In response to the racial charges brought against 18-year-old Brother Rice High School student, Matthew Herrmann, and two other white teens accused of assaulting 16-year-old Joshua Merritt, Mitchell wrote a paranoid article stating that she worries about her black grandson attending a mostly white school.
And who can blame Mitchell? After all, white people are responsible for most of the violence in Chicago. Right?
Once, in the heat of a close soccer game a white kid on the opposing team called him the N-word. But the soccer moms demanded a reckoning from the team’s coach. The matter was handled with an apology and forgotten by season’s end.
Still, I worry about him being in an environment lacking in diversity. His mom is convinced I worry too much. But she went to diverse schools. She was never the only one, said Mitchell.
If we were in Mitchell's shoes, we would insist our daughter enroll our grandson at one of Chicago's more "diverse" schools like, Dunbar, DuSable, or Fenger, just to name a few.
We also agree with another point Mitchell made.
Mitchell said, "black people do not play with nooses"; and she's right, in Chicago, they play with guns.
Don't get us wrong, violence and bigotry aren't our cup of tea, but a story about an apparently harmless piece of string around a kid's neck doesn't hold a candle to the endless black violence in Chicago; which we might add, often impacts other African Amercans.
Well... you'll have to excuse us... we're going to check the news and see how many Chicagoans were killed by whites, today.
That's funny, I'm white and I worry about my son going to school with too many blacks. I never knew that I had something in common with Mary Mitchell.
ReplyDeleteEven though some of us (me) hate your black guts, you spooks are safe amongst lots of us. We'll just either shun you outright or expect you to act like a human being (probably not gonna happen) and make an effort to make that happen, then give up.
ReplyDeleteThe opposite, is, a white amongst lots of blacks, will probably be the victim of sudden, unexplained violence, theft and maybe even male rape.
Her and her nigger grandson should move to Uptown...a shining example of the reality of "diversity."
ReplyDeleteRIGHT ON!!!my niggaaaas...This kind of back assward thinking keeps her employed and people divided.
ReplyDeleteHey if you black people started acting like the rest of us I might let this racism go, are you up to the challenge, though?
ReplyDeleteI should be Derek Vinyard at the end of American History X, instead of the beginning. Do you want to help make that happen?
Segregation is the best policy. Diversity impedes the learning process for white children since they have their own learning style.
ReplyDeleteThat this person can make a living for years on end writing about being black is amazing. A professional negro whose salary is paid by a white company. Anybody can crank out columns like hers within a half-hour. Her style of race racket is way out of date. She couldn't work at a real job.
Anon at 3:46, Derek at the end was the same as the beginning when he realized that changing yourself doesn't matter if no one else is willing to change. The Derek that understood "reality" was safer, and so was his family.
ReplyDeleteI understand Mary point but for a different reason. I couldn't send my kids to a school where they were the only one there of their own race in their class. I don't care how "great" the school is. Schools that are predominately white aren't the only "great schools". Although most schools that are are mostly minorities and doing well are private. The school has to be a predominately black or diverse. The problem is I don't want my kids to feel isolated or different. Its for psycological reasons, its not that I think kids of other races will harm my child physically or educationally. Most parents won't do this you rarely if ever see white kids in classes where they are the only one of their own race. Only minorities do this. I'm not advocating segragation, but its hard to find a diverse high quality public school.
ReplyDeleteDuring the first half of that movie, everything Derek said, I was just going "Fuck yeah!!! Fuck yeah!!!"
ReplyDeleteniggers should stay with their own and there won't be these problems
ReplyDeleteShe really needs to make connections in Detroit to get a "professional" black female hairstyle that would bring her upto at least the year 1995. Seriously. The diversity "VP" of our company here in Chicago looks like Buckwheat and she even has GOOD hair! And then she says "back in the day, I was working 'til 8 at night and I'z even had a baby". My White mama had FOUR babies and made it through hard times in the 70's. You people here. I swear, yes, you people are so f'in 1950's I could just puke. Shitcago has about 2 years left of your "diversity" sh*t til you get big wake up call pimp slap to bring you in line with the rest of the nation (scratch that - WORLD)!
ReplyDeleteAre You Ready For The Universal Internet ID That Barack Obama Wants To Impose On All Of Us?
ReplyDeleteObama Signs Global Internet Treaty Worse Than SOPA
With Reservations, Obama Signs Act to Allow Detention of Citizens
Courtesy of our first bi-racial president!
Don't worry. Anonymous will take care of us.
ReplyDeleteMake sure to delete your Facebooks unless you want all of your flabby gut bikini pics, drunk pictures and shameful messages to exboyfriends and girlfriends to be exposed to the world.
We know Anonymous 7:16 AM won't protect us. :D
ReplyDeleteACTA: The International Treaty You've Never Heard of That Could Affect Internet Freedom
US among countries that have already signed ACTA
Courtesy of our first bi-racial president!
"Anonymous (11:51 PM) said...
ReplyDeleteHer and her nigger grandson should move to Uptown...a shining example of the reality of 'diversity.'"
Andersonville is full of fags, a-rabs, darkies, chinks and wetbacks and still manages to have one of the lowest crime rates in the city. Must be one of them conspiracies against hard working white folk what knows the truth!
Don't they read their bible? "For Jesus said onto them, 'Woe be onto the darkies for they is taking away what rightfully belongs to the master race.'"
Come on man, do you really believe that crap? It's just a story to force the morals of centuries ago upon people. A bunch of guys sat around thinking of ways to keep other guys from fucking their wife or stealing their shit.
ReplyDeleteIt's not even a good story.
A preacher, priest or reverend is no more credible as a helpful person than somebody who is an expert on Harry Potter or the Twilight series
Whatever the Universe is really about, if it's about anything, is way cooler than that bullshit.
Atheists make up stuff too, while complaining about the lack of morals they took away.
ReplyDeleteRacist pigs. Move to Alabama...please.
ReplyDeleteSimple solution for her: Have her kids pull her grandkids out of the northside private schools they go to, and enroll them in Chicago Public Schools.
ReplyDeleteThey will definitely be among more blacks!!
You know what's ironic?
ReplyDeleteMary Mitchell has written a number of columns about how the Chicago Public Schools are so poor that she's forced to send her grandkids to private schools (how come she is? Why not the kid's parents? Oh well that's for another day).
Yet, she now complains that the same private school is "too-white."
See what I mean about irony? She refuses to send her grandkids to the black school because it's violent & a bad environment in which to learn, but she's upset that the private school is predominately white.
Here's a thought, MM - EMPHASIZE THAT THE BLACK COMMUNITY START RAISING ITS KIDS PROPERLY, and then maybe schools in those communities will be halfway decent!
But she can't do that, then she would be labeled an Uncle Tom (or the female equivalent), and would lose her street cred.
Also, it's a lot easier to get mouse clicks & comments on her article when she blames whitey, than it would be if she called out the black community for what it's doing.
She's a classic race-pimp, in the mold of "reverends" like Sharpton, Jackson, and Pfeiger.
The white parents aren't too thrilled having that nigger with their kids either.
ReplyDeleteIMO, in the "nature vs. nurture" debate, I say it's nurture that causes these nigs to act the way they do.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe that they're born with any more or less brain cells than the average white person (obviously I'm not talking about people born with mental retardation or other birth defects, nor am I talking about things like crack babies or babies born from alcoholic mothers).
To me, the difference is clearly how the kids are raised, or in the black community, how they aren't raised.
If you don't have a father, and if your mother is only a teen who dropped out of school and doesn't work, and if people in your household abuse drugs, and if you are in a family that has is generational welfare, and if your are in a neighborhood that allows gangs to control it and hides them from the police, it's very likely that you will turn out to be a total shithead like this kid.
Also, if you are in a neighborhood that believes the only way to succeed is to be a pro athlete, rapper, or drug dealer, then your life will suck. A tiny fraction of a percent of people can make a living in athletics or in entertainment. But there are millions of successful doctors, lawyers, accountants, bankers, business owners, etc, who achieved their success through simple hard work in school & motivation.
It sucks for the kids born into that, it really does. But you know what? That's not my problem. I pay a shitload in taxes to allow those kids and their "family" to have every opportunity to succeed. My taxes pay for things like breakfast, lunch and dinner at Chicago schools on the south side, things that the parents should be paying for. They pay for housing, books, backpacks, clothing, medical care, transportation, and security, things that the parents should be paying for. I pay for all of those things for my kids out of my own pocket.
Why do I have to fund these little niglets, too? It’s absurd that people on welfare can afford things like expensive cell phones, cars, fancy clothing, jewelry, computers, tvs, yet go crying to the state for basic necessities (a lot has to do with them collecting welfare with one hand, and earning a black market income with the other). A lot of black Chicago "parents" on the south side do little to no actual parenting of their kids.
And what about teaching them about birth control? Recently, Mark Watts, the nigger who was shot dead on his porch by a rival gang (though the apologists refuse to acknowledge the public photos of him flashing signs, flashing money and weapons, the fact that his grandma said his friends are all in gangs which means he likely is too, etc) was eulogized as a “father.” He got a girl pregnant when he was 14 fucking years old. 14!!!! The baby was 7 months old when he got killed at 15 y/o. That doesn’t make him a father. That makes him an asshole that didn’t pull out or use protection. Fuck you, Mark Watts. I honestly believe that the state should start mandating abortions for girls under 21 y/o who are on welfare & get pregnant. It would be doing them, us, and those unborn bastards all a huge favor.
Conversely, most white families, and literally every one that I know, take the responsibility of parenting seriously, and make every effort to raise their kids, get them prenatal medical care, emphasize education and right from wrong, and also work their assess off to be in a position to provide for their families.
You want to help the black community in Chicago, Mary Martin? Then read what I wrote, take it seriously, and help your community figure out how to act like adults. Until then, you're just like Big Al & others on here said - a race baiting whore.
fuck all white people, get the fuck out of chicago you fucking honkey faggots
ReplyDeleteTypical, somebody writes up something thought, eloquent and actually useful and then a spook just says "Git out!", which is also the white Southerner's response to criticism. I hope both sets of people fucking die.
ReplyDeleteTO previous poster - Exactly. Responses like that are telling. Personally, I believe it's how a lot of people in the black south side community feel when they are called out for the total lack of parenting, responsibility, or morals displayed by so, so, so many of their 13-30 year olds.
ReplyDeleteIt's just like when there is a posting on here about a stupid banger getting shot, like that Mark Watts kid, or the guy in Gary, IN, or any number of others.
We see posts in all caps, in phonetic ebonics, screaming out that it's not right to judge those people.
Why is it not right? Why is it so wrong for me to judge some asshole who advertised himself as a gangbanger, whose family talked about him associating with gangmembers, who had criminal records doing gang activities like drug dealing, weapons dealing, and street crime?
I have every fucking right to judge them. Dead or not doesn't change that they were parasites on society. They ruined lives, they hurt people, they may have even killed people. But the damaging, disastrous lives they led need to be ignored because they got taken down in a hail of gunfire by another gang?
The worst part is, those people don't realize they're actually hurting the struggles of black people nationwide. By explicitly endorsing and supporting the criminal activities of the dregs of their society, in the name of "black solidarity," those deniers and enablers only further widen the gap between decent, normal society, and lower class black society.
You should be judging them too. You should be letting them know that that type of behavior is unacceptable, and you should be working with police to ID who the criminals in your neighborhoods are. You’re not doing them, or yourselves, any favors by supporting or hiding them. Maybe Mark Watts would be alive today if his gramma or his caretaker prohibited him from associating with the gangbangers that they acknowledged were all of his friends. Maybe that guy in Gary would be alive and there to raise his two bastard children if his “loved ones” actually loved him and made every effort to steer him towards education and bettering his life, instead of turning a blind eye as he robbed innocent people and fathered children as a teen out of wedlock, and dreamt of making it big as a rapper as he dealt drugs to support his daily existence.
South side blacks - raise your children properly. Emphasize education over criminal activity. Talk about how things like dropping out of hs & fathering or having babies in teen years ruins not just the "parents" lives, but the lives of those babies too. You would be amazed how quickly white society would be willing to accept you if you learned to grow up.
To her credit (and I'm shocked I'm saying this), MM had a good article about the Microsoft "Avoid the Ghetto App" that I mostly agree with her on.
ReplyDeleteBasically, she said the app isn't racist, rather, it's a tool that provides info any normal, non criminal would like to have, especially when travelling to a new city.
Furthermore, she said the best way to tackle this issue is for the black community to address its problems with violent crime.
Kudos to MM for being honest & objective for once.
But she does have one thing wrong - she stated that the term "ghetto" originally referred to high-crime areas. Actually, Ghetto is a term that has its roots in areas highly defined by race, religion, and or ethnicity - ie, the black ghetto, Irish ghetto, Jewish ghetto, etc. So it just meant an area of town that had a high concentration of people that shared a particular, non-mainstream trait, NOT an area of high crime or poverty. That came later, as certain demographics were unable to take advantage of upward mobility potential like other ones, and their ghettos became areas of highly concentrated poverty & crime . . .
If this woman hates whites so much, why doesn't she go to work naked. Her coworkers would love to see her national geographic titties.