But according to police, that wasn’t the case when four bandits stormed a downtown Chicago 7-Eleven.
At 7:09 p.m., authorities responded to a hold up alarm at 58 East Lake Street.
Officers were on the scene at 7:10 p.m.
Investigators said four black offenders, three males and one female, stole medication from the Lake Street 7-Eleven.
One of the male crooks has a beard and two of the men were described as being overweight.
The female offender was wearing a long green coat.
All of the thieves are believed to be in their 40s, said police.
After illegally filling their own prescriptions, the alleged drug-stealing dopes ran eastbound on East Lake Street, said police.
Citizens should remain on the lookout for four possibly overly medicated morons.
That's gotta be the nastiest 7-11 I've been in across the nation. I don't know why I ever went in there more than once when there are two much nicer 7-11's right around the corner. Both the workers, and the clientele they obviously attract, border on belligerent too.