Four black misunderstood Chicago teens have been accused of disabling a CTA bus and attacking the driver, but we're sure this is just a big misunderstanding.
Here's what we think really happened. If, in fact, any of this bullshit happened at all!
On Saturday, January 21, 2012, around 7 p.m., Darius Love and Anthony Williams, both 17-years-old, along with two 13-year-old boys, accidentally cut off the power on a CTA bus stopped on 600 block of East 71st Street.
We know most of you have accidentally disabled a few CTA buses in your lifetimes, as well. So don't get all judgmental.
Then, as luck would have it, the innocent teens boarded the bus, where they tripped and fell, which caused them to unintentionally hit the driver in the head and body.
Hey! A brotha has gotta break his fall, somehow! Right?!
Making matters worse, police found a phony eyewitness who obviously has something against innocent black teens. Especially, innocent black teens with unkempt baby-dreadlocks!
The evil, lying snitch, who probably couldn't see Willis Tower if he was standing right in front it, mistakenly identified all four teens.
According to the Chicago Tribune, the racist justice system has charged Darius Love (pictured on the right) with misdemeanor battery and one count of felony robbery; Anthony Williams (pictured on the left) was charged with attempted robbery.
The two precious, little 13-year-old babies were hit with misdemeanor battery charges.
Shame on you! You evil, racist justice system! Shame on you, I say!
To hell with the alleged victim! Where is your compassion for the accused?!
Photo credit: Chicago Police Department
Funny that a "non-racist" with a blog that's supposed to cover violent crime in Chicago's North Side neighborhoods is so quick to jump on a story that occurred on the South Side just to get his digs in on the young men who committed a heinous crime--probably b/c they are black, right?! But, no, he's not racist; he's just trying to give his disgustingly racist readers what they want, right?
ReplyDeleteThis blog is a joke.
Don't forget that they are all "honor students" and "college bound" and all their mommas said they are all "trying to turn their lives around."
ReplyDelete@January 22, 2012 7:49 PM :
ReplyDeleteNo one needs to go to the south side to find feral groids - they're plaguing every are in the city.
Pretty nervy for some 17 and 13 year olds to stage an attack like this. When they get older they'll graduate to bigger and better crimes. It's only a matter of time before they graduate to murder.
ReplyDeleteSo, this is an experiment in writing as our friend Phoebe would write a crime news blog? Its probably very similar to how she sees the news, but she would cover it IN ALL CAPS AND NO PUNCTUATION!!!!
ReplyDeleteYES! Get those arthritic fingers a typing.......then use those same carpel tunnel claimed fingers to hold a black shaft......lol, hmph!
ReplyDeleteYou forgot to add that they were "turning their life around" that is the most important step to add in this story
ReplyDeleteEnough with the friggin race card bullshit. Time to call a spade a spade. CNR merely reports the news. All you bitching about it being racist kindly STFU!! Now, go down to 26th & California and tell me the race of the majority of its residents. The dumb ass ghetto thugs made their own decisions to do the crimes that got them locked up. A spade is a spade.
ReplyDeleteMy grandma had shag rugs like their hair.
ReplyDeleteTwo doing this at 17 - and two doing this at 13? I would say that's unbelievable, but in Chicago, it's par for the course. Just this past summer a 10 year old was arrested for being part of a group that attacked a biker on Lakeshore Drive, with weapons!!
ReplyDeleteWay to go, community that these two are from. Well done. Good job to not enforce any stereotypes.
PS - Recent studies would show that this group of winners is likely to have "fathered" (I use the term in the loosest possible sense) at least one child - over 30% of black males on the south side have impregnated at least one girl by age 17.
the more you know about crime in this city, the more you 'become' a racist. Its unavoidable, like not wanting people who do drugs in your home. Once bitten/attacked/robbed/raped...no longer interested in giving anyone who does this a chance. SAd but true, the minority of minority groups make it impossible for the rest. YOu gotta police your children, to have a civilised society. Or your 'kids' get shot in self-defense.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when FATHERS RUNS AWAY FROM THEIR CHILDREN, I bet their moms be prostituting and do crack for living. hmmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteDey charged us with baddery!
ReplyDeleteBADDERY! Why dey chargin' us for da BADDERY?
I didn't take the baddery. Da baddery is still on da bus.
when i saw this on the trib, i noticed they ALL had the baby dreads - it is like a roving crew of dred-heads. be careful, they might spontaneously combust like bob marley!
ReplyDeleteTo "His Shadow" - you hit the nail on the head on this one, last night on the news, one of the grandmothers was being interviewed (hmmmm - no mom, no dad? Shocking). She was probably no older than 50, which means these apes are procreating every 17 years or so.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, just like you said, she claimed he was "a good kid, a good student, and wanted to go to college." Come fucking on, lady, good kids don't disable a bus & beat the shit out of the driver & passengers in order to rob them.
She's either covering for him, or delusional. Or both.
I live in Jersey and or buses have cameras so this thing can be taken care of properly. No lies cause things are caught on tape. Doesn't the company have cameras? Robberies, killings, and all type of things happen on public transportation these days! Review the tape.
ReplyDeleteWow, I'm so glad that the Chicago News isn't the paper of my state. I think that the reporting is a little tacky. And, me being from the south where racial predjudice was "SO" strong, I guess I'm not use to all the racial language of those that still choose to use the word nigger along with wishes for them to die. Wow, again, we really have (not) come alone way historically. Yes, I do think that the incident that happened to the bus driver was horrible. And yes, I do think that those who did it should be punished. However, cynical tone of the paper and the cynical, racial tone of those that posted the comments overshadowed the incident itself (for me).
ReplyDeleteI so agree with the early posted comment that this blog is a JOKE!!!
ReplyDeleteInterestingly enough.. most of the serial killers, school shootings, racist violence, meth labs, and not to mention domestic violence and murders.. hmmm not too many blacks in that. If you do the crime, pay the time..and thats for any race..There isn't a need to go tit for tat..ALL races commit horrible crimes..Instead of making your racist remarks, say a prayer for them and your community and for a decrease in violence..And def say one for yourself! THE END
ReplyDeleteTo Self - There are cameras on CTA busses, but many don't work. Also, in this case, these thugs disabled the power systems on the bus, which would have made all the lights go out, and presumably the camera. So even if the camera had an independent power source, it would have been very dark on the bus & the footage probably worthless.
ReplyDeleteRemember, cameras don't prevent crime, they only can document what happened in front of them, if they're working, and if there is sufficient lighting. I’m certain the two victims of these guys don’t care at all whether the attack was documented; they are just upset that it happened, period.
The best way to prevent crime is, that the parents of thugs like these (and I use the term "parents" loosely) actually raise them, pay attention to them, and teach them the basics of right from wrong. Nobody I’ve ever known would even consider disabling a bus, boarding it, pounding the driver and one passenger into a pulp, and robbing them. But that's because I'm a normal person.
BTW, according to mainstream news reports, their total haul for this was: $7 in cash, a watch, and a cell phone.
I think the name of this website should be changed. Take the "news" part out and replace it with "rant" and you might have something. chicagorantreport.com. Has a nice ring to it......I can't be mad though. It is an obvious attempt to anger people who walk upright and don't drag their knuckles. But hey, I would be mad too if I didn't have enough talent to write for a real media outlet and had to write for this shit rag....Oh well, such is life.
ReplyDeleteThey weren't smart enough to learn how to disable that bus on their own. They learned it from somebody and most likely it was someone they were related to that WORKED for the CTA (or used to).
ReplyDeleteMaybe the CTA needs TSA (but that would be like the fox guarding the hen house wouldn't it?).
There's no excuse for this. It's the CTA's fault too.
to 1:50 pm - How is this CTA's fault, too?
ReplyDeleteIf these criminals learned to disable a bus by someone they know who works at CTA, that doesn't put this crime on the agency. That puts this crime on the asshole who showed these assholes how to disable a bus.
Look into agency law. Just because someone works somewhere, does not mean that he is always acting as an agent of the employer 24/7. And especially when he is using knowledge gained through work to commit a crime.
If an employee of the mayor's office uses that office to get the address of someone he then stalks, it doesn't put the mayor's office on the hook for his actions.
You crackers are so quick to bring the nigger word out of your mouth so loosely...but we thank your sagging pant, flashy cars with rims, slang talking white trailer trash kids that TRY and WANT to be black so bad because they took what YALL (whitefolks)meant to be degrading to us and now their dumb asses call each other nigger..LMMFAO!!! You've never seen a black serial killer, or black MAN EATER (freezing body parts eating them), etc...... Now, you whitefolks know that you are cloned...if not spend time to know about your own history instead of disrespecting others...Where did you crackers come from...Up in a damn cave and had to have blacks show you how to raise your own kids....We dont have to worry about the white race...because the kids are gonna kill of their white parents as they have been doing in the past...and we're goonacontinue to take your little white daughters and make them outta the street tricks they are...or throw em over board like the many dumb white bitches that go to Aruba and all them other countries and never come back....you crackas need to get it together..
ReplyDeleteThe CTA is at fault as well for not having proper security measures in place, not monitoring who has knowledge of and/or how to disable a bus like that. This is too coincidental considering the abundance of "minorities" that work for the CTA. Again, those guys don't have the brains to just figure out which panel to remove to shut off the power, etc. The "panels" shouldn't be easily removable by the layperson anyway.
ReplyDeleteSome of their bus drivers spit those sunflower seed shells out the windows, just like some "passengers" do on the floor. That is not a "professional" organization. They need standards and procedures on many levels which are obviously not currently in place.
Shooting a hole in the battery with a gun, if they knew where it was located, is one thing. This is another.
On a side note, in my line of business, I can't believe how many blacks use a p.o. box as their address, most likely due to "security breaches" at phone/cable/utility companies with clerks that have "information" at their fingertips. We're not in Kansas anymore.
P.S. That mayor's office could be held accountable if someone's personal information was pilfered by an employee that had no business in that computer in the first place (and I'm sure it happens all the time).
ReplyDeleteMany people have their personal information suppressed from public record data but I'm sure "there's somebody that knows somebody" that could get it anyway - especially down there, and especially in THIS city. They all know "somebody".
Spade is a spade.