If you thought South Carolina was going to turn their noses up at Newt Gingrich just because he allegedly wanted an open marriage - that means you don't know squat about South Carolina!
The silver-haired former House speaker, knocked front-runner Mitt Romney off his game by snatching more than 40% of the votes in Saturday's South Carolina primary.
Gingrich's performance during FOX's Republican debate seems to have energized or re-energized his supporters.
Meanwhile, rumor has it that Mitt Romney is preparing to release his tax returns a.s.a.p., and the so-called Mormon will be making a startling confession that he is really a closeted Christian.
*Sarcasm off*
Photo and video courtesy of WPDE News Channel 15.
Tonight South Carolina passed a referendum saying it's okay to cheat on your wife as long as you're sufficiently racist.
ReplyDeleteI like Newt Gingrich...he is the ONLY politician I've ever seen who doesn't try to make you like him. He says what he believes and does not apologize for it. I would take him over a thousand of these jackasses who use their fake smiles and phony rhetoric to get elected...Obama...Emmanuel...and all the other liberal fucks.
ReplyDeletehere come the fucking anti-whites....the only argument they have is to call a more superior, intellectual human a 'racist'...now go back into your steamy nest, you filthy animal.
ReplyDeleteThis GOP circus would be hilarious if the stakes weren't so high. The only person who made any sense was Huntsman. Obama's gonna have a billion dollars in his campaign chest. Seems people have forgotten that Gingrich was convicted and fined $300k for ethics violations while in congress, not to mention the cheating on multiple wives. Romney will still probably get the nomination, but I find it hard to believe he can beat Obama with all the money he's gonna have.
ReplyDeleteRon Paul 2012 !!
ReplyDeleteHis wife is a gold digger. Thats why "she doesn't care what I do" (what he told his ex-wife). I just don't see how she could be attracted to him otherwise. His ex-wife is more of what he would get without the money. He has to know that deep down how any attractive woman could be attracted to a pale ogar. lol
ReplyDeleteRomney can still pull this off. Newt has more baggage than O'Hare.
ReplyDeleteTo the bigot who defends the "ginGrinch. He clearly represzents the South of the 50's and 60's. As long as he is spitting venom down on the poor and downtrodden in this great nation he can do what he wants and it's okay. Being a bigot comes easy to some. Being a cheat both to ethics and to his spouse makes him a cheat to the nation. How can you trust him? I can't see putting something like that in the White House. He would make it look sooo ugly. I remember him from the 80's when my kids were small. The things he said about the poor turned my stomach. If it were not for the poor his pale pink butt would not be as rich as he is. Someone has to honestly work and produce the product that we export. They were not happy till they exported the jobs, but still they want us po' folks to get a job. 'Go Grinch'.
ReplyDeleteDon't let it be forgot that gingrich is a convicted cheat. Remember when he was fined $300,000 by the ethics committee? The Republican Party is a circus and Gingrich is the star attraction. How can anyone pay to see this? There is more honesty among crack usres and junkies. They will steal anything if not watched. LOL
ReplyDeleteI worry that there's going to be riots if Obama is not re-elected. The vast majority of blacks I've talked to about him don't understand things like term limits and such, I think they think he should be president forever just because in their mind, it's fair to them.
ReplyDeleteHow come there aren't cheap Newt Gingrich t-shirts and watches and hats and shit?
I am with you anonymous 2:19 PM. I really do think that there will be riots if Obama does not win again, especially if it is a close election. There will be all kinds of people claiming that they were "disenfranchised" by some road construction project.
ReplyDeleteI don't know about you, but I am stockpiling ammo and melee weapons for that inevitable day later this year.