Commuters on a South Side CTA bus were having a good time making fun of a man who was clearly agitated and extremely paranoid... that is... until things got physical.
On March 22, 2012, around 7:21 p.m., a man claiming someone was chasing him with a gun, boarded a southbound #9 Ashland bus near the 7100 block of South Ashland Avenue.
"Help me!", yelled the man, as he paced back and forth like a caged animal.
But his fellow passengers were less than sympathetic.
In fact, one commuter fed the man's fears by saying things like, "look out, man!" and "he's gonna get you!".
But when someone, or something, made a loud popping sound... like a pistol... the joke was over.
The hyped up passenger went crazy... grabbing random commuters... sitting on a female passenger's lap... and clawing at anything within reach!
I noticed the dingy, shit stained "draws"!
ReplyDeleteDamn, the drivers should have a rhino tranq dart for shit like this.
Better yet, call in the airstrike when you get off the bus.
CTA bus drivers need to start carrying tasers
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but there is no excuse for making fun of or antagonizing people with mental illness. Whomever was making jokes about the "gunman" closing in should have his balls put in a vice. What a douche.
ReplyDeleteJust like the chimps during Katrina..."Hep Me! Hep Me!"
ReplyDeleteThis is a mental illness or coming off something?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you "Your Daly Downer." Total douche for antagonizing the guy like that. They made a bad situation worse. It's pathetic. All fun and games until...
ReplyDeleteAnd the dumass cta driver keeps driving like nothing is wrong! He should have stopped that bus until cops came or dude left. Dude was probably so high on something he went crazed. This is why I will never use public transportation. It's full of smelly homeless mental creeps or ghetto trash or both.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, the dude who made fun of this mentally man learned his lesson. Dude snapped!
ReplyDeleteWe need George Zimmerman to ride the CTA.
ReplyDeleteYou have to understand the area. Things like that happen every hour, half hour, ten minutes it just never stops. Again imagine an entire area which the media excuses and never covers except to say someone has murdered. The behavior going on is typical.
ReplyDeleteNo, His Shadow, things like this do not happen every hour. Do you even ride that bus?
ReplyDeleteThis is a daily occurrence on the #20 Madison bus.
ReplyDeleteBus driver is a stupid ass. Stop the bus, open the door and tell the mf to get off. Shithead refuses, call 50. Why wait til mf goes off and flips out, ya can see it coming. Throw the mf off the bus, stupid ass.
ReplyDeleteCoalburning social workers and liberals always get upset when we compare blacks to chimps or other primates, but if you notice every video featuring them reacting to some incident or other has them whooping and hollering and barking like primates. White people don't do that!
ReplyDeleteMore blacks than whites or other races are drug addicts because of the complete lack of willpower and self control. Even those employed law-abiding spooks (most laws, anyways) are always enamored of getting high or drunk (I gotz to get mah groove awn!)
". . . every video featuring them reacting to some incident or other has them whooping and hollering and barking like primates."
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! I couldn't agree with you more. When I grew up in a nice, normal, nearly all white middle class suburb out of state, I didn't believe all the stuff my uncles, who lived here in the city, used to tell me about how crazy blacks were.
I went to college with a lot of blacks and, with the exception of some thugs on the football team, they were normal. They were the ones trying to educate and better themselves, just like me, and even if they didn't have a middle-class upbringing, they resepected normal values like personal property, respect to women, respecting authorities like professors, administrators & campus security, not cursing hooting & hollering in public, etc.
Then, I moved here and started working downtown in retail during the day as I got my master's at night, and my opinions changed immediately. Virtually every shoplifter - black. Virtually every person who would buy clothes, wear them, then come back with the wrinkled, stained, smoke smelling clothes & demand to be able to return them & get money back - black. Every aggressive panhandler outside of our doors - black. Every group of teen goons that would shove down a woman walking by herself, and take her purse & shopping bags - black. Every random fight on the street outside of our doors - groups of black on black.
Remember the video of the SouthSide girl fight that was on here last month? Someone in the comments said to google "Baboon fight," and that person was right - the baboons in the apartment looked & acted exactly like the baboons in the national geographic video.
If white, asian & middle eastern people are representing humanity evolving, blacks are the opposite - they represent devolution.