which is why we always overcome..so truth be told in this day and time a race war is not what you want..U WILL NOT WIN..WE WILL NOT GO BACK TO THE DAYS OF OLD AND THAT'S BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY...we are very intelligent, crafty, and POWERFUL IN NUMBER...YOU are pathetic, naturally stink, inferior, and dumb ass Hell..when u look at people all you see is color not the person underneath..so I suppose us black folks should do the same but we don't that already proves we are smarter, many of us are well educate, have great jobs or careers..get your facts straight...oh yeah and make sure you Google the Eve Gene
DeleteFirst of all white boy dont come on here talking shit tryna down talk us black people for one u wanna be us thats y ur mad and for two ur mad because the slutty white girls that yall call yall queens always get caught with a black dick in there mouth or ass and the real reason u mad is because ur mama is a man and ur daddy caught her around the corner with a black dick in her hands lol
DeleteLOL! "the hero"... you mean the hero with domestic violence arrests and a mug shot? LOL! talk about irrational....
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 25, 2012 12:47 PM “ “I must have really bugged you.”
ReplyDeleteDumb people are often annoying, yes. Is this an admission that your real goal is to annoy people? If so, it is a very childish and stupid thing to say.
“You are no more informed than I am.”
Actually, I am, as I demonstrated earlier.
Barring some inside knowledge, we have only the publicly released information to go by. But you are wrong, and I have pointed out why.
“You know in your gut that this was a bogus attack. “
No, YOU “know” that. All I know is that the facts do not really paint the crystal clear picture you wish they did.
Speaking of pics, isn't the picture they keep showing of Zimmerman A MUG SHOT?! He's no angle [sic] either! Whatever.
Yes, it is curious how the media chose those particular photos, isn’t it? It’s almost like they wanted to manipulate public opinion and fan emotions. It seems like it worked in your case.
“I will not change your mind and you will NEVER change mine. “
This is a very honest admission as well as being consistent with your earlier childish statements. You see, I have already stated that I could be persuaded to change my mind. But you already made up your mind and NOTHING, not even facts, will change that.
ReplyDeleteI didn't realize what a genius you are. You talk about the picture the media chose and don't realize the hypocrisy of the picture YOU chose. You are spinning this story as much as the media. Each hoping to get the result they desire and NOT the truth. Somewhere in the middle lies the truth, and I assure you, that YOU do not have the truth nor does the media. You claim that you have some secret knowledge. Being a racist cop in Chicago does not give you any more knowledge about what's going on with a case in Florida. Blast away, my friend. I'm done with our little repartee.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 25, 2012 1:21 PM“ I didn't realize what a genius you are.“
ReplyDeleteI’m sure you don’t realize a lot of things.
“You are spinning this story as much as the media. “
Actually, no.
“Somewhere in the middle lies the truth, and I assure you, that YOU do not have the truth nor does the media.”
How can you assure me of anything? You can’t even look objectively at facts and come to logical conclusions. Nor can you withhold judgment, because you are too full of self-righteous liberal anger and convinced that you MUST be right because, well, you can just FEEL it.
“You claim that you have some secret knowledge.”
I made no such claim.
“… more knowledge about what's going on with a case in Florida.”
I think you may actually have accidentally stumbled onto something.
Self-absorbed urban liberals in Chicago and similar places are often quite surprised that the rest of the US often has very different laws regarding self defense. They often express shock and dismay when people actually defend themselves with deadly force, it is something that is quite outside their experience and they find the concept very difficult to cope with.
“Blast away, my friend. I'm done with our little repartee. “
What a relief.
You might want to educate yourself before you get into debates. Then again, you are cursed with low IQ, so I am not sure all the reading in the world would help you.
This is a lesson for all spooks to bring more than Skittles to a gunfight.
ReplyDeletePhuck this kid, man! I'm sick of hearing about him and his fat murderer. And no I'm not racist or like the stupid troll above me. I'm just sick of hearing about it and ppl typing essay-long comments for lifeless ppl to read. You phags are investing too much stock into this shit when teens get shot everyday in Chicago! What makes this Florida kid so special? We have our own issues here in CHICAGO!!
ReplyDeleteRapist on BAIL said... March 25, 2012 3:21 PM “What makes this Florida kid so special? We have our own issues here in CHICAGO!!”
ReplyDeleteI understand your sentiments and you are correct, Chicago does have its own problems.
However, this case is interesting to many people because it highlights a couple of hot button issues that are relevant across the nation, especially in Chicago: race relations and 2nd amendment rights.
You might think that an incident in Florida has no impact on you here in Illinois, but that would be a mistake.
For example: Illinois has been wrestling with the issue of a concealed carry law for some time. Another (badly written) bill is currently awaiting a vote right now (HB 5745). This Florida incident will almost certainly have some effect on that.
Jesus Christ died to pay for the sins of men you call monkeys and crackers. It will be a sad day for some of you when you see that God calls the same men you hate and despise son...and Jesus tells you he never knew you. You can call me a nigger* all you want but the one that calls me son created you and controls the very breath you use to curse me and the fingers you use to type. Turn from your sin and honor God you wicked and hateful men of all colors.
DeleteSpooks are a different species than humans. They are unevolved chimps.
ReplyDeleteAll of you are dumb as fuck. That page isn't even his and hasn't been updated since 2007. Gullible ass clowns.
ReplyDeleteHeres the opposite of what the media was going for when they released pictures of the two involved in this. 8D
@dec312chicago - You may have a point. Doesnt seem like hes visited that page in quite some time. (its myspace so come on....) However, isnt it ironic that the pics the media tries to shove down our throats are ALSO from around 2007???
ReplyDeleteHmmm... guess that kinda wrecked your comment from earlier huh? Perhaps you are the gullible one?
Why is it that all black people have the same exact interests? Are they, infact, some kind of hive mind, like a retarded version of the Borg? Is there a central Muhcoochie that they plug their Muhdikk into to download the latest nyg software?
ReplyDeleteLMAO @ anon 8:41
ReplyDeleteResistance is futile muthaphucka.
Now gimme yo wallet and run ya jewels fo I pop a phaser blast in yo ass.
A 2nd myspace profile has been found. Its very similar to the first but seems to be more current: myspace.com/t_r_a_y_9/
ReplyDeleteMy guess is he forgot about the old one, or the family never knew about it.
I hang out with people who have college degrees, firemen, cops, business owners, and yes gang members. I knew most of these people since I was little and grew up together with them. I came out find. Just because I hang out with Firefights doesn't mean I will start extinguishing fires.....just because I grew up with and hang with gang bangers doesn't mean I will be a gangbanger. And who doesn't take stupid pictures when they are younger. Everyone goes through a rebellious period especially late in middle school and high school. You white people were the first gangsters with the mafia....now you're are into white collar crimes....come on......
ReplyDeleteyou dumb motherfuckers this is his myspace and it doesnt show him doing anything bad. you guys are idiots for posting that shit and saying its his. where did you even get that picture of him from?
Trayon Martin Mom said in an news interview they are posting FAKE pictures of Trayvon on the Internet. Dont be too upset at Enbreeders that have always lived like Animals since relocating from Cave Habitats into Civilization, who first words once they learned to speak as being has been nothing but Lies.
Delete"Are you following him? yeah, we don't need you to do that." A direct quote from the 911 call. Had Zimmerman headed this advice and let the law enforcement deal with this properly, there would be no news about this case. This is fact. Not conjecture or opinion. Fact.
ReplyDeleteHe has 2 myspace profiles (atleast). In addition there is a twitter and a facebook. God knows what else...
ReplyDeleteMore states need Make My Day and Stand your ground Castle laws. Keep in mind Memorial day is coming up soon and you know what that means right? Wyldin Riots/Mob Attacks as it gets hotter.
ReplyDelete6'3", black, 17 year old football player attacks 5'9" concerned citizen who was retreating & had already called police.
ReplyDeleteMan defends himself using legally allowed force.
Its no wonder why the cops didn't charge Zimmerman with anything...they should have given him a medal.
After seeing the real picture of the gangbanger and his MySpace page, perhaps Fr Pfleger should once again jump on top of the altar with his hoodie covering his face!
ReplyDeleteUmm, this is Chicago News Report not Miami News report.
ReplyDeleteStick to your own fucked up city!
What exactly does this photo prove? You all are absolutely fu*king racist pigs, including the publisher of this blog. No doubt this will get erased, but I'm tired of this site and the idiots that can't help but stereotype. If you brougth this picture into a court room as proof of anything other than he's photographable, you'd be thrown out. Ever occur to you the witness is lying to protect his friend? You have NO FACTS, yet everyone is very quick to (1) assign guilt; and (2) create "facts" to justify an already held position. GET A CLUE!
ReplyDelete"This does not look like a honor roll student, and what was he doing out at 1am in the morning? A minor should not be out wandering the streets at 1am. Isn't there a curfew?"
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - It was only 7pm/7:30...your 1 am report is wrong.
Buy guns and plenty of ammo while you can. TPTB want to start a race war and it's coming. Don't delay, the waiting period is already too long to get a gun or rifle.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad this spook is dead.
ReplyDeleteMakes me absolutely sick that people like Anonymous exist. Ironcially, all of those that express hatred to a person they don't even know feel very free to do so anonymously. Clearly this site caters to people like yourselves fueled by hate and anger and ignorance. Each of you are a huge part of the problem, as much as gang-banging kids are. You make this world worse for the rest of us, the same as the gang-bangers. If there's a war, I know who I am rooting against. Good thing you're all anonymous, right?
ReplyDeleteIts pretty obvious there are just a FEW White Racist left with White Supremacist Values. Not all Whites still have these values they know 2 things 1.They believe there is a God creator of all People 2nd they know more Blacks legally own Guns now and the ones who illegally own either way the know all it takes is 1 Shot to put their Racist Values before the Throne of God. They really dont want a RaceWar because it would be every Race against them and their Racism and they would lose they never have and never will win that fight. Just like they have lost defending this Idiot Murderer George Zimmerman. He cold bloodied murdered an Innocent Child with Intent and Aforethought that 1st Degree Murder. Zimmerman hated lookin Hispanic and being a halfbreed Caucasian/Hispanic. Zimmerman wanted acceptance by the White Society and Profiled, Stalked then Murdered an Innocent Child. Disobeying a Law Enforcer telling him to REMAIN in his vehicle. Zimmerman need for Acceptance and to become a Sanford Police Officer caused an Innocent Teenager future that was due to start College at UAMF this fall. Zimmerman was to Coward to go outside his box and kill a real Gangbanger a Blood or a Crip. So he Bullied an Innocent Child and will pay the rest of his Life.
ReplyDeleteIn viewing the pictures of Trayvon and his friends on various media outlets doesn't give George Zimmerman a pass card. These kids are mimicking Rapper artistts and the image of bad boys. It is clearly obvious they are mimicking. There were no drugs in Trayvons system or in his possessions. He had $22 dollars on him, which dispute how was he able to buy skittles and an Arizona Ice Tea. I recall when my son was his age, honor roll student, listened to rap, wore loose pants not down to his arse but baggy, and took pictures depicting a gang banggers insigna. come to thiunk of it my daughter and her elite college friends took a picture recently at a party celebration with the gang sign just to show they were cool tha night. We are talking are young aspiring adults with ZMaster degrees. Please do not pictures determine and smear the facts. Perhaps Trayvon was beating the crapp out of George. Did he not invite that by approaching Trayvon. Perhaps he was yelling for help. I believe they were both yelling. The Out cry in the end appears to be of omeone he knew his life was about to be taken away from him. AGeorge was yelling help like a punk who undoubtedly was intoxicated and could not defend himself after provoking the fight. Witness heard them arguing at first. If Trayvon had attacked him as Zimmerman was getting out of his car, then there would have been no time for arguing. It is obvious Zimmerman went looking for that altercation. I hold the neighborhood responsible as well cause they puped him up to believe they needed him as their self appointed watchmen. "you are lucky youmoved here, you will be safe cause George is here. I thunk there was good and bad in both of them. Trayvon more so than George. Trayvon did not have the opportunity to try to make something of himself. He was only 17. George undoubtedly had failed at his attempt to become that at 28. Trayvon was in a Magnet School. I suspect that is why he transfered from school in his district. They are other piuctures on his my space, which shows a clean cut boy, all decked out in a tuxedo, Justice will prevail. I would like to hear George Zimmerman make a puclic apology for his impaired and rush to judgement actions.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all as usual wrong information all of above!! lol that picture is TRAYVON MARTIN from GEORGIA this Trayvon MARTIN is from FLORIDA they do not even look alike! lol!!!
ReplyDeleteCNR: Clean up your act. It's been out for a while now that these pictures are inaccurate and not THE T. Martin.
ReplyDeleteNews is great, fake news doesn't make any sense. This isn't The Onion.
to 1036 am - If that's not his MySpace page, how come the vast majority of the friends on there live in Orange County, FL, where Trayvon did, and how come at least 3 of them (by my count) describe themselves as members of the Miramar HS football team - the same team he was on? That's not a coincidence.
ReplyDeleteIf you apoologists and racebaiters want to do Trayvon justice, let the whole story of him come out. Denying reality doesn't make your version correct. It makes intelligent people who look at the whole situation disregard anything you claim as bogus lies in an attempt for his family to cash in on the ghetto lottery.
He had a facebook page as well. I looked it over today.
ReplyDeleteThis youngster was a banger and his trick is probably lying through her teeth.
Trayvon was a no good lousy gangbanging cooon and deserved to be shot dead. Good work, George!
ReplyDeleteGreat link provided a few comments ago by 2broke2fix, it really sheds some light on this kid's character that has been so conveniently ignored by mainstream media (and Huffington Post - OMG, they are running with this thing like it's manna from heaven. They've created an entire subset of pages with "articles" that are explicitly and exponentially more biased than anything CNR puts up. And guess what they're censoring over there? Opposing viewpoints in the comments).
ReplyDeleteInteresting piece that the Wagist story picked up on, is this kid's suspension from school. It was referenced by the parents when they were questioned, but otherwise the parents ignored it & said he was suspended not for anything violent or criminal, but "for being in an unauthorized area at school."
I don't care what school you're attending, being in an unauthorized area doesn't warrant a 10 days suspension, maybe detention or a 1 day suspension. Either he was suspended for dealing drugs at school, bringing a weapon to school, or getting into a ton of fights & being completely insubordinate. Perhaps he was suspended after beating a bus driver on 2/21, which is well documented in the tweets to him by his homies? Or perhaps he was suspended for being a weed dealer, as evidenced in further tweets and facebook activity?? Or maybe it was for bringing weapons to school, you know, like the guns he had in (since taken down) pics on his facebook page, his myspace page, and instagram account?
Thanks for posting that link, 2broke2fix, and I hope you & CNR continue to post more like that as they come to light. Based on how stupid he & his friends appear in their facebook messages & tweets, I think further damning evidence from them about his gangster life is immediately forthcoming.
but otherwise the parents ignored it
ReplyDeleteThat should read, "Otherwise, the parents refused to discuss his suspension, or other extensive disciplinary history at both the public high school he was expelled from, and at the "magnet" school he attends which is an academy for at-risk youth (read, ghetto teens who have been arrested multiple times, pulled ouf of public school for the sake of the other kid's safety, and put in the "magnet" school as a last ditch stop before prison)."
his myspace tag was t_r_a_y_9
ReplyDeleteDo a google search for today's article in the Florida Sun-Sentinel called "George Zimmerman's account to police of Trayvon Martin shooting."
ReplyDeleteBesides it including mention of Zimmerman's story, eye-witness accounts, and police conclusions that Martin had punched Zimmerman in the face and then was assaulting him on the ground when he was shot, it also mentions that Martin was suspended for 10 days from his school when he was found with a bag of weed on him.
It doesn't say whether Martin was smoking the weed, selling it, or both, but now we know two things that fly in the face of what the family is claiming - he wasn't involved in drugs, and he wasn't violent.
If this case makes it to court, whether criminal prosecution or a civil case by the parents, Trayvon's school, discipline & legal records (all of which were immediately sealed by his family attorneys, which suggests there is very bad stuff in them) will be opened, and the truth about this thug will come to life.
If anything, in order to cash in on the ghetto lottery, the family does not want there to be a criminal trial (as all of this stuff will come out), and they don't want a civil trial, either. Their best bet is to try to intimidate Zimmerman's homeowner's insurance company into a settlement by letting it know they will go public that his insurance company is raycists & supporting a raycist child killer. It's all they've got.
My first month in law school I learned this saying - "If you have the facts, argue the facts; If you have the law, argue the law; If you have neither, pound the table really loudly."
The Martin family has neither, so all they've got is public sentiment from the illiterates & bleeding hearts who want to portray the little gangbanger as an innocent victim. I really hope his insurance company's lawyers don't fall for that.
I feel bad for the kid but i know i wasn't there to see what happened. so there for i cant pass judgement. i do believe it has become more than it is. the race shit shouldn't have been brought up unless the kid was killed in a different way. its sad that they are saying it was racist because he was killed or because he is not in jail. i think there should be in investigation and if he is found guilty then he will do his time. the family then can begin grieving. but if he is not found guilty let the man alone. look at oj simpson he got away with killing 2 ppl. nobody messes with him. look at casey anthony she got away with killing a innocent baby and im sure there are plenty more. regardless of either ones past or pictures or background that really has nothing to do with this story. all i care about is the main facts who what when why and where.
ReplyDelete1:39 pm - There has been an investigation by the local authorities, and they determined that Zimmerman acted in self-defense, therefore, he wasn't arrested.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, State of Florida demanded that the prosecutor be Angela Corey, who is very liberal, very anti-gun, and is known for being "the ultimate advocate of victim's rights" (that's from her website). They couldn't have asked for anyone who would more zealously shove aside all of her other duties and focus on just this.
And do you know what she said? She's called this case "virtually un-prosecutable," because of the physical evidence, eyewitness accounts, the fact that Martin went after Zimmerman and physically engaged him, and the Florida laws that allow for concealed carry as well as to pull the trigger when someone's life is threatened.
The only reason Corey is even on this case is the monkees & sheep in this country got wind of this and are demanding that both the Martin family cash in on the ghetto lottery, and that Zimmerman be held up as the new poster boy for anti-black racism in America. Not that their behavior here or anywhere else (10 dead, 39 injured in shootings in Chicago just the weekend of March 19 alone, all but one victim black - and all trigger pullers presumed to be black) would cause any white people apprehension when they see a group of pant sagging, backward hat wearing, cursing, weed smoking, cognac drinking teens stalking their streets.
Also, one’s past and background has everything to do with this story. Someone with a history of drug dealing (fact – he was on suspension from school at the time of his death for selling weed) and violence (fact, based on evidence of him beating a bus driver, his expulsion from public schools for fighting, and the eyewitness account of him beating Zimmerman, + Zimmerman’s physical bruises), got into a fight that led to his death. His personal history is imperative to this story. If he wasn’t a drugdealing thug, he wouldn’t have been suspended from school & in that neighborhood, and if he wasn’t violent, he wouldn’t have approached Zimmerman from behind & assaulted him.
The article states ALLEGED. There is no proof of that even being his pages and the guy on the pages looks nothing like Trayvon. If I follow what the article says it sounds like how someone looks justifies a person killing them.
ReplyDeleteThis is not a REAL picture of Trayvon!
ReplyDeleteYou bitter-bigoted buffoons are nothing but racist and bigoted Propagandist lifting anonymous picture of some random black guy and saying its Trayvon.
I'm a better blogger than this fool who posted this bogus article. If you weren't so determined to make your prejudices a reality you would have realized that is not his myspace page. I found the actual page on myspace but because the author is so blatantly sending misinformation I'm not posting it. I hope people are smart enough to not be so gullible as to fall for this foolishness the author is trying to incite.
ReplyDeleteThis is sad and the writer of this article is an embarassment to real writers. I can't believe you are my home city of Chicago spewing lies and misinformation.
ReplyDeleteI am not afraid of any Black man, well, maybe the smell...
ReplyDeleteRot in Hell, NygVon Nigtrevious chimpouticut jones jackscoon falifah shalifah jackscoon!
I am a 61 year old white woman and am sick and tired of this racism!We are all brothers and sisters regardless of the colour of our skin!Some of us incarnate into very tough situations ........just imagine being born in the inner city to a single mother and your only role models are drug dealers ......the doctors and lawyers are long gone!!!!!Would you be able to get out of the Ghetto?I have a feeling I couldn't have!Zimmerman was asked not to follow this young man but persisted....he was 110 lbs heavier and had a gun......,the kid was scared and it was 1'oclock in the morning....this was a total set up for disaster but at the very least was a second degree murder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nothing good comes of being out at that hour and this is an example!!!
ReplyDeleteI see the stupid writer finally changed the photo to the right one. DUH. But has not changed the inaccurate myspace link posted. Wow keep hoping that big time journalism job comes your way. What a joke.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the 61 woman but you have very, very inaccurate information. It was not 1am in the morning. It was 7pm! Where are people getting this inaccurate information? Please do not rely on this site for accurate info go to CNN or MSNBC where there are real journalists.
ReplyDeleteHmm, Trayvon didn't throw up a gang sign and there's some deodorant and toothpaste and a tube on the bathroom counter. Every kid tries to show off money their parents gave them so nothing new here. Wow way to go sherlock you've solved the case. Rolling eyes.
ReplyDeleteThis blo gger is soooo dumb. It took me to finally find the right page and then dum dum realized it and changed the images as I was posting. Good work dum dum. Let see what else you dig up after realizing your journalism errors.
ReplyDeleteWhat the author is this wont tell you is that is not Trayvons actual page. He went and took photos off of Trayvons real myspace page and included a screenshot of someone else's myspace page. And some of the fools on here are falling for it hook line and sinker. Wow no wonder we've got a failed justice system and a joke election process. People eat up whatever you tell them like fools.
ReplyDeleteWay to go anonymous Chicago reporter. You've cracked the case. That's all we needed to know he looks older in the photo, he's holding money in the bathroom and standing with a group of teens. Yep nice work sherlock. You've solved the murder.
ReplyDeleteShari, just bc you keeop posting the same thing over & over, claiming that these aren't him in the pictures (and they clearly are pics of him), doesn't make you right.
DeleteIf anything, everytime you go in this page, and every time you post another absurd comment, you're actually putting money into this blogger's pocket. Too bad he can't use that $$ to but weed from Tray at school anymore. . .
I'm suprised you apologists & deniers arenclaiming that someone else made up the page with his name on it, his pictures on it, and with as "friends" with people he originally went to high school with. Yeah, that must be it, the CNR blogger made up a fake myspace page to shit on this shithead's memory.
ReplyDeleteI think you idiots must have smoked too much of the weed lil' Trayvon sold you. Or maybe you're the bus driver he punched out, and haven't quite come back to your senses.
Oh no! Tattoo says Nana, probably short for grandma, with hands in prayer with a rosary! Gasp! Wow, yep it's confirmed. He's one of the bad guys. Thanks for the insight.
ReplyDeleteThe "writer" doesn't even have the correct page! Why won't you post up the actual page instead of someone else's myspace page.
ReplyDeleteWhew! I darn near fainted at the sight of that tattoo. Man, cutting edge journalism that what this is.
ReplyDeleteIs that comment directed to me?? mr_evergreen I saw the other page that is Trayvon's on myspace. I actually looked at it. But since you want to be spoon fed info from the jaded "journalist" I'm not posting it on here. And I read the article. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteShari's a delusional denier & enabler. Both myspace pages belonged to him - the pictures are of the same person, some of the friends are the same, and some of the personal identification is the same. Also, some of the pics (on BOTH sites) were on both his facebook page (can find it under google cache, have to search for dates before Feb. 25) and his instagram account.
ReplyDeleteIt's like she doesn't realize that people, especially ghetto gangbanging teen thugs who have had multiple run ins with the law, have been kicked out of public high school, and are generally bad people, have more than one page.
But like the other commentor mentioned, I hope she keeps refreshing the page & putting up her nonsense - everytime she reloads the article the pagecount goes up, and between that & the number of comments she's putting up, she's actually helping this blog ger make money!
Shari, thanks for supporting CNR!!!!
RE: the tattoos - those are likely illegal. State of Florida law, Title XLVI, Section 977.04, makes it illegal for a minor to get a tattoo without written, notarized consent of both parents (bc his were divorced, otherwise it would be one parent).
ReplyDeleteWhat kind of parents would give permission for their 16 year old (or younger - those pictures are from last year, when he was as young as 15) to get multiple tattoos? Especially when he already has a history of violence & drug dealing, and is photographed holding weapons - all three of which are gang activities?
I'm very brainwashed.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post CNR. More and more people are seeing the truth. They might be mad at first, but soon they will calm down and realize the kid was a thug.
ReplyDeleteI personally think many of these people are still upset Kony 2012 turned out to be a hoax, and the film maker was a sick individual that likes to masturbate in public.
The truth is coming out that this Trayvon chimp was just another lousy gangbanging thug. We are all better off that he is dead. George Zimmerman should get a medal for being courageous enough to shoot that slimeball dead.
ReplyDeleteAll I know is that none of us were there and we can make all the judgments we want, for either, side but all they are is speculation. I think it is too bad that a teen has been killed but we don't know if he did something to provoke it or if he was unjustly shot.
ReplyDeleteThe saddest part about this whole unfortunate incident is the fact that our President engaged in outrageous race baiting when he said Trayvon looked like he could be his son. I would like to see someone put their pictures side by side and I am not talking about the sweet angelic picture of Trayvon when he was 12 or 13, but one of the ones shown above.
ReplyDeleteHere is the truth:
At the time of his death, he was 17 years old 6"2" and had gang tattoos. He decked Zimmerman with one punch and was on top of him smashing his head against the sidewalk. This according to an eye witness to the incident. Definitely self-defense and justifiable. So what if Zimmerman was following him to see what he was up to at 1am. All Trayvon had to do was go home, rather than confront Zimmeerman.
It is sad Trayvon is dead, but Zimmerman likely have died had he not defended himself.
Anyone wants to make this into a race war is the racist, and that includes Obama.
I'm really worried that the spooks are gonna riot because of this TrapeVon Nygtrevious crap, or the fact that Obongo might not get re-elected. Black people now feel that EVERY president should be black from now on. I think I'm gonna move overseas.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 25, 2012 11:03 PM “Just because I hang out with Firefights doesn't mean I will start extinguishing fires.....just because I grew up with and hang with gang bangers doesn't mean I will be a gangbanger.
ReplyDeleteYeah, because everyone knows that firefighters and gangbangers are pretty much the same thing, right?
“And who doesn't take stupid pictures when they are younger. “
You might even have a point here. However, stupid pictures are small clues that lead to a much bigger picture.
dw said... March 26, 2012 8:00 AM “You have NO FACTS, yet everyone is very quick to (1) assign guilt; and (2) create "facts" to justify an already held position. GET A CLUE!”
ReplyDeleteThis is probably one of the best examples of liberal psychological projection I have seen here yet.
dw said... March 26, 2012 8:23 AM “ Makes me absolutely sick that people like Anonymous exist. Ironcially, [sic] all of those that express hatred to a person they don't even know feel very free to do so anonymously… Good thing you're all anonymous, right?”
And another 1st Amendment hater checks in. Good thing you’re not making veiled threats, right?
Real said... March 26, 2012 9:33 AM “ Its pretty obvious there are just a FEW White Racist left with White Supremacist Values.”
ReplyDeleteMandatory spurious accusation of racism, check.
Randomly capitalized gibberish, check.
..blah, blah, blah…
“…Disobeying a Law Enforcer telling him to REMAIN in his vehicle.”
This is misleading and false, as mentioned countless times but hey, if you repeat a lie often enough, you can convince yourself it is true.
And besides, since when did the Black/Liberal Community become such huge fans of obeying lawful commands from police?
”Zimmerman need for Acceptance and to become a Sanford Police Officer…”
Committing “1st Degree Murder” in front of a bunch of witnesses is a very strange way to begin your career in law enforcement.
Next you are going to tell me about the giant white racist conspiracy involving the entire police department. But wait, if the police are racist, too, then why did they supposedly order Zimmerman to back off? It’s all so confusing.
“…caused an Innocent Teenager future that was due to start College at UAMF this fall.”
Yeah, yeah. He was just about to turn his life around. I’ve seen this script a million times already.
Real said... March 26, 2012 9:47 AM “Trayon Martin Mom said in an news interview…”
ReplyDeleteYeah, everyone knows she has absolutely no incentive to lie.
She also applied to get her son’s name trademarked, according to The Smoking Gun.
Pictures of Zimmerman and Trayvon have NOTHING to with the case. People pose in pictures, the pictures don't necessarily say everything you need to know about someone. Whether Zimmerman or Trayvon were good people or not, this 17 year should not have been shot and killed by an armed man 11 years older and much heavier than him. If Trayvon attacked Zimmerman, he should have shot him in the leg so he couldn't get away and then waited for the police. Killing him just makes it easy for him (Zim) to make up his own one-sided story. Nothing justifies the killing of this boy. Shame on you who think some pictures can justify his killing. Another thing, how does anyone "look innocent" or "look like a gang banger"? I bet most of you would describe a "gang banger" something along the lines of sagging pants, baggy shirt, do rag, hat backwards, gold teeth, tennis shoes, etc...I'm sorry but that doesn't tell you a person is bad. ANYONE can dress like that.
ReplyDeleteStop letting irrelevant details blind you. Don't worry about how the media portrays things. The judicial system is NOT looking to the media for answers so calm down.
it appears that there are alot of undercover racists in chicago...
ReplyDeleteThe unfortunate thing here is that media outlets are bashing zimmerman and declaring him guilty. Now more info comes out on Trayvon and all of a sudden it's a completely different situation. The black panthers, al sharpton and this may hurt, but to be honest, black people in general are tur ing this into a race war. I think there are more blacks that are racist against whites than vice versa. If a white boy was shot and killed, would black people be so upset? NO. Black people are the main reason racism stil, exists because they WANT it to exsist. That may sound hateful and it's not meant to be. I am white and by NO means racist. I just thing it's the sad truth of the world we live in. In reality, I think Zimmerman was attacked. He was wrong in following Trayvon but how do you explain wounds on the front and back of his Head and a broken nose? I'm sorry everyone but Trayvon was not murdered, it looks like he was just stopped from hurting George Zimmerman.
ReplyDeleteEnough of the stereotypical comments. Not all people are the same, Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, Liberals, Conservatives, etc...No one is the same. There are more Whites than Blacks on welfare than Blacks. Don't assume such asinine things about people. You wonder why so many Black people believe racism is still alive? Just look at the things you say on sites such as these; you resort to calling them derogatory names while you slander them. That seems a lot like hate to me. How do you expect people to react to that? Are Blacks supposed to think "Oh when called me a spook it was just a joke. Oh, when he called that Black boy Trayvon a chimp he didn't mean anything by it, no big deal". ?...Ugh...people just baffle me.
ReplyDeleteWhen some gangbanging spook is attacking me, I am not going to worry about whether I wound him or kill him...stopping him is the goal.
ReplyDeleteThe percentage of whites on welfare is about 4%. The percentage of blacks on welfare is about 85%. They are parasites on civilization and costing us trillions to support because they are too lazy and ignorant to work.
ReplyDeleteI think it is lol funny when blacks say they are going to start a race war--they make up 13% of the population and kill each other over the color of a rag,but yet are going to all come together and kill whitey LOL
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 26, 2012 8:34 PM “… the pictures don't necessarily say everything you need to know about someone.”
ReplyDeleteRight, so why did the media choose to use a mugshot of Zimmerman as opposed to any other photo?
“… this 17 year should not have been shot and killed by an armed man 11 years older and much heavier than him.”
Because you say so. Well, case closed!
“If Trayvon attacked Zimmerman, he should have shot him in the leg so he couldn't get away and then waited for the police. Killing him just makes it easy for him (Zim) to make up his own one-sided story. Nothing justifies the killing of this boy.”
This shows that you know absolutely nothing about the dynamics of deadly force encounters, and nothing about the law. I didn’t really expect otherwise.
“I bet most of you would describe a "gang banger" something along the lines of sagging pants, baggy shirt, do rag, hat backwards, gold teeth, tennis shoes, etc...I'm sorry but that doesn't tell you a person is bad.”
It doesn’t tell you for certain, but is sure does get attention and there certainly negative connotations for dressing that way. Which is, of course, what they want. They want to be thought of as badasses.
”ANYONE can dress like that.”
Anyone can, but WHO MOST USUALLY DOES dress like that? Firefighters? Physicists? The Amish? If someone doesn’t want to be thought of as a thug, then why do intentionally wear a thug uniform, adopt thug mannerisms and speech?
“Stop letting irrelevant details blind you. “
Ah, the calm voice of reason.
”Don't worry about how the media portrays things. The judicial system is NOT looking to the media for answers so calm down. “
Did you hear that, New Black Panther Party? Don’t worry. Calm down.
Anonymous said... March 26, 2012 9:11 PM “…they make up 13% of the population and kill each other over the color of a rag…”
ReplyDeleteI read a study a while back where blacks were surveyed and when asked what percentage of the total US population was African-American, they vastly overestimated their numbers. This is probably because many, if not most, African-Americans live in large urban areas, where their numbers are overrepresented, which creates the illusion that they are more numerous.
That is not a gun on the counter. I blew it up using Coral Draw, cleaned up the image. It's a Hot roller.
ReplyDeleteAs far as his Tats go, I am white and have tats also that means notta. I also have weapons in my home. Shotguns, Knives, Rifles, that does not make me a Thug or criminal. It makes me an avid sportsman.
Guy control needs to end. It should be illegal to own a gun. It's a joke how Americans claim its their right and they need it for protection. Do away with the 2nd amendment.
ReplyDelete@staypoppinjoe - yeah why not bro? You think you gonna get all of us kwakas, bro, cuz, whatever you like cuz. Bring it on, mofo.
ReplyDeletewhy don't you come and get our guns,bro?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 26, 2012 9:31 PM “ That is not a gun on the counter.”
ReplyDeleteForgeries can be discovered without to much difficulty.
”As far as his Tats go, I am white and have tats also that means notta. [sic] “
I think the word you are looking for is “nada”.
”I also have weapons in my home. Shotguns, Knives, Rifles, that does not make me a Thug or criminal. It makes me an avid sportsman.”
Fingerprints are circumstantial, too. Would you consider fingerprints worthless in crime investigations?
Does this really need to be explained to you?
Anonymous said... March 26, 2012 9:46 PM “Do away with the 2nd amendment.”
I have no doubt that most of you would do away with the entire Constitution today, if you could. I guess you will have to be satisfied with slowly chipping away at it.
Who said that is a gun on the counter? It looks like blunt to me!
ReplyDeleteThey all kind of look alike to me.
ReplyDeletein the state of Florida, the use of a gun in self defense, its called the "Stand your groud" law. There were two witnesses that saw Zimmerman being assaulted by Trayvon Martin. Trayvon sucker punched Zimmerman, broke his nose, then was beating Zimmermans head against the sidewalk.Then Trayvon went for Zimmermans gun and that is when Zimmerman fired one round at Trayvon.
ReplyDeleteI would say that Zimmerman displayed more patience than i would have, and certainly any law enforcement oficer would have made swiss cheese of Trayvon.
Anyways, if it was the other way around, there would be no crazy protests.
this info came from the police reports here in Fl, and the witness statements are the same story as Zimmermans.
Also, for independant thinkers;
google ; Sanford, FL crime statistics
Sanford is less than 2% of the population of Chicago yet has similar crime rates.
ReplyDeleteThat is a lot of crime.
Howcome this wasn't a nationwide story the morning after this happened? Unless it takes a month to make up a story and clean up some tracks to make this teen look innocent.
ReplyDeleteUm, nobody cares what you think, ur opinion has no bearings on the case. Ur still a racist, nobody likes you, and when you die know one will care.
ReplyDeleteAlot of these comments are just ignorant. A young kid lost his life and that should be the focus. Not what pictures he had on Facebook or MySpace it is irrelevant.
ReplyDeletejust like a negro to bring skittles to a gun fight
ReplyDeleteThe little thug was shot and killed because he attacked Zimmerman! Zimmerman had the right to defend himself! This little thug should have been inside at that hour, not out casing the neighborhood looking for trouble! Too bad anyone had to die, but you self righteous, racist people would fight for your life too, no matter what skin color they had! You hypocrite racists!
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting to see that the mainstream media has caught up to this - the front page of Yahoo has a big article that references & links to the piece by the Wagist, as well as other sites that have started to expose Trayvon for what he was.
ReplyDeleteIt's also interesting to see how opportunistic the family is. They immediately hired an attorney, who intimidated the school districts (both the one he was expelled from, and current one from which he was suspended when he attacked George Zimmerman from behind) into sealing all of his disciplinary records. They've also applied to trademark his name, his picture (of course the cute one as a 12 year old, not the ones of him at age 17 with tattoos, gold teeth, shirtless posing with money, etc), and expressions like, "I am Trayvon," and "Justice for Trayvon."
It's also interesting to note other way's they're being opportunistic - for example, his mom told the press, "First they killed my baby, now they're trying to kill his reputation," in response to questions that the police may have leaked the story that he was on suspension for possession of drugs in the school. She then followed that up by stating - "They will pay."
So mom is looking to cash in on his likeness from all the sheep who want to buy t-shirts with his name & picture, and has already put out there that she is willing to sue the local PD for slandering his "memory," because she believes they leaked the story about his drug dealing (no word on whether she'll sue his brother/cousin, whose facebook messages about Trayvon beating up a bus driver have become public. But I’m sure if it was a school administrator, ie, someone with insurance & deep pockets, whose facebook messages were revealed, she’d be all up in arms & calling for a suit against him).
Lastly, I find it interesting that for several weeks, mainstream media ignored the interviews with witnesses who said Trayvon was assaulting Zimmerman, and also ignored the police statement that Zimmerman was injured & treated medically, and his injuries and state he was found in are consistent with his story that Trayvon jumped & assaulted him. Only now, as the national backlash against the Trayvon golddiggers has emerged, have those interviews from the day of the shooting, as well as the police statements, become part of the national dialogue.
I just hope that Zimmerman can track down whomever made the t-shirts with his picture, name, home address, and phone number (along with the captions of “White Trash,” “Murdering Racist,” etc), and sue the shit out of them for slander.
Those pics don't mean anything. U stupid fags.
ReplyDeleteHe looks like a teenager, from those pics.
ReplyDeleteI see what your saying. A teenager posts stupid pictures online. Therefore he must have been an awful kid and therefore deserved to be killed.
ReplyDeleteThis all makes sense now.
Nice try, 330 pm, but unless you're completely ignorant, obtuse, or a child, you know that your "linear thinking" pattern of logic is patently false and is designed to take people off the path this discussion is going down.
DeleteThese pictures, and Trayvon's overall story, are important for a number of reasons.
Among other things, these pictures, and the reports we're now learning about his history of fighting, drug dealing, and possible gang affiliation, show that his family is lying when they sau he had no criminal past or issues at school. In fact, its completely the opposite, he is a kid who constantly got into trouble - he had been expelled from public school, and was on a 10 day suspension from his current school when this went down. And that means that everybody needs to be skeptical about anything either parent of his is saying - we have irrefutable proof that they've lied, multiple times, to the media.
Also, this flies in the face of theirs & others claims that Trayvon did not seek out trouble, and that he couldn't have assaulted Zimmerman because he would never get into fights. Again, it is coming to light that there are mountains of evidence that Trayvon actually physically assaulted Zimmerman and was beating him senseless when the shooting happened. Does an innocent child sucker punch an adult (breaking his nose), then jump on top of him and beat his head into the ground? No, absolutely not.
Finally, these pictures demonstrate that the family and its attorneys are lying to the American public, in an attempt to manipulate sentiment and (as evidenced by his mom trademarking his name, picture, and sayings) are trying to profit from this. How come the family was only willing to release pictures of him from 4 + years ago, before the gold teeth, the tattoos, and the muscles all happened? BC they know American wouldn't sympathize with Trayvon as he was when he was shot - a drug dealing, incorragable thug.
Tim, you should spotlight the misguided organization "O.N.E", every pic is either all blacks, or white people enabling blacks, some of them are flashing gangsigns in their pics.
ReplyDeleteBlacks cannot survive without white/human intervention, they are a black hole of money sucking suckiness. Failed, loser-ass crybaby race.
Why isnt this clear to you racists. That grown ass man was told not to approach, he had no legal authority, was never deputized, and he is following a young man. By the media accounts he got his ass handed to him and then killed the boy he was pervertly stalking. He provoked the attack by approaching the victim when he was explicitly told a car is on the way. I wish a faggot looking fat guy would follow me, then approach me i would mop the floor with him. He should have did his duty as self appointed watchman and simply watched as instructed. So basically its ok to pick a fight with a complete stranger and when they kick your ass kill them and walk free. There is 10k on his head and he will not survive prison unless he is in pc, he culdnt even join the arayan gangs cause he is a spic.
ReplyDeleteHow did Zimmerman pick the fight? He was walking away from trespassing Trayvon when the thug came up to him from behind, sucker punched him, then jumped on top of him.
DeleteLil Trey just picked another fight. But unlike when he beat up a bus driver one week earlier, this was a fight he couldn't win.
Nice way to protest. Miami teens loot and ransack a Walgreens while protesting for Treyvon Martin. I guess now they have an excuse to ransack the convenience stores and flash mob people.
ReplyDeleteyou people are so stupid no kids use myspace now and days these pics are from years ago so because i kid has friends or pics with a group of friends he deserves to get killed you people are missing the whole point if this kid was white and got shot by a Spanish or black younger or older man there would be quick justice but no since hes black people are trying to find ever thing else wrong instead of looking the the big picture this man needs to pay for his crimes he killed someone that he followed aka stalked trayvon protected him self
ReplyDeleteTo 5:47 pm - I'd like to introduce you to a little invention called "punctuation."
ReplyDeleteLook into it.
The "big picture" is that nobody wants spooks in their neighborhood. George Zimmerman showed us all how to handle a spook slithering around a white neighborhood after dark like a cockroach. Good job, George!
ReplyDeleteIt doesnt matter what type of pictures that boy took does that mean he deserves to die because he threw up a sign that signifies west side meaning he lived on the west side of town. So if you where ur hat backwards it makes u a thug I guess justin Bieber is a gansta too.
ReplyDeleteThe one thing that bothers me is the fact that Black folks are "ALWAYS" playing the race card. I think they have cried wolf too many times and the day will come when not even the media will listen to their cries. Unfortunately, racism is still very much alive today and there are REAL heinous racial crimes committed that go unnoticed due to the distractions of the mediocre ones, like this one.
ReplyDeleteI do not believe this incident had anything to do with race. Black people are so quick to get their leaders and have protests. Yet they are not very quick on cleaning up their own communities and realizing that Blacks are responsible for the majority of the crime in this country. How about that Black folks? The statistics do not lie, the numbers say it all.
Why is it that non Blacks don't protest when you go to their neighborhoods and rob, shoot, and rape them? You are a bunch of hypocrites, you are the racists. You don't see non Blacks going to Black neighborhoods to cause problems. You need to get it together as a race.
Instead of playing the race card, face the truth that the majority of you are lazy welfare recipients always looking for an easy way out. And having children with multiples partners, without a job, education, and heavily relying on government funds. Get it together, enough is enough.
I know not ALL Blacks reflect my description whereas I have met some wonderful Black people. And I do understand that every race has its trash. Crime has no limit on sex, race, and religion...I get that too. In this case, I am focusing on the Black folks.
~ Blue
Anonymous said... March 27, 2012 3:30 PM ”I see what your saying.”
ReplyDeleteNo, you don’t. But you do seem to have mastered the Straw Man.
Anonymous said... March 27, 2012 4:49 PM ” That grown ass man was told not to approach…”
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know, it was more of a suggestion without any real force of law behind it. And I seem to recall that Zimmerman replied, “Okay”.
”… he had no legal authority…”
Legal authority to do what, exactly? You should stop using words you don’t understand. Remember, this happened in FLORIDA, where they actually respect the right of self-defense.
”.. was never deputized…”
Could you explain where there was a legal requirement for him to be deputized to do any of the things he did? I’ll be waiting patiently for your answer. Oh, who are we kidding, you don’t have an answer.
”…and he is following a young man. “
So far, you have not shown that Zimmerman did anything illegal. Why isn’t this clear to you racists?
”By the media accounts he got his ass handed to him and then killed the boy…”
You don’t see a connection between these two things?
”… he was pervertly stalking. “
Since you do not have any insider knowledge or mind-reading ability, I am going to guess that this is just projection on your part.
”He provoked the attack…”
At this point, that is just wishful thinking on your part. Don’t worry, you are not alone.
“I wish a **** looking fat guy would follow me, then approach me i would mop the floor with him.”
Another honest admission from Team Trayvon.
You probably should avoid doing that in any state where there is concealed carry (the majority of them), or you could have a Trayvon Experience. It seems like this is exactly what bothers blacks the most. It seems like they are pretty angry that they cannot loiter, case houses, randomly intimidate, assault and batter people and just generally cause mayhem with impunity.
“So basically its ok to pick a fight with a complete stranger and when they kick your ass kill them and walk free. “
You people really love your straw men, don’t you? It sounds like you are just pissed off that you have to worry about getting shot when you are running around administering your righteous beatings. Don’t worry too much, concealed carry is still illegal in the large, Liberal Democrat controlled cities and that doesn’t look like it will change any time soon, so there will still be a large number of defenseless people you can prey on.
”There is 10k on his head and he will not survive prison unless he is in pc, he culdnt even join the arayan gangs cause he is a spic. “
It sounds like you are pretty excited about that. Oh, and you are a RACIST! LOL
To people that keep pointing out Trayvon was unarmed. If he had successfully taken the bloodied Zimmerman's gun, which is what Zimmerman said Trayvon was trying to do after he got done punching Zimmerman and Slamming his head into the cement then, it follows that Trayvon would have been the one with the gun. Would you shoot someone if they sucker punched you, slammed your head into the ground, and then tried to take your gun at 1 am?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 27, 2012 7:35 PM “Would you shoot someone if they sucker punched you, slammed your head into the ground, and then tried to take your gun at 1 am?”
ReplyDeleteNo, I wouldn’t. I would try to empathize with my assailant, and keep in mind that he was probably just scared. I would deserve a vicious and possibly fatal beating for merely being suspicious of a future astrophysicist. Everyone knows that reporting and following a suspicious character in your neighborhood is a highly provocative act and my attacker would be completely justified in delivering a righteous beat down and attempting to murder me. After all, my attacker happens to be black and I am just some “white hispanic” (“white” for short), so his life, no matter how evil his behavior might be, will always be more valuable than mine. I figure he was just about to turn his life around.
Besides, it is an election year.
.The truth is this; if the white man in America wasn't so cowardly, this killing would not have happened. One white, male witness heard and saw George Z yelling for help. This witness could and should have helped restrain Trayvon (or George if he was aggressor), but instead he told George Z to "stop", and went to his apartment to call 9-11. In thousands of rapes, robberies, assaults, and murders white people almost NEVER step in to help victims. If blacks can get over their victimizating, woe-is-me self-image, they will be an incredibly powerful race and be at the “top of the class” when compared to any group of Americans. Anyway, my own race makes me sick, but not because of any racism, but because of their cowardice. I think the only hope may be that many hundreds of thousands of men have gone overseas and hopefully come back with a little steel in their spine.
ReplyDeleteSeeking Truth said... March 27, 2012 8:42 PM “The truth is this; if the white man in Aerica wasn't so cowardly, this killing would not have happened.”
ReplyDeleteThe authorities ENCOURAGE this kind of cowardice. Much has been made of the dispatchers “order” for Zimmerman to stand down but the truth is many bureaucrats dissuade citizens from taking any kind of action for fear of liability, not because it is the legal, moral or even commonsense thing to do.
In 2007 in Des Moines Iowa, a woman named Shasta Bell had an exchange with a 911 dispatcher where the dispatcher seemed incredulous that Bell had just shot an intruder that had broken into her apartment, wielding a pair of scissors. Dispatchers are not a reliable source of advice on how to save your hide.
For a long time the Kitty Genovese murder was used as a good example of the apathy of citizens to the violent crime in their neighborhoods. Everyone wondered how a woman could be murdered without her neighbors stepping in to help. Listen to the 911 recordings of the Zimmerman shooting as the pathetic people call in and are afraid to even go see what is happening, let alone actually help out.
Keeping your own neighborhood safe is viewed by many liberals as not being their job. They believe that is what the police are for. They do not want to take any responsibility for defending themselves because they are cowards and they don’t want to get their hands dirty, they want someone else to take a bullet for them. They don’t realize that there is already a lot of legal precedent that absolves law enforcement from responsibility to protect specific individuals. See Warren v. District of Columbia.
Even if you wanted to live in a totalitarian police state (which many liberals appear to be totally cool with), you can’t have a cop on every corner, look at the manpower problems Chicago has, for example. And before someone mentions cameras, those do not stop violent crime.
George Zimmerman may not have been the most competent guy in the world but I can respect someone that doesn’t just sit there and watch helplessly as his neighborhood turns to shit.
Our litigious society is trying its best to make cowards of us all.
What gets me the most about this is, if Zimmerman were black, the neighborhood would have went right into"snitches get stiches" and covered up and protected him- didn't see nothin'. Because he was not black and actually defending himself, they are holding rallys to convict him. Amazing how the true racists- blacks- constantly try to turn the tables.
ReplyDeleteI believe Zimmerman was assaulted by Treyvon. I also believe that Treyvon, not being an innocent kid, felt threatened by Zimmerman following him. In the end, it was a horrible situation that could have been avoided if Zimmerman, who I do not think is the awful person the media is trying to portray, had made a better judgment call. He was warned not to follow this kid and yet... he did. If he left it up to law enforcement to handle it properly this whole thing could have been avoided. Zimmerman's fault was being over zealous and "acting the cop" without the training. In the end he had to defend himself from an attack that I believe he had a hand in provoking by following a questionable character. If he suspected this kid of being "dangerous" why didn't he let the cops deal with it? Forget all the race crap and media hype, it comes down to a really, really bad decision made by a civilian who had no business playing cop. I don't think we will ever know the real story.
ReplyDeleteThat being said, posting false pictures and changing them without admission is irresponsible "journalism" on the part of CNR. Of course it's a blog, not journalism, so I'm sure you will never admit your mistake.
I know for one I am looking forward to seeing gangbangers start working on the crumbling CTA infastructure, global warming and the cure for cancer.
ReplyDeleteY'know, because you're all so naturally gifted and smarter than us.
So, 12:59am, could you explain the whole Fibonacci number thing to me? I'm just not getting it. I know there are numerous hip-hop songs about them as well, I remember Tupac had done a bit about the Outline of discrete mathematics in his stellar album "Hep da Poleece". That crap was awesome! I immediately ran out and got a Tupac-branded bulletproof slide rule and pocket protector.
May God Bless the heart of the racist souls!
ReplyDeleteA race war? Arent we all human? Besides chocolate people make up 12.4% of the US population, their species wouldnt have a snowballs chance in hell. And yes, i said species, we are all human but we are not the same species.
ReplyDeleteIf the nazi's had exterminated all the jews then this horrible yet imaginary hate crime by a hispanic jew named Zimmerman would have never occurred. There are real hate crimes but this is probably not one of them. A guy shot another guy that jumped him while he was walking back to his car. He was slamming his head into the sidewalk while zimmerman was screaming for help. He also tried to take Zimmermans gun. If Zimmerman and the witnesses told the truth of what happened then this is madness. However, in order for it to be complete madness Zimmerman would have to be murdered followed by a parade.
ReplyDeletei'd like to put all the racist people in a rocket and shoot them to the sun.
that being said ashtray had it coming it looks like.
"If I had a son, he would NOT look like a gangbanging cooon thug."
ReplyDeleteWhy do they not mention the Allen Coon tragedy? Why is it the race baiters portray Zimmerman as being white when he is in fact hispanic? Why is it all the photos of Trayvon show him aa an angelic 13 yr old and show Zimmerman at his vry worst? Fact is in all robability Zimmerman was an overzealous want to be cop that needs to be held accountable but that does not make him a white racist!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... March 28, 2012 12:20 AM “… posting false pictures and changing them without admission is irresponsible "journalism" on the part of CNR. Of course it's a blog, not journalism, so I'm sure you will never admit your mistake.”
ReplyDeleteYeah, because the Official Journalists always admit their “mistakes”. They have shown themselves to be honest and professional, right? I’ll be waiting with bated breath to see them print an admission that they intentionally chose those photos to put a PC spin on the story. We can expect that any day now.
LOL! Really? You're using the "everybody else is doin' it" excuse?!? LMFAO! What are you, 12?
ReplyDeleteLower taxes and get your news from Chicago News Report.
ReplyDeleteVote Romney
Anonymous said... March 28, 2012 8:06 PM “You're using the "everybody else is doin' it" excuse?!? “
ReplyDeleteNo, I am saying, “You first”.
lol the pictures are stupid... just because 1 person does a gang sign doesnt mean they gangbangers that is just retarded and wat is up with him getting a tat almost everybody gets a tat and that could be a toothbrush holder u dont no get real people how is this suppose to mean why zimmerman shot him... dumb ass people
ReplyDeleteGoof honkeys if you the issue is the legal system is racist in regards to not fully investigating the story. An officer said he didnt believe zimmerman and wanted to charge him with manslaughter, zimmerman has priors which were thrown out of court and sealed, he disregarded a direct order from a legal entity, hius father is a retired JUDGE, he didnt go to the hospital until the next day ( presumably after he and his retired judge father got in cahootz), you people are the race baiters here on cnr. And to castellan do not reply to my post bc this isnt for you, i do not like you asshat.
ReplyDeleteI gather trayvon didnt have any right to stand his ground, what a racket
ReplyDeleteSo back to the original post, exactly WHAT does these pics prove? Riddle me that batman......
ReplyDeleteCan we discuss the video and zimm being fat and outta shape?
Can we discuss martins criminal record vs. Zimms
Fyi, blacks protest violence in communities ALL THE TIME, often unheard but lets reference the roof top pastor
Blacks commit the most crimes, wonder if PROFILLING, lying, planting drugs and weapons, corruption by police and prosecutors, poor legal rep. Have anything to do wit that..:
Martins funeral director said he saw NO injuries on his hand or defnsive wounds on his tall lanky body
What does martins online photos really prove? Yuh peices of work really have developed quite a persona on here....... Oh wait your exempt.
Whats wrong with the tat of momma name and grandma memorial
Yea the 17 y.o kid can be mistaken for 35, lol
Wonder if the retired judge of a father had anything to do with this, dare i say, cover up
I culd go on but i gott get to work, oh i forgot im black, i mean go back to my gang, drugs, and violece
I hate grammar nazis, blackberry so kick rocks......
Wait one more
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to martins right to stand HIS ground........ Yuhs people above a quite the tools
When I took a dump this morning, there was a Trayvon floating in the toilet.
ReplyDeleteI zimmerman thought had an assault against a police officer and something with domestic battery. It's funny how that is swept under the rug.
ReplyDeleteI thought zimmerman had an assault against a police officer and accusations of domestic battery. It's funny how that is swept under the rug.
ReplyDeleteI see this is what the PTB wanted. All the overhype by the lamestream media on this case is giving all the racists and bigots (whites blacks and all the like) their time to shine, calling zimmerman a fate white (is he even white) pig and trayvon...well it's too many names to count.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to round all the white/black/asian/arab supremacists onto a space ship and send them to mars to kill each other. Then the world will be one step closer to being a better place.
I like some of you racist white cave dwellers in phosisticated clothing beating your chest about winning a race war against black people, when Asians outnumber you all. SMH...
ReplyDeleteLeave it to the supreme & mighty whitey's.
ReplyDeleteYou trayvons are always so illiterate.
Anonymous said... March 29, 2012 2:27 AM “And to castellan do not reply to my post bc this isnt for you, i do not like you asshat.”
ReplyDeleteIt’s just as well. I could not possibly refute such eloquent and well reasoned points.
Anonymous said... March 29, 2012 2:43 PM “…when Asians outnumber you all.”
Yeah, I hear you guys get along marvelously with Asians, especially Koreans.
This whole blog is crazy making. the people directly involved in this case are the only ones who should care. every race has members that are racist against others and in some ways against them selves. give it to god
ReplyDeleteThis is God. I made spooks to give the rest of you something to use as target practice.
ReplyDeleteTo whoever wrote that he was looking for a white woman to rape, you need to go back to school! This is not the civil war, that racist and highly illogical idea is as outdated as your non-existent GED! 90% of rape occurs by someone you know... and white men are the most commonly convicted of rape. Most likely due to their ideas of entitlement and their power dynamics.
ReplyDelete"staypoppinjoe said...
ReplyDeletedo u krackaz really want a race war? yaw not bout dat life **** lol. keep type boxin witcha bitch ass "
Sadly, you would lose.
ReplyDeleteoh my fucking god, castellan is one conceited fuck. Deconstruct my post and think of a witty and smart sounding reply to each sentence, cause thats the best way to make someone sound ignorant. You keep saying we dont know exactly what happened, but when someone else says that in defense of what you are insinuating, its because they're ignorant. Deconstruct and criticize away you lifeless maggot.
ReplyDeleteI have NO IDEA what you're trying to say, 3:43pm.
ReplyDeleteBut ya'll say that black people are smarter than the rest of us, so maybe when you're sober you could explain some first-year vocabulary lessons to the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteKeshawn's mother was convinced that KeShawn's death was a police conspiracy. "He wuz a good boy. He was turning his life around and was about to release a Rap CD - who woulda done him like this?" Blubbering and wailing, his mother demanded to know "Who was going to pay fo' all of dis?" and asked for some money to buy cigarettes and booze. "Oh Lawzy, I'm gonna get muh GROOVE on tonight!" she exclaimed.
Funeral arrangements are unclear at this point, but the family has requested donations of "40's, blunts, and KFC" in lieu of cards or flowers. "Dat muffugah dead - what in tha' hell he gonna do wit' flowers?" a relative was quoted as saying.
I cannot believe the ignorance. Right is right, wrong is wrong. This minor may have not been a perfect boy, but know one deserves to die. It is a shame racism is still alive and well. I think it is a time for justice. Things like this have been going on for so long. For whites not to like blacks, they want to be like us so bad. Tanning to make their skin darker, lip injections to make their lips fuller, and booty implants or injections just to have an ASS.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believed that the person who posed the pics did not include the pics with him holding a gun as claimed.
ReplyDeleteAnd the pics posted here, if you will ask a psychiatrists or forensic experts will just tell you that this person is a reflection of an ordinary kid or even a gentle kid or person interested in things and topic that his fellow teenager are commonly interested and wanted to get noticed. I believed that most gangmembers are not that stupid to posed with guns or anything that will put them in trouble especially if they are black and prone to be stereotyped.
Go to facebook and see for yourself the true reflections of the US teens based from pictures.Or watched videos in youtube and decide for yourself. Either way, you dont want them to be gunned down, right?
But the incident should bring the person accused of the crime to a trial to prove his innocence/guilt or face the public trial that is full of hatred and biases that resulted to an OPPORTUNISTIC SHOWDOWN OF BS AND BASELESS ACCUSATIONS AND SPECULATIONS.
RACIAL PROFILING will always be a problem in this society, some people just give up from being stereotype coz in reality we react based from COLORS.
I truly support the idea of not allowing media from posting any pics or article that will deviate from making an impartial judgement. The case itself should speak for the truth.
Lastly, if he was indeed a gangmember or a terrorist,shooting a person in the chest is still not an excuse for a self defense on a fist fight?
My color maybe insignificant but I hope i get the same media attention if the same thing happens to me.Bring my case to the court,judge me as much as you want,but please don't ignore the cause of my death...
God bless everybody.
I find it very funny that he's all about the number 9. Look it up 9 Trey bloods are one of the biggest branches of bloods in the country... I think gang affiliation is without question here.
ReplyDelete- see, this is exactly why i DO NOT respect these WHITES ! i try so hard, but they think they better than EVERYBODY. Now, if you want to talk about whites being better than blacks' white men are always on the news for raping women .. young women. white husbands are always leaving their family for some 18 year old. SO WHAT TRAYVON is doing whatever he is doing in his personal life.. he is being a CHILD. Do you really want to know what yall PRECIOUS white children are doing in school? (F-ckinn DOPE'HEADS)! Lol , we makin money off yall dummies ! yall try SOOOOO hard to be black, WISHING yall were BLACK . Zimmerman had no right taking ANYBODY'S life and now his face is all on the news and whenn he FINALLY does get to prison i wish the worse for him, because trust me ` they wont let that one slide ! better hope his life isnt taken.
ReplyDeleteNews Update: Trayvon is still dead...good riddance to that spook.
ReplyDeleteI am reminded of the biblical passage about letting those without sin cast the first stone. I think we can all agree that neither Zimmerman nor Martin were perfect saints, and they were probably not the worst people who ever lived. They were both probably somewhere closer to normal paople. Now its normal dursing an ongoing investigation that the police do no divulge all the information they have. But what we do know is this:
ReplyDelete1. Zimmerman shot Martin
2. Zimmerman claims it to be self defense.
3. Two eyewitnesses claim that Zimmerman was acting in self defense.
4. There was not enough evidence for the police to charge Zimmerman.
Everything else is just hate mongering, show boating, and foolishness.
If Martin were not black do you think all these people would be freaking out over this case? What if they were both black? Justice must apply to all or it is not justice at all.
Anonymous said... April 2, 2012 7:15 PM “see, this is exactly why i DO NOT respect these WHITES ! i try so hard…”
ReplyDeleteWhat would it take for whites to earn your respect? Throw money at you? Lower the requirements for admissions to schools and jobs? Vote for your favorite candidates? Make it illegal to hurt your feelings?
“…they think they better than EVERYBODY.”
On the contrary, it sounds like you may have an inferiority complex.
“… white men are always on the news for raping women .. young women.“
Since you brought up rape, you might be interested to learn that there are two categories of violent crime where blacks have a virtual monopoly: interracial rape, and particularly interracial rape of the elderly, as in the case of Nancy Strait).
Other crime statistics also show that blacks are disproportionately and spectacularly violent.
But remember, blacks are the perpetual victims of racial oppression and are incapable of committing “hate crimes”.
“SO WHAT TRAYVON is doing whatever he is doing in his personal life.. he is being a CHILD.”
Seventeen is not a “child”. In fact, with his parent’s blessing, a seventeen year old is allowed to marry or join the military (providing they were actually interested in marriage, or could pass the military entrance requirements. Alas, blacks are infamous for out of wedlock births and there is no affirmative action in the military, at least, not yet anyway).
“Do you really want to know what yall PRECIOUS white children are doing in school? (F-ckinn DOPE'HEADS)! Lol , we makin money off yall dummies !“
This sounds like an accusation that blacks are drug dealers, but I am sure that is not what you meant, because that would be a racist stereotype. Also, I am not sure about the black rates of drug abuse, but I am fairly certain that if I dug up that information, you might be pretty embarrassed. If you are capable of being embarrassed, that is.
“…yall try SOOOOO hard to be black, WISHING yall were BLACK .”
This is just more projection.
Blacks often make this assertion, a blustering manifestation of false, inflated self-esteem that serves as a psychological defense mechanism against their inferiority complex.
I’m not sure who you are describing but it certainly isn’t anyone that I associate with. Although, it might actually be true of some members of the growing white underclass, as more and more pathologies that were associated with the ghetto have become more mainstream.
5. We are all better off with trayvon dead.
ReplyDeleteAttention religious commenters:
ReplyDeleteYou are fucking children. There is no invisible guy up in the sky that controls your life based on how you chant poems and old stories.
Even with video people still get stories wrong. The Bible, the Koran, are just stories and lies made up to control people and have been distorted beyond belief over the last 2,000 years.
People can't even tell you what they just saw on tv right, how do you think these stories are accurate?
This page contains some of the most disgusting displays of racism that I have ever seen!As a white, non-racist I am absolutely shocked. A 17 year old boy is dead. And while I'm sure in hindsight Zimmerman would have done things differently, and I actually have some empathy for him; what he did was wrong. It was requested that he not follow the boy and he continued to do so. Trayvon in turn may or may not have attacked him as many teenage boys would do if being followed by a strange man. As for his Myspace postings- again, fairly normal teenage behavior.I'm not here to judge Trayvon Martin, and he's not here to defend himself. Unfortunately for George Zimmerman, he made a very bad choice. And knowing Florida law, he has stated that the boy told him "you die tonight", which would make legitimate his claim that he was defending his life. I think that is a little too convenient. I don't think this is about race, I think it's about right and wrong. But all of you racist pigs are a disgrace.
ReplyDeleteJackie you must be a fat white woman who sleeps with trayvons because of your low self esteem.
ReplyDelete5'7"-120 lbs.Just stating my beliefs.And you are just proving your ignorance.An armed man followed/harassed a teenage boy who was doing nothing but walking home from a convenience store while talking on the phone to his girlfriend, and then he shot and killed him.Even if Trayvon did punch him, he was pursuing Trayvon,the boy had a right to defend himself from an armed man who was threatening him.George Zimmerman made a fatal mistake that evening,a mistake I believe he needs to go to jail for. And God help him once he gets there.
ReplyDeleteHey Jackie the next time some trayvon attacks you in the street or tries to break into your place, I hope all the white guys just stand around and watch, afraid they might hurt the poor jungle savage.
ReplyDelete-Zimmerman is still free. (yay)
-Self-defense is still NOT a crime.
-Black yoofs are still responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime in this country.
-Jackie is still a moron.
Jackie said... April 3, 2012 9:20 AM “This page contains some of the most disgusting displays of racism that I have ever seen!”
ReplyDelete“OMFG!” [yawn]
“As a white, non-racist I am absolutely shocked.”
[This is how you know she is liberal, she has to make an ostentatious announcement to make sure you all know how morally superior she is.]
“And while I'm sure in hindsight Zimmerman would have done things differently…”
This is probably the only thing we would agree on. Of course, hindsight is always 20/20.
“…what he did was wrong.”
If things happened the way he said they did (and there is ample reason to believe that they did), then what he did was right, under the circumstances. Unless you believe in the liberal notion of racial harmony: that it is the duty of every non-black to submit to potentially life threatening beatings from blacks.
”As for his Myspace postings- again, fairly normal teenage behavior.”
You believe that gangsta thug posturing is “fairly normal”, whereas a lot of more rational people believe that behavior to be fairly dysfunctional.
”And knowing Florida law, he has stated that the boy told him "you die to****ht", which would make legitimate his claim that he was defending his life.”
Wrong. Martin’s alleged statement is not what would make the self-defense claim legitimate. What would make it legitimate is that Zimmerman was in reasonable fear of death or serious bodily harm from Martin’s attack and that is not restricted solely to Florida law. Gangstas, take note.
It is quite telling that you believe that words are more important than actions, another symptom of liberalism.
“I think that is a little too convenient.”
I think that a lot of claims made by Team Trayvon are a little too convenient and I have more than a gut feeling to back up my opinions.
“I don't think this is about race, I think it's about right and wrong.”
Who brought race into a straightforward case of self-defense? Oh, that’s right, it was Team Trayvon!