Saturday, January 28, 2012

Andre Curry, father who posted Facebook picture of duct taped daughter, out of jail… for now

Andre “Dmcg” Curry, the 21-year-old father who posted a disturbing picture of his then 22-month-old daughter on Facebook, was released from jail late Friday evening.

After a thoughtful judge lowered Curry’s bond to $30,000, the accused child abuser’s family was able to scrape up $3,000 to get him out of the slammer.

Upon his release, Curry told the press that he feels like he is getting “a new start on life”.

Blah! Blah! Blah! That sounds like something his lawyer told him to say.

Although Curry’s mother, Brandi Phillips, said that she thinks her son has learned his lesson, Curry hasn’t uttered a word about his daughter --- at least not on camera.

If you’re looking for Curry’s original Facebook profile… you can forget it! It’s been deleted!

Pending his trial, the judge ordered the 21-year-old man with questionable parenting skills to stay away from his daughter and the internet.

But if Curry decides to defy the court’s order, who is going to snitch on him? His family?

After all, it wasn’t Curry’s kinfolk who alerted authorities about his scary method of disciplining his child.

If that photo of a helpless little girl bound with blue tape wasn’t enough to make one of Curry’s family members dial 911, you can bet your ass they aren’t going to say a word about this ex-jailbird illegally spending time with his daughter and surfing the internet.

To be continued….


  1. All niggers call criminal acts "mistakes."

  2. The dad was just helping her turn her life around.

  3. Chicago Racist Report strikes again!

  4. He didn't do nuffins, he's a good boy who's an aspiring rapper and is turning his life around.
    Hey Phoebe, your single-minded obession with this place is only fueling my hatred, you haven't even begun to plunge into the depths of my misanthropy. I will fuck with damn near everybody who is making this world a shithole, white, black, brown, yellow, they're all on my shit list.

  5. he did it to himself. and then took pictures!! too stupid to stay alive long, I'd imagine.

  6. that mugshot looks like a nigger version of daffy duck

  7. So what kind of "fresh start" is he expecting?

    I'm certain that he's lost his job as a waiter at Applebee's by now - if he didn't lose it when he went to jail, they surely let him go as this would be terrible PR.

    Now, what other company will hire him? Absolutely none. No business will want it's good name tainted by his.


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