No one gives a damn about the mentally ill… until they snap.
It seems very few Chicagoans, including Mayor Rahm Emanuel, are losing sleep over the impending closures of more than half of Chicago’s mental health clinics.
YouTube is littered with video testimonials of alleged mental health clients begging the mayor to reconsider his 2012 budget cuts. But thus far, the videos have gotten very little fanfare.
After all, who wants to watch a boring ass video of a “crazy person” asking for help, when you can watch a video of that same “crazy person”, off their meds, beating the hell out of someone on a CTA bus?
The latter is sure to go viral!
In light of the recent Walgreens shooting and the alleged deceased shooter’s questionable mental status, we feel obligated to mention that one of the clinics that may get caught in the mayor’s crosshairs is the Northtown Rogers Park Mental Health Center at 1607 West Howard Street.
33-year-old Dante Simmons, who is suspected of shooting two people to death and ultimately committing suicide, was a Rogers Park resident.
According to several police communications, Simmons was severely depressed and was seeing a psychiatrist at one point.
Although we have no idea if Simmons ever set foot in the Northtown Rogers Park Mental Health Center, we can only imagine what would happened if people with similar issues are suddenly left with fewer resources.
Jake, one of the people featured in this article’s accompanying video, said the Rogers Park center stabilizes the community and without it, crime would definitely go up.
We shudder at the thought!
Photo: ackermangruber.com
Very cruel to kick the indigent sick to the curb. There might be some efficiency in combining clinics but aren't there other ways to save money? T
ReplyDeleteYes, 10:44 PM, by reducing all politicians' pay to $1 to an hour. :)
ReplyDeleteQuinn closed mental health clinics too.
Curiously, when Liberal Democrats Quinn and Emannuel close mental health clinics, "nothing" is said.
If Republicans had done the same, this and other boards would be lit up with posts.
Why aren't more of the Loyal, Liberal Democrats speaking up?
Why would anyone expect Rahm to care about anyone or anything that doesn't expressly help him move on from City Hall?
ReplyDeleteAll of the nutjobs in the video have an entitlement mentality. Why should the rest of us pay for their problems? That first nigger interviewed has been sucking on the tit of free social services since 1974! The mexicans interviewed know how to obtain free services but don't bother to learn how to speak English. Fuck all of them...we would be better off they all killed themselves.
ReplyDeleteIt is hard for a white person to get help in the mental health system because of the high nigger infiltration of it.
ReplyDeleteNiggers figured out they can become a "mental health technician" and basically sit around all day talking about sports and occasionally abusing the patients.
If you are unfortunate enough to stay in a state hospital, go to a group home or stay in "Niggerfaith House" you are treated to a steady diet of Tyler Perry movies, rap music and nigger domination tactics.
Nigger social workers do not understand the complexity of human emotions, they just try to teach them "Muh Dikk" like jobless niggers do, the answer to all your problems is "muh dikk" and learning how to mooch.
ReplyDeleteI over heard a nigger social worker encouraging somebody to loiter at Starbucks and steal their wi-fi without paying for coffee often.
Chicago Racist Report s/b so proud of the readers it attracts to its blog: ignorant, racist assholes who possess less compassion than most animals. You so-called people disgust me.
ReplyDeleteI am a college educated person who has been surrounded by the black beast at all times, and am sick of them. There's nothing ignorant about me.
ReplyDeleteI have a Ph.D. and hate all niggers...I think they should be sent to concentration camps and gassed. This country has spent trillions of dollars over the past 50 years trying to turn niggers into humans and it's a lost cause.
ReplyDeleteIgnorance has nothing to do with educational level. Your comment is a perfect case in point.
ReplyDeleteI'm ashamed to live on the same planet as you, let alone within the same geographic area.
PS, I think it's HILARIOUS that you both take exception to being labeled "ignorant," but not racist or asshole. You people deserve each other.
ReplyDeleteI've been wanting to see a doctor but sadly because I'm white myself getting the funds or public assistance is next to near impossible for me...I attempted to get food stamps but nothing....50% of my wages are taken from me and I only make ten an hour...I owe Government taxes because my employer choose to not take out taxes for most of their employees for a good six months...
ReplyDeletePeople need help yeah and need to be locked out if they are a threat to themselves and others but bottom line you can't just catch and release some of these people but that seems to be happening.
With the end of the projects everything in Government has been renamed Temporary but it is far for Temporary. Everyone gets free housing within other areas and they spread their crime to other parts of the city.
I used to live around 79th and Kedize when the area was good. South West side is going through now what is happening to the North Side. My parents never moved either during the white flight in the 90s. We stayed through the violence and I had a lot of it coming to me. I fell bad for the children who have to stay through this and will be forever affected because their parents couldn't move or they are politically Left Democrats who think staying is proving how tolerant they are....
Good, get yourself involuntarily locked up at Madden or Read, the staff is 75 percent nigger. They just shuf-shuffle around, talk about sports constantly, and occasionally lash out at the non-black patients. Live amongst niggers for a month or two, not just pass them on the street and see how you feel about them then.
ReplyDeleteI am not so much being racist as responding to reality around me.
ReplyDeleteNiggers, and stupid fucking foreigners who work in local stores are bringing the whole city down.
What is wrong, and mentally ill, is that despite the snowballing evidence that niggers are a cancer upon society, people like you are telling me that I need to deny my common sense and like the foul beasts no matter what.
I'm serious though, both patients and staff of mental health clinics/community centers/ etc all over Chicago have been infiltrated by filthy niggers. They have figured out it's an easy way to live and work, just stand around shooting their mouth off, playing pool and listening to ghetto (c)rap music and billing Medicaid for it. The whites that actually have complex human emotions fall by the wayside, whenever a white person expresses a desire for help the nigger staff usually just encourages more loitering or "muh dikk" as a solution, as if fucking and loitering were the answers to all the problems of the world.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what actually IS necessary, but psychiatry as it stands is a complete fraud.
ReplyDeleteBloated agencies that suck off the government tit like Thresholds only know how to treat the mentally retarded and hopelessly addicted, anybody else who seeks help in their organization suffers. All those bitches drink and smoke weed and make fun of the 'tards behind their back.
They are putting their loser clients all over Chicago, spreading them out from Uptown now. If you see some nutcase holding up the line in your local shopping place, chances are good he/she has the hookup with the free apartment, SSI, LINK and a dead giveaway is the t-shirt from some long forgotten rally that they're wearing.
Blacks have NO PLACE in the mental health system. They are just getting themselves more free bananas.