He’s a purported Conservative Vice Lord/GD Killa’ -- his only goal is getting money -- and he “don’t give no fuck ‘bout no bitch”.
In other words, he’s the perfect neighbor!
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It's like the monkey house at the zoo. Hopefully this nigger will be shot on the street by another nigger.
ReplyDeleteCool it with that nigger word
ReplyDeleteWell, at least you are making the purpose of your vile, racist blog clear. Good luck with the rest of your life, you racist pig. And remember, karma can be a bitch: what goes around comes around.
ReplyDeleteWhere is the racism in this story? The only person who used a racial term is the kid in the video.
ReplyDeleteHere's your new Section 8 neighbor, courtesy of your own tax money.
ReplyDeleteYou are a very sad and idiotic person. You seem very ignorant with these racial comments
DeleteHes also high as shit. Probably got done smoking a blunt right before he filmed this. Good thing section 8 kids have no problem affording drugs...
ReplyDeleteHey! That's my cell phone! Ha!
ReplyDeleteWho are the parents of this genius? And were are they? Black people need to have more stable households. They pop out kids without any family structure which ultimately leads to these ghetto thugs.
ReplyDeleteBut don't worry! If you're scared of Uptown, you'll LOVE Buena Park! I mean Schiller Park! I mean Margate Park! I mean... oh, fuck, I give up.
ReplyDeleteLater he limped off to sell some drugs to losers at the Lawrence House
ReplyDeletePhoebe, is that you? Sure sounds like you. Maybe you should just stick to your Everyblock since you hate this one so much. We don't want to hear what you have to say. Guess you don't want your Everyblock peeps to know you come on this site all the time, which is why your anonymous.
Black people can't be spotlighted or criticized, only praised. Even if they're destroying the country.
ReplyDeleteBecause they are delicate little flowers.
My Aunt Vickie Lou knows him.
ReplyDeletePlease dont jump down my throat, but I think this video is sad. This kid is high as hell and is a product of his environment. It also makes me sad that he's taking the video by himself. I dont know why, it just does. Makes you wonder how much of peoples behavior is nature vs. nurture.
ReplyDeleteenough of the nature vs. nurture crap. Right - his ancestors were "born into slavery" and then after that, they were born ito blac neighborhoods, and he we born into BROKEN HOME. SEE A PATTERN.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe the nature vs nurture crap either. I was dealt as bad a hand as any of these ghetto thugs, if not worse, a childhood marred with physical, emotional and verbal abuse and two parents who don't love me, never did, and will admit to that. I was completely neglected and failed in every way. And ya know what, I am a super responsible, loving, healthy person with a fantastic professional job and have tons of the greatest friends in the world. In a nutshell, I turned out perfectly. Bad circumstances don't have to set the stage for your life to come at all, some people just choose what they think will be the easy way out. - blaming someone else for their problems.
ReplyDeleteOh stfu cracker who gives a flying fuck about your life. I hope they eliminate all whites soon.. We hate yall more than you hate us.
DeleteLike Maureen said, this kid is obviously high as a kite.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I don't get it - besides being unable to translate to english what he's saying, I'm not sure the point of this video. Why did he film it? Why on earth did he post it online?? Did he actually attach his REAL name to it???
Just the fact that some people actually make these vids of themselves, then post them online, are a testament to exactly how wide the gap is between normal, working people & strung out ghetto thugs.
Do a google search for "Black people are too ignorant youtube" for a great 9 minute rant by a black guy that sums up a lot of what we on here say - we don't hate black people, we just hate niggas.
ReplyDeleteReinforcing negative stereotypes is never helpful.
ReplyDelete@enough of the nature vs. nurture crap:
ReplyDeleteYeh, science is so stupid.
I encourage all of you "smart" readers to delete your Facebooks, your Twitters, etc. A shitstorm is coming of epic proportion, and it's better to conduct your life and your friendships in less public ways.
ReplyDeletePlus some of you think you look good in a bikini, and your tits are nice, but your gut is flabby.
All is well.
ReplyDelete200 years to GET OFF YOUR KNEES...as the hispanics pushed their kids to college degrees and local government jobs....choices we make...anyone else wanna be shot by this guy?
ReplyDeleteI think the Everyblockers are so blinded by liberal simian rage that somebody dare criticize a poor little pwecious black person they can't defend them other than just paint us all "rayciss"
ReplyDeleteNever before in history has any civilization had to deal with, and accept a social malignancy like the adolescent african american - it's unprecedented.
ReplyDelete@ 1:55pm, what "shitstorm" do you mean? LOL about the pics. Its true, a lot of narcissists on the FB. Disturbing
ReplyDeleteHey, how come the embed for this video is different from other Youtube videos?
ReplyDeleteUsually you can click on the video and go to the youtube page where it is hosted, to see who the uploader is and interact with them. This one is embedded slightly differently and doesnt provide a link to the original video. What gives?
Anyway, in the future it would be nice if you can put a normal youtube embed for these sorts of videos. That way we can visit the page and click the dislike button, and maybe share the video with other people interested in disliking videos...
I don't understand. In the negro collective intelligence, there must be a leader of some sort. Who commands down from on high that all teenapers have to have the same taste in music, clothes, and personality?
ReplyDeleteThe Borg have a queen, who's the SuperNig in charge?
This is to echo the January 22, 2012 10:11 PM remark.
ReplyDeleteAs long as there are thousand's of unwanted and uncared for black children with no semblance of parental responsibility (Where's the Dad) or any type of nurturing guiding these kids the abject violence we see will only escalate. Teachers are not surrogate parents. All the before and after school programs will never take the place of a normal family. If you drop out of school at 13, 14 or 15 years of age you WILL HAVE A MISERABLE LIFE. You are dropping out of LIFE!
It's Time for Al, Jessie,, Meek's, and the other poverty pimps to shout this from the mountain top.
There are simply NO JOBS for Functionally Illiterate individuals with low morals. Stay in School!!!!!!!!!!!
It would be fun if he got killed!
ReplyDeleteVideos like this are good for illuminating reality. A lot of people are scared of reality.
ReplyDeleteEvery one of you could do yourself well by reading two articles written by a blogger named Lawrence Auster. The first article is entitled "My Views on Race and Intelligence" and the second, "Why the truth about black dysfunction is so important", expounds on everything here at CNS. Just put the article titles in the google search bar and submit to read them.
Has anyone considered "Chicago" one of the most documented cities involving racial incidents in America. Yes! This guy is an idiot, but how much does Chicago police and local government play a part in his outcome. Irish, Italian people and their underworld please read their plight. And if you’re speaking on college, there are more blacks in college than ever and even less incarcerated. Popping out children is the next subject, in the 20’s,30’s 40’s 50’s ,60’s, 70’s, 80’s, ’90’s to present either federal, local and hate groups played a huge part in killing, drugging or jailing the black male which allowed for this outcome. Blacks learn the structure and safety of gangs from white people and now are using this to stay alive.
ReplyDelete"Blacks learn the structure and safety of gangs from white people and now are using this to stay alive."
ReplyDeleteReally? Well, they did a piss-poor job of "learning," then. Not only are black gangs regressing society, but using them to stay alive? Tell that to all the dead gangbaning coon that keeps popping up in morgues every day here.
IMO, in the "nature vs. nurture" debate, I say it's nurture that causes these nigs to act the way they do.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that they're born with any more or less brain cells than the average white person (obviously I'm not talking about people born with mental retardation or other birth defects, nor am I talking about things like crack babies or babies born from alcoholic mothers).
To me, the difference is clearly how the kids are raised, or in the black community, how they aren't raised.
If you don't have a father, and if your mother is only a teen who dropped out of school and doesn't work, and if people in your household abuse drugs, and if you are in a family that has is generational welfare, and if your are in a neighborhood that allows gangs to control it and hides them from the police, it's very likely that you will turn out to be a total shithead like this kid.
Also, if you are in a neighborhood that believes the only way to succeed is to be a pro athlete, rapper, or drug dealer, then your life will suck. A tiny fraction of a percent of people can make a living in athletics or in entertainment. But there are millions of successful doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, business owners, etc, who achieved their success through simple hard work in school & motivation.
It sucks for that kid, it really does. But you know what? That's not my problem. I pay a shitload in taxes to allow that kid and his "family" to have every opportunity to succeed. My taxes pay for things like breakfast, lunch and dinner at Chicago schools on the south side, things that the parents should be paying for. They pay for housing, books, backpacks, clothing, medical care, transportation, and security, things that the parents should be paying for. I pay for all of those things for my kids out of my own pocket.
Why do I have to fund these little niglets, too? It’s absurd that people on welfare can afford things like expensive cell phones, cars, fancy clothing, jewelry, computers, tvs, yet go crying to the state for basic necessities (a lot has to do with them collecting welfare with one hand, and earning a black market income with the other). A lot of black Chicago "parents" on the south side do little to no actual parenting of their kids.
And what about teaching them about birth control? Recently, Mark Watts, the nigger who was shot dead on his porch by a rival gang (though the apologists refuse to acknowledge the public photos of him flashing signs, flashing money and weapons, the fact that his grandma said his friends are all in gangs which means he likely is too, etc) was eulogized as a “father.” He got a girl pregnant when he was 14 fucking years old. 14!!!! The baby was 7 months old when he got killed at 15 y/o. That doesn’t make him a father. That makes him an asshole that didn’t pull out or use protection. Fuck you, Mark Watts. I honestly believe that the state should start mandating abortions for girls under 21 y/o who are on welfare & get pregnant. It would be doing them, us, and those unborn bastards all a huge favor.
Conversely, most white families, and literally every one that I know, take the responsibility of parenting seriously, and make every effort to raise their kids, get them prenatal medical care, emphasize education and right from wrong, and also work their assess off to be in a position to provide for their families.
vice lord killa its BPSN bitch...and fuck all you faggot ass white crackers
ReplyDeletewhite people are faggots thats why all them lame ass white girls like black dick too bad hoe i don't like cave bitches
ReplyDeleteTo the previous poster - neither of your two comments make any sense, and serve to justify white people's views of blacks under 30 as overwhelmingly uneducated, worthless, criminals who only focus on the base insticts of food & reproduction.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy prison and or the morgue, which are the two places you're most likely to end up by age 30. Personally, I'm hoping for the morgue, so my taxees don't have to fund your waste of an existence, but sadly, since you worthless nig gangbangers can't shoot, your more than likely to end up in the hospital and in prison.
PS - you know those old black homeless guys on the Michigan Ave & State Street bridges that are in wheelchairs & have one (or both) legs amputated because of diabetes? If you don't die from gang violence, that's you in about 25 years. That's what you have to look forward to. Enjoy!!
I don't understand who the head black in charge is that determines what is the acceptable personality for the rest of them. Who is the one that said you have to wear X clothes, listen to Y music, have Z attidue? Is there some central brain they stick their muh dikk into and download the latest blackness?
ReplyDeleteWhy is there almost no individuality in black culture? White people have hillbillies, bible thumpers, chavs, w i gg ers,bogans,yobbos, goths, emos, punks, metal dudes, heshers, nerds, geeks, spazzes, trixies, etc, etc, but black people are just....black.
I'M 28 married with one child. I own three Subway's and a franchise American family Insurance. I grew up in uptown chicago in the same exact hood but.. I moved away and did something with myself. So don't say black people I'm as black as they come those NBA stars and Football stars u watch are 60% black. the street lights ? black man made it. do research before u say blacks , whites , mexicans or asians.
ReplyDeletethis is the person that made the video.. yes its me. for 1 im not an idiot or goofy i was just high making dumb videos and for 2 tht video only had 8 views so im wondering how the fuck it got on chicago news.. how could you judge someone that you do not know. i have a mother and father tht cares, and i dont understand how yall could call me a idiot or killer when you dont even know me. get a life
ReplyDeleteA lil bra is GDN on my side fuck boy cvlk uvlk tvlk gvlk lkk ivlk iivlk uivlk 20 mobkkkkk 6 ward project poppin ova here walkaholmes south memphis tn killin off da Pkeople nation homeboy GD out Nice lord hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
ReplyDeleteMan he's hard as a motha fucka. Said no one ever.